
Attached to the Second Hospital, the introduction of "parking service" led the controversial hospital to seek solutions.

  Wenzhou Net News In order to alleviate the "parking difficulty", the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University introduced the "parking service" service, which was intended to make patients more convenient, but it attracted different voices. We welcome everyone to come up with "golden ideas" on how to go and stay in parking service and how to solve the problem of "parking difficulties" in hospitals and their surrounding areas.


  Every 40 yuan in parking service

  Serve more than 100 cars a day during busy hours.

  Parking service, which used to be the most common in hotels, guesthouses and other service places, has now appeared in hospitals. Yesterday morning, the reporter saw the "parking service" in the stop-and-go area of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University. More than 10 minutes before and after, more than a dozen car owners came to handle the "parking service" one after another, and each car paid 40 yuan.

  Mr. Chen, a citizen, hurried to pay the bill. He said that he brought his children to see a doctor. If he queued up for hospital parking, he would have to wait for at least an hour, and it would be convenient to park on his behalf. The reporter saw that the citizens got off at the stop-and-go area and the car was driven away by the parking agent; Before leaving the hospital, the citizens called the parking agent. After about 10 minutes, the parking agent drove the car to the hospital.

  A person in charge of wang xing at Daibo Point told the reporter that they are employees of Wenzhou Yangli Parking Management Co., Ltd. and entered the hospital in parking service in March this year with the consent of the hospital. From 6: 30 a.m. to 7: 00 p.m., each car costs 40 yuan, and the parking agent will park the car in the underground garage of Ruixia Apartment several hundred meters away.

  The reporter learned that parking outside the hospital or in the hospital is a "long-standing problem". Many people drive around and around without finding a parking space, which is really annoying. The resulting "parking service" has been welcomed by many citizens. According to incomplete statistics, during the peak period of medical treatment, more than 100 vehicles need to park on their behalf every day.


  Pilot introduction of substitute berthing

  I hope to ease the difficulty of parking.

  In the past few days, some netizens have raised two questions about this matter: Is the hospital involved in making profits? Why are the parking spaces in the hospital not open?

  The reporter learned from the party office of the hospital that alleviating the difficulty of parking for medical treatment has been promoted as an important work of the hospital. At this year’s monthly work meeting, the problem of parking difficulty was discussed five times. As early as 2013, the hospital moved the employee parking lot, and all the parking spaces in the hospital were given to the public, thus alleviating the "parking difficulty". However, there are about 140 parking spaces in the hospital, which can meet the parking demand of more than 1,000 trips a day at most. The daily average number of outpatient visits in the hospital is more than 14,000, and the resulting demand for medical parking is nearly 10,000 trips.

  In March this year, on the basis of previous visits to major hospitals in China to solve the problem of parking difficulties, the hospital introduced the "parking service" on a trial basis, allowing parking companies to park vehicles that voluntarily choose parking services in parking lots outside the hospital. According to the hospital, the parking service charging standard for trial operation was determined by the company according to the market price, and the price was clearly marked, and the hospital did not profit from it. As for why Yangli Parking Management Co., Ltd. was chosen, the hospital said that firstly, the company took the initiative to contact the hospital, and secondly, the company was qualified and more formal.

  During the trial period, at the request of the hospital, Wenzhou Yangli Parking Management Co., Ltd. made five commitments, including not forcing drivers to drive, not occupying hospital parking spaces by all drivers, and bearing all disputes caused by drivers.

  The hospital told the reporter that the original hospital has drawn up the bidding contract, ready to formally open tender. But at present, the hospital is prepared to listen to the opinions of the public. If most people suggest canceling the service, the hospital will stop this attempt.

  As for the announcement of the number of real-time parking spaces in the hospital, the hospital said that it has begun to carry out intelligent parking renovation, and it is expected that the rectification will be completed within two weeks. At that time, people who have been admitted to the hospital for parking can clearly understand the remaining parking spaces on the display screen at the entrance. In the absence of parking spaces, motorists can choose to stop and go, or go to the surrounding parking lots by themselves, or choose to park on their behalf.

  Views of all parties

  Parking is really convenient, but the price is a bit high.

  The reporter interviewed five citizens randomly at the parking spot, all of whom agreed to keep the parking service, but hoped that the price could be reduced.

  Ms. Hu, a citizen, said that the parking service has really opened the door for the citizens to see a doctor, especially in the case of taking children and the elderly to see a doctor, there is no need to consider parking. However, the original one or two hours to see a doctor, parking in and out of the hospital, the parking fee is about 10 yuan, and it takes 40 yuan to choose parking, which is a lot more expensive.

  Mr. Zhang, a member of the public, thinks that it is more reasonable to set the parking price around 20 yuan. Mr. Zhang said, after all, now that everyone comes to the hospital to see a doctor, they usually leave in an hour. The parking company may wish to lower the price and increase the parking volume, which will benefit both parties.

  The price is determined by supply and demand to see if most people benefit.

  Xie Ruixia, a representative of the Municipal People’s Congress, said that the fundamental problem of parking difficulties in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University is determined by its location. With the commissioning of Yaoxi Campus in 2020, the parking problem in the old campus will be solved. As far as the current situation is concerned, the hospital’s "parking service" service should be retained.

  Xie Ruixia told reporters that she went to the Second Affiliated Hospital to see a doctor last weekend, turned around in the hospital, and found no parking space. She saw that the hospital had dug up the remaining flower beds to increase parking spaces, which showed that the hospital had made every effort to give up all the public resources available for parking. "In the case that the parking demand cannot be met, the introduction of the market method to solve the problem reflects the responsibility and responsibility of the hospital." Xie Ruixia said that the parking service has solved the parking problem of a large number of people, especially those who drive from the county to see a doctor, providing more convenience than a little.

