
"Slow hands" Xiaomi 14 mobile phone only sells for 4349 yuan, and the first purchase is reduced by 550 yuan!

"Slow hands" Xiaomi 14 mobile phone only sells for 4349 yuan, and the first purchase is reduced by 550 yuan!


Xiaomi 14 5G mobile phone is a flagship mobile phone with high performance. Now the JD.COM esports store is on sale. The original price of Xiaomi 14 is 4899 yuan, but now the first purchase is reduced from 550 yuan, and the actual price is only 4349 yuan. This phone is equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen3 processor, which has strong performance and low power consumption. In addition, it also has a storage configuration of 16GB+1TB, which is enough to meet the various needs of users. Xiaomi 14 Cai …

In May, the sales volume of new energy reached a new high, and it was difficult for Xiaowei to get together.

A few days ago, new energy car companies and new forces released their sales data in May. From the data, BYD, Ai ‘an and Ideals continued to triumph, especially Ai ‘an and Ideals, which hit record highs. At the same time, the sales volume of Nezha, Zero Run and Krypton increased steadily compared with that of April, while Tucki and Weilai still failed to see improvement, and the gap between them and their ideals became wider and wider, so it was difficult for the former "Big Three" to get together.

BYD: 240,220 vehicles

Since the introduction of DM-i super-hybrid technology, BYD has ushered in a "rocket-riding" sales surge, and the growth momentum has almost always been doubled. Data show that BYD sold 240,220 vehicles in May, up 108.99% year-on-year, breaking the previous record of BYD selling 235,200 vehicles in December 2022, setting a monthly record high. Among them, the sales volume of passenger cars was 239,092, and the sales volume of Wangchao.com and Haiyang.com was 228,087. At the same time, Tengshi Automobile also handed over 11,005 vehicles in May, which exceeded 10,000 for three consecutive months, and the overall performance was good.

Ian: 45,003 vehicles

In the new energy market, Ai ‘an can be said to be the one who "made a fortune in silence". It hardly participated in the "saliva war", nor did it flaunt itself as the best model within 500,000 to 5 million yuan, and its outstanding market performance was "hard currency". In May, Ai ‘an delivered 45,003 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 114%, setting a record high. According to the previous annual sales target of 500,000 vehicles set by Aidan, the completion rate is 33.2% so far, and it needs to be further strengthened in the next seven months.

Ideal: 28,277 vehicles

The achievement of 25,681 vehicles in April has shocked many people. In May, LI delivered an even more amazing 28,277 vehicles, which once again set a new record for brand delivery in a single month, among which the ideal L7 delivered more than 10,000 vehicles for two consecutive months. I have to say, LI’s positioning is too precise. It doesn’t have the layout of power exchange like Weilai, nor does it have the smart driving assistance like Tucki. Instead, it focuses on the needs of home users, with luxurious space, comfortable ride, humanized details, and zero anxiety about fuel and electricity. In the peak season, the ideal is expected to achieve sales of 30,000 vehicles/month or even higher.

Nezha: 13,029 vehicles.

Like the ranking in April, Nezha Automobile still ranks behind BYD, Ai ‘an and Ideality, and in May, it slightly increased to 13,029 vehicles, of which 2,024 vehicles were sold overseas, and the overall performance was remarkable. From the market point of view, Nezha V, a subsidiary of Nezha Automobile, launched an activity with a total discount of 10,000 yuan, which stimulated product sales; At the same time, Nezha S enriched the entry-level models, and the new models improved the comprehensive cost performance of the products. However, compared with the high of 18,016 vehicles in October last year, there is still a certain gap, which also means that Nezha GT needs to continue to exert its strength, and 1,716 vehicles are far from enough.

Zero run: 12,058 vehicles

If we don’t calculate Tengshi separately, then Zero Run is the last new energy brand with a sales volume of over 10,000 in May. Among the 12,058 new cars sold, C11 delivered 7,100+and C series delivered 10,000+,accounting for more than 83%, which is the same as that in April. In other words, the main sales force of the brand has changed from the entry-level zero-run T03 to the middle and high-level zero-run C11, and it has become a stable trend, which shows that the pricing strategy and vehicle layout of the zero-run car have achieved results.

Extreme krypton: 8,678 vehicles

Compared with April, the achievement of 8,678 Krypton vehicles is only more than 500 vehicles, but this achievement is enough to win the title of luxury pure electric brand in China. In addition, Krypton X, which focuses on the young personalized market, will start large-scale delivery in June. Perhaps starting from June, Krypton X will return to the ranks of "10,000 clubs". As for 11,000, 13,000 or even 15,000, it depends on how much energy Krypton X has.

Tucki: 7506 vehicles.

