
The well-known anchor was reprimanded for disturbing the people late at night, and the female neighbor rushed into his house! I respond

According to the city express, late last night,Chen Ze, a well-known game anchor, clashed with his neighbors during the live broadcast. The neighbors loudly reprimanded Chen Ze for disturbing the people every day, and then rushed into his home.

Subsequently, Chen Ze Weibo’s account @ Mushroom Mushroom did not send a message to respond to disturbing people:



At five o’clock in the morning, Chen Ze replied to the netizen: Don’t talk nonsense, it’s better to have more public figures than less … …


Early this morning, related topic words rushed to the top of hot search.


In this regard, someNetizen saidUnderstand the neighbors, now the house is not sound-proof, and the live broadcast really disturbs the people.


Zhang Cheng 0227: Actually, the anchor is really disturbing the people. Now the house is not soundproof, and the live broadcast is just at night. Everyone will collapse when they go to work during the day and live next door at night. You can change the time, or change the room like the video said. Neighbors can do this probably because negotiations have been ineffective for a long time. What’s more, he is a big anchor.

Sleepy or don’t want to sleep: I understand this neighbor too well. I can also hear a man broadcast live every night, and it is noisy at 11 o’clock every night until the early morning.

Line draft: Noise disturbing people deserves to be scolded! These anchors are so loud when they are broadcast live. Can you stand it if it were you?

I really don’t want to cut my hair: you can’t do whatever you want just because you are online celebrity, but you still have to respect the routine of ordinary people!

Fat man Wen Na: The sound insulation in the building is really bad now, and neighbors are excusable for being too noisy.

Some netizens also said,We can’t just say that the live broadcast disturbs the people, and it’s not right for neighbors to break into houses privately. I hope both sides can solve it peacefully.

Xiao Qingmei 9213: However, it seems bad for that neighbor to break into a house … …

Eat a chestnut in Tian Tian _ Tian Jiarui’s handsome version: It’s not right to disturb the people, and the other side has problems. I hope both sides can solve it peacefully.

I don’t know whose child it is: first of all, we should check whether his voice is loud in the recent live broadcast, let the police decide whether it is disturbing the people, and then deal with the problem of neighbors breaking into houses.


Original title: The well-known anchor was reprimanded late at night, and the female neighbor rushed into his house! I respond

Editor: Yang Hong Editor: Wu Zhonglan Audit: Feng Fei

Using Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other fraud cases, the police frequently reminded the public to be vigilant

  Nowadays, audio-visual websites such as "Tik Tok", "Aauto Quicker", "Volcano" and "Watermelon Video" have sprung up rapidly, attracting a large number of netizens to participate in the interaction, and many criminals are also involved in it, frequently making moves. Recently, our province has also received many cases of fraud using the above-mentioned audio-visual websites. In this regard, Jiangsu police reminded the public that this kind of fraud has a large audience, wide spread and strong confusion. Netizens should raise their awareness of prevention and protect the safety of personal property.

  Correspondent Changgong New Yangzi Evening News/Yangyan reporter Yu Yingjie

  Using video

  These three types of fraud cases are frequent.

  Changzhou police made a special analysis of fraud cases on audio-visual websites and found that the following three categories of fraud cases are more prominent.

  A, birthday celebration, lovelorn red envelope rebate category

  [Case 1] Liu fell in love with Tik Tok and added a WeChat friend through Tik Tok. On September 9, he saw this friend in a circle of friends who was engaged in red envelope cashback activities, so he chatted with him. The other party said that there was a fan feedback activity with red envelopes, which was "transfer to 50 yuan and return to 55 yuan and other grades, and each person can play for up to three times". Liu believed it, transferred 4950 yuan to the other party through WeChat, and later found that he was cheated.

  [Case 2] On August 27th, Qin met and joined a QQ group of online celebrity’s birthday red envelope party through Tik Tok. When he saw a man nicknamed "Brother", he claimed that 300 yuan could get a rebate of 3,888 yuan for sending red envelopes, so he added the other person’s WeChat as a friend and sent red envelopes through WeChat, and was cheated by 1000 yuan.

  [Case 3] On August 24th, Wei met a netizen from Tik Tok and added the other person’s WeChat. The other person said in the WeChat circle of friends that "he was dumped and got a breakup fee of 1 million yuan. If someone sent 200 to 10,000 yuan, he would return it 10 times". Then Wei transferred 888 yuan to the other person through WeChat, and later found that he was blacked out by the other party.

  B. Fake products sold in Wechat business

  [Case 1] On September 6th, Gongmou saw a online celebrity blogger recommend cosmetics worth 198 yuan in Tik Tok. Gongmou believed that WeChat transferred 1188 yuan and was cheated.

  [Case 2] On August 29th, Xu met a netizen through Tik Tok and added the other party’s WeChat. The other party said that he would get a chance to roll the dice if he bought a slimming product of 298 yuan. According to the request of the other party, Xu transferred a total of 5,000 yuan through WeChat, but did not receive the product and found that he was cheated.

  [Case 3] On August 17th, when Meng used Tik Tok, he saw a message that there was a low-priced mobile phone for sale, so he added the other party as a WeChat friend. The other party said that Apple X, OPPO and other mobile phones only cost 198 yuan, and Meng paid 198 yuan through WeChat. The other party said that it was necessary to go through customs, pay customs duties, etc., and Meng made a total transfer to 800 yuan through WeChat payment. Later, the other party also asked for a transfer, and Meng realized that he had been cheated.

  C, praise fans, buy and sell Tik Tok accounts.

  [Case 1] On August 28th, the swindler said that he could help people to brush the praises on Tik Tok. After contacting him, Miao believed it, and provided his own WeChat payment verification code according to the request of the other party. As a result, he found that 6700 yuan in his WeChat was transferred away by the other party.

  [Case 2] One day in July, Zhu bought a Tik Tok account for 10,000 yuan on the virtual asset trading service platform of "YuZhao.com". At the beginning of September, the seller contacted Zhu and said that someone wanted to buy the Tik Tok and invested 16,000 yuan. After discussion between the two parties on September 5th, Zhu agreed to sell Tik Tok’s account to the other party. Subsequently, the other party successfully tied the mobile phone number to the Tik Tok account, but the other party did not transfer 16,000 yuan to Zhu, but deleted Zhu’s WeChat.

  Like to follow suit

  Young people who are inexperienced are easy to be recruited.

  After analyzing the above-mentioned cases, Changzhou police found that most of the targets targeted by criminal suspects are young people who are inexperienced, have poor preventive ability, like novelty and like to follow suit.

  In terms of the modus operandi of these fraud cases, criminals take advantage of the victim’s curiosity and greed, and constantly attract fans through the newly popular "Tik Tok", "Aauto Quicker" and "Watermelon Video" apps, asking the deceived to pay by scanning the QR code, issuing red envelopes, transferring money, etc. Once the money is defrauded, the victim will be blacked out immediately.

  Police tips

  Don’t trust marketing videos

  At present, short online videos are very popular among netizens, and the number of video views is tens of thousands. However, due to the short video time, vague background and fragmentary information, some lawless elements also blend in and take the opportunity to commit fraud.

  The police reminded the majority of netizens to improve their awareness of self-prevention, not to trust videos with marketing, money and other properties on short video platforms such as "Tik Tok" and "Aauto Quicker", and not to transfer money and remittances to the other party easily. If you find that you have been cheated, you should call the police immediately.

The pace of policy boosting consumption recovery is expected to accelerate.

  Affected by the state’s measures to boost consumption, on the 19th, the big consumption sector "rose by the wind", with household appliances, leisure services, food and beverage sectors among the top gainers. The agency believes that the pace of consumption recovery is expected to accelerate as the policy continues to be effective and the market continues to repair. Among them, the optional consumption sector maintained a good momentum of prosperity in the fourth quarter with a high probability, and the annual performance was highly certain.

  The big consumption sector "rises with the wind"

  On 18th, the the State Council executive meeting proposed to promote the consumption of home appliances and furniture, and on 19th, the home appliance sector strengthened obviously. Straight flush data shows that as of the close of the day, the household appliance industry index rose by 3.33%, ranking second in the increase of Shenwan first-class industry index. 70% of the stocks in the sector rose, among which Julong Technology and Whirlpool had daily limit, Wanhe Electric, Changhong Huayi, Hisense Home Appliances and other stocks rose by more than 5%, and Midea Group, the industry leader, rose by 5.27%.