  As for the price of consignment, Xie Ruixia believes that the market price is determined by supply and demand. Some people think that the price is high, so they can choose not to use this service. This right of free choice just reflects the progress of society.

  It does not involve compulsory consumption, and it is reasonable because of the demand.

  Xu Xudong, a professor at Wenzhou University’s School of Law and Politics, said that the hospital has tried its best to provide 140 parking spaces when parking spaces are particularly tight. It is not possible to increase the number of parking spaces significantly, so it is a good way to solve the problem by market. As long as compulsory consumption is not involved, it is up to the hospital to decide whether to provide services in parking service. As for whether you are willing to spend 40 yuan to choose this service, it is entirely your own will. If there is market demand, it is reasonable to exist.

  However, Xu Xudong admits that neither increasing parking spaces nor introducing market methods can fundamentally solve the problem of "difficult parking". He believes that only when more and more people change their ideas and choose public travel for medical treatment can the parking problem be truly solved, and the cost of personal travel can be reduced.

  Source: Wenzhou Daily

  Reporter: Sun Dan Yu

BYD Auto: In February, 2023, Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition gained 25,363 orders in five days.

"You can buy a hybrid for 99,800 yuan". In 2023, BYD played the first trump card of Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition, which completely subverted the A-class fuel vehicle industry pattern and increased the pressure on the joint venture brand fuel sedan. According to the latest official data of BYD Auto,Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition has been listed for only 5 days, and it has already received 25,363 orders.Another explosion model is undoubtedly.

It is understood that BYD Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition has launched five models, including 55KM and 120KM endurance versions.Among them, the leading price of 55KM is as low as 99,800 yuan, which is the first time that the price of DM-i model has been lowered to less than 100,000 yuan.

How fragrant is it compared with the joint venture fuel vehicle at the same level? Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition Entry Edition has a 10.1-inch floating central control large screen and an 8.8-inch full LCD instrument panel, as well as reversing images, voice recognition, remote start, NFC Bluetooth key, automatic air conditioning, exterior mirror heating, etc., which has more advantages in configuration.

More importantly, Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition has lower fuel consumption and stronger power.In most cities, you don’t have to pay the purchase tax, and there is no restriction.

In addition, BYD has also made full preparations in terms of production capacity.All models, including 99,800 55KM leading models, have sufficient production capacity.

The appearance of BYD Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition will also make more consumers give up the determination of fuel vehicles such as Sylphy, Lei Ling and Corolla.

Ziqiao technology

In May, the sales volume of new energy reached a new high, and it was difficult for Xiaowei to get together.

A few days ago, new energy car companies and new forces released their sales data in May. From the data, BYD, Ai ‘an and Ideals continued to triumph, especially Ai ‘an and Ideals, which hit record highs. At the same time, the sales volume of Nezha, Zero Run and Krypton increased steadily compared with that of April, while Tucki and Weilai still failed to see improvement, and the gap between them and their ideals became wider and wider, so it was difficult for the former "Big Three" to get together.

BYD: 240,220 vehicles

Since the introduction of DM-i super-hybrid technology, BYD has ushered in a "rocket-riding" sales surge, and the growth momentum has almost always been doubled. Data show that BYD sold 240,220 vehicles in May, up 108.99% year-on-year, breaking the previous record of BYD selling 235,200 vehicles in December 2022, setting a monthly record high. Among them, the sales volume of passenger cars was 239,092, and the sales volume of Wangchao.com and Haiyang.com was 228,087. At the same time, Tengshi Automobile also handed over 11,005 vehicles in May, which exceeded 10,000 for three consecutive months, and the overall performance was good.

Ian: 45,003 vehicles

In the new energy market, Ai ‘an can be said to be the one who "made a fortune in silence". It hardly participated in the "saliva war", nor did it flaunt itself as the best model within 500,000 to 5 million yuan, and its outstanding market performance was "hard currency". In May, Ai ‘an delivered 45,003 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 114%, setting a record high. According to the previous annual sales target of 500,000 vehicles set by Aidan, the completion rate is 33.2% so far, and it needs to be further strengthened in the next seven months.

Ideal: 28,277 vehicles

The achievement of 25,681 vehicles in April has shocked many people. In May, LI delivered an even more amazing 28,277 vehicles, which once again set a new record for brand delivery in a single month, among which the ideal L7 delivered more than 10,000 vehicles for two consecutive months. I have to say, LI’s positioning is too precise. It doesn’t have the layout of power exchange like Weilai, nor does it have the smart driving assistance like Tucki. Instead, it focuses on the needs of home users, with luxurious space, comfortable ride, humanized details, and zero anxiety about fuel and electricity. In the peak season, the ideal is expected to achieve sales of 30,000 vehicles/month or even higher.

Nezha: 13,029 vehicles.

Like the ranking in April, Nezha Automobile still ranks behind BYD, Ai ‘an and Ideality, and in May, it slightly increased to 13,029 vehicles, of which 2,024 vehicles were sold overseas, and the overall performance was remarkable. From the market point of view, Nezha V, a subsidiary of Nezha Automobile, launched an activity with a total discount of 10,000 yuan, which stimulated product sales; At the same time, Nezha S enriched the entry-level models, and the new models improved the comprehensive cost performance of the products. However, compared with the high of 18,016 vehicles in October last year, there is still a certain gap, which also means that Nezha GT needs to continue to exert its strength, and 1,716 vehicles are far from enough.