From January to May, Xpeng Motors’s sales volume has been increasing, which is definitely a good phenomenon, but its growth rate is slightly mediocre in the market, and it has been hovering at the height of more than 7,000 vehicles for three months. According to the market feedback, Tucki P7i launched at the end of March, although its product strength has been upgraded to some extent, has not been translated into more actual sales. One of the main reasons is that many users think that its price is on the high side, and they can only expect that the following two new cars, Tucki G6 and new MPV Tucki X9, can help Tucki to make new breakthroughs in sales.

Deep blue: 7021 vehicles

Although compared with the 7,756 vehicles in April, there is a slight decrease from the previous month, there should be no pressure on the Deep Blue car, because the Deep Blue S7, which was booked by "520", gave a booking price of 169,900-239,900 yuan, even 2,000 yuan cheaper than the official price of Deep Blue SL03. Compared with the same model, Deep Blue S7 is sincere in price. Compared with the same model, Deep Blue S7 has certain advantages in performance, configuration, design and space. It is foreseeable that the official listing of Deep Blue S7 will have a positive impact on the sales of Deep Blue brand.

Weilai: 6,155 vehicles

Once the "Big Three" of the new forces, it is now difficult to get together again. Xpeng Motors is hovering around seven or eight thousand vehicles, but Weilai’s situation seems to be even worse. Since March, Weilai ET7 has failed to break through four digits for many months, Weilai ET5 has also dropped from more than 7,000 vehicles to 45,000 vehicles, and the sales of ES8 and EC7 are negligible, while the new ES6 has been replaced.

AITO boundary: 5629 vehicles

Thanks to Huawei’s empowerment, AITO Wenjie series completed the production of 100,000 vehicles in 15 months, becoming the fastest growing brand of new energy vehicles. However, since 2023, AITO’s pace seems to be a little slow. First, it may be affected by the "abuse of Huawei brand logo" incident in March. Second, in the face of more and more opponents, the competitiveness of M7 is somewhat weak, and the brand sales are almost supported only by M5. Perhaps, before the M9 goes on the market, the sales of AITO cars will remain at the level of 4,000-6,000 vehicles.

Lantu: 3,003 vehicles

Although there is a slight decline from April, the sales volume of Lantu Automobile itself is not large, and it is a good result to be able to stabilize at around 3,000 vehicles. In addition, Lantu Zhuiguang adjusted its selling price and rights in May, and may see a small increase after entering June.

On the hot search as soon as you shoot, Shanghai Meiying deserves to be the national team of China animation.

Special feature of 1905 film network The animated film is released.After a lapse of 38 years, this film officially met the audience in the cinema for the first time. Perhaps, the saying of "returning a movie ticket" has been redefined in this film.

And this is Shanghai Animation Film Studio (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Meiying") behind the film, the second film work handed over this year after Tyrannosaurus Tu Tu with Big Ears in Action in the National Day file.


The two seemingly independent works are actually a kind of "inheritance" of the film maker to some extent. Mr. Wang is the co-director of the film "The Story of Heaven". At the same time, he also participated in the art work of the first season of the drama series "Tu Tu with Big Ears".


From the "old" to the new, and then renovate and repair the "old". In the past few years, Shanghai Meiying has always presented its "treasures" to everyone in the best form.


The charm of Shanghai Meiying is not only on the big screen.As early as last year, the "China Animation Alliance" gathered and customized a promotional film for the Beijing Winter Olympics, saying, "My old grandson is coming!" Who’s feelings have been ignited?


When the "Zhu Rong" rover landed on Mars, Shanghai Meiying took out the concept film of the 4D sci-fi cartoon "Fluorescent Fire". After watching it, anyone who didn’t marvel at it was still online.


Inheritance of "repair"

The story of Shangmeiying is as wonderful as its cartoon characters, but this time, let’s start with "The Story of Heaven".


In 2019, the main visual poster of Shanghai International Film Festival designed by Huang Hai was released, which surprised everyone. And this poster is based on the animated film produced by Shanghai Meiying.

In that year’s screening list, Shanghai Meiying also released two restored works, one is the full version of "Make a scene in Heaven" and the other is the 2K restored version of "The Story of Heaven".After the invoice was issued, "Tian Shu Qi Tan" became one of the fastest sold-out films. This is somewhat unexpected. After all, in the past, most of the animated films mentioned by the audience were "Make a scene in Heaven".


Making a scene in Heaven was completed by Shanghai Meiying in 2011. It is precisely because of this achievement that Shanghai Meiying saw hope that "classics will never go out of date". As a result, in 2018, Shanghai Meiying restarted the restoration work of "Tian Shu Qi Tan".


This repair work is not easy.Because of the limitation of early technical conditions, the storage medium of the original film is film. The film itself is very fragile, even if it is well preserved, it will inevitably cause some damage. The director of Shanghai Meiying told us that the team invested a lot of manpower and energy to repair the sound and picture.


