
The maximum shared power bank is 10 yuan per hour, which has gone "crazy".

Recently, the shared power bank has been named "assassin" and rushed into the hot search. It used to charge 50 cents per hour, but now it charges 4 yuan or even 10 yuan per hour. The shared power bank that can be seen everywhere in life has become the focus of public opinion due to the price increase. Many netizens complain that "this is to encourage everyone to buy their own power bank".

A few years ago, under the name of "sharing economy", shared power banks were favored by capital. In just 10 days, the amount of financing reached 300 million yuan, and more than 20 institutions entered the market. At that time, smartphones were fully functional, power consumption was getting faster and faster, and charging had become a high-frequency demand. With the trend of "sharing economy", shared power banks quickly entered the market. According to public data, as early as 2020, the number of users of shared power banks was close to 300 million.

At present, the shared power bank market is showing a concentration of leading companies. In 2021, Monster Charging will go public, Street Power Search will merge, and Xiaodian will also sprint to IPO, forming a pattern of "three power and one beast". However, under the epidemic, the shared power bank companies that focus on offline scenes are actually under certain pressure. The competition at the channel end is increasingly fierce, and the battle for points is intensifying.

According to a third-party report, based on the operating income of shared power banks to calculate the market size, it is expected that the average annual compound growth rate will reach 20.8% in the next five years. In the case of better prospects, prices have risen, but losses have increased. Services have been complained by users, and shared power bank companies still cannot find business growth. The current situation is very embarrassing.

Charge up to 10 yuan for 1 hour

"I am a big user of electricity," a shared power bank user from Beijing told China News Weekly. Due to the frequent need to participate in business activities, he has become accustomed to borrowing shared power banks when his mobile phone is out of power, but recently the price after being used has "stung": "It takes less than half an hour to charge 4 yuan."

In addition to questioning the recent increase in the price of shared power banks, the above users also found more details. When he checked past usage orders, he found that a shared power bank using small electricity once took 2 hours and 5 minutes and charged 12 yuan. However, the charging standard is 4 yuan per hour, and it will be returned free within 3 minutes. Less than 1 hour is calculated as 1 hour.

"This means that I charged 4 yuan more for an extra 5 minutes, is that reasonable?" the user questioned.

According to public research, among the users of shared power banks, business people, young women, car users, game users and video users use shared power banks more frequently. These people often become a loyal paying client base because of the long use of mobile phones, the inconvenience of carrying their own power banks and the low price sensitivity. However, recently these users with low price sensitivity also feel that they can’t afford to share power banks.

Previously, according to media reports, in many cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing, the price of shared power banks has risen to about 4 yuan per hour, and some popular scenic spots have reached as high as 7 or 8 yuan per hour. Reporters visited and found that in major business districts in Beijing, the charging standards for shared power banks vary. Shopping malls, bustling tourist attractions and streets in the core business district often charge more, generally 4 yuan to 6 yuan per hour. At individual points, the price is higher, reaching 10 yuan per hour, such as in some scenic spots and high-end sales offices.

In fact, different shared power banks may have different prices and charging standards in the same place. Looking at the Mini Programs of various power bank manufacturers, taking the area near a core business district in Beijing as an example, most monster charging charges 2 yuan every half hour, and it is free to return within 3 minutes. Less than half an hour is calculated as half an hour; most small electricity charges 1.5 yuan or 2 yuan every half hour, and it is free to return within 3 minutes. But the difference is that in some places, less than 30 minutes is calculated as 30 minutes, and in some places, less than 1 hour is calculated as 1 hour, and the difference between these two places is often only a few hundred meters.

A staff member of the shared power bank revealed to China News Weekly that there has been no uniform price for the shared power bank, and the price of each point is different, because there are direct sales points and agent points in the middle, and different people and merchants negotiate the price, and the final price will be different. "Many times, the company’s control over the price is not so strong, and the room for human manipulation is relatively large," the staff member stressed.

Shi Songpo, vice-president of Rock Capital, pointed out that "in the early days, the price of power banks was mostly charged 1 yuan per hour, but now it is mostly concentrated at 3 to 4 yuan per hour. This kind of price increase is not an isolated case in the sharing economy industry, and the price of shared bicycles is also rising. At present, there is no unified pricing rule in the industry, especially in the case of the increasing proportion of the agency model, the price control of power bank manufacturers has actually become weaker. The phenomenon of random pricing by agents and point merchants is relatively common, and there is often chaos of different prices for the same brand on the same floor."

Why become an "assassin"?

Around 2017, it was in the period of perfect development of smart phone functions and the prevalence of various large-screen applications. At that time, people used mobile phones for an average of 1.86 hours a day, but the power problem of mobile phones has not been solved. Shared power banks have become a trend, and players from all walks of life have poured into the industry, occupying major shopping malls, stations and other traffic-intensive places. Capital has also entered the market, and the amount of financing has reached 300 million in just 10 days.

Within a year, the leading companies announced profits one after another: Caller first announced a break-even, and then Street Power and Small Power announced profits respectively. The financial data of Monster Charging showed that the net profit in 2019 and 2020 reached 166 million and 75.40 million yuan, respectively. In 2021, Monster Charging was listed in the United States, demonstrating the business model of sharing power banks. In 2021, the industry concentration was further enhanced, and Small Power Technology submitted a prospectus to seek listing; Street Power and Soo Power merged into Bamboo Mang Technology, forming a pattern of three "small bamboo beasts" competing.

According to a public report, in the first half of 2022, the number of devices, transaction volume, and order volume in the shared power bank industry increased compared with 2021, with CR4 (the top 4 share concentration in the industry) exceeding 90%. In fact, the price of shared power banks has increased several times in the past few years. In the second half of 2019, the price of shared power banks increased to 2 yuan per hour. In the second half of 2020, the average charging standard of major platforms increased to 3 yuan, and this year it reached 4 yuan per hour.

Shi Songpo said that in the sharing economy, the price increase of shared power banks is still relatively fast, and the primary factor for collective price increases is that the industry reshuffle period of low-price drainage has passed, and the tail players have been cleared and entered the oligopoly stage. These companies originally pursued market share, but now turn to profit.

"In fact, the price of the shared power bank is not expensive, such as taking the bus and subway, it is normal to spend a few dollars for five minutes, but the shared power bank has caused so much controversy, or there is a problem with the service." Zhang Yi, CEO of iiMedia Consulting, stressed that if the quality can be improved, it does not matter if the price is a little more expensive.

In the media report, a user rented a shared power bank from a hospital in Kunming, Yunnan, but when he returned it, he found that the warehouse was full and could not be returned, and there was no return point nearby. The user didn’t know what to do for a while. In addition, there are two models of shared power banks displayed in the Mini Program. These two models do not support mutual return. The user asked the customer service about this situation, and the customer service asked to return it by mail and asked the user to bear the cost. The user expressed dissatisfaction, and the company that owns the power search did not give a solution.

Previously, the regulatory authorities conducted a survey on the pain points of shared power bank services, and the survey showed that billing was not stopped after return, renting was easy to return, difficult to return, and the price logo was not significant, and the charges were unreasonable. On the Black Cat complaint platform, there were as many as 70,000 complaints about incoming calls, 25,000 complaints about small electricity, and 15,000 complaints about monster charging, including malicious deductions, failure to return, and false propaganda.

A picture circulating on the Internet shows that a user has purchased more than 40 shared power banks in the past two years. Generally, shared power banks have a "buy-out" mechanism, which stipulates that if they are not returned for a long time (about 7 days) after charging, the full deposit of 99 yuan will be deducted. Many users who borrowed the power bank and forgot to return it often "lost" 99 yuan to take the shared power bank home.

"Recently, shared power banks have been controversial, and the core problem is that the price has risen to a certain extent, but the product service and quality have generally shown a downward trend, and the price and service are far from consumers’ expectations." Zhang Yi told China News Weekly that the most widely criticized power bank is the slow charging speed, so it is not high in terms of consumer satisfaction.

The dilemma of a single profit model

In the past two years, affected by the epidemic, the business of sharing power banks is not easy to do.

According to the financial report data, Monster Charging’s revenue reached 1.427 billion yuan in the first half of this year, and 1.819 billion yuan in the same period last year, a significant decline year-on-year. In fact, Monster Charging has experienced a year-on-year decline in revenue for three consecutive quarters. In the fourth quarter of 2021, Quarter 1 of 2022 and the second quarter of 2022, revenue declined by 9.7%, 13% and 29% respectively.

In terms of profit, in the first half of the year, the monster charging loss reached 280 million yuan, while in the monster charging profit in 2019 and 2020, the net profit added up to 242 million yuan. At present, the monster charging has lost money for four consecutive quarters, and the loss is expanding.

