
"Silent Witness" MV Yang Zi rap against Ren Xianqi Ouyang Jing

1905 movie network news  Explosion! The action crime movie released the theme MV "Breaking the Silence" today. The song was composed by arranger Chen Xueran, and the famous musicians Lin Qiao and Liu Enxun wrote lyrics, starring Yang Zi, Ren Xianqi, and Ouyang Jing. Under the hot-blooded and powerful melody, the three stars made a cool debut in the dark, singing high-energy confrontations between good and evil, good and evil in the interlacing of light and shadow. The film is directed by Renee Haring, starring Zhang Jiahui, Yang Zi, and Ren Xianqi. It will be released nationwide on August 2.

Yang Ziren Xianqi opened his throat coldly, Ouyang Jing reproduced high-energy rap

In the newly exposed "Breaking the Silence" MV, Ren Xianqi appears in a dark image. He led a gang of gangsters, wearing a mask, broke into the forensic center, launched a bloody looting, and threatened the lives of Zhang Jiahui and Yang Zi with violence. Yang Zi made a stunning appearance in a black leather jacket, and she was full of super A beating girls. "It is absurd and dazzling under the mask, and then one step forward to penetrate the fog and doom." In the cold song, she was fearless in the face of masked villains, and launched a Jedi counterattack in a dangerous situation. It is worth mentioning that Yang Zi had previously made a "notice" on Weibo, saying that he wanted to "break into the rap world". Now in "Breaking the Silence", she has fulfilled her long-cherished wish. She is a rapper, and she is full of cool style.

40 seconds of earth-shattering counterattack, closed space fierce fighting burns up the summer big screen

As one of the commercial films that attracted much attention in the summer, "Silent Witness" attracted the attention of many audiences with its intense rhythm and the real confrontation between fists and meat. Some viewers were deeply impressed by the oppression created by the film. In the morgue, the dissection room, and the laboratory, every inadvertent tool could become the key to the reversal. No one could predict what would happen in the next second, and the tension continued until the end of the viewing.

The classic escape setting, with the blessing of the action crime shell, highlights the sense of tension and fighting. Zhang Jiahui Yang Zi is the most national wall-breaking combination of Xianqi’s three most popular, but also breaks the dullness of the film and brings a new spark. And Renee Haring’s guidance has undoubtedly added a lot of chips to the movie’s viewability. As one of the most successful action crime film directors in Hollywood, he has contributed such classic masterpieces, which has made many fans look forward to his collision with Hong Kong action crime films.

The movie "Silent Witness" tells the story of Chen Jiahao (Zhang Jiahui) and Qiao Lin (Yang Zi), two forensic doctors, in order to protect the evidence and uncover the truth, and the gangster leader SANTA (Ren Xianqi) and his gang, in the forensic center. The film is produced by Wanda Film Media Co., Ltd. and Media Asia Film Production Co., Ltd. and will be released nationwide on August 2

What exactly is the Galaxy OS of Boyue X?

Nowadays, the car as a second living space can no longer meet the needs of young people only by relying on the three basic parts. It is smarter and more entertaining to capture the hearts of young people. Today we will talk about this Sanhao SUV, which is the best-selling SUV under its umbrella.

Five years ago, a sentence of "Hello, Boyue" ushered in the era of Chinese cars leading the world in intelligence. Now, Boyue X is listed, up the ante on the three good qualities of good-looking, easy-to-open and smart, inheriting the foundation of the Boyue family, injecting the new soul of X with "Flux energy surging, Relax enjoying freedom, Outfox outsmarting the future", and becoming a Chinese style intelligent SUV.

Powerful chip guarantees fast and smooth response, and AI voice is full of fun

One of the highlights of Boyue X this time is the Galaxy OS intelligent control center jointly built by Yikatong Technology, Geely and Baidu. This car-machine system adopts a new design method in voice interaction. It not only has new technology inside, but also is very user-friendly, once again defining the new standard of the 4.0 era of automotive intelligent digital cockpit. Geely Galaxy OS adopts a new generation of E02 high-performance digital cockpit computing power platform, 12nm process, 6G random access memory, 64G storage memory, and 8-core CPU, which makes the whole vehicle faster, the system response is faster, and the application switching is smoother. In addition, as the first mass-produced model of Baidu’s independently developed Honghu chip, Boyue X is equipped with Baidu Honghu intelligent voice computing platform and Mobileye EQ4 intelligent driving computing platform. The powerful chip integrated in multiple domains allows Boyue X intelligent cockpit hardware level to exceed the same level, greatly improving the wake-up speed, making the interaction experience smoother, just like a real-time conversation with friends.

This time, the AI real voice on Boyue X can record the voice of your closest relatives as a real voice package. At the same time, you can customize Q & A, talk and interact with relatives and friends in the car, and the boring driving becomes full of fun. It can be seen that the wake-up control can be directly read on the screen, reducing manual operation, and escorting the safety of you and your family.

All-dimensional interaction is intelligent and convenient, and the intimate cockpit atmosphere is full

The new intelligent AI interactive cockpit of Boyue X helps you bid farewell to the cold machine, and the whole vehicle brings a more considerate and warm driving experience. From the perspective of atmosphere, Boyue X directly fills the standard. The 72-color light-sensing interactive ambient lights equipped with the high-end version can link driving, sound and music, and 12 BOSE sound like a moving music hall, bringing palace-level sound effects.