Behind the simple expression, there is actually a very complicated process technology. In the end, the basic restoration of the film was completed by Shanghai Film Technology Factory and Shanghai Meiying, which ensured the basic content of the work and realized the work of "glue revolution". It is reported that the film has been repaired in the 4K version. This also caused the film to finally meet the audience after two years after the screening of the last film festival.


For many viewers, this is a "youth return". Memories of the movies I saw when I was a child are all emerging one by one, and even the "sequel legend" about this movie is not broken.


For Suda, the release of this film has not only fulfilled his dream, but also completed the unfinished story of the predecessors of Shanghai Meiying.

Mr Yunda Qian, the co-director of this film, is her university teacher. At the Shanghai premiere of the film, the 93-year-old director Yunda Qian appeared. Facing the recognition of the audience, he also said humbly, "I feel that we have not done enough. If we can do it in the future, we will do more work."


However, what is the release of such a film to the audience?Suda doesn’t want to emphasize the box office. After all, the release of this animated work is difficult to demonstrate with the box office itself. "Going to the cinema is not just about paying for feelings."

In Suda’s view, this restoration can make the audience feel better about "The Wonder of Heaven" and break the previous cognition on the small screen. No matter the sound or the picture, more different details can be found.


The vitality of IP

Suda has been busy for the last two months. I was interviewed by various media for Action of Tyrannosaurus Tu Tu with Big Ears and 4K Commemorative Edition.


Although these two works are presented to the audience with a brand-new look, we can’t ignore the fact that it has been 38 years since "The Story of Heaven" and the drama series "Tu Tu with Big Ears" has been updated, but it has been more than 15 years since the first season. It seems that from the outside world, these two works are already "past tense".


Suda seems to have become accustomed to these discussions, and bluntly saying that economic benefits are definitely not the purpose. "I understand that everyone has such a voice, because in the past, we did not produce a large number of new films, and we also understand the expectations of the audience."

In fact, the restoration of "The Wonder of Heaven" is to use digital technology to make the film glow with new vitality.


On the basis of the original film’s 89 minutes, a special behind-the-scenes feature was specially added at the end of the film, including some creative materials, restoration process and interviews with old artists. This is a tribute to the older generation of animation artists, but also a kind of China animation inheritance.


At that time, there were many ingenious ideas of old artists in the creation of the film "The Wonder of Heaven", but now it seems a little clumsy.


For example, in the four words of the title, the blue-black background pattern presents a "special effect" of flowing fusion. It is the old artists who pour blue-black paint into a basin and add solvent to make the paint "flow", thus shooting this wonderful "special effect" scene.


The TV animation "Tu Tu with Big Ears" with more than 100 episodes grew up with the post-90s and post-00s, and it was created by Shanghai Meiying for the purpose of making original and high-quality cartoons to reflect the life of contemporary children.The image of "Tu Tu" unexpectedly became popular on the short video platform two years ago, which made everyone see the vitality of IP.

From the small screen to the big screen, the movie version of Tu Tu with Big Ears has been striving to integrate the spirit of the times into its works and track the topics of social concern. It involves filial piety culture and pension topics.


It seems to be a mature drama IP, but this creation is not easy for Suda. In this movie, there is no collision between justice and evil, just want children to watch it with relish and touch them with emotion.


It doesn’t matter if you have doubts, it also represents the expectations of the audience.For these IPS in their hands, Suda said, "The old IP, because it was already there, we will repair it and develop it, and maybe it will take less time; Then the new work needs a process of incubation, cultivation and creation. "


As for the excessive public opinion of "fried cold rice", the speed is also accepted according to the order. The hard work behind the classic repair is no easier than an original IP. Classic IP needs to maintain its vigorous vitality, which can not be presented by simple preservation. "We are not completely copying the past to sell tickets again, but to create in depth again."


Not only the restoration of movies, but also the IP image authorization of Shanghai Meiying from a very early age.Especially at the beginning of 2019, the collection of doll toys, in which "Tian Shu Qi Tan" cooperated with a fast food brand, even sold as high as 500 yuan on a second-hand trading platform.


This series of IP authorization, actually from another level, is also the activation of IP.Of course, in terms of IP authorization, Shangmeiying pays great attention to whether the cartoon image is suitable for the brand. "Every IP has its own personal design, and we also value the concept of communication that can be set by someone in the future brand communication."


The story continues

"Innovation and inheritance" is the brand concept written by official website of Shanghai Meiying.


Reasonable IP authorization and development, as well as the restoration of classic films, are the best footnotes made by Shanghai Film and Television. To combine "inheritance" and "innovation" organically, we have to mention Meiying’s ink animation.


As early as the 60th anniversary of Shanghai Film Festival, it was announced that it would restart ink animation and launch the first feature film of ink animation. At that time, the official also released a 2-minute trial film, which attracted a lot of attention once it was spread.