Zero run: 12,058 vehicles

If we don’t calculate Tengshi separately, then Zero Run is the last new energy brand with a sales volume of over 10,000 in May. Among the 12,058 new cars sold, C11 delivered 7,100+and C series delivered 10,000+,accounting for more than 83%, which is the same as that in April. In other words, the main sales force of the brand has changed from the entry-level zero-run T03 to the middle and high-level zero-run C11, and it has become a stable trend, which shows that the pricing strategy and vehicle layout of the zero-run car have achieved results.

Extreme krypton: 8,678 vehicles

Compared with April, the achievement of 8,678 Krypton vehicles is only more than 500 vehicles, but this achievement is enough to win the title of luxury pure electric brand in China. In addition, Krypton X, which focuses on the young personalized market, will start large-scale delivery in June. Perhaps starting from June, Krypton X will return to the ranks of "10,000 clubs". As for 11,000, 13,000 or even 15,000, it depends on how much energy Krypton X has.

Tucki: 7506 vehicles.

From January to May, Xpeng Motors’s sales volume has been increasing, which is definitely a good phenomenon, but its growth rate is slightly mediocre in the market, and it has been hovering at the height of more than 7,000 vehicles for three months. According to the market feedback, Tucki P7i launched at the end of March, although its product strength has been upgraded to some extent, has not been translated into more actual sales. One of the main reasons is that many users think that its price is on the high side, and they can only expect that the following two new cars, Tucki G6 and new MPV Tucki X9, can help Tucki to make new breakthroughs in sales.

Deep blue: 7021 vehicles

Although compared with the 7,756 vehicles in April, there is a slight decrease from the previous month, there should be no pressure on the Deep Blue car, because the Deep Blue S7, which was booked by "520", gave a booking price of 169,900-239,900 yuan, even 2,000 yuan cheaper than the official price of Deep Blue SL03. Compared with the same model, Deep Blue S7 is sincere in price. Compared with the same model, Deep Blue S7 has certain advantages in performance, configuration, design and space. It is foreseeable that the official listing of Deep Blue S7 will have a positive impact on the sales of Deep Blue brand.

Weilai: 6,155 vehicles

Once the "Big Three" of the new forces, it is now difficult to get together again. Xpeng Motors is hovering around seven or eight thousand vehicles, but Weilai’s situation seems to be even worse. Since March, Weilai ET7 has failed to break through four digits for many months, Weilai ET5 has also dropped from more than 7,000 vehicles to 45,000 vehicles, and the sales of ES8 and EC7 are negligible, while the new ES6 has been replaced.

AITO boundary: 5629 vehicles

Thanks to Huawei’s empowerment, AITO Wenjie series completed the production of 100,000 vehicles in 15 months, becoming the fastest growing brand of new energy vehicles. However, since 2023, AITO’s pace seems to be a little slow. First, it may be affected by the "abuse of Huawei brand logo" incident in March. Second, in the face of more and more opponents, the competitiveness of M7 is somewhat weak, and the brand sales are almost supported only by M5. Perhaps, before the M9 goes on the market, the sales of AITO cars will remain at the level of 4,000-6,000 vehicles.

Lantu: 3,003 vehicles

Although there is a slight decline from April, the sales volume of Lantu Automobile itself is not large, and it is a good result to be able to stabilize at around 3,000 vehicles. In addition, Lantu Zhuiguang adjusted its selling price and rights in May, and may see a small increase after entering June.

The price is millions, look forward to U7 real car exposure! Headlights are exaggerated in design, with a maximum power of 960kW.

A few days ago, a group of photos of real cars looking up at U7 were exposed on the Internet. In the image, we can see that the side of the new car is very stretched and the rear of the car is full, which looks very imposing overall. The new car is positioned as a large car, which has been declared in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It is equipped with "Easy Sifang" technology. The motor power of the four wheels is 240kW/240kW/240kW/240kW, totaling 960kW, which is about 1305Ps. According to the previous news, I hope U7 has opened the reservation, and the price may be in the million level.

In terms of design, Wangwang U7 adopts the language of Wangwang brand "dimension door". The oversized C-shaped headlights and daytime running lights on the front face look vigorous and powerful, just like two huge eyes. With the penetrating air intake below, it looks more imposing as a whole.

Looking up at U7, the side lines look sharp and slender. The front end of the front door adopts a design similar to the shark fin shape, combined with the hidden door handle, which makes the whole look simple and sporty. The wheel hub of the vehicle adopts a forged five-star shape, and a large area of petal styles are available. The rear fender obviously protrudes from the body, which has a good sense of aerodynamics and design.

The rear of the car is relatively simple as a whole. The whole system comes standard with a foldable electric tail, and there are large-size penetrating taillights, with the logo embedded in the middle, and a diffuser under the rear of the car, which has a good overall sense of movement.

In the spy photos before, we saw that looking up at U7 basically continued the style of looking up at U8. The LCD screen was vertical, which was similar to looking up at U8. In addition, it was equipped with a large LCD instrument and a passenger entertainment screen.

In the key power part, the new car will be equipped with "Easy Sifang" four-motor technology. The maximum power of four-wheel motors is 240kW/240kW/240kW/240kW, totaling 960kW, or about 1305 HP. As a brand-looking model, it is expected that the Yunqi body control system will not be absent. The comprehensive endurance of the new car is expected to exceed 1000 kilometers. We will continue to pay attention to more news about the new car.

For the first time, the M9 supports smart dessert, and the audio experience of Huawei music space is upgraded.

On December 26th, 2023, Huawei held a press conference on M9 and Huawei’s whole winter scene in Shenzhen. As the full-size flagship SUV of the leading generation of science and technology, the M9 supports the smart dessert spot for the first time, and intelligently senses the passenger position based on the industry-leading sound field matching algorithm. Listening to high-definition space audio songs through Huawei music in the cabin can adaptively adjust the listening area, so that users in each seat can enjoy a complete immersive listening experience and bring a heavy upgrade to the cabin space audio experience.