According to the financial report, the entrance fee and commission paid by Monster Charging to merchants have increased year by year. In 2019, this expenditure accounted for 48.2% of the revenue of the power bank, and in 2021 this data reached 61.1%. Shi Songpo believes that the reason for raising prices and pursuing profits is not only because of the increase in market concentration and oligopoly, but also because of the single profit model of shared power banks, serious losses and fierce competition.

"We can see that companies such as Monster Charging are paying more and more commissions to third parties. This is because of the compromises that manufacturers have to make during the winter under the pandemic. Under the situation that the industry’s profits are further under pressure, high-quality points are the focus of the efforts of shared power bank companies. The intensification of competition for high-quality points has led to the increase in the cost of distribution venues, and both the entrance fee and the commission are increasing, further boosting the price of power banks."

The above-mentioned sharing power bank staff pointed out that the business of sharing power banks is "cannibalism", and the increase in the frequency of renting power banks will increase the income, so the point is very important. The demand for renting in crowded places is relatively large, so the price of these places will be higher. If it is a direct operation, it is very expensive to raise a very large ground team. Therefore, this year, companies such as Monster Charging have turned to agency operations. In this case, they mainly rely on renting machines to make money, but this has led to the result that the pricing power is controlled by the agent.

Zhang Yi said, "In recent years, shared power bank companies have encountered great pressure to lose money, mainly due to the competition for channels. Everyone is overdrawing prices and profits, and stimulating channels through third-party commissions, entering a vicious circle."

According to public data, it is expected that by 2025, the market size of shared power banks will reach 27.80 billion yuan, and users will break through 700 million. Zhang Yi believes that the current mobile end point intelligence is getting higher and higher, the demand for electricity consumption is also increasing, and the battery life problem has not been fundamentally solved, so there is still room for the future development of shared power banks. He also stressed that only by improving products and services can we win the favor of consumers.

At present, Zhumang Technology is developing new businesses such as shared charging stations for motorcycles and smart retail containers. Monster Charging has also relied on millions of power banks to incubate the Baijiu brand through private domain traffic. Xiaodian also revealed in its prospectus that it wants to enter the short video field.

"Shared power banks have actually become large-scale, and the popularity of first- and second-tier cities is already very high. However, under the cold winter, the problem of profitability is prominent, and even if it expands, it will not increase profits." Shi Songpo said that now companies are looking for different profit models, trying to bring new increments, but whether it can really solve the single profit model still needs time to verify.

Xiaomi SU7 Tasting Meeting: Rice flour is accepted below 300,000 yuan, but the allocation price is below 200,000 yuan?

We went to see SU7, who put his personal reputation on the line.

At 9: 00 am on March 25th, Weibo, the official of Xiaomi Automobile, announced that Xiaomi Automobile will be officially listed at 7: 00 pm on March 28th (this Thursday). At the same time, Xiaomi SU7 opened a tasting meeting in 60 stores in 29 cities to welcome the press conference on the 28th.

The odd-even school also made a special trip to Xiaomi’s home, Chuhe Hanjie Automobile Experience Store, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, to find out. Although the shower didn’t stop early that morning, it still failed to stop customers’ enthusiasm for watching cars. Nearly 50 people were crowded in a place of about 15 square meters, and basically every customer or team was equipped with special technicians to explain and watch.

Source: parity shooting

The on-site staff said, "At present, there is basically only one car in each store. The tasting meeting before the car is officially listed is limited to watching the shape of the vehicle and understanding the relevant configuration parameters. Without the power system and the door, it can’t be opened."

Since the beginning of this year, the whole automobile industry has been seriously involved. BYD took the lead in pushing down the "domino" of price reduction. Tesla, Geely and other brands arrived with flattery, hoping to try their best to hold one position, and Xiaomi, as a late "placement student" at the end of the semester, can rush out from a group of car companies?

There are many rice noodles, and the specific configuration is open and the price is not open.

Many customers who look at the car revealed to the odd-even school that Xiaomi’s sales staff basically called to confirm the time and purpose of the visit. Some people made an appointment in the field on March 22, and they made an appointment only on the evening of the 24 th. The staff still contacted me as soon as possible to ensure the stability of the scene and the smooth flow of people.

At the scene, a female car buyer said at the scene, "I pay more attention to the design and color matching when buying a car. Although only three color matching are exposed at present, the overall streamline of Xiaomi SU7 is very sporty, especially after the tail LOGO is made small, it looks more advanced. If you have cherry blossom powder, you will definitely rush."

Source: parity shooting

Another car buyer directly said that he was a rice noodle and spent at least 500,000 yuan on millet products every year. This time, he took a fancy to the SU7 MAX version of Xiaomi. If the price can be announced at the scene below 300,000 yuan, he will not hesitate to place an order directly at the scene, but the staff said that the new car has not yet arrived at the store.

Curious about the authenticity of the information transmitted online, the technicians at the scene confirmed most of the information to us except the price.

For example, the standard model of Xiaomi SU7 does not have a fast charge of 800V, and it is equipped with a 73.6-degree lithium iron phosphate battery provided by Xiangyang Fudi Battery. This company is a subsidiary of BYD. The new car uses a single motor, with a peak power of 220kW and a maximum speed of 210 km/h. On the other hand, the SU7 Max adopts Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s 101-degree ternary lithium battery with dual motors. The peak power of the front and rear drive motors is 220kW and 275kW respectively, and the maximum speed can reach 265km/h..

The wheel hub is also equipped with Bridgestone TURANZA 6 in the standard version, Michelin E PRIMACY in the PRO version and Michelin PILOT SPORT EV in the MAX version. The super motors V6 and V6s of Xiaomi are jointly developed with UMC and Huichuan respectively, and V8s is the self-developed result of Xiaomi Automobile.

Source: parity shooting

Although the interior and operating system have not yet been officially disclosed, the on-site technicians are very excited to say that 澎湃 OS, as a part of Xiaomi’s ecological chain, will realize the information flow and sharing of mobile phones, automobiles, Internet of Things and other terminal devices, and Xiaomi SU7 can bind charging piles and avoid the charging peak through remote control through networking.

"Imagine that you can reserve a charging point just after work. After parking the car, you can directly call Xiao Ai to turn on the air conditioner and sweeping robot at home. Once you get back, you can rest on the sofa."

However, when we asked about the most extreme trigger range of cars and other terminals, the staff said with regret: "At present, the whole house intelligence is still realized through WIFI connection. The company should not have conducted experiments on this, and the specific data is not clear here."

Parity sent a number of sales staff of Xiaomi Auto to learn about the specific pricing of Xiaomi SU7, but they were told that it was still in the confidential stage. "Our store staff also have loyal rice noodles. Everyone hopes that the final price will be lower than Model 3 and Extreme Krypton 007, and the best standard version will be less than 220,000, but the headquarters did not disclose the specific information, and it will not be known until the market was released on the evening of March 28."

At present, the biggest suspense of Xiaomi SU7 is still "price".

What is the price of Xiaomi’s car to "serve" for dinner?

Although the various advanced technologies displayed at the conference and the real cars that appear repeatedly in many "spy photos" can make people excited. However, when consumers calm down and make purchase decisions, it is crucial for consumers’ final choice, and it may be the price of Xiaomi still hiding half her face from us behind her guitar.

In fact, in view of the topic of price, Lei Jun said frankly in Weibo a few days ago that "the standard version of Xiaomi SU7 is far more configured than (Tesla) Model 3", and said that the purchase cost of SU7 is very high, which will not lead to a low price for external sale.

Source: Lei Jun Personal Weibo

However, it is generally regarded as a precaution for Xiaomi SU7 to appear at a high price, or to raise consumers’ psychological expectations first, and then "persuade" executives overnight to launch products with extremely high cost performance. But in either case, consumers’ money is not blown by strong winds, and the yardstick of market measurement has always been there. If Mr. Lei wants to play the banner of Xiaomi Automobile, he must do better than competing products from friends at the same price.

Looking at the competing products of friends (that is, Krypton 001, Krypton 007 and Model 3), in fact, the price of SU7 has already been blocked. Compared with the Krypton 007, which adopts 800V electrical architecture, single and double motors and is known as the "200,000-yuan tram gatekeeper", the entry-level SU7 without 800V overcharge and without Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s 100-degree battery is simply difficult to parry.

Source: Extreme Krypton 007 Conference

Therefore, even if Mr. Lei denies it, in the current market environment, the starting price of 199,000 yuan is not only a zero probability event, but may become the best price for Xiaomi SU7 to detonate the market.

However, if the starting price is set at 209,900 yuan as the Krypton 007, then the SU7, with its larger measurements, is expected to match Huawei’s smart cockpit strength, still compete with Krypton 007, and even stabilize other competing products in the market. However, if the starting price reaches 229,900, then facing the extremely krypton 007 with 100-degree Ningde battery and 800V fast charge, the SU7 may really have only one way to choose.