After a lapse of four years, what is the progress of this project?Suda told us that the film is scheduled to be completed by the end of next year and is scheduled to be released in 2023. The duration of the film will be about 90 minutes, with almost no dialogue, and the story will be promoted by music. "It can be said with great pride that this will be the first animated feature film in China and even the world."


The 3D version of the official announcement has also made progress. "We will make a bold attempt to break everyone’s previous understanding of the image of the Monkey King in" Big Sky "and make a brand new the Monkey King in a three-dimensional space, which will be more in line with the aesthetics of young people as a whole."


In addition, the new Snow Child, which was created by directors Lu Hengyu and Li Shujie, will also be produced accordingly. In the future production process of Shanghai Meiying, there will be more than a dozen works coming out one after another.

In the face of marketization, Suda said frankly, "Not blindly pursuing the click-through rate and the box office, how to make a good work that can stay is the first thing that our creators should consider, and don’t produce a pile of cultural garbage."


With the special promotional film of the Winter Olympics going off again, the outside world is increasingly looking forward to the progress of the "cartoon universe" of the American film. At the beginning of this year, they launched the drama "Beautiful Film Paradise", but this short drama did not leave much sound. Su Da told us not to worry. They really saw the concept of "movie universe" and are creating an animated film "Make a scene in cartoon city", which combines the IP of Shangmeiying with real life.


No matter from the outside world, Shanghai Meiying is slowing down or speeding up now; Is it being questioned "fried cold rice" or insisting on bringing forth the old and bringing forth the new? They are always carrying on the good memories of several generations with a pen.


As Suda said, Shanghai Meiying is the national team of animation in China, which shoulders great responsibilities. It cannot just pursue commercial animation, and it is one of the responsibilities to inherit and innovate the art of its predecessors.

For the first time, the M9 supports smart dessert, and the audio experience of Huawei music space is upgraded.

On December 26th, 2023, Huawei held a press conference on M9 and Huawei’s whole winter scene in Shenzhen. As the full-size flagship SUV of the leading generation of science and technology, the M9 supports the smart dessert spot for the first time, and intelligently senses the passenger position based on the industry-leading sound field matching algorithm. Listening to high-definition space audio songs through Huawei music in the cabin can adaptively adjust the listening area, so that users in each seat can enjoy a complete immersive listening experience and bring a heavy upgrade to the cabin space audio experience.

In April, 2023, Huawei Music realized the first boarding of high-definition space audio on the M5 version of the intelligent driving platform. Based on the Audio Vivid audio coding and decoding standard, it presented richer sound details in the intelligent cockpit, and made the sound linger around the users in all directions through virtual reconstruction of the spherical space. At the same time, under the deep integration and adjustment with HUAWEI SOUND, it brought the HarmonyOS cockpit users an immersive space audio listening experience with the main driver in the music center.

At the M9 conference released this time, HUAWEI SOUND created four dessert spots (main driver’s seat, boss’s seat, whole car and front row) through the Danish chief tuner, and all the positions were individually adjusted by Andhadhun. Combined with Huawei’s unique sound field matching algorithm and HarmonyOS 4, it can adaptively identify the position of boarding passengers and obtain tuning parameters efficiently, thus providing each passenger with the best listening dessert spot for spatial audio. At the same time, four sky channels will be added in the cockpit to form a 7.1.4-channel configuration. Through the industry-leading 25-unit professional-grade audio and the star-ring diffuser located in the center console, a wider and more uniform sound field will be brought, ensuring that passengers in any position in the car can experience music with a more sense of space, mobility and presence, and creating a special spatial audio listening sound field for each seat, so that users can sit in C position no matter where they sit.

Since the launch of the Space Audio Zone in 2022, Huawei Music has reached content cooperation with dozens of well-known record companies and labels at home and abroad, such as Taihe Music, Modern Sky, Sony Select, Street Sound and 2L, and has many popular singers’ space audio songs, including pop, classical, national style, jazz, rap, environmental sound and soundtrack of film and television dramas, as well as music based on. Open Huawei Music APP and click the "Space Audio" icon on the home page, and you can enter the special area to feel the wonderful charm of different types of songs given by space audio.

At present, Huawei Music has provided high-definition spatial audio content services for some models of Huawei mobile phones and tablets, as well as all models of AITO. In the future, it will continue to expand the content of terminal equipment and music library, so that listeners have more convenience and choice space to experience the enjoyment of "sound".

Tan Benhong, Aouita: I hope everyone can experience more and feel the performance of Huawei Smart Drive on different models.

On November 10th, Aouita 12, a brand-new model in Aouita, was officially launched. The price range of the new car is 300,800-400,800 yuan, and it is expected to be delivered in early December.