In April, 2023, Huawei Music realized the first boarding of high-definition space audio on the M5 version of the intelligent driving platform. Based on the Audio Vivid audio coding and decoding standard, it presented richer sound details in the intelligent cockpit, and made the sound linger around the users in all directions through virtual reconstruction of the spherical space. At the same time, under the deep integration and adjustment with HUAWEI SOUND, it brought the HarmonyOS cockpit users an immersive space audio listening experience with the main driver in the music center.

At the M9 conference released this time, HUAWEI SOUND created four dessert spots (main driver’s seat, boss’s seat, whole car and front row) through the Danish chief tuner, and all the positions were individually adjusted by Andhadhun. Combined with Huawei’s unique sound field matching algorithm and HarmonyOS 4, it can adaptively identify the position of boarding passengers and obtain tuning parameters efficiently, thus providing each passenger with the best listening dessert spot for spatial audio. At the same time, four sky channels will be added in the cockpit to form a 7.1.4-channel configuration. Through the industry-leading 25-unit professional-grade audio and the star-ring diffuser located in the center console, a wider and more uniform sound field will be brought, ensuring that passengers in any position in the car can experience music with a more sense of space, mobility and presence, and creating a special spatial audio listening sound field for each seat, so that users can sit in C position no matter where they sit.

Since the launch of the Space Audio Zone in 2022, Huawei Music has reached content cooperation with dozens of well-known record companies and labels at home and abroad, such as Taihe Music, Modern Sky, Sony Select, Street Sound and 2L, and has many popular singers’ space audio songs, including pop, classical, national style, jazz, rap, environmental sound and soundtrack of film and television dramas, as well as music based on. Open Huawei Music APP and click the "Space Audio" icon on the home page, and you can enter the special area to feel the wonderful charm of different types of songs given by space audio.

At present, Huawei Music has provided high-definition spatial audio content services for some models of Huawei mobile phones and tablets, as well as all models of AITO. In the future, it will continue to expand the content of terminal equipment and music library, so that listeners have more convenience and choice space to experience the enjoyment of "sound".

AITO asks M5 EV to release a small art, which makes the car voice interaction more temperature.

On September 6th, 2022, at the autumn conference of Mate50 series and new products in the whole scene held by Huawei, the new pure electric vehicle AITO Wenjie M5 EV, which was deeply empowered by Huawei, was officially released. Thanks to the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, the intelligent level, endurance and comprehensive performance of the M5 EV have evolved in an all-round way, aiming to bring consumers the ultimate carefree smart travel experience. As a part of the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, Xiaoyi has also been upgraded again, bringing a new and more humanized voice interaction experience to car owners with continuous technological innovation and functional optimization.

Intimate service will be upgraded, and car xiaoyi will be a travel assistant who knows you better.

Traditional voice assistants often need users to send voice instructions in one direction before they can provide services. Xiaoyi, the intelligent assistant of AITO’s M5 EV, can not only actively provide services through wisdom perception, but also add five functions, from reminding to start the power-saving mode, charging reminder, charging station inquiry and screening to easy navigation and getting off at complex locations, providing car owners with all-round intimate services such as getting on, driving and getting off, making travel smarter and more enjoyable.

Super power saving mode reminderIn view of the emergency that may occur during driving, Xiaoyi has added the function of "Super Power Saving Mode Reminder", which is the first in the industry. Specifically, when the vehicle is in a low battery, Xiaoyi will take the initiative to broadcast "The battery is low, do you want to turn on the super power-saving mode?"; After the user agrees to turn it on, it will voice again to remind that "the torque and maximum speed of the vehicle will be limited after turning on the super power-saving mode. Are you sure to turn it on?" After getting the second confirmation from the user, Xiaoyi will switch the vehicle to the super power-saving mode to help the owner drive with peace of mind.

Voice charging serviceWhen you want to charge the car but can’t find a suitable charging station, the user can wake up Xiaoyi by voice to quickly query and filter. After the voice wakes up Xiaoyi, the user can say "Filter Fast Charge/Slow Charge", and Xiaoyi will filter out the list of nearby fast charge/slow charge charging stations according to the voice instruction, and the user can go directly to the charging station he wants to go according to the planned route of Xiaoyi. The whole process of inquiry and screening needs no hands-on, and the voice control skill is easily realized, which greatly improves the driving convenience.

Intelligent voice charging reminderFor users who often charge their cars in a fixed period of time, Xiaoyi can intelligently learn and remember the user’s habits, and when the user does not charge the car according to his habits, he will take the initiative to remind "I suggest you charge according to your charging habits" and respond quickly and actively; When the temperature drop may affect the car’s power, Xiaoyi will also perceive and broadcast the weather information in time to remind users to charge in advance-"The temperature will be low tomorrow, so it is recommended to charge today".

Easy navigation in commonly used complex placeswhenWhen the frequented places are too complicated and navigation is troublesome, clever and capable small arts can also help. It can select the destination information and plan the route to the destination according to the user’s historical preference-that is, after the user has visited a complex location for three times, Xiaoyi can directly locate the specific location when the user navigates to this address next time, avoiding the search for complex locations and easily improving the travel efficiency.

Xiaoyi reminded meAlways forget to bring the necessary items after getting off the bus. In order to avoid running back and forth in a hurry, the user can set the get-off reminder for Xiaoyi voice in advance. For example, when you get on the bus, you say "Xiao Yi Xiao Yi, remind me to take an umbrella in the trunk when you get off the bus". When you judge that the user gets off the bus according to the behavior intelligence such as hanging the P file and opening the door, Xiao Yi will remind you in time: Please remember to take an umbrella in the trunk.