The odd-even faction also communicated with a power battery practitioner, and the other party was more direct. If the starting price exceeds 210,000 yuan and the relevant intelligence does not have the ability to shine, then the high probability will not be in the consumer’s choice range.

In addition to the entry-level models, if the SU7 Pro, SU7 Max and even the highest-equipped SU7 FE are all like online pictures, then it is not difficult to understand the way Xiaomi plays.

Source: Net transmission Xiaomi car configuration table

For consumers who want to experience SU7, the most standard version can become "the first car for young people", while the two advanced versions are for middle-class people who really want to experience the new technology released at the Xiaomi technology conference, but I don’t know whether it is the real FE version, that is, to create high-end "toys" for the big shots.

But what exactly is the landing price? Is the SU7 series really stuffed into three models? What is the consumer’s evaluation after listing? It will take until March 28 to see the results.

03 written at the end

On March 25th, Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi, sent a message in Weibo with emotion: "How to introduce Xiaomi SU7 in one sentence? I asked myself this question for three years. My final answer: The goal of Xiaomi SU7 is to be the best-looking, best-driving and most intelligent car within 500,000. "

Although talking about ideals and marketing are Xiaomi’s strengths, the competition between car companies ultimately depends on sales and production capacity.

At present, Xiaomi Automobile has not announced its production capacity. Xiaomi Automobile has signed contracts with 14 sales and service partners, and also listed a list of 59 stores. The channels are mainly divided into flagship centers, sales and service centers, experience stores and delivery centers. Of the first 29 cities, 17 have only opened delivery centers at present.

Some media have reported that Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases and completed in 2025, with a total annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles. The first phase was completed in 2023. At the end of February this year, a research document on Xiaomi Automobile was circulated on the Internet. According to the disclosure, Xiaomi Automobile will be delivered in April. It is estimated that the vehicle output will be about 2,000 vehicles in the first quarter after listing, with an output value of 400 million yuan. In response to this news, Xiaomi officially came out to rumor.

It is not difficult to see that all preparations for Xiaomi Auto are made on the premise that Xiaomi SU7 will explode when it goes on the market. It’s just that this bet on the whole personal reputation of Lei Zong, and then bet on the future gambling of the whole Xiaomi Group. What is the chance of winning?

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  Last week, today’s Morning Post reported the problem of Mr. Zhang, a Shanghai car owner, about BYD Qin, which attracted the attention of many BYD Qin car owners. After the report was published, the auto rights hotline of Morning Post also received different calls and heard different voices.

  In these calls from BYD Qin car owners, the problems reflected are not limited to the power system problems on the dashboard. Some car owners pointed out that the cruising range of BYD Qin Chuandian mode is inconsistent with the actual propaganda.

  In the face of outside doubts, BYD made an exclusive response when interviewed by Morning Post.

  On the highway

  Air conditioners, wipers, turn signals and headlights all failed.

  The first person who called the Morning Post reporter was Ms. Ma, the owner of BYD in Shanghai. The thrilling experience on the expressway two months ago still left her with a lingering fear.

  "Finally, someone pays attention to Qin’s problem. My experience is similar to that of Mr. Zhang, a Shanghai car owner, but mine is even worse. I had a narrow escape on the highway and had no way to complain after several times."

  What experience did Ms. Ma encounter that made her so angry?

  In an interview with the Morning Post reporter, I learned that Ms. Ma’s Qin was purchased from Shanghai Ledi 4S store in December 2014, and has opened more than 8,000 kilometers so far.

  "On April 6, it was the last day of the Qingming small holiday. It was raining. My family of five had a 4-year-old child in the car and drove BYD Qin back to Shanghai from Bengbu, Anhui."

  On the expressway from Anhui to Shanghai, the sky suddenly rained heavily, but to make matters worse than the weather, the car broke down.

  "The air conditioner, wiper, turn signal and headlights all failed. At that time, the rain was very heavy. I had to turn on the double jump, pull over urgently, and call BYD customer service at high speed to wait for rescue."

  Ms. Ma recalled, "At that time, the road was parked in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. As a result, Changzhou 4S shop said that they could not rescue it. Later, it was easy to say that after waiting for more than 40 minutes, two staff members came. However, the staff said that the reason was not detected, and the car could continue to move forward and told us to go back to Shanghai for maintenance. "

  However, just after Ms. Ma drove her car to Shanghai for less than 20 minutes, the car broke down again. "This time, the situation is the same as before. Air conditioners, wipers, turn signals and headlights all failed. In particular, the failure of the turn signal made me very scared, because at that time, the car was driving in the middle road, and the fog on the glass inside the car was too thick to see the outside. My wife had to wipe the windshield while looking at the car behind me. I only acted as an artificial turn signal, opened the right window, and waved my clothes as a turn signal before reaching the emergency lane. "

  Ms. Ma said: "Because on the last day of the small holiday, there were a lot of cars returning, and the traffic volume was also very large. The emergency lanes were all cars. We put up a tripod 50 meters away, and the tripod was crushed by the car and almost crashed. Fortunately, the car stopped in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

  Before BYD’s rescue, Ms. Ma asked for help in a qq group of BYD Qin. "At that time, some riders said that he had encountered a similar situation, but the problem was not as serious as mine. It is suggested that we start the car after 20 minutes of power failure, and it will be normal. The power failure of the whole car means that the emergency lights can’t be used. We have to take risks, because there is no rescue and no way to stop at the emergency lane. Finally, my wife braved the rain and took an umbrella as a warning sign behind the car. "

  It was not until 1 am the next day that Ms. Ma’s family arrived in Shanghai safely. "In the early morning of April 7, we drove the car to the 4S shop for maintenance. After waiting for an hour and a half, the staff told me that there was no problem detected for the time being and asked me to go back and wait for news. I asked if it was the reason why the rain line leaked, and the mechanic said it was impossible. "

  On April 8, Ms. Ma received a phone call from the 4S shop saying that she went to pick up the car. The problem has been fixed, and the staff only mentioned lightly that "it was because a part at the rear of the car fell, which led to the system disorder, and now the template has been replaced".

  "It’s only about 7 thousand kilometers, and this kind of life-threatening problem appears. What should I do if I have this problem again in the future? Do I dare to get on the highway?" Ms Ma questioned the quality of Qin.

  Yesterday afternoon, Ms. Ma called the Morning Post reporter again. "Although the problem has not appeared again, I dare not drive far away, especially in rainy days. If I can’t open it, I won’t open it."

  What about the agreed 70 kilometers?

  Pure electric mode only drives 45 kilometers.

  Unlike the situation reflected by Ms. Ma, Mr. Wang, the owner of Fuzhou, Fujian, called the Morning Post reporter to reflect the cruising range.

  "The manufacturer promotes that the pure electric mode can reach 70 kilometers, but why have I tested it many times only about 45 kilometers?" Mr. Wang pointed the problem directly at Qin’s battery problem.

  According to public information, the charging capacity of Ferrous lithium phosphate power battery used by BYD Qin is 13kW·h, and 90% of the system uses pure electric mode in hybrid mode, and its comprehensive driving mileage can reach 70km.

  "I didn’t care much about BYD Qin’s cruising range before. After all, this car is a hybrid car. I can burn oil without electricity, but since May, I have begun to pay attention to this problem and found that the test results are far from the manufacturer’s 70 kilometers."

  Mr. Wang said that at first he thought his driving habits were not good, but after many tests, he found that the problem was not his own fault at all.

  "I am now working in the suburbs of Fuzhou, where the road conditions are very good, and I can basically maintain more than 60 km/h. In order to extend the cruising range, I didn’t even turn on the air conditioner or play music, but the test results are still not satisfactory, from 100% to 5%, I can only drive about 45 km." Mr. Wang told the Morning Post reporter.

  The reporter learned that at present, electric vehicles on the market are basically composed of three parts: motor, control system and battery, among which battery is still the biggest problem restricting the development of electric vehicles.

  According to industry insiders, Qin’s working principle is very simple to sum up. "A dual-clutch DCT gearbox, an inverter, an external power plug and an inverter constitute this power system. BYD Qin, on the other hand, mainly uses BYD’s lithium iron phosphate battery, adding some cobalt to the battery, which enhances the cycle efficiency of the whole battery. Therefore, many people call it lithium iron cobalt phosphate battery. "

  Previously, the Automobile Consumption Report conducted an actual measurement of Qin, and the test route was selected at Beijing-Shanghai Expressway: Wuning Road-Cao ‘an Highway-Beijing-Shanghai Expressway-Beijing Toll Station of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway in Putuo District, Shanghai.