  Bank of China Securities believes that in the short term, the prosperity of mandatory home appliances will continue to rise, and the demand side will be good next year, and the valuation is relatively reasonable. In the long run, the completion logic is expected to return again, driving the demand of the home appliance industry to make up; At the same time, the advantages of low cardinal utility in the white electricity and kitchen appliances sectors are obvious, and the trend of industry prosperity recovery is relatively established; After the economy gradually recovered from the impact of the epidemic, the recovery of consumption power was mainly reflected in the increase in the demand for diversified household appliances in a long period after the completion of the consumption of compulsory household appliances.

  At the same time, the Standing Committee of the State Council made clear a number of measures to support the development of "internet plus Tourism" and pushed the leisure service sector higher. On the same day, the leisure service industry index rose by 2.78%, and 27 of the 37 stocks in the sector rose.

  The auto sector, which had been rising for two consecutive days, opened higher and went lower on the 19th, and its performance was relatively weak. The automobile industry index fell by 0.62% that day. Among them, Changan Automobile led the decline by 9.31%, while Luchang Technology, InBeor and BYD fell more than 3%.

  Despite the poor performance of the market that day, institutions are still optimistic about the continuous pulling effect of increasing the number of policies on automobile consumption. Essence Securities pointed out that the regular meeting of the National People’s Congress held on the 18th highlighted three major measures to expand automobile consumption, namely, increasing the number plate index, going to the countryside for automobiles and exchanging old ones for new ones. Among them, all localities are encouraged to increase the number plate index, and the purchase restriction may be further loosened; The resurgence of cars in the countryside will benefit independent brands; The trade-in policy will come out again, and the renewal of old cars is expected to accelerate. Since February, the central government and local governments have successively issued a number of automobile consumption policies. This regular meeting of the State Council once again emphasized the expansion of automobile consumption, which is expected to lead to the introduction of more automobile stimulus policies.

  In recent months, thanks to the strategy of expanding domestic demand and the continuous efforts of various policies to promote consumption, the automobile market demand has continued to recover and corporate profits have steadily rebounded. According to the latest data of China Automobile Association, in October, the production and sales of automobiles in China reached 2.552 million and 2.573 million respectively, up 0.9% and 0.1% from the previous month and 11% and 12.5% from the same period last year.

  Optional consumer materials keep the economy up.

  At present, the recovery rhythm of China’s consumer market has attracted much attention from the market. Some brokers said that the pace of consumption recovery is expected to accelerate due to the continuous strengthening of policies and the continuous repair of the market.

  According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on the 16th, in October, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 4.3% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1 percentage point faster than that of the previous month. Of the 18 categories of retail sales of goods above designated size, 17 have achieved growth, of which 9 categories have maintained double-digit growth. The head of the Consumption Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce said on the 17th that in October, driven by the National Day Golden Week and various consumption promotion activities, the consumer demand of residents was fully released, and the total social output accelerated, showing the great potential, strong tenacity and exuberance of China’s consumer market after the test of the epidemic.

  However, many institutions have pointed out that the social zero data in October did not exceed expectations. Guotai Junan International said that although the growth rate of China’s total social income in October was lower than expected, it still reflected the sustained recovery of domestic consumption, and the domestic retail industry had stepped out of the haze of the epidemic and continued to improve. According to the analysis of Northeast Securities, although the zero growth rate in October was not as good as the market expectation, it was not bad structurally. There are two main factors that drag down consumption: first, the catering industry is still recovering slowly, which is because residents’ willingness to go out for catering consumption in the post-epidemic era is still relatively low; Second, the consumption of oil and products has dropped a lot, which is caused by the weak international oil price. It can be seen that the impact of consumption is mainly exogenous factors, and from the perspective of economic endogenous demand, consumption in most industries has increased well.

  "Considering that residents’ income level and residents’ willingness to consume have certain room for improvement, the follow-up residents’ consumption is expected to continue the repair process." The research team of Mingming Bond of CITIC Securities believes that the current growth rate of household consumption is still far lower than the growth rate of disposable income, while household deposits are still at a historical high level, which shows that there is still much room for household consumption to rebound. Considering that with the continuous restoration of the tertiary industry and the continuous effectiveness of the policy of stabilizing employment, there is room for improvement in the income level of subsequent residents and their willingness to consume (corresponding to marginal propensity to consume), and the growth center of consumption during the year is expected to continue to rise.

  Founder Securities said that from the overall characteristics of the optional consumer sector, the sector valuation system is relatively stable, and the performance fluctuates obviously with the economic cycle. The probability of systematic revaluation of the current sector as a whole is small. On the performance level, with the continuous recovery of China’s economy, the optional consumption sector maintained a good trend of prosperity in the fourth quarter with a high probability, and the annual performance was highly certain. On the whole, the overall performance boom of the optional consumer sector can be maintained at least until the first quarter of next year. It is the main direction in the future to select sub-sectors and individual stocks with sustained and certain performance.

The application of the biggest short board in the localization of Wuxi supercomputer core components

  On June 20th, at the International Supercomputing Conference held in Frankfurt, Germany, the TOP500 list of supercomputers was released, and "Shenwei Taihu Light" won the title with the computing speed nearly three times that of the second place.

  How fast is it? If you add up more than 2 million latest ordinary computers, the computing power can only be tied with it; Its 1-minute computing power is equivalent to more than 7 billion people around the world using calculators for 32 years without interruption.

  It is noteworthy that this "Shenwei Taihu Light" computer system from Wuxi Center of National Supercomputing in Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province has realized the localization of all core components including the processor.

  Supercomputers should not only run fast, but also be "useful". The Gordon Bell Prize, established in 1987, is hailed as the Nobel Prize in the field of high-performance computer applications. Since its establishment nearly 30 years ago, China’s team has never been shortlisted. However, this time, all three scientific research projects based on "Shenwei Taihu Light" were shortlisted for this award.

  Breaking through the blockade "China Core"

  "I don’t have to worry about being blocked anymore." Huang Jianguo, deputy director of the National Supercomputing Wuxi Center, said, "From personal computers to supercomputers, the biggest pain point for domestic scientists is that computer chips basically rely on exports, and we have never taken the initiative." In April, 2015, the U.S. government announced that four China institutions related to supercomputers were listed on the export restricted list, with the aim of restricting the development of supercomputers in China.

  Huang Jianguo said that the domestic "Tianhe-2" supercomputer ranked first in the world for three years in a row, but it got stuck when it was preparing to purchase a new generation of processors last year, which finally led to the failure to complete the research goal as scheduled.

  As early as 2011, there were supercomputers with domestic processors in China, but at that time, the speed could only reach trillions of times, ranking 14th in the world. At that time, China paid more attention to the supercomputer with the highest speed in the world. This domestic processor was rarely known by Chinese people, but it attracted much attention abroad. Independent processors, high-density assembly technology and water cooling systems became the focus of attention.

  At present, "Shenwei 26010 Chip" is the third generation domestic processor, which is supported by the Nuclear High Foundation Program of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and developed by the National High Performance Integrated Circuit Design Center. "The ordinary computer chip we usually use is ‘ Multi-core ’ , this chip adopts ‘ Many-core architecture ’ . This silver-white chip integrates 260 computing cores and billions of transistors, reaching a computing power of more than 3 trillion times per second. " Huang Jianguo said.

  The key indicators rank first in the world.

  In December 2015, with the support of the National "863 Program", the Ministry of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Province and Wuxi City jointly invested 1.795 billion yuan, and the National Research Center for Parallel Computer Engineering Technology successfully developed "Shenwei Taihu Light", which used 40,960 chips.

  The computer room where "Light of Taihu Lake" is located has no noise except air conditioning. It is the first supercomputer in the world with a running speed of over 1 billion cycles per second, with a peak performance of 1.25 billion cycles per second and a continuous performance of 930 million cycles per second, nearly three times that of "Tianhe II", and its key indicators rank first in the world.

  "Every ‘ Nuclear ’ They are all computing units. They are team operations and are no longer individual operations. " Huang Jianguo explained that the biggest feature of this computer is to let thousands of "nuclear" work together and play an effective role.

  An expert who participated in the development introduced that the energy consumption of a supercomputer can be almost equal to that of a small town, and power consumption is the bottleneck for the computer to improve its speed. The system energy efficiency ratio of this supercomputer is as high as 6.05 billion times per watt, which is more than 60% energy-saving than Tianhe II.