After Aouita 12 went public, Shell Finance reporter interviewed Tan Benhong, Chairman of Aouita Science and Technology. In view of the cooperation between Aouita and Huawei, the follow-up product layout and sales planning, Tan Benhong gave his thoughts.

Tan Benhong Map/Enterprise official website

The estimated sales volume in 2023 is 35,000 vehicles, and it will maintain long-term cooperation with Huawei and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited.

Beijing News Shell Finance:What are your expectations for sales this year and next year? Will the user groups of Aouita 12 and 11 overlap?

Tan Benhong:It is estimated that the actual sales of 30,000 to 35,000 vehicles will be completed this year. The sales target given by the board of directors in 2024 must be a double-digit (10,000 units), and we must sprint. Because we sold 3,800 Aouita 11 vehicles last month, judging from the current performance, we are still confident. Earlier, we were worried that there would be a crowd of users between Aouita 11 and 12. Judging from the available data, we think Aouita 11 and 12 are ok.

This is because we took this into consideration at the beginning of product design. The high-pressure platform, intelligent driving and HarmonyOS cockpit of the two cars are relatively close, but they are quite different in shape, function and configuration.

Beijing News Shell Finance:Huawei has many partners. What are the leading points or differences in Aouita? Where is the core competitiveness?

Tan Benhong:I hope everyone can experience our products. Let’s look back at the mobile phone market for 10 years or more. At the earliest, everyone was Android, but many brands were produced on Android.

Huawei was originally based on Android, and later it had its own HarmonyOS. Huawei, vivo, Xiaomi and OPP are very different in product experience. We still have to have a worthy price when positioning our products.

At the same time, Aouita competes in the market based on the strategic cooperation of Changan Automobile, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Huawei. The development of each enterprise or brand should be based on certain strategic coordination and resources. I personally think that Aouita’s CHN platform is our own core competitiveness. This is why we can go on steadily and steadily, do our own brand well and have the technical capabilities of three companies at the same time.

I think strategic coordination, strategic cooperation and mutual understanding are also core competitiveness.

Two new cars will be launched in 2024, with 500 channel contacts.

Beijing News Shell Finance:What are Aouita’s product plans for 2024?

Tan Benhong:We also have two models with code numbers 15 and 16, and these two products are all CHN models. Maybe I will meet you at the Beijing Auto Show next year.

Beijing News Shell Finance:What are your plans and thoughts on sales and channels?

Tan Benhong:Personally, I don’t think there is a perfect practice for new energy vehicles and high-end electric vehicles in the sales sector, and everyone is exploring. Direct marketing recruits people by itself, and he relies on others. Aouita’s current development mode is to operate directly and operate separately. We have a part of our own sales team, and we are also relying on many investors of Changan Automobile Group’s brands, including Changan, Ford and Mazda, to participate in the channel expansion in Aouita.

It is estimated that 350 layouts will be completed by the end of the year, and there will be about 500 contacts by next year. The pace of our development is not greedy, and it will certainly not work without it. I think the marketing rhythm should match the goal of its own development stage.

Beijing News Shell Finance Reporter Bai Haotian Zhang Bing Editor and Proofreader Zhai Yongjun

LI released its 2022 financial report: the gross profit margin dropped to 19.4%, and the loss increased by 2.6 times.

On February 27th, LI released its financial report for the fourth quarter and the whole year of 2022.

Data show that in the fourth quarter of last year, LI achieved revenue of 17.65 billion yuan, and the annual revenue of 45.29 billion yuan, up 67.7% year-on-year, but the operating loss in the same period was as high as 3.65 billion yuan, up 259.3% year-on-year.About every LI sold, the net loss is 27,000 yuan..

At the same time, the gross profit margin rose to 20.2% in the fourth quarter of 2022, butThe annual gross profit margin dropped to 19.4%.In 2021, the gross profit margin was 21.3%, down 1.9 percentage points year-on-year.

In 2022, the company’s operating expenses and R&D expenses were 12.45 billion yuan and 6.78 billion yuan respectively, up by 83.6% and 106.3% year-on-year, and other expenses related to employee management were 5.67 billion yuan, up by 62.2% year-on-year.

By the end of 2021, the number of employees in LI was 11,900, and by the end of 2022, this number had increased to 19,300, with a year-on-year increase of 62.2%.

However, as of the end of the fourth quarter of last year, the ideal book cash flow was still as high as 58.45 billion yuan. For the company, there is not much pressure on future R&D and management expenditures.

It generally takes a long period of loss for new forces to build cars. Even Tesla only turned losses into profits in 2020, and its annual gross profit margin during 2012-2022 experienced repeated fluctuations.

From 7.3% in 2012 to the peak of 27.6% in 2014, it then fell all the way until it stabilized and rebounded in 2020, and remained above 21% for three consecutive years.The gross profit margin in 2022 was 25.6%.