In addition to these intimate functions, the car-mounted Xiaoyi can accurately judge and respond to voice commands from the main driver, the co-driver and the rear row through "four-tone zone recognition", communicate with the owner more smoothly and naturally through "full-duplex continuous dialogue", and operate the text, buttons and function options of the car interface at any time through "full-interface visual speaking". The smarter you use Xiaoyi, it is expected that through continuous function upgrade, it will bring users a more humanized car voice service experience and redefine the new way of smart travel.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted by our website, aiming to provide readers with more news information. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, and are for readers’ reference only.

[Editor: Zhong Jingwen]

Detonate a new upsurge of consumption! The 4th West Coast International Auto Show was successfully concluded in 2024.

  March 27th On March 24th, 2024, the 4th West Coast International Auto Show was successfully concluded in Qingdao World Expo City (No.3399 Sansha Road, Huangdao District).

  The exhibition opened two indoor exhibition halls S1 and S2 and some outdoor exhibition areas of Qingdao World Expo City, with an exhibition area of more than 30,000 square meters. More than 60 participating brands brought more than 400 display models to the exhibition. During the three-day exhibition, more than 2,000 on-site orders were placed, and the turnover exceeded 300 million yuan. In 2024, the new automobile consumption boom zone in Qingdao was detonated!

  New car debut, crowds surging west coast

  As the first official auto show in Qingdao in 2024, it is also one of the four official brand auto shows in Qingdao. The 2024 West Coast International Auto Show has attracted much attention and made the new district in March particularly lively.

  With the care and support from all walks of life, the West Coast International Auto Show has been attached to the new area for four years, adding a brand event to the Expo City and becoming a dazzling business card for the exhibition industry in the new area. In terms of the scale of participating brands and the number of people visiting the exhibition, this exhibition has achieved a new leap, with a long queue at the entrance, a lot of people in the exhibition hall, good news on the booth and a barrage rolling in the live broadcast room.

  Looking up at the brand to start the first automobile exhibition in Shandong, although it is only a static display, the close-range test ride contact has greatly satisfied the curiosity of the audience.

  SAIC-Volkswagen made its debut with all models, and luxury manufacturers’ exhibits and wonderful car models became live stars.

  () Brought the "Glory Edition" of all models, and took the price/performance ratio to the end.

  ICAR 03, Ford Fierce Horse, brand-new Krypton 001, Dongfeng Yipai 007, Geely Yinhe E8, Aouita 12, Chery Fengyun A8, FAW Audi Q4 e-tron, Haobo HT, brand-new Mercedes-Benz E-Class … dozens of new cars appeared in the official exhibition in the new year, bringing new features to the new district and injecting vitality into urban culture and citizen life.

  When the low price "falls", the regional economy will show its benefits.

  Run a meeting well and enliven a city.

  As a "famous exhibition city" under the new economic format, West Coast New District stands out with strong policy guidance and meticulous service attitude, aiming at building the most beautiful exhibition coastal zone in China and becoming a gathering place for exhibitions of characteristic industries.

  "Vitality" is synonymous with the exhibition industry in West Coast New District, which not only comes from sharp market insight, but also depends on active regional groups and consumption potential.

  In the beginning of 2024, the wave of price reduction led by new energy brands began again in an orderly manner. The highest discount is 160,000 yuan, cash official reduction, deposit inflation, replacement subsidies, and attractive price policies are all over the 2024 West Coast International Auto Show, which has also become one of the reasons why many consumers come here.

  On-site FAW Audi, Mercedes-Benz and FAW Hongqi booths were crowded, and new energy brands made excellent transactions. The exhibition scale of pure electric brands is nearly half, and the figure of new energy vehicles occupies almost every booth.

  The new industry outlook and new consumption boom are flourishing in the new district, which will be displayed in the panorama of the 4th West Coast International Auto Show in 2024.

  Buy a car, get a good gift, watch the exhibition and win the gold bars. With a more immersive exhibition experience, the West Coast International Auto Show is also rewarding this fertile land. The official first exhibition of the opening year ended successfully, bid farewell to Huangdao for the time being, focus on Laoshan, and set off in glory in May for the 23rd Qingdao Spring International Auto Show in 2024! (Reporter of this website)

Yu Chengdong stepped down as CEO

Text | Technology Daily Push

The position of CEO did disappear, but he was promoted to chairman.

On September 21, the first financial news, Huawei officially issued a document, and adjusted the position of the automobile industry.

Jin Yuzhi, president of Huawei’s optical product line, took over the post of CEO of smart car solution BU from Yu Chengdong, and Yu Chengdong became the chairman of BU.

Huawei official website introduced that it has not been adjusted yet.

Ask the world about the new car launch in the future, and you can still hear "far ahead".

Huawei’s mobile phone returns, and Yu Chengdong needs to redo time management.

Regarding this operation, a senior industry insider said, "With the return of Huawei mobile phones, Yu Chengdong can focus more on mobile phones. 」

In the past few years, Huawei’s mobile phone sales have fallen sharply due to sanctions. To this end, Yu Chengdong took over the BU and promoted the smart car selection mode, hoping to make up for the lost mobile phone revenue by selling cars.

However, in the first half of this year, the situation ushered in a turning point, and many new machines such as P60 series and Mate X3 series helped Huawei’s mobile phones rise against the trend.

According to data released by IDC, in the domestic market in the second quarter, Huawei’s mobile phone shipments increased by 76.1% year-on-year, the fastest growth rate among all manufacturers, and tied for fifth place with Xiaomi’s mobile phone with a market share of 13.0%, up 5.7 percentage points over the same period last year.