  Before departure, the staff filled Qin’s battery (the battery showed 100%), and then filled the fuel tank from the nearby gas station to the automatic jump gun. Vehicles keep driving in EV (pure electric mode), from Wuning Road to Cao An Road, and get on the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway. Within 15 kilometers of Shanghai, the speed of the vehicle is 30 kilometers per hour, with a total mileage of 15 kilometers. Then, it enters the Shanghai section of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, with a speed of 60-80 kilometers per hour. When the vehicle’s battery shows the remaining 15%, the vehicle travels another 25 kilometers.

  A staff member who participated in the test told the Morning Post reporter: "In order to test Qin’s pure electric mileage, we pressed the EV mode key for 5 seconds according to the vehicle instructions and forced to continue using the EV mode. When it reached the minimum 5% protection power set by the vehicle, it traveled another 5 kilometers. Therefore, in urban congestion and suburban comprehensive sections, Qin used 95% of electricity to drive a total of 45 kilometers. "

  An industry insider said, "There is no clear statement about Qin’s battery capacity so far. However, according to the price speculation, it should be a monomer of 60AH, which is connected in series together. Whether it is charging or discharging, the low voltage of a single battery will seriously affect the cycle life of the entire battery pack, which is beyond doubt. "

  BYD’s exclusive response

  There are two possibilities for Qin Chundian’s unsatisfactory mileage.

  Yesterday afternoon, BYD also gave the Morning Post an exclusive response to the owner’s question about the cruising range in pure electric mode.

  "There may be two situations in the consultation on the unsatisfactory mileage of Qin Chundian: 1. Whether the battery is fully charged. 2. The road use environment and driving habits are related. "

  BYD said, "The charging dissatisfaction is to protect the power battery. The total capacity of Qin Power Battery Pack is 13 kWh. In order to prevent the battery from over-charging and over-discharging, and ensure the service life and safety of the power battery, the power battery is designed with a part of reserved power that is not allowed to be released. This part of reserved power is greater than the current low power alarm display value to protect the battery from over-discharging. When the power battery is charged, the voltage and charging current of the single battery change dynamically, which will cause some errors in the SOC calculation of the battery management system. Vehicles with charging capacity above 10.5 degrees are normal. If the charging capacity deviation is too large, it is recommended to go to BYD authorized service stores for inspection. Fully charge and discharge more to ensure the activity of the battery. If the vehicle is stored for a long time, it is necessary to ensure that the power battery is fully charged, and it is best to fully charge the vehicle. "

  In addition, BYD also wants to remind car owners to pay attention to the charging operation through the Morning Post: "After the Qin battery is fully charged, charge it for a while to better balance the battery performance. If in doubt, please consult the local 4S shop or upgrade the balancing program. Upgrade the equalization program to optimize battery performance. "

  For balanced batteries, BYD’s explanation is that "power batteries are in series structure, and if the performance of individual batteries is inconsistent, it will affect the overall battery performance. Qin started the balancing program from full charging to unplugging the charging plug and after Qin started the power-on, balancing the performance of individual batteries to achieve consistency, thus optimizing the overall performance of batteries. "

  Mr. Wang, the owner of Fuzhou, Fujian, who was concerned by the Morning Post, was confused about the cruising range. BYD staff also said that they would contact the owner as soon as possible to test the car battery and solve the worries of the owner.

  If you have any problems with the car when you use it, you are welcome to get in touch with the Morning Post car rights hotline 18667120283.

Delivery exceeded 120,000! Ask M5 to lead the new trend of smart travel.

  "The M5 has delivered a total of 120,000 units, which is very popular among consumers." Recently, Yu Chengdong, chairman of BU, Huawei’s smart car solution, affirmed the popularity of M5. Such a high delivery result can not be separated from the support of the M5 "Double Smart Ceiling" title. Thanks to Huawei’s self-developed intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving system, smart cars have a smart brain, satisfy more daily car scenes and win the recognition of users.

  In the highly anticipated "2024 China Car of the Year" selection, Huawei HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit won the 2024 Travel Technology Award. The intelligent driving version, which brings users a ceiling-level intelligent travel experience, is equipped with HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0, which meets the needs of drivers and passengers for intelligent interaction and pushes automobile intelligence to a new height.

  HUD height and rearview mirror can be automatically adjusted, which is convenient and safe.

  In daily driving, HUD, as an advanced on-board display system, can display the vehicle speed, navigation, fuel consumption and so on on on the front windshield in real time within the driver’s line of sight, thus reducing the actions such as turning your head or bowing your head while driving and ensuring driving safety.

  However, for families with multiple drivers switching to use, manual adjustment is needed every time they get on the bus, which is very inconvenient to use. It will not only affect the user experience, but also affect the driving safety. In order to let users really enjoy the convenient experience brought by the intelligent cockpit, the intelligent driving version of Wujie M5 is intimately equipped with adaptive adjustment of HUD height. After getting on the bus, the vehicle can automatically identify the driver’s eye position through visual algorithm within 0.5 seconds, and quickly adjust the HUD height to the best angle to ensure the clear display content.

  In addition, the automatic adjustment of rearview mirror is another major function of caring for users in the M5 Smart Driving Edition. Imagine that in the days when there is no automatic adjustment, you need to manually adjust the rearview mirror before getting on the bus, and it is very inconvenient to adjust the angle to the best position. With the automatic adjustment of rearview mirror, the exterior rearview mirror can be automatically adjusted to the best angle according to the driver’s body shape with a light brake, and there is no need for manual control in the whole process, so as to bid farewell to the problems of inaccurate adjustment, time-consuming and laborious work.

  If there are multiple drivers driving alternately during long-distance driving, the automatic adjustment of HUD height and rearview mirror can save the time and energy of adjustment, and make the whole journey more relaxed and comfortable.

  Space audio’s first "getting on the bus" and enjoying the comfortable time in the car

  After a busy week’s work, it’s time to turn on the music to relieve my tense nerves. However, facing the stereo with average sound quality and frequent sound in the car, it really makes people feel tired, but it adds a bit of fatigue. Having a good car stereo can not only create comfortable space for people in the car, but also make long-distance driving no longer boring.

  Wenjie M5 Smart Driving Edition supports the function of spatial audio, and realizes the first "boarding" of spatial audio. Compared with traditional car audio, Huawei space audio can restore many small details that ordinary music can’t hear, so that the sound can linger around users in all directions. In addition, the HUAWEI SOUND audio system is equipped with industry-leading professional-grade audio. With the help of 19 irregularly arranged high, medium and low speakers in the whole car, a balanced sound field is created, which is like a high-end recording studio, and the sound is more layered. After-work traffic jams, playing pop music, or film and television drama OST, you can get an immersive listening effect, with a stronger sense of atmosphere and a relaxed mood, which can also alleviate the fatigue caused by "moving bricks".

  In addition to the ultimate sound experience, HarmonyOS Smart Cockpit 3.0 also brings different entertainment scene experiences. Among them, HUAWEI MagLink magic suction car interface brings many conveniences. When a family travels, they can hang the tablet computer behind the seat. When the children are bored, parents can choose the appropriate video content for them to play from the car, so that the children can be completely immersed in the film. In addition, parents can also adjust the brightness, volume and other details of the back panel, and lock the interest screen to master the viewing time of the back screen. Children not only enjoy it, but also parents can manage everything more easily.

  In addition to the humanized smart car experience, in order to save more users’ car purchase costs, Wenjie M5 also introduced surprise benefits: it will be decided during the period from December 1 to December 31, and you can enjoy up to 42,000 yuan worth of matching rights, including 12,000 yuan worth of interior and exterior decoration matching rights, 15,000 yuan worth of technology comfort bags and 15,000 yuan worth of exclusive deduction of HUAWEI ADS2.0 urban smart driving bags.

  Nowadays, cars are no longer limited to travel tools. Users need it to be able to hold a holiday trip and easily cope with various complicated situations such as commuting to work. Wenjie M5 Smart Driving Edition is not only an intelligent vehicle, but also a smart space for running, bringing users a more intelligent, convenient, relaxed and pleasant travel experience. If you expect to have a car with excellent intelligent driving experience, the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition is your best choice.

On the hot search as soon as you shoot, Shanghai Meiying deserves to be the national team of China animation.

Special feature of 1905 film network The animated film is released.After a lapse of 38 years, this film officially met the audience in the cinema for the first time. Perhaps, the saying of "returning a movie ticket" has been redefined in this film.

And this is Shanghai Animation Film Studio (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Meiying") behind the film, the second film work handed over this year after Tyrannosaurus Tu Tu with Big Ears in Action in the National Day file.


The two seemingly independent works are actually a kind of "inheritance" of the film maker to some extent. Mr. Wang is the co-director of the film "The Story of Heaven". At the same time, he also participated in the art work of the first season of the drama series "Tu Tu with Big Ears".


From the "old" to the new, and then renovate and repair the "old". In the past few years, Shanghai Meiying has always presented its "treasures" to everyone in the best form.