Therefore, the increase in operating losses is not a problem in the short term. It depends on whether the brand can shorten the time of profit through product layout. For capital, long-term interests can be considered, but patience is limited.

For LI, in 2022, it stopped production in Li ONE decisively, introduced L9, L8 and L7 in reverse order, and broke through the 20,000-vehicle mark in December, which also proved the correctness of its product strategy.

If the previous ideal was only individual combat, then the next step was the wolf tactics, and it didn’t give itself too many price barriers, unlike Wei Lai’s rigid high-end work, butThrough the iteration of new products, it gradually penetrated into the market space of 200,000-300,000 yuan..

Why should BYD break through the price bottom line at all costs? The purpose is to take the volume, and then share the total cost based on the general volume, and finally achieve the goal of quick turnover and small profits.

Ideally, to reduce the loss, it is difficult to rely solely on high-end products, and the real volume is concentrated in the range of 150,000-300,000 yuan.

Li Xiang, CEO of LI, once said that it is not a dream to sell 30,000 vehicles a month if the L7 Air version is delivered.

In January of this year, Ideality became the only car company with monthly sales exceeding 10,000 with 15,141 vehicles. The sales of L9 and L8 were hot, and the L7 was scheduled to be optimistic. This is also the reason why Li wants to have the confidence to achieve monthly sales of 30,000 in the future.

Ideally, the analysis of the product array is more accurate, such as the L9 (459,800 yuan) with the highest price, which is aimed at potential customers with sufficient budget and BBA. They hope to experience the fun completely different from the traditional high-end fuel vehicles, and at the same time, the six-seat layout meets the needs of Chinese family travel scenes.

The guide price of L8 is 339.8-399.8 thousand yuan, which is a reduced version of L9, and it is also six seats, but the price has dropped by 60-12 thousand yuan to meet those groups who want to buy L9 but have insufficient budget.

L7 focuses on five luxury SUV markets, with a guide price of 31.98-37.98 million yuan, which is cheaper than L8, making up for the gaps in five markets and directly grabbing customers from Audi Q5L and Mercedes-Benz GLC. This kind of consumers don’t care about six, which is more pragmatic and has limited budget.

But from that ideal background display,LI car owners used the smart big screen for more than 6 hours/week during parking.It also reflects from one side that people who choose LI have a high demand for entertainment functions of new energy vehicles, which is becoming a breakthrough to help new forces rapidly expand their market share.

In addition, the new forces also have great advantages in intelligence. They can rely on large-capacity batteries to achieve rich car experience, which traditional fuel vehicles can’t do at all.

In 2023, for the new forces, the cost of power batteries is expected to be greatly reduced. For example, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited has launched a half-price cooperation idea for large customers, and LI will be one of the cooperative car companies.

With the improvement of product structure and the initial effect of function optimization, the expenditure on R&D will also decrease in the future. LI is waiting for the mass production of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, and the car system experience will be promoted by leaps and bounds.

Full text summary:Under the background of frequent negative news and employees blowing their own dirty linen, it seems that LI’s counter-attack road has not encountered much resistance, and the market of high-end intelligent new energy vehicles is still a blue ocean, which is also the basis for many new forces to dare to burn money. However, this year’s new energy market will usher in a cruel price war. Fortunately, it has not yet reached the high-end market. For new forces, adhering to the product concept of high scarcity and exclusiveness may be the key to avoiding strangulation.

AITO asks M5 EV to release a small art, which makes the car voice interaction more temperature.

On September 6th, 2022, at the autumn conference of Mate50 series and new products in the whole scene held by Huawei, the new pure electric vehicle AITO Wenjie M5 EV, which was deeply empowered by Huawei, was officially released. Thanks to the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, the intelligent level, endurance and comprehensive performance of the M5 EV have evolved in an all-round way, aiming to bring consumers the ultimate carefree smart travel experience. As a part of the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, Xiaoyi has also been upgraded again, bringing a new and more humanized voice interaction experience to car owners with continuous technological innovation and functional optimization.

Intimate service will be upgraded, and car xiaoyi will be a travel assistant who knows you better.

Traditional voice assistants often need users to send voice instructions in one direction before they can provide services. Xiaoyi, the intelligent assistant of AITO’s M5 EV, can not only actively provide services through wisdom perception, but also add five functions, from reminding to start the power-saving mode, charging reminder, charging station inquiry and screening to easy navigation and getting off at complex locations, providing car owners with all-round intimate services such as getting on, driving and getting off, making travel smarter and more enjoyable.

Super power saving mode reminderIn view of the emergency that may occur during driving, Xiaoyi has added the function of "Super Power Saving Mode Reminder", which is the first in the industry. Specifically, when the vehicle is in a low battery, Xiaoyi will take the initiative to broadcast "The battery is low, do you want to turn on the super power-saving mode?"; After the user agrees to turn it on, it will voice again to remind that "the torque and maximum speed of the vehicle will be limited after turning on the super power-saving mode. Are you sure to turn it on?" After getting the second confirmation from the user, Xiaoyi will switch the vehicle to the super power-saving mode to help the owner drive with peace of mind.