And its momentum in the second half of the year will be even stronger.

On August 29th and September 8th, Huawei directly launched three models in official website: Mate 60 Pro/Pro+ and Mate X5. All three models are hard to find, which also makes the sales of Huawei mobile phones to a higher level.

According to the authoritative market research organization of the supply chain, in the 36th week of this year (9.4-9.10), Huawei mobile phones won the second place in the smart phone market in China with a market share of 17%, only 17.2% higher than the first, and 0.2% behind.

It is estimated that in the 37th week (9.11-9.17), Huawei is expected to achieve the first market share in sales volume.

At the same time, according to Caijing. com, many people close to Huawei confirmed that Huawei has launched a comprehensive plan to return to the global mobile phone market, with the domestic market first and the overseas market later.

On September 14th, Huawei held an overseas conference in Barcelona, bringing a variety of flagship products to the European market. After that, Huawei will continue to hold press conferences in China, Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America.

Re-attacking cities overseas requires a leader who can fight "tough battles", and Yu Chengdong is the best candidate.

In February this year, Yu Chengdong mentioned in an interview with the media that he spent his holiday time and evening time on car business besides working during the day. "Now my personal energy investment is relatively large, and I may spend 40% of my time in AITO."

Obviously, with the return of Huawei mobile phones, Yu Chengdong needs to do time management again. The outgoing car BU CEO was appointed as the chairman and put more energy into the mobile phone.

Yu Chengdong’s successor, the first show or the M9 conference in the world.

Yu Chengdong BU CEO was succeeded by Jin Yuzhi, president of Huawei Optical Product Line.

Huawei optical product line, also known as Huawei optical transmission and access product line, has jurisdiction over optical transmission, optical access, optical applications and other fields. Mainly to provide customers with high-value, high-reliability assisted driving, light display and light technology production solutions.

Prior to this, the intersection of optical product line and car BU was Huawei’s newly established intelligent car optical service in recent years, including AR HUD, intelligent car lights and light field screens.

Among them, Huawei’s AR HUD has been mass-produced on Feifan R7; Huawei’s smart car lights, light field screens and other products are expected to be carried on the follow-up models selected by Huawei, such as Wenjie M9.

If there are no accidents, the upcoming M9 will be Jin Yuzhi’s first show after taking office. I wonder if he will shout "Far ahead" ~

With the above changes, the current management structure of Che BU includes:

Huawei Terminal BG CEO, Chairman of Smart Car Solution BU, Yu Chengdong

President of Huawei Optical Product Line, BU CEO of Smart Car Solution, Jin Yuzhi

Huawei Smart Car Solution BU CSO, Wang Jun

President of Huawei’s intelligent driving solution product line and general manager of intelligent driving field, Li Wenguang


For Jin Yuzhi, Huawei Car BU CEO is a very challenging position.

Since its establishment, the business unit has invested more than 3 billion US dollars (about 20.6 billion yuan) in research and development, but its revenue in 2022 was only 2.1 billion yuan, and in the first half of 2023 it was only 1 billion yuan, making it the only loss-making business of Huawei.

At present, Huawei BU has three business models, one is to sell standardized auto parts; The second is the Huawei Inside mode (HI mode) that provides full-stack smart car solutions; The third is to deeply participate in product and vehicle design, as well as the intelligent car selection mode that provides sales network channels.

HI mode and intelligent car selection mode are not developing smoothly.

The monthly sales of Changan Aouita and Beiqi Polar Fox, which adopt HI mode, are hovering around one or two thousand units, far less than expected. Guangzhou automobile directly gave up the HI mode.

The intellectual car selection model was very strong when it first came out last year, and its delivery volume exceeded 10,000 for four consecutive months, becoming the biggest dark horse of the new forces. However, this year, the situation has turned sharply, and there is no good news that the monthly delivery volume has exceeded 10,000.

Last week, the redesigned M7 went on the market, which ushered in a big sale through "upgrade+price reduction". Before we could celebrate, this week’s redesigned G9 in Tucki came and stole many users.

The good news is that Jin Yuzhi and Huawei BU have more intersections with the auto parts model, and the development in this direction is relatively good.

Huawei’s annual report last year showed that by the end of 2022, it had shipped nearly 2 million sets of components, including intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, intelligent electric, intelligent Che Yun, millimeter-wave radar, camera, gateway, lidar, computing platform, AR HUD, T-Box and other products and solutions.

In recent days, it has been reported through the grapevine that Huawei and BYD signed a cooperation agreement to provide Kirin car chips for each other. If it is true, it will be a big business.

Yu Chengdong has publicly stated that Huawei BU will be profitable in 2025.

We will wait and see what kind of plan Jin Yuzhi will come up with in the face of the goals set by the leaders before.

The explosion of online celebrity cuisine in the National People’s Congress canteen has raised the memory of taste buds to the level of cultural expression.

  "I finally got it ‘ Online celebrity ’ Youth League! " With pictures and click Send, a graduate student of Renmin University of China Law School wrote such a circle of friends and joined the big team of "punching in" in the campus canteen.

  On the eve of Tomb-Sweeping Day, the Youth League made by the dining hall in the North District of Renmin University was once again "on fire", with an average of 2,000 copies sold every day. On the Internet, netizens from inside and outside the school have forwarded and commented on relevant news, bluntly saying "I want to eat". On March 26th, the Logistics Group of the National People’s Congress also launched the Youth League Gift Set, which was sold online and offline.

  In fact, the Youth League is not the only "online celebrity cuisine" produced by the National People’s Congress canteen. Also famous are more than 10 kinds of food, such as pumpkin bread in the east dining hall, gift box for new year’s goods in the central dining hall, Shandong jujube steamed bread bigger than the face in the west dining hall, and Chongyang cake in the north dining hall.