  The computer system also adopts efficient water cooling technology, high-density assembly technology, etc. The low-power design inside the chip and the length of wires inside the chassis are all aimed at reducing energy consumption.

  "The biggest shortcoming is the application"

  "With this computer system, we can complete the simulation of the earth’s climate in the next 100 years in 30 days, which was unimaginable before." Xue Wei, an associate professor at Tsinghua University, said.

  At present, the National Supercomputing Wuxi Center has established application cooperation relations with more than 30 domestic user units such as Peking University, Institute of Software of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 702 CSIC, Yuanjing Energy, Tsinghua University and National Computational Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, focusing on aerospace, oil exploration, vehicle and boat design, animation production, new drug research and development, biological information, climate simulation and so on.

  Huang Jianguo introduced that there are supercomputers in China that have become the fastest computers in the world for three consecutive years, but they have not done enough in application. There is no problem with computer hardware, and the biggest shortcoming is the application.

  Liu Zhao, an application support engineer at Wuxi National Supercomputing Center, said that the supporting application of supercomputers began as early as one year ago.

  Weather forecast is one of the main uses of supercomputers. Wang Lanning, a professor at the Institute of Global Change and Earth System Science of Beijing Normal University, said: "Whether it rains or not depends on the movement of clouds. With a supercomputer, the movement of clouds can be accurately simulated and observed."

  Over the years, the observation accuracy of weather forecast has also changed with supercomputers. In 2011, the observation accuracy of Tianhe-1 in Tianjin was 100,000 kilometers, and that of Shenwei Blu-ray was 10,000 kilometers, while that of Shenwei Taihu Light was reduced to 9 kilometers, and now it is moving towards 3 kilometers. Wang Lanning said that with the support of faster supercomputing ability in the future, the weather forecast can be foolproof.

  As a member of the team of "Global Non-hydrostatic Cloud Resolution Simulation", Wang Lanning’s project was shortlisted for the Gordon Bell Award. A domestic expert who has been paying attention to supercomputers for a long time said that through nearly 10 years’ efforts, China’s software application field has expanded from a few key fields to all walks of life, but the software in the field is huge in scale, long in development cycle, high in cost and difficult. The development of efficient and mature domestic parallel application software requires the joint efforts of relevant experts, supercomputer system manufacturers and software personnel, so as to develop a high-performance computer system that is easy to use, practical and effective, and fully cooperate with users to develop high-performance application software.

  Among the six nominations for this year’s Gordon Bell Award, the application based on "Shenwei Taihu Light" accounted for three, involving atmosphere, ocean and materials respectively. This is the first time that China has been nominated for this award.

WU GANG shows the textbook-level acting "Secretary Dakang" expression pack hot network.

  "WU GANG’s acting is so good, why is it not red?" The audience who once asked questions on the Internet should be very pleased now: WU GANG became an expression pack overnight with the role of "Secretary Dakang" in the anti-corruption drama in the name of people. When interviewed by reporter WeChat yesterday, the strength faction mentioned that the enthusiasm of netizens was both surprised and happy: "Nowadays, netizens are really amazing, especially thanks to netizens."

  "Secretary Dakang" teaches you to act.

  After "in the name of people" became popular, a group of officials in Handong Province became the favorite "Handong Boys" of the audience, and the most popular among the "Handong Boys" belonged to Dakang Li, secretary of the Jingzhou Municipal Party Committee played by WU GANG. At first, he was guessed as a bad guy by some viewers. After ten episodes, everyone found that he had a wife’s pit inside, subordinates’ secrets outside, debts left by his predecessor, and colleagues’ stepping on him. He was also devoted to the GDP of Jingzhou, which was simply a tragic "back-pot man" and made everyone feel bad. The audience was also divided into two groups: "Secretary Dakang" and "Secretary Yuliang", and they started a fan war in a serious way, turning Secretary Dakang and his expression pack into a hot search — — Who would have thought that anti-corruption drama had such a way of looking after it?

  In fact, Dakang Li didn’t play an important role in the original work. Most of the credit for the popularity of "Secretary Dakang" lies in WU GANG’s interpretation and play. WU GANG said frankly: "It’s also quite uneasy to take on this play, playing a party secretary. We have never seen this person. I will search Baidu for many videos of leaders at all levels. If people’s gestures may help me, I will keep them in mind and may be useful in filming. " He grasped the details to shape the characters. "I hope the audience will say that I know this person, just like the people next door to our house, and he has a sense of closeness." First of all, I think this character has to be human. He has worldly desires, so he has to eat. When he is hungry, he has to poke wildly. When he is in a hurry, he also swears. In fact, people are like this. "

  The most important point is to recite the lines. "The biggest secret is to read the script well. When the script is very familiar, you will know what the other party is and what you want to do. I must be familiar with this level, so that when you say your lines, it is vivid and subconscious. " Remember the undercover documentary of Hengdian written by screenwriter Song Fangjin not long ago? Young actors, learn.

  Thanks to netizens for making emoticons.

  Lu Qiaoshan in Latent and Lu Zilin &hellip in White Deer Plain; … Like every role in the past, WU GANG did his part as an actor, but the popularity of "Secretary Dakang" was beyond his expectation. "I never thought of this character, and this Dakang Li could become online celebrity." He responded to the concerns of netizens one by one. "In fact, they are not right, it should be three eyelids! My parents gave it to me. This can’t be changed. Everyone says this hand looks good, but I didn’t find it. Later, they took screenshots and saw, hey, I think it’s not bad, thanks to my parents. "

  He thanked the netizens for their emoticons. "Nowadays, netizens are really amazing, and their tastes are extremely high. I’m especially grateful to these netizens. They really made great efforts to cut this photo frame by frame and put all the expressions of Dakang Li together on the Internet. Everyone enjoys this character together, and I think this is the greatest compliment to a person. In fact, I think everyone likes him because of his openness, persistence and simplicity. " Reporter Wang Huichun

The new rules came in April! Everything is important!

  CCTV News:From April 1st, a batch of new laws and regulations will be formally implemented. Including the reduction of value-added tax rate in some industries; Entry-exit documents are "nationwide"; Relevant persons in charge of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should have meals with students; The implementation of the new national standard for electric bicycles.

  The value-added tax has been lowered, and the prices of automobiles and gasoline have begun to decrease.

  According to the "Announcement on Deepening the Policies of VAT Reform", from April 1st, some industries will be taxed at 13% instead of 16%, mainly involving manufacturing and other industries. Items subject to the 10% tax rate will be taxed at the 9% tax rate, mainly involving transportation, postal services, construction, real estate, basic telecommunications services and agricultural products. At present, many car companies have lowered their prices in advance. From 0: 00 on April 1st, the maximum retail price of gasoline and diesel in China was reduced by 225 yuan and 200 yuan respectively.

  Ordinary passports, passes to and from Hong Kong and Macao, and passes to and from Taiwan are all available nationwide.

  From April 1st, the entry and exit documents of the People’s Republic of China, such as ordinary passports, passes to and from Hong Kong and Macao, and passes to and from Taiwan, will be handled nationwide. Mainland residents can apply for the above-mentioned entry and exit documents at any entry and exit management window in the country, and the application procedures are the same as their household registration.

  Relevant persons in charge of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should have meals with students.

  The Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Market Supervision and National Health Commission jointly issued the Regulations on the Management of Food Safety and Nutrition Health in Schools, which will be implemented from April 1st. It is required that primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should establish a centralized meal accompanying system, and each meal should be shared by the relevant person in charge of the school and the students, and the accompanying meal records should be made to find and solve the problems existing in the centralized meal process in time.

  The new national standard for electric bicycles was implemented on April 15th.

  The new national standard has improved the safety performance of electric bicycles in an all-round way, from the original mandatory provisions to full-text mandatory provisions, adding technical indicators such as tamper resistance, fire resistance, flame retardant performance and charger protection, and adjusting and improving technical indicators such as speed limit, vehicle quality and pedaling ability.

  According to the requirements of the new national standard, the maximum design speed of electric bicycles should not exceed 25 kilometers per hour and should not be modified. When speeding, the system should continue to give a prompt sound. Compared with the old national standard of electric bicycle, the motor power is adjusted from 240W to 400W, and the vehicle mass (including battery) is adjusted from 40kg to 55kg. The pedal riding function is mandatory, and the unique vehicle code is required to be permanently marked at the inseparable part of the frame body.