The charm of Shanghai Meiying is not only on the big screen.As early as last year, the "China Animation Alliance" gathered and customized a promotional film for the Beijing Winter Olympics, saying, "My old grandson is coming!" Who’s feelings have been ignited?


When the "Zhu Rong" rover landed on Mars, Shanghai Meiying took out the concept film of the 4D sci-fi cartoon "Fluorescent Fire". After watching it, anyone who didn’t marvel at it was still online.


Inheritance of "repair"

The story of Shangmeiying is as wonderful as its cartoon characters, but this time, let’s start with "The Story of Heaven".


In 2019, the main visual poster of Shanghai International Film Festival designed by Huang Hai was released, which surprised everyone. And this poster is based on the animated film produced by Shanghai Meiying.

In that year’s screening list, Shanghai Meiying also released two restored works, one is the full version of "Make a scene in Heaven" and the other is the 2K restored version of "The Story of Heaven".After the invoice was issued, "Tian Shu Qi Tan" became one of the fastest sold-out films. This is somewhat unexpected. After all, in the past, most of the animated films mentioned by the audience were "Make a scene in Heaven".


Making a scene in Heaven was completed by Shanghai Meiying in 2011. It is precisely because of this achievement that Shanghai Meiying saw hope that "classics will never go out of date". As a result, in 2018, Shanghai Meiying restarted the restoration work of "Tian Shu Qi Tan".


This repair work is not easy.Because of the limitation of early technical conditions, the storage medium of the original film is film. The film itself is very fragile, even if it is well preserved, it will inevitably cause some damage. The director of Shanghai Meiying told us that the team invested a lot of manpower and energy to repair the sound and picture.


Behind the simple expression, there is actually a very complicated process technology. In the end, the basic restoration of the film was completed by Shanghai Film Technology Factory and Shanghai Meiying, which ensured the basic content of the work and realized the work of "glue revolution". It is reported that the film has been repaired in the 4K version. This also caused the film to finally meet the audience after two years after the screening of the last film festival.


For many viewers, this is a "youth return". Memories of the movies I saw when I was a child are all emerging one by one, and even the "sequel legend" about this movie is not broken.


For Suda, the release of this film has not only fulfilled his dream, but also completed the unfinished story of the predecessors of Shanghai Meiying.

Mr Yunda Qian, the co-director of this film, is her university teacher. At the Shanghai premiere of the film, the 93-year-old director Yunda Qian appeared. Facing the recognition of the audience, he also said humbly, "I feel that we have not done enough. If we can do it in the future, we will do more work."


However, what is the release of such a film to the audience?Suda doesn’t want to emphasize the box office. After all, the release of this animated work is difficult to demonstrate with the box office itself. "Going to the cinema is not just about paying for feelings."

In Suda’s view, this restoration can make the audience feel better about "The Wonder of Heaven" and break the previous cognition on the small screen. No matter the sound or the picture, more different details can be found.


The vitality of IP

Suda has been busy for the last two months. I was interviewed by various media for Action of Tyrannosaurus Tu Tu with Big Ears and 4K Commemorative Edition.


Although these two works are presented to the audience with a brand-new look, we can’t ignore the fact that it has been 38 years since "The Story of Heaven" and the drama series "Tu Tu with Big Ears" has been updated, but it has been more than 15 years since the first season. It seems that from the outside world, these two works are already "past tense".


Suda seems to have become accustomed to these discussions, and bluntly saying that economic benefits are definitely not the purpose. "I understand that everyone has such a voice, because in the past, we did not produce a large number of new films, and we also understand the expectations of the audience."

In fact, the restoration of "The Wonder of Heaven" is to use digital technology to make the film glow with new vitality.


On the basis of the original film’s 89 minutes, a special behind-the-scenes feature was specially added at the end of the film, including some creative materials, restoration process and interviews with old artists. This is a tribute to the older generation of animation artists, but also a kind of China animation inheritance.


At that time, there were many ingenious ideas of old artists in the creation of the film "The Wonder of Heaven", but now it seems a little clumsy.


For example, in the four words of the title, the blue-black background pattern presents a "special effect" of flowing fusion. It is the old artists who pour blue-black paint into a basin and add solvent to make the paint "flow", thus shooting this wonderful "special effect" scene.


The TV animation "Tu Tu with Big Ears" with more than 100 episodes grew up with the post-90s and post-00s, and it was created by Shanghai Meiying for the purpose of making original and high-quality cartoons to reflect the life of contemporary children.The image of "Tu Tu" unexpectedly became popular on the short video platform two years ago, which made everyone see the vitality of IP.

From the small screen to the big screen, the movie version of Tu Tu with Big Ears has been striving to integrate the spirit of the times into its works and track the topics of social concern. It involves filial piety culture and pension topics.


It seems to be a mature drama IP, but this creation is not easy for Suda. In this movie, there is no collision between justice and evil, just want children to watch it with relish and touch them with emotion.


It doesn’t matter if you have doubts, it also represents the expectations of the audience.For these IPS in their hands, Suda said, "The old IP, because it was already there, we will repair it and develop it, and maybe it will take less time; Then the new work needs a process of incubation, cultivation and creation. "


As for the excessive public opinion of "fried cold rice", the speed is also accepted according to the order. The hard work behind the classic repair is no easier than an original IP. Classic IP needs to maintain its vigorous vitality, which can not be presented by simple preservation. "We are not completely copying the past to sell tickets again, but to create in depth again."


Not only the restoration of movies, but also the IP image authorization of Shanghai Meiying from a very early age.Especially at the beginning of 2019, the collection of doll toys, in which "Tian Shu Qi Tan" cooperated with a fast food brand, even sold as high as 500 yuan on a second-hand trading platform.


This series of IP authorization, actually from another level, is also the activation of IP.Of course, in terms of IP authorization, Shangmeiying pays great attention to whether the cartoon image is suitable for the brand. "Every IP has its own personal design, and we also value the concept of communication that can be set by someone in the future brand communication."


The story continues

"Innovation and inheritance" is the brand concept written by official website of Shanghai Meiying.


Reasonable IP authorization and development, as well as the restoration of classic films, are the best footnotes made by Shanghai Film and Television. To combine "inheritance" and "innovation" organically, we have to mention Meiying’s ink animation.


As early as the 60th anniversary of Shanghai Film Festival, it was announced that it would restart ink animation and launch the first feature film of ink animation. At that time, the official also released a 2-minute trial film, which attracted a lot of attention once it was spread.


After a lapse of four years, what is the progress of this project?Suda told us that the film is scheduled to be completed by the end of next year and is scheduled to be released in 2023. The duration of the film will be about 90 minutes, with almost no dialogue, and the story will be promoted by music. "It can be said with great pride that this will be the first animated feature film in China and even the world."


The 3D version of the official announcement has also made progress. "We will make a bold attempt to break everyone’s previous understanding of the image of the Monkey King in" Big Sky "and make a brand new the Monkey King in a three-dimensional space, which will be more in line with the aesthetics of young people as a whole."


In addition, the new Snow Child, which was created by directors Lu Hengyu and Li Shujie, will also be produced accordingly. In the future production process of Shanghai Meiying, there will be more than a dozen works coming out one after another.

In the face of marketization, Suda said frankly, "Not blindly pursuing the click-through rate and the box office, how to make a good work that can stay is the first thing that our creators should consider, and don’t produce a pile of cultural garbage."


With the special promotional film of the Winter Olympics going off again, the outside world is increasingly looking forward to the progress of the "cartoon universe" of the American film. At the beginning of this year, they launched the drama "Beautiful Film Paradise", but this short drama did not leave much sound. Su Da told us not to worry. They really saw the concept of "movie universe" and are creating an animated film "Make a scene in cartoon city", which combines the IP of Shangmeiying with real life.


No matter from the outside world, Shanghai Meiying is slowing down or speeding up now; Is it being questioned "fried cold rice" or insisting on bringing forth the old and bringing forth the new? They are always carrying on the good memories of several generations with a pen.


As Suda said, Shanghai Meiying is the national team of animation in China, which shoulders great responsibilities. It cannot just pursue commercial animation, and it is one of the responsibilities to inherit and innovate the art of its predecessors.

For the first time, the M9 supports smart dessert, and the audio experience of Huawei music space is upgraded.

On December 26th, 2023, Huawei held a press conference on M9 and Huawei’s whole winter scene in Shenzhen. As the full-size flagship SUV of the leading generation of science and technology, the M9 supports the smart dessert spot for the first time, and intelligently senses the passenger position based on the industry-leading sound field matching algorithm. Listening to high-definition space audio songs through Huawei music in the cabin can adaptively adjust the listening area, so that users in each seat can enjoy a complete immersive listening experience and bring a heavy upgrade to the cabin space audio experience.