  Why can university canteens keep making "explosive online celebrity dishes"? How are these "online celebrity dishes" cooked? What kind of sparks can be generated when the canteen tastes big data and the Internet?

  Online and offline "sense of participation"

  Many students of Renmin University know Wang Ruorong and Song Da Me.

  Off-line, Wang Ruorong is the director of the canteen in the North District of the National People’s Congress. At the peak of eating, I can always see him shuttling among the students to collect comments. Online, he is also a little-known "online celebrity". Since he opened the Weibo, he has frequently interacted with students to discuss what is delicious in the canteen. He has also published a book called "The Taste of the National People’s Congress".

  Originally, there was only an ordinary "big pot rice" on the first floor of the North District canteen. Wang Ruorong found that this could not meet the needs of students, and made up his mind to open a Jiangnan flavor window, focusing on crab yellow soup packets. Not long after, a student went to Weibo to leave a message, "Can we also do some youth groups?"

  The suggestion was quickly adopted. Wang Ruorong studied it several times with the chef of the canteen. Before Tomb-Sweeping Day last year, this kind of snacks with Jiangsu and Zhejiang flavor was launched on the first floor of the North District canteen and sold for more than 20 days. Because all of them are on-site packages and steaming, students waiting in line often have to stand at the gate of the canteen from the window.

  At present, this "online celebrity Youth League" has two kinds of fillings: egg yolk floss and pine nut bean paste. In order to ensure the quality, Wang Ruorong and the masters did not choose the egg yolk packed in vacuum in the market, but pulled the egg yolk from the salted duck eggs on the spot; In order to adjust the greasy bean paste, they added kumquat pieces and pine nuts to it, blending a sour and sweet smell.

  If the youth league’s "red-hot" is an accident, then this year, other foods in the National People’s Congress canteen, like the youth league, have been on fire one after another, which proves that this is not just an accident.

  Song Da-i, also a "Weibo red man", was the deputy director of the Institute of Investigation Technology of the National People’s Congress. The associate professor of Renmin University commented that he "loves food and life". After being transferred from the front line of teaching to the general manager of the school logistics group, he began to "toss".

  "Warm People’s Congress" is the official WeChat of the logistics of the National People’s Congress, and it is also the WeChat WeChat official account that the students of the National People’s Congress pay the most attention to. In order to improve the service ability of the canteen, they posted a lot of news about campus food, such as new dishes and scheduled tasting activities.

  Not long ago, the logistics group also launched the "canteen iron powder group" on the micro-signal. Students of the Iron Powder Group can deeply participate in the promotion of new dishes in the canteen, the promotion of dishes and the tasting of dishes, and at the same time enjoy VIP treatment and participate in cooking demonstration classes and practical classes. The Logistics Group also gives lectures on cooking techniques to Iron Powder from time to time and gives live demonstrations on cooking. Carry out cooking practice classes or organize "iron powder" for cooking skill competitions.

  The opinions of these students can influence the standard of food in the canteen. Song Da I hope that the students who join are not "canteen tourists" who have tasted it, but "senior foodies" who really have an insightful understanding of the canteen. Their screening criteria for "iron powder" are: participating in 8 campus food activities each semester, and at the same time "punching in" and collecting 18 "likes" in the circle of friends.

  "Many times, food is just a chat." Song Dawei said that the canteen and students should break the distance and communicate more through various channels. Now, they display new products in articles pushed by WeChat, and also disclose the production process of "online celebrity cuisine" one by one.

  Song Da I gradually found that many students would "like" the canteen even if they didn’t eat new food. The alumni who have graduated seem to feel the happiness brought by the campus canteen from a distance, and many outsiders know the "online celebrity cuisine" of the National People’s Congress through this window.

  The "assembly line" of interdisciplinary subjects

  As the master planner of "online celebrity" food, Song Da always talks about his student team.

  Song Da came from a statistical background, and I know how to "play with" data best. After starting to work as a student, he added logistics-related contents to the campus satisfaction survey of the National People’s Congress: students’ taste preferences, the degree of solving canteen service problems, and "scoring your favorite canteen" all appeared on the questionnaire. Subsequently, the teachers and students of the School of Statistics will conduct big data processing to screen out the most useful information.

  Find out the taste and demand, and the rest is publicity and packaging. The promotion of "online celebrity cuisine" in the new media is "manipulated" by the students of the School of Journalism; Product design is free for students majoring in Chinese painting in the Art College.

  Before each new issue of "online celebrity" is released, Song Da and I will take the team to "meet the model" first, observe the shape and color of the cooked dishes, then understand their ingredients and preparation methods, then take photos and finally taste them. "Only in this way can we design a higher quality copy."

  The food design and dissemination of the National People’s Congress has benefited from the professional strength of this top comprehensive university. Luan Yimei, a professor at the School of Journalism, Renmin University of China, said that "online celebrity cuisine" can be a big fire precisely because of interdisciplinary cooperation among students. "We used to focus on the development of a single discipline and explain problems, but to really solve problems, we must cooperate across disciplines. ‘ Online celebrity cuisine ’ Starting from the needs of students, telling your own story well and grasping the law of communication will be welcomed. "

  Dishes are popular, and innovation is naturally more motivated. In the impression of Zhang Yiran, a sophomore in the School of Journalism, in the past year, the innovation of the school canteen has become greater, and new dishes will be introduced soon. This is also the change that Song Da expected to achieve. On Monday alone this week, more than 30 kinds of snacks were introduced in the North District canteen.

  Behind the new dishes, the logistics group "I am a chef" WeChat group studied and pondered at length. Last year, Song Da and I brought several canteen directors into a group. Usually, he would throw the good ideas he saw and thought into the group at any time to share, and sometimes they hit it off, forming offline products.