  Implementation of the new version of the management performance assessment method for the heads of central enterprises

  The revised "Measures for Evaluating the Operating Performance of Responsible Persons of Central Enterprises" will come into effect on April 1st. Under the principle of quality first and benefit first, the new assessment method highlights the assessment and guidance of scientific and technological innovation, encourages enterprises to increase R&D investment, and regards R&D investment as profit. Highlight positive incentive assessment and strengthen "performance rise, salary rise, performance drop and salary drop".

  The Emergency Regulations on Production Safety Accidents came into effect in April.

  The Emergency Regulations on Production Safety Accidents will come into effect on April 1st. The regulations put forward institutional measures for the construction mode, mode and requirements of emergency rescue teams, especially in the construction of hazardous enterprises, and the measures are more rigid. After the team is completed, it should be equipped with necessary equipment and equipment, and the team members should be trained and have corresponding emergency rescue capabilities to ensure that they can play their due role in the accident rescue process.

It is related to the prevention and control of Zhengzhou epidemic. This night conference responded to ten hot spots.

  On the evening of November 6th, Zhengzhou held the 34th press conference on the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic (the ninth in 2022), which was released around the recent prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Zhengzhou and answered questions from reporters.

  At the press conference, many concerns about the current epidemic situation in Zhengzhou, the implementation of the "one size fits all" policy for rectification and implementation, and the situation of Foxconn Park were answered one by one.

  The new cases are mainly concentrated in the risk groups in key areas.

  According to Li Huifang, deputy secretary-general of Zhengzhou Municipal Government, on November 3, there were 21 new confirmed cases and 136 asymptomatic infected people in Zhengzhou. On the 4th, there were 9 new confirmed cases and 105 asymptomatic infected people in the city. On the 5th, there were 15 new confirmed cases and 168 asymptomatic infected people in the city.

  Li Huifang said that at present, the new cases are mainly concentrated in the risk groups in key areas, while all the hospitalized patients are in stable condition.

  Isolation rooms will be reserved by rebuilding public rental housing and requisitioning talent apartments.

  Li Huifang said that in accordance with the requirements of the national and provincial prevention and control programs, Zhengzhou will fully reserve isolated rooms by rebuilding public rental housing, requisitioning talent apartments and signing agreements with hotels; Expand medical treatment beds through new construction, renovation and requisition, and actively respond to the large-scale epidemic that may occur this winter and next spring on the basis of meeting the needs of this round of epidemic.

  In addition, Li Huifang further introduced that the management of centralized isolation points and designated hospitals will be comprehensively strengthened, Chinese medicine will participate in the whole process, and psychological counseling will be carried out in a timely manner, so as to improve the service guarantee ability and meet individual needs as much as possible.

  The whole community will not be sealed because of the indiscriminate ignition of individual epidemics.

  It was mentioned at the press conference that in accordance with the work requirements of "putting the tube in the middle, clearing it in the middle" and "preventing living and opening it", Zhengzhou City has refined the control area into three categories: high-risk areas and risk units, medium-risk areas and risk communities, and temporary control areas for preventing spillover, and further refined the risk areas to communities, communities and buildings, and made it clear that the communities with less than two new infected people and in the same unit will only be sealed and controlled, not because of the fact that.

  At the same time, the conference mentioned that with the change of epidemic situation and the timely and dynamic adjustment of epidemic situation, the main urban area (eight districts in the city) is being unsealed in an orderly manner, and the number of unsealed communities today has increased by 41 compared with yesterday.

  Can individual epidemic-free communities still implement prevention and control measures? Lixing has been requested to rectify.

  Li Huifang pointed out that, on the whole, at present, most areas can "solve all the problems", but there are still a few communities that implement policies across the board and simplify them. For example, epidemic-free communities in individual temporary control zones for preventing spillage still cannot implement prevention and control measures. In this regard, the municipal inspection team has asked for rectification, and those who are not in place will be seriously dealt with.

  Establish and improve the mechanism of transportation dispatching, allocation and admission, and increase the allocation of transportation vehicles for critically ill patients.

  Li Huifang mentioned that Zhengzhou strengthened the overall planning of the whole city, and each district sorted out the basic information of patients separately, and made targeted transshipment plans. According to the use of medical resources, Zhengzhou City Command established and improved the mechanism of transportation dispatch and allocation, and added transport vehicles for severe patients to ensure that patients with basic diseases, the elderly, young children and pregnant women can be transported and treated in time.

  Zhengzhou: The epidemic situation has stabilized and improved, and it is currently in a critical period and a critical period.

  The press conference mentioned that Zhengzhou, as a national central city, a populous city and a transportation hub, has always faced the dual risks of external epidemic import and local epidemic spread. Affected by multiple unfavorable factors in the early stage, this round of epidemic in Zhengzhou has become the epidemic with the widest scope, the largest number of people involved and the longest duration since the outbreak of Xinguan pneumonia.

  In addition, the conference also mentioned that the epidemic situation in Zhengzhou has stabilized and improved, and it is currently in a critical period and a critical period.

  24-hour nucleic acid detection service is provided in general hospitals above the second level in the city.

  Fang Ziqin, deputy director of Zhengzhou Medical Security Bureau, said that in order to better serve the general public, the synchronous matching between the unsealed area and the opening of nucleic acid testing houses has been strengthened. At present, more than 3,000 sampling houses have been opened in Zhengzhou, and after the subsequent communities are unsealed, the nucleic acid testing sampling houses will be opened as soon as possible to provide nucleic acid testing services.

  Fang Ziqin also mentioned that at present, 24-hour nucleic acid testing services are provided in general hospitals above the second level in the city. If citizens miss the centralized testing time in the sampling house, they can go to the above hospitals for testing.

  Care actions for the elderly, children and pregnant women will be carried out to meet the medical needs of special groups.

  The press conference said that in the next step, Zhengzhou will focus on three things:

  The first is to form a team. On the basis of establishing and perfecting the Yang-chasing mechanism, we will speed up the establishment of an "expert+special class" emergency commando team with complete equipment, rapid response and standing in a normal state. Once the epidemic is ignited, the whole chain will carry out all the work of "collecting, sending, inspecting, verifying, reporting and transferring", so as to circle the risk people, block the transmission chain and protect the majority in the first time.

  The second is to establish two platforms. That is, establish a institutionalized command platform and improve the three working mechanisms of "daily consultation and judgment, regular fixed-point scheduling and one-click direct disposal"; Establish a platform for overall allocation of resources, take demand as the guide, and automatically allocate, dispatch and distribute various resources such as manpower, materials, epidemic prevention and medicine across regions, so as to form a good situation of rapid response, integration of resources and joint efforts to overcome difficulties, and effectively grasp the initiative of epidemic prevention.

  The third is to carry out four actions. Carry out special actions to sweep buildings and streets for three consecutive days, focusing on solving the remaining problems such as social clearing, risk investigation of unsealed communities, and environmental disinfection; Carry out special actions to standardize the management of isolated places, strengthen medical treatment, strictly prevent and control infection, enrich spiritual and cultural life, and improve the level of service guarantee; Carry out caring actions for the elderly, children and pregnant women to effectively solve the medical needs of special people outside the isolation place; We will carry out the creation of epidemic-free communities, epidemic-free organs and epidemic-free units, and support the overall stability of the city’s epidemic prevention with small units without epidemic.

  Zhengzhou Foxconn: Providing comprehensive services and guarantees to employees in five aspects.

  In response to the recent demands of employees and social concerns, the airport area has conducted in-depth communication with Foxconn, and on November 2, it issued the "15 Measures for Employees’ Care in Foxconn Science Park", which provides comprehensive services and guarantees for employees from five aspects: life support, epidemic prevention safety, environmental disinfection, humanistic care and employee rights and interests.

  First, in terms of ensuring the supply of employees’ lives

  First, select high-quality catering service providers, overcome difficulties such as supply and transportation, optimize processing, loading and unloading, transportation and distribution, and deliver three meals a day to 11 apartment communities in the IT community on time to ensure sufficient supply of hot meals and hot water for employees.

  The second is to improve the standard and quality of food. There are steamed buns, milk, eggs and fruits for breakfast, with balanced nutrition; Lunch and dinner are two meats and one vegetable, with fruit for lunch and yogurt for dinner; Every day, the menu is different, and a large number of servings are enough, so you can eat well. At the same time, the market supervision department sent 11 food quality supervisors to each community to be responsible for the quality control of three meals. As of November 6, 202,500 meals have been prepared.