In April, 2023, Huawei Music realized the first boarding of high-definition space audio on the M5 version of the intelligent driving platform. Based on the Audio Vivid audio coding and decoding standard, it presented richer sound details in the intelligent cockpit, and made the sound linger around the users in all directions through virtual reconstruction of the spherical space. At the same time, under the deep integration and adjustment with HUAWEI SOUND, it brought the HarmonyOS cockpit users an immersive space audio listening experience with the main driver in the music center.

At the M9 conference released this time, HUAWEI SOUND created four dessert spots (main driver’s seat, boss’s seat, whole car and front row) through the Danish chief tuner, and all the positions were individually adjusted by Andhadhun. Combined with Huawei’s unique sound field matching algorithm and HarmonyOS 4, it can adaptively identify the position of boarding passengers and obtain tuning parameters efficiently, thus providing each passenger with the best listening dessert spot for spatial audio. At the same time, four sky channels will be added in the cockpit to form a 7.1.4-channel configuration. Through the industry-leading 25-unit professional-grade audio and the star-ring diffuser located in the center console, a wider and more uniform sound field will be brought, ensuring that passengers in any position in the car can experience music with a more sense of space, mobility and presence, and creating a special spatial audio listening sound field for each seat, so that users can sit in C position no matter where they sit.

Since the launch of the Space Audio Zone in 2022, Huawei Music has reached content cooperation with dozens of well-known record companies and labels at home and abroad, such as Taihe Music, Modern Sky, Sony Select, Street Sound and 2L, and has many popular singers’ space audio songs, including pop, classical, national style, jazz, rap, environmental sound and soundtrack of film and television dramas, as well as music based on. Open Huawei Music APP and click the "Space Audio" icon on the home page, and you can enter the special area to feel the wonderful charm of different types of songs given by space audio.

At present, Huawei Music has provided high-definition spatial audio content services for some models of Huawei mobile phones and tablets, as well as all models of AITO. In the future, it will continue to expand the content of terminal equipment and music library, so that listeners have more convenience and choice space to experience the enjoyment of "sound".

LI released its 2022 financial report: the gross profit margin dropped to 19.4%, and the loss increased by 2.6 times.

On February 27th, LI released its financial report for the fourth quarter and the whole year of 2022.

Data show that in the fourth quarter of last year, LI achieved revenue of 17.65 billion yuan, and the annual revenue of 45.29 billion yuan, up 67.7% year-on-year, but the operating loss in the same period was as high as 3.65 billion yuan, up 259.3% year-on-year.About every LI sold, the net loss is 27,000 yuan..

At the same time, the gross profit margin rose to 20.2% in the fourth quarter of 2022, butThe annual gross profit margin dropped to 19.4%.In 2021, the gross profit margin was 21.3%, down 1.9 percentage points year-on-year.

In 2022, the company’s operating expenses and R&D expenses were 12.45 billion yuan and 6.78 billion yuan respectively, up by 83.6% and 106.3% year-on-year, and other expenses related to employee management were 5.67 billion yuan, up by 62.2% year-on-year.

By the end of 2021, the number of employees in LI was 11,900, and by the end of 2022, this number had increased to 19,300, with a year-on-year increase of 62.2%.

However, as of the end of the fourth quarter of last year, the ideal book cash flow was still as high as 58.45 billion yuan. For the company, there is not much pressure on future R&D and management expenditures.

It generally takes a long period of loss for new forces to build cars. Even Tesla only turned losses into profits in 2020, and its annual gross profit margin during 2012-2022 experienced repeated fluctuations.

From 7.3% in 2012 to the peak of 27.6% in 2014, it then fell all the way until it stabilized and rebounded in 2020, and remained above 21% for three consecutive years.The gross profit margin in 2022 was 25.6%.

Therefore, the increase in operating losses is not a problem in the short term. It depends on whether the brand can shorten the time of profit through product layout. For capital, long-term interests can be considered, but patience is limited.

For LI, in 2022, it stopped production in Li ONE decisively, introduced L9, L8 and L7 in reverse order, and broke through the 20,000-vehicle mark in December, which also proved the correctness of its product strategy.

If the previous ideal was only individual combat, then the next step was the wolf tactics, and it didn’t give itself too many price barriers, unlike Wei Lai’s rigid high-end work, butThrough the iteration of new products, it gradually penetrated into the market space of 200,000-300,000 yuan..

Why should BYD break through the price bottom line at all costs? The purpose is to take the volume, and then share the total cost based on the general volume, and finally achieve the goal of quick turnover and small profits.

Ideally, to reduce the loss, it is difficult to rely solely on high-end products, and the real volume is concentrated in the range of 150,000-300,000 yuan.

Li Xiang, CEO of LI, once said that it is not a dream to sell 30,000 vehicles a month if the L7 Air version is delivered.

In January of this year, Ideality became the only car company with monthly sales exceeding 10,000 with 15,141 vehicles. The sales of L9 and L8 were hot, and the L7 was scheduled to be optimistic. This is also the reason why Li wants to have the confidence to achieve monthly sales of 30,000 in the future.

Ideally, the analysis of the product array is more accurate, such as the L9 (459,800 yuan) with the highest price, which is aimed at potential customers with sufficient budget and BBA. They hope to experience the fun completely different from the traditional high-end fuel vehicles, and at the same time, the six-seat layout meets the needs of Chinese family travel scenes.

The guide price of L8 is 339.8-399.8 thousand yuan, which is a reduced version of L9, and it is also six seats, but the price has dropped by 60-12 thousand yuan to meet those groups who want to buy L9 but have insufficient budget.

L7 focuses on five luxury SUV markets, with a guide price of 31.98-37.98 million yuan, which is cheaper than L8, making up for the gaps in five markets and directly grabbing customers from Audi Q5L and Mercedes-Benz GLC. This kind of consumers don’t care about six, which is more pragmatic and has limited budget.

But from that ideal background display,LI car owners used the smart big screen for more than 6 hours/week during parking.It also reflects from one side that people who choose LI have a high demand for entertainment functions of new energy vehicles, which is becoming a breakthrough to help new forces rapidly expand their market share.

In addition, the new forces also have great advantages in intelligence. They can rely on large-capacity batteries to achieve rich car experience, which traditional fuel vehicles can’t do at all.

In 2023, for the new forces, the cost of power batteries is expected to be greatly reduced. For example, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited has launched a half-price cooperation idea for large customers, and LI will be one of the cooperative car companies.

With the improvement of product structure and the initial effect of function optimization, the expenditure on R&D will also decrease in the future. LI is waiting for the mass production of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, and the car system experience will be promoted by leaps and bounds.

Full text summary:Under the background of frequent negative news and employees blowing their own dirty linen, it seems that LI’s counter-attack road has not encountered much resistance, and the market of high-end intelligent new energy vehicles is still a blue ocean, which is also the basis for many new forces to dare to burn money. However, this year’s new energy market will usher in a cruel price war. Fortunately, it has not yet reached the high-end market. For new forces, adhering to the product concept of high scarcity and exclusiveness may be the key to avoiding strangulation.

Huawei AITO appeared, and Sailis was abandoned by Xiaokang shares.


At the beginning of December, the share price of Xiaokang shares went up and down after Celeste released a brand new high-end brand AITO, but after Huawei’s press conference appeared in AITO M5 yesterday, Xiaokang shares went down on December 24th. Economic analysts believe that this is due to Huawei’s increasing participation in AITO and M5, which broke the expectation that Xiaokang shares are Huawei’s automobile partners. This means that the Celeste SF5 blessed by Huawei is also afraid of being uncompetitive in front of the M5. However, from the perspective of the whole new energy track, it is still unknown how Huawei AITO asks about the future of M5.


On December 24, Xiaokang shares opened at 70.68 yuan. As of 10: 15, Xiaokang shares fell by 10% to 63.19 yuan, hitting the limit, with a turnover of 1.323 billion yuan.

Combing the car stocks in the secondary market today, the overall car sector fell, especially Xiaokang shares. CRRC called the secretary of Xiaokang shares, saying that this was caused by various factors in the secondary market and it was impossible to determine the specific reasons.

On December 23rd, Huawei unveiled two AITO cars at the flagship product launch conference in winter. At the beginning of December, Sailis, a subsidiary of Xiaokang, released a brand new high-end brand AITO. According to the official statement, AITO is a high-end smart car brand deeply empowered by Huawei. Compared with Sailis SF5, the R&D, manufacturing and sales services of AITO are deeply involved by Huawei, and Sailis also given great autonomy to Huawei. As soon as the news came out, Xiaokang shares had a daily limit on December 13, and its market value once again stood at 100 billion market value.

At the press conference, Huawei unveiled the first model of AITO brand-Wenjie M5, and started the pre-sale. The new car is positioned in a medium-sized luxury electric extended-range SUV, which is the first car equipped with a Harmony OS smart cockpit. The new car will be exhibited in 180 stores in 42 cities of Huawei. This is the second new car exhibited in Huawei stores after Cyrus SF5.