Voice charging serviceWhen you want to charge the car but can’t find a suitable charging station, the user can wake up Xiaoyi by voice to quickly query and filter. After the voice wakes up Xiaoyi, the user can say "Filter Fast Charge/Slow Charge", and Xiaoyi will filter out the list of nearby fast charge/slow charge charging stations according to the voice instruction, and the user can go directly to the charging station he wants to go according to the planned route of Xiaoyi. The whole process of inquiry and screening needs no hands-on, and the voice control skill is easily realized, which greatly improves the driving convenience.

Intelligent voice charging reminderFor users who often charge their cars in a fixed period of time, Xiaoyi can intelligently learn and remember the user’s habits, and when the user does not charge the car according to his habits, he will take the initiative to remind "I suggest you charge according to your charging habits" and respond quickly and actively; When the temperature drop may affect the car’s power, Xiaoyi will also perceive and broadcast the weather information in time to remind users to charge in advance-"The temperature will be low tomorrow, so it is recommended to charge today".

Easy navigation in commonly used complex placeswhenWhen the frequented places are too complicated and navigation is troublesome, clever and capable small arts can also help. It can select the destination information and plan the route to the destination according to the user’s historical preference-that is, after the user has visited a complex location for three times, Xiaoyi can directly locate the specific location when the user navigates to this address next time, avoiding the search for complex locations and easily improving the travel efficiency.

Xiaoyi reminded meAlways forget to bring the necessary items after getting off the bus. In order to avoid running back and forth in a hurry, the user can set the get-off reminder for Xiaoyi voice in advance. For example, when you get on the bus, you say "Xiao Yi Xiao Yi, remind me to take an umbrella in the trunk when you get off the bus". When you judge that the user gets off the bus according to the behavior intelligence such as hanging the P file and opening the door, Xiao Yi will remind you in time: Please remember to take an umbrella in the trunk.

In addition to these intimate functions, the car-mounted Xiaoyi can accurately judge and respond to voice commands from the main driver, the co-driver and the rear row through "four-tone zone recognition", communicate with the owner more smoothly and naturally through "full-duplex continuous dialogue", and operate the text, buttons and function options of the car interface at any time through "full-interface visual speaking". The smarter you use Xiaoyi, it is expected that through continuous function upgrade, it will bring users a more humanized car voice service experience and redefine the new way of smart travel.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted by our website, aiming to provide readers with more news information. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, and are for readers’ reference only.

[Editor: Zhong Jingwen]

Exposure of M9 real car map: brand-new design+multiple power options.

According to the exposure of the latest issue of the new car declaration catalogue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the real car map of the M9 large SUV has aroused widespread concern. It is reported that the car is expected to be officially unveiled in the fourth quarter of this year, and the pre-sale price range is between 500,000 and 600,000 yuan.

According to the news, the M9 will be produced in an exclusive factory, and equipped with Queen’s co-driver, rear wheel steering and digital headlights. However, these news have not been officially confirmed by AITO, and the specific situation needs to wait for the official release.

As can be seen from the declaration drawing, Wenjie M9 adopts a brand-new family design language, with a rounded front face, and the headlight group and the taillight group all adopt a through-going light strip design. The front grille has a trapezoidal shape, the roof position is also equipped with a laser radar, and there is a camera at the front fender. It is expected that the car will support a high-level driver assistance function.

The side lines of the M9 are smooth, and the door handles are hidden, which increases the sense of science and technology of the whole vehicle. The pure electric version provides the choice of two-color body. According to different configurations, it provides two specifications of 21-inch rims, which are 265/45 R21 and 285/45 R21 in tyre size respectively. In terms of body size, the length, width and height are 5230/1999/1800 mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 3110 mm.

In terms of power, M9 provides two sets of power systems. The pure electric version adopts double motor layout, with the maximum power of the front motor of 160 kW and the maximum power of the rear motor of 230 kW. The extended-range hybrid version is equipped with a 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 112kW, and the motor parameters are the same as those of the pure electric version. Both power systems are equipped with ternary lithium batteries, but the specific capacity and cruising range are not clear.

In terms of intelligent functions, the M9 will be equipped with HarmonyOS 4.0 cockpit system and Huawei ADS advanced autopilot assistance system. The co-pilot in the car will be equipped with a separate screen, and laser projection equipment will be provided in the back row.

The boy rewarded the female anchor for 70 days. The 1.58 million live broadcast platform refused to refund.