  Second, in terms of ensuring epidemic prevention and health and safety of employees

  First, distribute epidemic prevention love packages to protect the health and safety of employees, and urgently purchase 1 million N95 protective masks, 100,000 bottles of alcohol spray and 2 million alcohol disinfection wipes, which will be distributed in an orderly manner through Foxconn and the IT community to build a personal epidemic prevention barrier for employees.

  Second, according to the living distribution of Foxconn employees, medical offices were set up in 11 apartment communities to facilitate employees to seek medical treatment nearby; For those who really need to be hospitalized, they will be transferred to designated hospitals for treatment at the first time.

  The third is to set up 100 sampling points for nucleic acid detection in 11 apartment communities in the IT community, and provide free nucleic acid sampling services for employees.

  Fourth, the original dormitory staff should be relocated reasonably, and after the dormitory is finally destroyed, it should be renovated and renovated, and the living facilities should be replaced to improve the living environment of the staff.

  Third, in strengthening environmental disinfection and garbage removal

  First, organize 400 elite troops to carry out comprehensive disinfection of 10 factories, 9 restaurants, 11 apartment blocks and public areas under the guidance of provincial and municipal disease control experts.

  Second, on the basis of the original property management personnel, 680 cleaning personnel will be added to clean and remove the garbage in the park to ensure that the domestic garbage is cleared twice a day.

  Fourth, in strengthening employees’ psychological counseling and humanistic care,

  First, provide psychological counseling services, open a 24-hour psychological counseling hotline, and take the initiative to pay a return visit every day; Open online mental health courses to relieve employees’ psychological pressure.

  The second is to unblock the channels of employees’ appeals and open a 7*24-hour care hotline to ensure that it can be opened at any time and provide corresponding services and guarantees to solve employees’ appeals and difficulties in time.

  Five, in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees according to law.

  First, fully respect employees’ willingness to stay or stay, and work with Foxconn to produce the WeChat applet of "Questionnaire on Employees’ Willingness to Return Home", which conforms to the current epidemic prevention policy and organizes employees to return home safely and orderly. For employees who voluntarily declare to stay in the port area for isolation, the government will give each person a daily living allowance in 300 yuan, which will be paid on a daily basis.

  The second is to urge enterprises to honor relevant incentive policies in time for employees who are willing to return to their posts after the isolation.

  Third, for those who really need to return home immediately due to special circumstances, timely arrange vehicles for "point-to-point" safe transshipment and incorporate them into local closed-loop management according to epidemic prevention and control policies.

  Dining places in low-risk areas are forbidden to eat in class, and only take-away service is provided.

  With regard to the orderly opening of service places in medium-risk areas, risk communities, temporary spill prevention control areas and low-risk areas, the press conference introduced that in accordance with the working idea of "resolutely controlling the management and orderly releasing the release", the prevention and control measures were adjusted and optimized according to the times and the situation, and the service places were opened in an orderly manner.

  Among them, low-risk areas advocate minimizing going out, not gathering, and not getting together. In low-risk areas, supermarkets, pharmacies, medical institutions, barbershops, delicatessens, bakeries, clothing stores and other places related to people’s lives, under the premise of strictly implementing epidemic prevention and control measures such as appointment, peak shifting, flow restriction, wearing masks, temperature measurement and code scanning inspection, will resume normal operations after cleaning, disinfection and ventilation.

  Party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, office buildings, banks, service halls and other business places will resume normal production and operation order on the premise of strictly implementing prevention and control measures such as appointment, peak shifting, flow restriction, wearing masks, temperature measurement and code scanning inspection.

  Dining places are forbidden to eat in the hall, and only take-away service is provided (non-contact delivery to the door of the community). Schools, kindergartens and off-campus training institutions start online teaching. Pension service institutions, welfare institutions, prisons and boarding schools strictly implement closed-loop management. Aggregation activities are not held in principle.

The 15th China Scientists Forum was held in Beijing.

  Beijing, September 13 (Xinhua) The 15th China Scientists Forum was held in Beijing on September 12. This forum is held at the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up, the 40th anniversary of the "scientific spring", and the historic intersection of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world and the transformation of China’s development mode, which has far-reaching significance for implementing the innovation-driven development strategy. More than 900 scientists, science and technology managers, science and technology experts and entrepreneurs from all walks of life all over the country participated in the grand event, and exchanged ideas around the theme of "building a world science and technology power and scientific and technological innovation in the new era" to seek common development of scientific and technological innovation.

Meeting site

  This conference is sponsored by China Technology Market Association, China High-tech Industrialization Research Association, China Productivity Promotion Center Association and Discovery Magazine, co-sponsored by Enterprise Management Innovation Institute of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, especially co-sponsored by China Science and Technology System Reform Research Association, and supported by think tank of Beijing WORK- Beijing Wharf. Relevant leading comrades of the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, leaders of relevant ministries and commissions of the science and technology system and more than 10 academicians of the two academies attended the opening ceremony.

  China Scientists Forum was founded in 2002 and has been successfully held for 15 sessions. At the opening ceremony, the meeting was also attended by several founding sponsors of the China Scientists Forum — — Comrade Zhang Jing ‘an, Comrade Qi Rang, President of Discovery Magazine and Beijing WORK— Chen Gui, the founder of Beijing Wharf Think Tank, paid tribute to and awarded the "Special Contribution Award for Spreading the Scientific Spirit" to show their great contribution to promoting the development of China’s science and technology, spreading scientific ideas and carrying forward the scientific spirit by the China Scientists Forum, which was founded and successfully held for 15 sessions.

  Zhang Jing ‘an, Qi Jean, Chen Gui and other comrades were awarded the "Special Contribution Award for Spreading the Scientific Spirit".

  At the opening ceremony, Du Xiangwan, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, former vice-president of China Academy of Engineering and an expert in applied physics, Fan Daiming, former vice-president of China Academy of Engineering, academician of China Academy of Engineering and director of the national drug clinical trial institution, gave wonderful reports entitled "Four Signs of a Powerful Country in Science and Technology" and "Integrated Health Science" respectively. The reports of two famous scientists were professional and in-depth, and received enthusiastic response from the participating experts and guests. Luan Hongyan, vice president of Discovery Magazine, secretary general of China Scientists Forum and executive deputy director of Enterprise Management Innovation Institute of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference.

Luan Hongyan presided over the opening ceremony of the conference.

  Academician Du Xiangwan gave a wonderful report entitled "Four Signs of a Powerful Country through Science and Technology"

  Academician Fan Daiming gave a wonderful report entitled "Integrated Health Science"

  Relying on the deep foundation of the forum for more than ten years and the purpose of pragmatic innovation, this forum combines multi-angle analysis and discussion, multi-dimensional cooperation and interaction, multi-dimensional integrated communication and multi-level charm achievement display to create an authoritative, comprehensive and professional conference content system. The two-day forum held more than 20 rich and practical special events, such as the Academician Forum, the Dialogue between Scientists, Economists and Entrepreneurs, the Forum for Chief Scientists and Investment and Financing, the TED Speech Creation Meeting on Science and Technology Innovation and Marketing, the Cooperation Matchmaking Fair, the First Week of China Scientists Forum, the Science and Technology Enterprise Bank, the Forum on Integrated Development Capital, the establishment of a demonstration base for science and technology services in emerging industries, and the establishment of an innovative think tank for chief scientists of enterprises. China Academy of Engineering, Fan Weicheng, Dean of Tsinghua University department of engineering physics Institute of Public Safety, China Academy of Engineering, Xu Li, Researcher of China Institute of Atomic Energy, Director of Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chen Shilin, Academician of Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Academician of China Academy of Sciences, Kuang Tingyun, Researcher of Institute of Botany of Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc. More than 40 academicians and experts in various fields, and more than 100 technology entrepreneurs and chief experts gave special speeches. In order to give full play to the leading role of enterprise’s scientific and technological innovation and enhance its core technological innovation capability, we have carried out warm and constructive discussions and sharing on the general trend of world’s scientific and technological development and China’s scientific and technological innovation vision pattern, innovation capability, resource allocation, system policy and other substantive issues, so as to build consensus and gather talents.推进建设世界科技强国的伟大目标的顺利实现共谋共进。




The movie Hot Search: Behind the "hot" is the "cold" data.

Original title: The movie Hot Search: Behind the "hot" is the "cold" data.