The appearance of AITO did not drive the share price of Xiaokang shares to rise, but plummeted. Shen Meng, chairman of chansons Capital, told CRRC: "Huawei released auto products based on its own system, but it did not involve Xiaokang shares, breaking the expectation that Xiaokang shares are Huawei’s auto partners."

From the above, although the AITO brand belongs to Cyrus, most of what we see from the AITO brand and the M5 model in Wenjie is the shadow of Huawei, except that the model name does not carry the Huawei logo, which basically belongs to the car built by Huawei.


Xiaokang Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 and listed on the A-share market in June 2016. The company’s business scope includes R&D, production, sales and service of complete vehicles and their engines and parts. Before catching up with Huawei, Xiaokang shares had been in a marginal situation. From 2018 to 2020, the revenue and profits of Xiaokang shares showed a downward trend, and the accumulated losses in three years exceeded 1.6 billion yuan; At the same time, its capital-liability ratio is as high as 79%.

At the beginning of 2019, Xiaokang shares and Huawei signed a comprehensive cooperation contract to cooperate in the field of new energy vehicles. Since then, Xiaokang shares have gradually entered the eyes of investors in the capital market. In April 2021, Huawei Zhixuan reached a cooperation with Xiaokang, and Huawei said that it would sell the new energy Cyrus under Xiaokang in its sales channels; At this year’s Shanghai Auto Show, the Seles Huawei Smart Selection SF5 jointly built by Seles and Huawei was officially listed and jointly sold in both channels.

Regardless of the sales volume of Celestial SF5, the advent of Celestial SF5 blessed by Huawei alone made Xiaokang shares in the capital market. The share price of Huawei Xiaokang shares rose from 8.81 yuan/share at the beginning of November last year to 77.77 yuan/share around June this year, an increase of 782.75%.

Relevant data show that since the listing of Celestial SF5, its sales from April to November were 129 vehicles, 204 vehicles, 1097 vehicles, 507 vehicles, 715 vehicles, 1117 vehicles, 1926 vehicles and 2205 vehicles, with a total of 8,170 vehicles this year. Although compared with the past, Celestial SF5 has supported the sales of Xiaokang shares, this sales volume is not as good as when it first came out.


It is worth noting that China National Intellectual Property Administration showed that AITO was applied by Zhengde Electronics Co., Ltd. on March 29, 2021; On August 3, 2021, AITO trademark was transferred from Zhengde Electronics Co., Ltd. to Chongqing Haokang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. According to the data, the consulting company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chongqing Xiaokang Industrial Co., Ltd.

The trademark ownership of AITO high-end new energy brand, which is deeply involved by Huawei, belongs to Xiaokang shares, which also means that for Xiaokang shares, AITO brand models are "well-known".

Now, after Huawei-led AITO high-end brand M5 appeared, how to develop Celeste SF5 has become another problem. It is still unknown whether Xiaokang shares, which have entered the club with a market value of 100 billion yuan, can win the favor of investors with Huawei.

From the current point of view, if the dominance of Cyrus is still in the hands of Xiaokang shares, Huawei will be more and more involved in the appearance of the brand new AITO. Compared with Huawei, Cyrus has few chips left. In Huawei, well-off society is not the only choice. Now Huawei has cooperated with other automakers such as Auto and Beiqi Extreme Fox. But for Xiaokang, Huawei is the catalyst to promote it on the new car track.

Although Huawei has repeatedly denied that it will build a car next time, it is generally believed that it is only a matter of time before Huawei will build a car next time. Then, in the future Huawei stores, when Huawei’s smart selection of Celestial SF5 and AITO’s world M5 are placed at the same time, Celestial SF5 may not be competitive.

It is worth noting that AITO Wenjie M5, a new entrant of high-end new energy brand, is still facing competition in the face of new car-making forces such as Weilai and Ideality, which have already occupied a certain market share in the high-end luxury new energy market, and high-end brands that traditional car companies such as Zhiji and Lantu have devoted themselves to building, despite Huawei’s blessing.

Detonate a new upsurge of consumption! The 4th West Coast International Auto Show was successfully concluded in 2024.

  March 27th On March 24th, 2024, the 4th West Coast International Auto Show was successfully concluded in Qingdao World Expo City (No.3399 Sansha Road, Huangdao District).

  The exhibition opened two indoor exhibition halls S1 and S2 and some outdoor exhibition areas of Qingdao World Expo City, with an exhibition area of more than 30,000 square meters. More than 60 participating brands brought more than 400 display models to the exhibition. During the three-day exhibition, more than 2,000 on-site orders were placed, and the turnover exceeded 300 million yuan. In 2024, the new automobile consumption boom zone in Qingdao was detonated!

  New car debut, crowds surging west coast

  As the first official auto show in Qingdao in 2024, it is also one of the four official brand auto shows in Qingdao. The 2024 West Coast International Auto Show has attracted much attention and made the new district in March particularly lively.

  With the care and support from all walks of life, the West Coast International Auto Show has been attached to the new area for four years, adding a brand event to the Expo City and becoming a dazzling business card for the exhibition industry in the new area. In terms of the scale of participating brands and the number of people visiting the exhibition, this exhibition has achieved a new leap, with a long queue at the entrance, a lot of people in the exhibition hall, good news on the booth and a barrage rolling in the live broadcast room.

  Looking up at the brand to start the first automobile exhibition in Shandong, although it is only a static display, the close-range test ride contact has greatly satisfied the curiosity of the audience.

  SAIC-Volkswagen made its debut with all models, and luxury manufacturers’ exhibits and wonderful car models became live stars.

  () Brought the "Glory Edition" of all models, and took the price/performance ratio to the end.

  ICAR 03, Ford Fierce Horse, brand-new Krypton 001, Dongfeng Yipai 007, Geely Yinhe E8, Aouita 12, Chery Fengyun A8, FAW Audi Q4 e-tron, Haobo HT, brand-new Mercedes-Benz E-Class … dozens of new cars appeared in the official exhibition in the new year, bringing new features to the new district and injecting vitality into urban culture and citizen life.

  When the low price "falls", the regional economy will show its benefits.

  Run a meeting well and enliven a city.

  As a "famous exhibition city" under the new economic format, West Coast New District stands out with strong policy guidance and meticulous service attitude, aiming at building the most beautiful exhibition coastal zone in China and becoming a gathering place for exhibitions of characteristic industries.

  "Vitality" is synonymous with the exhibition industry in West Coast New District, which not only comes from sharp market insight, but also depends on active regional groups and consumption potential.

  In the beginning of 2024, the wave of price reduction led by new energy brands began again in an orderly manner. The highest discount is 160,000 yuan, cash official reduction, deposit inflation, replacement subsidies, and attractive price policies are all over the 2024 West Coast International Auto Show, which has also become one of the reasons why many consumers come here.

  On-site FAW Audi, Mercedes-Benz and FAW Hongqi booths were crowded, and new energy brands made excellent transactions. The exhibition scale of pure electric brands is nearly half, and the figure of new energy vehicles occupies almost every booth.

  The new industry outlook and new consumption boom are flourishing in the new district, which will be displayed in the panorama of the 4th West Coast International Auto Show in 2024.

  Buy a car, get a good gift, watch the exhibition and win the gold bars. With a more immersive exhibition experience, the West Coast International Auto Show is also rewarding this fertile land. The official first exhibition of the opening year ended successfully, bid farewell to Huangdao for the time being, focus on Laoshan, and set off in glory in May for the 23rd Qingdao Spring International Auto Show in 2024! (Reporter of this website)

Professional counterfeiter Wang Hai: This year, we will not rule out playing online red and playing Wechat business.

  When Wang Hai, a tall man, appeared in front of Chengdu Business Daily reporters, he would not attract much attention. He didn’t wear his trademark sunglasses, the personal logo that has been with him in his anti-counterfeiting career for the past 21 years. But when it comes to taking pictures, the black sunglasses appear on his face in a blink of an eye.

  The man who used to wear the hat of "fake hero" is now 43 years old. With the promulgation of the new Consumer Protection Law and the improvement of a series of relevant laws and regulations, it is easier for consumers to protect their rights. Today’s Wang Hai seems to be inferior to the "fake idol" who has been shouting and fighting all the time. With only 100,000 fans in Weibo, he is not even "online celebrity", although his personal introduction is still "the first person to fight counterfeiting".

  However, with the emergence of more and more professional counterfeiters, consumer rights protection has entered a normalization, and Wang Hai is only one of many professional counterfeiters.

  When online shopping has become an important way of consumption, professional counterfeiters have begun to specialize in e-commerce. Liu Yanqing sued more than 30 cases in half a month, all of which were related to online shopping. He said that after he picked out the thorns, the operators would definitely improve, which was a thunder for future consumers.