  For example, after the creativity of pumpkin bread reached an agreement, the central dining hall took the lead in setting an example, tying the bread into a strand with a string, which visually approached the appearance of pumpkin; The dining hall in the North District has worked hard on stuffing to turn pumpkin into a hidden "connotation"; The east dining hall also added sausage elements. "Everyone is competing for a competition. I didn’t expect the campus canteen to be so active." Song Da sighed.

  The youthful taste of productization

  After the Youth League became "hot", many graduates left a message under the article of WeChat WeChat official account, "What a pity! I graduated too early. "

  I found that the Youth League is not only a holiday food need for students in school, but also symbolizes a unique "symbol of the National People’s Congress" — — Students who have graduated expect to find campus memories through tasting, and teachers and students of the school also want to share this campus taste with relatives and friends. At the end of 2017, the Logistics Group officially planned to make the bulk youth league into a gift box set that can be sold.

  On March 26th, the Youth League gift box set was officially launched. The kraft paper bag used for packaging is printed with "memories of youth from the National People’s Congress canteen". The green ball stuffed with meat floss and egg yolk is called "this heart stumbles", and the green ball stuffed with pine nuts and bean paste is called "Acacia". A new green ball stuffed with fresh shepherd’s purse also has the same literary name — — "A thousand miles".

  Song Da I said, "The most fundamental duty of the school canteen is to meet the dining needs of students and ensure their food and clothing for three meals a day. On this basis, delicious food is also very important. We hope to bring students different experiences, enhance their campus happiness, and let the memory of taste buds rise to the cultural expression level of the National People’s Congress. "

  In addition to "going out" of products, they also attach importance to "bringing in" to supplement new energy for campus canteens. Last year, Song Da-i founded a series of activities called "Guest Chef RUC" with the logistics group, and invited elites from the catering industry in society and universities to come to the school for exchange.

  The activity was held in turn by five canteens of the National People’s Congress, and the directors of each canteen were secretly "competing". They invited the master of state banquet in the Great Hall of the People, chef Tan Jiacai of Beijing Hotel, members of the French Chef’s Association, and even a team of chefs who maintained the Guinness World Record.

  This activity has been successfully held for 12 times, and there is no funding for inviting chefs. I didn’t expect that the catering department of a well-known hotel would take the initiative to find it and ask to enter the school to cook for the students.

  Zhang Yiran has experienced several guest kitchens, and she still remembers the popularity of the event. "Hundreds of copies were sold out at once.". Now, she and her classmates are on the public platform of "Warm People’s Congress", waiting for the news released by the guest kitchen activities.

  Song Da, I feel gratified. He said that many new dishes had been introduced in the original canteen. Because of the asymmetric information, it was sometimes difficult for students to know the relevant information. After the trial period, these dishes were removed from the shelves with low sales. "The convenience brought by new media communication is mainly rapid. Students can quickly understand information, experience and give opinions quickly, and we can also make judgments quickly and adjust in time. "

The boy rewarded the female anchor for 70 days. The 1.58 million live broadcast platform refused to refund.

CCTV News:Minors are immature, and their cognitive ability and self-control ability are low. It is precisely because of this feature that they are not only tricked into participating in pornographic live broadcasts, but also become blind rewards for various live broadcasts. In the process of live broadcast, the anchor often uses induced words to urge the audience to send gifts. For the audience with high reward, the anchor will praise them or perform for them specially, and many minors are immersed in it. Recently, Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court tried such a case. In 70 days, the minor Xiao Liu rewarded all 1.58 million yuan to an anchor.

In this case, Xiao Liu, a minor, dropped out of school at home in the second day of junior high school. His parents asked him to collect money at his own vegetable wholesale booth and was busy making a living. Parents rarely asked about their children’s situation. There was basically nothing to do at night, and he was quickly attracted by a female anchor on a webcast platform, rewarding, thanking, performing alone, and rewarding more. After many interactions, Xiao Liu was addicted to it. Basically, the food collected during the day would be rewarded at night, sometimes as much as 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per night, until it was discovered by his parents more than two months later.

Immediately, Xiao Liu’s parents contacted the live broadcast platform several times to explain the situation, hoping to refund the reward of 1.58 million yuan. After being rejected, Xiao Liu’s family took the live broadcast platform to court.

Tian Lei, Judge of Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court:In fact, network companies should have supervision before, during and after the event. Because the background big data is widely used, we can see the behavior of each user’s reward, some of its laws, time periods and amounts. In this way, we can find the scenes in which minors are mixed.

In the end, after mediation by the court, the live broadcast platform returned 1.58 million yuan to Xiao Liu’s family in full.

The Supreme People’s Court makes it clear that if a minor participates in online paid games or "rewards" on the live webcast platform without the consent of his guardian, and the guardian requests the Internet service provider to return the money, the people’s court shall support it.

Seven departments, including the National Network Information Office and the Office of the National Working Group for Combating Pornography, also jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Webcast, which requires that the Webcast platform should strictly prohibit the provision of network anchor account registration service for minors under the age of 16, and should not accept the recharge and reward of minors without the consent of their guardians. At the same time, it is clear that if minors use adult accounts to reward, they must be refunded according to regulations after verification.

Gao Qingyun, Deputy Director of the Office of the National Working Group for Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications:In order to promote the effectiveness of network seedling protection, the next step is to prevent minors from being addicted to the Internet, urge major Internet platforms to implement the youth model, focus on the network application fields that minors often contact, such as online games, live broadcasts, short videos, online social platforms, online animations, etc., and carry out special rectification to clean up bad information more effectively and purify the network environment.