"Hot Search" is a very brave film, revealing some realities that were unknown, dare not say and no one said before. A cup of exquisite coffee, a fresh life, a bustling high-rise building and a cold rooftop, this contrast is too stinging. Moreover, it is rare for the director to give the audience a position of God’s perspective, that is, to jump out of the plane surrounded by public opinion or other people’s manipulation and to see the overall fermentation and trend of an event. It makes people feel wonderful and have some thoughts at the same time. Once upon a time, did I just be a member of that team?

The film tells the story that after Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media, published an explosive article, he unexpectedly received help from the parties and involved a series of unexpected events. Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media, penetrated the traffic password and created an explosive article to rush to the hot search, but indirectly boosted the female student of the "bully" to jump off the building. At this time, Chen Miao accidentally discovered the help information sent by a female student and involved a sexual assault case. He Yan, a partner of Chen Miao, and Peng Yue, a wealthy investor, were involved one after another. Public opinion has turned many times, what kind of interest chain is hidden behind the incident, and a public opinion war for the weak has started …

The film begins with cyber violence and reveals the story behind the frequent cyber violence in recent years. In this era when the media broke out, the truth of the matter is reversed every minute. The illusion of public opinion and the hot search list are behind the bloody and explicit truth, which makes people wonder how to choose justice in the Internet age. The network is rooted in life and has a far-reaching impact on life, even amplifying the dribs and drabs of life. Now the network world can no longer be described by virtual world, it is an enlarged version of the real world, and it has a layer of gauze more than the real world. The starting point of the film is very good, which lies in reminding, awakening and encouraging the conscience and goodwill of the society.

The whole film seems to focus on a story line of justice, using the shell of the current self-media and nesting it with an introduction of campus violence to show the dimension of "realism", but in fact, the film cleverly bypasses all issues that may cause stinging pain. Rather than focusing on the boundary of speech in the media era, this film focuses on the rabble to see how public opinion is induced and used again and again. All people give up thinking and become minions of traffic and topics under the guidance of the media, but this concern does not seem to be the main theme of the film, and the audience’s sense of justice is satisfied with the actions of the protagonist.

In the era of network information, there will be all kinds of information around us, and it is difficult to tell whether it is true or not, as well as active and passive cyber violence with guns and sticks in the information. As Deng, a student of Hunan Qifa Culture Media Co., Ltd., wrote in his commentary, this film is a realistic film that reflects cyber violence well. Moreover, it is said that it is based on a real-life event. If it is true, I can only say that the director dares to shoot. I really can’t imagine how to face it if I am in such a thing, but it also reminds us to express our views cautiously and restrained before facing an event that we don’t know the truth, instead of being mindless. Resist cyber violence and purify the network environment, starting from you and me.

The film focuses on the ethics of media and news reports and the ethics of media people. In today’s era, it is difficult to tell how much public opinion is being manipulated on the Internet, and how much traffic is behind whether the capital is pushing whether the traffic is the highest or the truth is the highest, whether the content is king or the capital is king, in repeated reversals and games. The movie plot seems to map every hot search that really happens on the Internet today. The hot search is not the hot search for defending justice, but the hot search for cyber violence, profit-seeking capital and carnival of the mob. Behind the hot search are actually cold data, indifferent individuals and neglected victims.

The director explained in a simple way how the media now use templated methods to manipulate public opinion to chase hot spots, and how ironic it is to quickly incite the mob’s emotions with just some eye-catching titles without moral bottom line. Isn’t this the case in the fast food era? Emotional venting is far more concerned than the truth. However, many people are eager for gold, and the bones are ruined. Words have no blade, killing is invisible! Therefore, together with the copywriters of Hunan Enterprise Culture, we should be a persistent self-media person, not seeking to be a Buddha who saves people, but seeking not to be a broker of public opinion, because the manipulator will also become a victim. Goodwill is more important than hot search. Truth or illusion? Holding the sword of justice has been secretly used. Before the next comment on social events, we can let the bullets fly a little longer.

More exciting recommendations:

Goodbye lover season 3: it is better to meet yourself when you meet love.

The movie "Not Stop": There is always a force that makes us burst into tears.

The film priceless treasure: the life of a lonely and sad northeast man

Editor in charge:

The glory of the king server crashed; Apple Low-key Plus Meta Universe | Game Industry Weekly

Wen San competes for the nucleus.

1. The the glory of the king system collapsed and reached the top of Weibo Hot Search.

On September 4th, a topic "the glory of the king collapsed" rushed to Weibo for hot search. The glory of the king official response, some players in qualifying, the peak race into the abnormal problem, the problem is being dealt with emergency positioning.

Although the official did not explain the specific reasons for the server abnormality, recently, the most stringent "anti-addiction" notice in history has just been issued. The notice requires strict restrictions on the online game time of minors, and can only provide one-hour service to minors from 20: 00 to 21: 00 on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays.

And "the glory of the king collapsed" is in the first weekend when major online game companies implement policies.

2. Apple’s first AR/VR chip exposure, low-key plus meta-universe.

On September 3rd, according to the exclusive report of The Information, Apple completed the research and development of chips such as System-on-Chip (SoC) last year, which has no built-in AI acceleration module. Apple chips have better performance than third-party SoC, including better wireless data transmission, compression, decompression and higher energy efficiency.

The report shows that SoC and two other Apple chips have reached what the semiconductor industry calls a milestone. The physical design of the chip has been completed and is ready for trial production. According to people familiar with the matter, TSMC is producing these three chips, and it is at least one year before mass production. This is a key stage in the development of this head display.

According to the previous news, its debut will be released as early as next year, but Apple may further postpone the release time.

3. Premier League Wolves acquired Chongqing QGhappy and entered the professional league in the glory of the king.

On September 5th, Fosun Sports, where the Premier League Wolves are located, officially announced the acquisition of the glory of the king Professional League (hereinafter referred to as KPL) club Chongqing QGhappy.

After the acquisition, Chongqing QGhappy will be renamed as Chongqing Wolves, and will continue to take Chongqing as the home of the team in the new season and fight with a brand-new attitude.

This announced that the Premier League Wolves officially entered KPL, and the Wolves became the first traditional football club to enter the world’s top mobile e-sports professional league.

4. South Korea’s "Partial Amendment to the Telecommunication Business Law" was passed, and Apple’s monopoly on commission has become a thing of the past.

The issue of Apple Store payment has been the focus of the industry in recent years, including the previous Epic vs Apple War.

On August 31, South Korea’s "Partial Amendment to the Telecommunication Business Law" was officially passed, and South Korea became the first country in the world to end the monopoly position of Apple and Google. According to the requirements of the Act, neither Google Play Store nor Apple AppStore can force developers to use the only payment system on the platform in the Korean market.

This means that developers will be able to use third-party payment, and the app store that has lasted for many years will be divided into 3: 7 models and take the lead in ending in the Korean market.

In addition, Japan, India and other countries have also indicated that they will further review the payment problem of Apple Store.

  • 2.1 Game list in domestic market

Chinese mainland market

Domestic market August 30, 2021 — On September 4th, in the best-selling list of iOS games, The Original God topped the list, and The Battle of the Golden Shovel temporarily occupied the third place in tencent games.

On August 31st, on the occasion of the first anniversary of "The Original God", Mihayou released a brand-new 2.1 version of "The Moon is under the sun". Including the new roles of "Thunder General, Coral Palace Heart Sea, and Jiutiao Luo", opening two new areas of "Qinglai Island and Haitang Island" and updating the fiend mission and legendary mission.

In addition, new weapons, fishing systems and new monsters have been put on the shelves.

Aside from the quality of products, The Original God has been successfully pushed out of the glory of the king on September 1st, and reached the top of the best-selling list of App Store games with its stable long-term content output, staged stacking of buff, and the amount of fluid absorbed by the first anniversary activities.

On the other hand, tencent games’s The Battle of the Golden Shovel has become the "third brother" of tencent games since it was launched on August 26th.

Recently, this work has been closely followed by the glory of the king and Peace Elite, and it has been firmly in Top5.

In terms of other products, Sanqi’s mutual entertainment "Douluo Mainland: Soul-to-Soul Match" and Netease’s game "Fantasy Westward Journey" performed steadily.

China Hong Kong market

China and Hongkong Market August 30, 2021 — On September 4th, in the best-selling list of iOS games, Ali’s games "The Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition", "The Original God" and "The Robbery of Heaven and Earth: The Return of the Dark City" topped the list.