  Professional counterfeiters have gone through 21 years from barbaric growth to rational rights protection. Nowadays, they prefer to be called builders. "Promote the improvement of relevant laws and claim compensation within the legal bottom line."

  Wang hai

  "My personal pursuit is to be a builder"

  "This year, I don’t rule out playing net red and playing Wechat business."

  Wang Hai, who owns four business investigation companies, currently has more than 30 employees, mostly lawyers and investigation managers. Last year, more than 500 cases were handled, with an amount of more than 10 million. The company is mainly engaged in three kinds of businesses to help consumers defend their rights and fight counterfeiting; Knowing and buying fakes; Employed by enterprises, counterfeiting for enterprises. The third is the focus of his business.

  Compared with before, Wang Hai’s exposure has decreased, but his cooperation with government departments has increased, more than 400 times a year. He has become more gentle, not always "pinching". In his own words, it is called "rational blood".

  "My personal pursuit is to be a builder. Solve the problem constructively. " What Wang Hai hasn’t changed is the clarity of thinking and the endless desire to express. He said that he expected to promote consumers’ awareness of rights protection and the integrity of China people, so as to advance the law.

  Nowadays, compared with the endless stream of "online celebrity", Wang Hai is not a name with internet popularity anytime and anywhere. He sent a Weibo, and there were often only a few or dozens of comments and reposts. "There is no deliberate management, and I don’t want to be too conspicuous. Being online celebrity is not the goal."

  Wang Hai is dismissive of today’s "online celebrity economy". He mentioned that many online celebrity stores sell all kinds of cosmetics and clothing, but many of them are refurbished by stalls, and there are quite a few inferior products. "This year, we will not rule out playing online red and playing Wechat business."

  What Wang Hai is pondering now is how to promote the establishment of the Whistleblower Act (whistleblower sharing fines) in China. He said that he had previously reported Nike, and the maximum bonus given by the government department was 100,000 yuan. And if the Whistleblower Act can be established, 30% to 50% of the fines imposed on enterprises will be distributed to whistleblowers, which will give every insider, even corporate executives, the incentive to become a voluntary supervisor.

  Another goal of Wang Hai is to promote consumer organizations that can play games. He gave this organization, which is still spinning in his mind, a grounded name "Children’s Mothers Association". Wang Hai said that the "Children’s Mothers Association" can set up a laboratory to test all kinds of goods at any time; Detectives can be sent to investigate the production of each enterprise and test reports can be issued. The price violence of foreign milk powder will not happen, and it can also fight against the format contract with overlord clause. "If the child’s mother is associated with 1 million people, pricing consumers can participate."

  Liu Yanqing

  From shopping malls to online shopping.

  You can easily take screenshots to collect evidence without leaving home.

  Liu Yanqing, who has 15 years of experience in counterfeiting, is a native of Beijing. His office is hidden in a two-bedroom apartment in an old residential area near the Apple Orchard in Beijing. His company has only five or six employees at present. The main business, of course, is counterfeiting. Last year, after deducting employee salaries and various costs, Liu Yanqing’s net income from counterfeiting was around 800,000.

  "85% of my cases now are e-commerce counterfeiting." Liu Yanqing, who once beat more than 50 large shopping malls in Beijing at least once, is now dying with e-commerce companies more often. The first e-commerce anti-counterfeiting took place in 2013. He bought cosmetics of a well-known brand for 4,000 yuan online and sent them to the headquarters of the brand in China for testing, and came to the conclusion that the outer packaging did not match the genuine product. Finally, under the mediation of the court, after six months, he got 4000 yuan compensation.

  Study various judicial interpretations

  According to Liu Yanqing’s cost performance ratio, the first experience of "online counterfeiting" was not a "good business" during his counterfeiting career. But this stubborn Beijing man feels that the other party’s attitude of downplaying only "regulatory mistakes" has hurt himself. He began to switch from shopping malls to online shopping.

  In the past more than half a month, Liu Yanqing has claimed more than 30 cases from various e-commerce websites. Liu Yanqing has her own understanding of the reason why she moved from a physical store to an e-commerce. He said that although online shopping is more difficult than physical stores, for example, it can’t communicate directly with the supervisor, but it can only communicate by phone, and it is easy to be refused compensation. However, compared with physical stores, online shopping can crack down on fakes without leaving home, and it is easy to obtain evidence and screen shots. The evidence of screen shots is notarized and preserved, which is very convincing in evidence and the proportion of successful claims will be higher.

  Liu Yanqing, who just graduated from junior high school, studied laws including the Consumer Protection Law and various related judicial interpretations of the Supreme Court. In order to crack down on jewelry, he specially studied jewelry appraisal and was familiar with relevant industry standards. This made him practice a pair of critical eyes, and when he searched online, he knew which goods had false propaganda or other certain problems even in the description.

  On February 26th, Liu Yanqing bought a bracelet marked "Baltic amber beeswax" in JD.COM shopping mall, and the price was 1799 yuan, while the original price was 17990 yuan, equivalent to 10% discount. It took only four days for Liu Yanqing to buy the goods, file a claim, return the goods, return the payment, and get the compensation of 2500 yuan.

  Liu Yanqing took out a set of national standards for jewelry and the notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on the interpretation of the relevant provisions of the Provisions on Prohibiting Price Fraud. These two documents are the basis for his quick claim. He said that on the online shopping page of this bracelet, the place of origin is obviously the mainland, but the name is marked with the Baltic Sea, which is suspected of falsely marking the place of origin. This bracelet was put on the shelves on February 24, and the original price was marked with more than 10,000 yuan. There must be a transaction record of the original price sales, otherwise it is a virtual standard price.

  I used to watch Wang Hai fake on TV.

  Because of the revision of the Civil Procedure Law in 2014, it is stipulated that online shopping disputes can be prosecuted in the court where the goods are received, which makes Liu Yanqing’s e-commerce anti-counterfeiting cause more good news. He laughed and said that he could sue the e-commerce operators who he thought had problems all over the country in the Shijingshan court at his doorstep.

  Liu Yanqing’s e-commerce anti-counterfeiting process has been completely streamlined. He will give employees standardized training in food, clothing, jewelry and other commodities in advance, and then let employees find out the products that describe problems, and then he will screen them himself and place an order after confirming that they are correct. "A dozen are accurate."

  However, the name Liu Yanqing is not a popular name for many online shopping platforms. His Amazon account was cancelled for "violating online trading rules". Or, the operator will tell him that the goods are out of stock and let him choose to return them. "I entered the blacklist of e-commerce, but it doesn’t matter. I can also register many other accounts. There are more than a dozen."

  Liu Yanqing, who has driven a taxi, opened a canteen and sold mutton kebabs, once watched Wang Hai’s counterfeiting on TV. After stepping into the business of professional counterfeiters, I found that this industry with a little personal heroism brought him unprecedented self-confidence.

  He was once "threatened" by the store to report his extortion. But Liu Yanqing, who is a little "mixed", responded like this: "If I knock, I knock internally according to the law, and I don’t do it if I don’t do it."

  Feng zhibo

  "Almost all the claims were won last year."

  "I hope that fakes can be bought less and less."

  Feng Zhibo, a Wuhan native who started counterfeiting in 1997, now lives in Guangzhou. He has two identities, one is a professional counterfeiter and the other is a clothing operator. He said that it is precisely because he is counterfeiting and knows the cost of illegal business that he will be more cautious when doing clothing business.

  In 2013, there was a provision in the Supreme Law on several issues concerning the application of law in the trial of food and drug disputes. If there was a dispute over the quality of food and drugs, the buyer claimed the rights from the producers and sellers, and the producers and sellers made a defense on the grounds that the buyer knew that there were quality problems in the food and drugs but still bought them, the people’s court would not support it. This means that even if you buy a fake knowing it, it will not affect the claim.

  Last year, Feng Zhibo focused on food counterfeiting. For a whole year, he has been arguing with ordinary food with cod liver oil, suing for compensation, and probably got millions of compensation. "Professionals buy problematic goods, so less will be left in the hands of consumers. From this perspective, it is good for the market. I hope that fakes can be bought less and less."

  Last year, Feng Zhibo, who likes to be more serious, won almost all the claims. The only case that lost in the first instance was changed in the second instance, and Feng Zhibo, who got the verdict, was somewhat gratified, which meant his 100% winning rate. He believes that this is a more perfect law to protect his legitimate rights and interests.


  A professional counterfeiter in the eyes of a lawyer;

  Counterfeiting is conducive to market regulation.

  Qiu Baochang, head of the lawyers’ group of China Consumers Association, told Chengdu Business Daily that personally, professional counterfeiters should not kidnap them with morality as long as they have not violated the law. The existence of professional counterfeiters is beneficial to market purification, to the interests of consumers, to the protection of legitimate enterprises and to market regulation.