CCTV News:Minors are immature, and their cognitive ability and self-control ability are low. It is precisely because of this feature that they are not only tricked into participating in pornographic live broadcasts, but also become blind rewards for various live broadcasts. In the process of live broadcast, the anchor often uses induced words to urge the audience to send gifts. For the audience with high reward, the anchor will praise them or perform for them specially, and many minors are immersed in it. Recently, Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court tried such a case. In 70 days, the minor Xiao Liu rewarded all 1.58 million yuan to an anchor.

In this case, Xiao Liu, a minor, dropped out of school at home in the second day of junior high school. His parents asked him to collect money at his own vegetable wholesale booth and was busy making a living. Parents rarely asked about their children’s situation. There was basically nothing to do at night, and he was quickly attracted by a female anchor on a webcast platform, rewarding, thanking, performing alone, and rewarding more. After many interactions, Xiao Liu was addicted to it. Basically, the food collected during the day would be rewarded at night, sometimes as much as 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per night, until it was discovered by his parents more than two months later.

Immediately, Xiao Liu’s parents contacted the live broadcast platform several times to explain the situation, hoping to refund the reward of 1.58 million yuan. After being rejected, Xiao Liu’s family took the live broadcast platform to court.

Tian Lei, Judge of Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court:In fact, network companies should have supervision before, during and after the event. Because the background big data is widely used, we can see the behavior of each user’s reward, some of its laws, time periods and amounts. In this way, we can find the scenes in which minors are mixed.

In the end, after mediation by the court, the live broadcast platform returned 1.58 million yuan to Xiao Liu’s family in full.

The Supreme People’s Court makes it clear that if a minor participates in online paid games or "rewards" on the live webcast platform without the consent of his guardian, and the guardian requests the Internet service provider to return the money, the people’s court shall support it.

Seven departments, including the National Network Information Office and the Office of the National Working Group for Combating Pornography, also jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Webcast, which requires that the Webcast platform should strictly prohibit the provision of network anchor account registration service for minors under the age of 16, and should not accept the recharge and reward of minors without the consent of their guardians. At the same time, it is clear that if minors use adult accounts to reward, they must be refunded according to regulations after verification.

Gao Qingyun, Deputy Director of the Office of the National Working Group for Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications:In order to promote the effectiveness of network seedling protection, the next step is to prevent minors from being addicted to the Internet, urge major Internet platforms to implement the youth model, focus on the network application fields that minors often contact, such as online games, live broadcasts, short videos, online social platforms, online animations, etc., and carry out special rectification to clean up bad information more effectively and purify the network environment.

The well-known anchor was reprimanded for disturbing the people late at night, and the female neighbor rushed into his house! I respond

According to the city express, late last night,Chen Ze, a well-known game anchor, clashed with his neighbors during the live broadcast. The neighbors loudly reprimanded Chen Ze for disturbing the people every day, and then rushed into his home.

Subsequently, Chen Ze Weibo’s account @ Mushroom Mushroom did not send a message to respond to disturbing people:



At five o’clock in the morning, Chen Ze replied to the netizen: Don’t talk nonsense, it’s better to have more public figures than less … …


Early this morning, related topic words rushed to the top of hot search.


In this regard, someNetizen saidUnderstand the neighbors, now the house is not sound-proof, and the live broadcast really disturbs the people.


Zhang Cheng 0227: Actually, the anchor is really disturbing the people. Now the house is not soundproof, and the live broadcast is just at night. Everyone will collapse when they go to work during the day and live next door at night. You can change the time, or change the room like the video said. Neighbors can do this probably because negotiations have been ineffective for a long time. What’s more, he is a big anchor.

Sleepy or don’t want to sleep: I understand this neighbor too well. I can also hear a man broadcast live every night, and it is noisy at 11 o’clock every night until the early morning.

Line draft: Noise disturbing people deserves to be scolded! These anchors are so loud when they are broadcast live. Can you stand it if it were you?

I really don’t want to cut my hair: you can’t do whatever you want just because you are online celebrity, but you still have to respect the routine of ordinary people!

Fat man Wen Na: The sound insulation in the building is really bad now, and neighbors are excusable for being too noisy.

Some netizens also said,We can’t just say that the live broadcast disturbs the people, and it’s not right for neighbors to break into houses privately. I hope both sides can solve it peacefully.

Xiao Qingmei 9213: However, it seems bad for that neighbor to break into a house … …

Eat a chestnut in Tian Tian _ Tian Jiarui’s handsome version: It’s not right to disturb the people, and the other side has problems. I hope both sides can solve it peacefully.

I don’t know whose child it is: first of all, we should check whether his voice is loud in the recent live broadcast, let the police decide whether it is disturbing the people, and then deal with the problem of neighbors breaking into houses.


Original title: The well-known anchor was reprimanded late at night, and the female neighbor rushed into his house! I respond

Editor: Yang Hong Editor: Wu Zhonglan Audit: Feng Fei