As one of the heavyweight products of Ali Games, The Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition has been at the top of the local App Store game bestseller list since it landed in the Hong Kong market in January this year. In addition, the game was also a T1-level product in the strategy game market at that time.

Thanks to the first anniversary of the launch and version 2.1, the global release of Mihayou "The Original God" has also performed extremely well in the Hong Kong market this week. Temporarily remain in the best-selling list Top2.

In addition, Zi Long Games’ innovative placement of the RPG game "Robbery of Heaven and Earth: The Return of the Ghost Town" also topped the best-selling list of Hong Kong App Store games this week.

In addition to local products, the Marvel Comics IP adaptation MMORPG mobile game "Marvel Comics Future Revolution" launched by South Korea Netstone and Marvel Comics has also performed well in the Hong Kong market since it was launched on August 24. Japanese manufacturers’ products such as Zhilong Lost City, Baokemeng Master EX, Dragon Ball Z, and Football Teenager gathered in the Top10 of the best-selling list of App Store games in Hong Kong.

China Taiwan Province market

China Taiwan Province Market August 30, 2021 — On September 4th, in the best-selling list of iOS games, The Original God and Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition topped the list.

Similar to the Hong Kong market, Ali’s game "The Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition", Mikhail’s game "The Original God" and Zi Long’s game "The Robbery of Heaven and Earth: The Return of the Ghost Town" all performed well in the best-selling list of the App Store in Taiwan Province this week.

Sanqi Mutual Entertainment’s "Douluo Mainland: Soul-to-Soul Duel" is stable in the best-selling list Top5 this week. As far as performance is concerned, this work is a relatively successful mobile game adapted from Douluo Mainland IP on the market at present.

In addition, the company’s "Doomsday" and "Call me a big shopkeeper" two products, which mainly go to sea, also entered the Top10 of the App Store game list this week.

  • 2.2 List of Games in Major Overseas Markets

American market

American market August 30, 2021 — On September 4 th, in the best-selling list of iOS games, "The Original God" dominated the list.

Quality+global theme, coupled with the continuous and stable long-term content output, gives Mihayou the confidence to reach different cultural regions. Since September 1, the game has been on the best-selling list of App Store games in the United States for three consecutive days.

In addition, the only domestic game that entered the Top10 list this week is tencent games’s Call of Duty Mobile Games.

Japanese market

Japanese market August 30, 2021 — On September 4 th, in the best-selling list of iOS games, "Horse Racing Mother" topped the list.

In terms of domestic games going to sea in Japan, Mihayou’s Original God, music element Idol Dream Sacrifice, Netease’s game Wild Action and Fifth Personality entered the Top10 of the best-selling list.

Korean market

Korean market August 30, 2021 — On September 4th, in the best-selling list of iOS games, Odin: The Rise of Varhala still topped the list.

In terms of domestic South Korean games, Mihayou’s "The Original God" and Ali’s game "The History of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition" are on the Top2 of the best-selling list.

In addition, tencent games’s PUBG Mobile and Lilith’s Awakening of the Nations entered the Top10 list.

Indian market

Indian market August 30, 2021 — On September 4th, in the best-selling list of iOS games, PUBG MOBILE India Edition, SEA《Free Fire and tencent games’s Call of Duty Mobile Games launched a fierce competition around "India is the first brother to eat chicken mobile games".

Only from this week’s performance, the top two products ranked Top1 in the best-selling list, and basically remained within Top3. In contrast, the advantages of tencent games’s Call of Duty Mobile Games are not obvious. During the period, it ranked Top2 and dropped out of the Top10 list.

In fact, this is quite different from the performance of PUBG MOBILE India Edition. To some extent, in the same category, the products that enter the market first will definitely have the advantages of user base and usage habits.

Even if PUBG MOBILE India Edition has the support of "invisible hand", it is difficult to "cover the sky with one hand".

Data-Eye data shows that casual games occupy all the positions of Top10 in the buying list from August 30th to September 5th.

Compared with last week, although Beijing Zhanxin Power "Paradise 233" is still at the top of the buying list, the amount of materials released this week has dropped by 50% to 31,413 groups, compared with 68,993 groups in the same period last week.

In addition, from the perspective of product types, most products in the Top10 list are "leisure+online earning" types.

Since the State Press and Publication Administration released the game version number on July 22nd, no new version number information has been published recently.

According to competitive statistics, as of September 5, 2021, a total of 755 game version numbers were issued. Among them, there are 679 domestic game versions and 76 imported game versions.

Specifically, Tencent, Netease, ByteDance and Aauto Quicker were issued with version numbers in 2021, which were 13, 11, 2 and 3 respectively.

It is worth mentioning that on September 3, the State Council issued a notice on several measures to promote the reform and innovation of trade and investment facilitation in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, in which Article 16, "Piloting the territorial management of online games", pointed out that the Central Propaganda Department will be responsible for promoting the online game audit pilot work in the location of the eligible Pilot Free Trade Zone.

In fact, the idea of "launching a pilot project of territorial management of online games" has been put forward many times this year. For example, on April 8, the Ministry of Commerce of the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Opinions on Several Special Measures to Support the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and Relax Market Access, and on April 21, the Ministry of Commerce issued the Overall Plan for the Comprehensive Pilot of Expanding and Opening up the Service Industry in Hainan Province, all of which advocated Hainan to deepen the pilot work of reviewing the content of local online games.

In addition, on April 21st, in the notice of the Ministry of Commerce on printing and distributing the "Overall Plan for the Comprehensive Pilot Project of Expanding and Opening up the Service Industry in Chongqing", it also mentioned "supporting Chongqing to actively create conditions to apply for the pilot project of reviewing the content of local online games".

Since 2018, the version number policy has been tightened in an all-round way, and the version number has been extremely strict. Hainan and Chongqing are expected to become new network audit pilots, and may be improved.

It must be pointed out that considering the recent "uninsured" incidents, Jinghe believes that the increase in pilot projects does not mean that the approval will be relaxed, or even stricter. For example, no new version number was issued in August 2021, which also explained some problems. 

Unresured correlation:

August 30th: The three-day and three-hour insurance policy was issued.
The State Press and Publication Administration issued the Notice on Further Strict Management to Effectively Prevent Minors from Indulging in Online Games. The contents of the notice are roughly divided into three parts: for game companies, the requirements for real-name registration and login of online game user accounts are strictly implemented; Strictly control the duration of providing game services to minors (only on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays at 20: 20:00— 21:00)。

August 31st: Children’s game community should also be limited to 3 hours.

A number of official accounts of Baiao Family Interactive, the developer of Olastar and Obi Island mobile games and page games, announced that the anti-addiction system of mobile games and page games will be adjusted on September 1, and will only provide one-hour game service to minors from 20: 00 to 21: 00 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, and will not provide game service to users who are not registered and logged in by their real names in any form.

September 1st: Some e-sports events announced restrictions on the age of contestants.

The State Press and Publication Administration recently issued the Notice on Further Strict Management to Effectively Prevent Minors from Indulging in Online Games. Subsequently, some e-sports officials announced that they had begun to limit the age of the contestants. Among them, the PEL Peace Elite Professional League announced that it will carry out compliance work on the age of the contestants; KPL the glory of the king Professional League has made it clear that KPL and K-A players must be at least 18 years old before they can participate.

September 2nd: Hearthstone prohibits underage certified professional players.

Recently, the State Press and Publication Administration issued the Notice on Further Strict Management to Effectively Prevent Minors from Indulging in Online Games to solve the problem of minors’ overuse or even indulging in online games. Subsequently, major manufacturers have expressed their views, and now Netease has decided to prohibit minors from being certified as professional e-sports players of Hearthstone Legend.

September 4th: "the glory of the king" collapsed, ranking first in the hot search.

"the glory of the king collapsed" topped the hot search list in Weibo. Although the official did not explain the specific reasons for the server abnormality, recently, the most stringent "anti-addiction" notice in history has just been issued, demanding that the online game time of minors be strictly limited, and only one hour service can be provided to minors from 20: 00 to 21: 00 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. This is the first weekend for major online game companies to implement policies.

Industry trends: 

August 30th: The producer of "Rulong" is expected to join Netease.

According to Bloomberg News, Netease is in the final negotiations to poach the names of the producers of "Like a Dragon" series from Sega. According to people familiar with the matter, after Ming Yue changed jobs to Netease, he will set up his own team and develop new games. The two sides have not yet signed a final contract, and his responsibilities have not yet been finalized. Nobuyoshi Kuniyama is a famous game producer in the Japanese game industry, and the total sales volume of his series of "Rulong" games has exceeded 14 million.

August 31st: South Korea legislates to end Apple’s channel monopoly.

In the plenary vote of the National Assembly of Korea, the Partial Amendment to the Telecommunication Business Law was passed with 180 votes in favor, 0 votes against and 8 abstentions. Korea became the first country in the world to end the monopoly position of Apple and Google.

According to the requirements of the Act, neither Google Play Store nor Apple AppStore can force developers to use the only payment system on the platform in the Korean market. This means that developers will be able to use third-party payment, and the app store that has lasted for many years will be divided into 3: 7 models and take the lead in ending in the Korean market.

August 31: Netstone establishes Yuan Universe Company.

Netmarble F&C, a subsidiary of South Korean mobile game giant Netmarble, said on the 31st that its wholly-owned subsidiary "Metaverse Entertainment" was formally established. According to reports, "Metauniverse Entertainment" will devote itself to developing a virtual reality platform and operating virtual idols. The masterpieces of mobile games launched by Netstone in recent two years mainly include Seven Sins: The Battle of Light and Darkness and Sword Spirit Revolution.

August 31st: Robles invested 90 million dollars to expand.

The developer of Robles is planning to expand the company. In the latest quarterly financial report of Robles, the company plans to expand its headquarters in san mateo, California, with an expansion area of 123,000 square feet. The expansion project will cost about $90 million and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2022.

August 31st: iQiyi launches VR All-in-One Adventure 3.

Iqiyi Adventure VR held an online new product release show with the theme of "Good Games, Free Play", and officially released its fun and beautiful new generation flagship VR masterpiece — — Adventure 3. The first 30 high-quality games are all open to the first owner for free, and the total value of the games exceeds 1700 yuan.

September 1st: The father of PUBG set up an independent game studio.

Brendan Greene, the creator of "Survival of the Jedi", announced that he has left Krafton, the parent company of Blue Hole. As the founder of Survival of the Jedi, PlayerUnknown in the full name of this book (Player Unknown’s Battle Grounds Player Unknown) is his screen name.

September 2: Lilith card new tour exposure.

Lilith officially announced that "Shenjue" has already made reservations on platforms such as bilibili and TapTap, and expressed the hope to present a brand-new popular fantasy IP for players through "Shenjue". "Shenjue" is an RPG mobile game developed by Lilith with the theme of urban mythology. In addition to combining urban and mythical themes, the game also incorporates the elements of trend and electronic sound, which is unique in terms of picture and music.

September 2nd: Hatsune Miku Mobile Games will be released in the morning and evening.

Hatsune Miku genuine authorized mobile game "World Plan Colorful Stage! Specially invited: Hatsune Miku (hereinafter referred to as "World Plan") officially announced that Lightyear, a subsidiary of ByteDance, will be responsible for the distribution in Asia except Japan.

September 2: Apple opens third-party payment for audio and video applications.

According to reports, Apple will allow third-party developers to connect their software to external websites, so that users can buy their paid services, which has solved the long-standing controversy surrounding the Apple App Store. These include audio and video, reading and other applications, and game applications are not among them for the time being.

September 3: Apple’s first AR/VR chip is exposed.

According to the exclusive report of The Information, Apple completed the research and development of chips such as System on Chip (SoC) last year, which has no built-in AI acceleration module. Apple chips have better performance than third-party SoC, including better wireless data transmission, compression, decompression and higher energy efficiency.

September 3: India or review Apple Store payment issues.

After South Korea, India’s antitrust authorities are also eyeing App Store’s in-app payment problem, that is, forcing developers to use their in-app purchase system. The Indian Competition Commission will review the case in the next few weeks and may order a wider investigation or deal with it in general.

September 3rd: JD.COM banned 87 console games.

JD.COM’s announcement of banning the sale of games has been widely circulated. There are as many as 87 games in the announcement, most of which are console games, among which there are many famous masterpieces such as Call of Duty series and Collection! Animal Forest Friends Association, FIFA19, etc.

September 3rd: Layabox wholly acquired FairyGUI, the largest third-party editor.
Recently, Layabox, the company owned by LayaAir engine, has completed the wholly-owned acquisition of Huagu Software. In the future, FairyGUI will still maintain independent operation and version maintenance. Gu Zhu (Xiao Yingtang), the founder of Huagu Software, joined Layabox and became the head of Layabox Guangzhou Branch, mainly responsible for the design and development of LayaAir engine 3.0 IDE. LayaAir engine, owned by the acquirer Layabox, accounts for 90% of the 3D engine of small game platform with its mature and leading 3D technology advantages.

Financial report dynamics:

August 30th: The revenue of Sanqi Entertainment H1 is 7.5 billion yuan.

Sanqi Entertainment released its financial report for the first half of 2021. The financial report shows that H1 Sanqi Entertainment achieved revenue of 7.539 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.63%; The total profit was 1.006 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 49.51%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 854 million yuan, down 49.77% from the same period of last year. Among them, the company’s mobile game business revenue was 7.067 billion yuan, down 4.65% year-on-year.

August 30th: Google App Store earned $11.2 billion in 2019.

South Korea may ban Google and Apple from charging software developers commissions for in-app purchases, the first such containment measure in a major economy, which may damage the lucrative revenue sources of technology giants, Reuters reported. According to the report, the Legislative and Judicial Committee of South Korea’s Parliament is expected to approve an amendment to the Telecommunication Business Law known as the "Anti-Google Law" on Tuesday, prohibiting application store operators with dominant market positions from using certain payment systems.

August 30th: century huatong H1 game revenue is 6.2 billion yuan.

Century huatong released its financial report for the first half of 2021. The financial report shows that H1 century huatong achieved revenue of 7.31 billion yuan, down 5.9% year-on-year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 2.45 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 52.88%. Among them, the proportion of Internet game revenue has reached 85.15%. During the reporting period, the company’s game business achieved operating income of 6.228 billion yuan, with a compound growth rate of 35.51% in three years.

August 31st: Netease game H1 revenue of 14.5 billion.

Netease announced its financial report for the second quarter of 2021. According to the financial report data, Netease Q2′ s total revenue was 20.52 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.9%. The net profit attributable to shareholders of the company was 3.54 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 21.9%; Under non-GAAP, the net profit attributable to shareholders of the company was 4.23 billion yuan. In terms of game business, Netease’s total game revenue in this quarter increased by 5% year-on-year to 14.53 billion yuan.

E-sports dynamics:

September 2nd: EDG won the LPL Summer Championship.

The 2021 LPL Summer Finals was held in Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center. EDG defeated FPX by 3:1 to win the Summer Finals, and finally successfully won the Silver Dragon Cup, and will compete in the 2021 League of Legends Global Finals S11 as the No.1 seed of LPL.

September 3rd: RNG Zero Letter WE entered S11.

In the first round of qualifiers in LPL Division of League of Legends Global Finals in 2021, RNG team defeated rival WE with a score of 3-0 and obtained the third seed qualification leading to the global finals.

September 5th: Premier League Wolves acquire Chongqing QGhappy.

Fosun Sports, where the Premier League Wolves are located, officially announced the acquisition of the glory of the king Professional League (hereinafter referred to as KPL) club Chongqing QGhappy. After the acquisition, Chongqing QGhappy will be renamed as Chongqing Wolves, and will continue to take Chongqing as the home of the team in the new season and fight with a brand-new attitude. This announced that the Premier League Wolves officially entered KPL, and the Wolves became the first traditional football club to enter the world’s top mobile e-sports professional league.

Start a new tour next week (9.6-9.12):

According to the statistics of hot money network, the only big factory game to be launched next week is Netease game Harry Potter: Magic Awakening.

This work is an RPG mobile game authorized by the original Harry Potter, developed and distributed by Netease Games.

In the game, the player plays a freshman in the School of Wizardry, enters Hogwarts College to study, and starts a mysterious adventure with other partners. Although the picture of the game is 3D, through the combination of filters, rendering and light and shadow, the whole picture has a retro picture book effect, which is very compatible with the magical theme of Harry Potter.

At present, Harry Potter: The Magic Awakens has more than 10 million reservations in official website, and the TapTap score is 7.1.