There are also meters, cars, and HUD three-screen linkage, content display seamless connection, support for navigation three-finger sliding screen, instrument full-screen display navigation, so that drivers do not miss every intersection; 540 ° panoramic image with chassis perspective, smart non-sensory mobile phone digital key and mobile APP remote control, directly beyond the same level, shoulder-to-shoulder luxury. It is worth mentioning that the Boyue X is also equipped with a visual L2 + level intelligent driving assistance system, which can follow the car, recognize the road, avoid danger, remind, actively stop, actively follow, and automatically turn corners. At the same time, there are corresponding animations on the instrument for cars, cars, trucks, and pedestrians, which display the following distance in real time. Intelligent driving assistance is more visual, allowing drivers to understand the vehicle conditions and road conditions, and add a safety guarantee for themselves and their families.

Open ecosystem is fully covered to meet the entertainment needs of the younger generation of users

When it comes to Boyue X, the most interesting thing for young people is to launch Tencent TAI3.0, Huawei Hi-car and other ecological applications on Boyue X in conjunction with Tencent, Huawei and other first-tier manufacturers. The car covers music, video, navigation, life, games, WeChat, Douyin, smart home and other applications, so that social and entertainment can be seamlessly connected in travel and daily life, and truly drive with eyes and hands, and communicate with mouth and ears. In-car WeChat voice calls and location sharing can be realized synchronously; Huawei Hi-car is automatically connected to the Internet, automatically flows and switches between the car and mobile phones, and collaborates across screens, which is very convenient. When relaxing in the car, listen to music, brush Douyin, and watch videos. Who can resist such a pleasant experience?

Over the past five years, the Boyue family has won the trust of super 1.36 million users with the three good qualities of "good-looking, easy-to-drive and smart". From the pioneering "Hello Boyue" voice interaction in the industry to the full adoption of car-grade chip hardware, Boyue has been leading the intelligent development trend of China’s smart cars. Not only top-selling in the domestic market, it has occupied the top three SUV sales in China for many years, but also sells well in 25 countries and regions such as Russia/Philippines/Malaysia in Europe, Asia and America. It is one of the fastest models to break through the 1 million in the entire SUV market.

In the future, Boyue will continue to listen to the voice of users, guided by user requests, and continue to innovate and break through to cover a larger market to meet the different needs of young users in the new era. Boyue will use its strength to face the future market, take everyone to continue to travel south and north, and move towards the distance together with the same original intention.

Andy Lau’s "Crowd" exposes a special short film, and the heart-to-heart interpretation is well received

1905 movie network news Produced and directed by the director, Andy Lau, and starring in the absurd comedy movie is currently in hot release. On the first day of the film’s release, it won many audience praise and high scores on various platforms. It also rose in the ratings of Zhihu and Hupu double platforms.Whether it is the warm emotional core, the humorous plot or the wonderful interpretation of the powerful actors in the film, the audience is full of praise, and it is called "the film that cannot be missed during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox".

"Life is changed, life is changed." Recently, the film released a special short film "Flip Over", which combined with the New Year’s atmosphere to send everyone a witty and humorous "poisonous chicken soup" style blessing, encouraging every unknown generation to turn over the Year of the Ox, change their way of life, and turn the world around.

The rating is eye-catching! The praise is rave! 

"There is also warmth in laughter, and the viewing process is like a spiritual spa"

Cat’s Eye rating is 9.1, Taojiao’s rating is 9.0, Zhihu’s rating is 9.2, Douban’s rating is 7.6, and Weibo’s big V recommendation rating is 90%. The movie "Crowd" was released one day, and it has already received praise and recognition from many audiences, and they have expressed their viewing feelings one after another. This is a movie related to you and me. Everyone can see themselves in the movie and experience the emotions that hit the bottom of their hearts. Someone commented "This is about the loss and awakening of life. After laughing, you can feel the warmth of the movie."

More netizens admitted that "the localized interpretation makes people feel more cordial, and the warm emotion touches people’s hearts." More movie fans said that "it is like the soul has experienced a spa and experienced a rare movie viewing experience." Everyone felt healing from the screen and harvested warmth from the performance. Audiences also expressed their love for the movie on various platforms with adjectives such as "must see during the Spring Festival", "worth second brushing", "no urine points throughout the process" and "advanced performance details".

Created by director Rao Xiaozhi, the film "Crowd" is a Spring Festival hit. It tells the story of the top killer Zhou Quan (Andy Lau) and the lonely group actor Chen Xiaomeng (Xiao Yang) switching identities in an accident. The killer re-examines love and life in the process of falling to the bottom; the group reinvents the story of life in the process of impersonating the killer.

In addition to the emotional core of "warm heart", the unique presentation of the film also refreshes the audience. Many audiences expressed their deep impression of the stage elements in the film. The viewing process is like "play within a play", "advanced classical music makes people intoxicated", and the film’s original production and ingenuity have captured the hearts of many audiences. In the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox, "Crowd", which is like a warm current of joy, is worthy of being included in your viewing list!

Good luck! Bad luck!

"Watch’Crowd Surge ‘return to the furnace during the Spring Festival and remake it, change the way you live"

In the "Turning Over" special short film released by "Crowd", the demonic style brings the audience the first bowl of "chicken soup" of the new year – the passage of time and the turning of bad luck. Even if you live in a messy rental house, Zhou Quan can arrange the room in an orderly manner and find your own spring; in the moment of loneliness and disappointment, you can’t give up yourself like Chen Xiaomeng, there will always be a beam of light to illuminate your progress.

Achievement is just an ordinary migrant worker, but also live an active life. I believe that the god of fate will favor you who are diligent; what should I do if my wallet becomes empty and my pocket bottoms out? Of course, I can’t be discouraged, it is also possible to get rich overnight. Facing the situation of life and adjusting my mentality is the way to turn the page. The ridicule caused by the exchange of life between the two in the film is ironic, and the story of boiling blood is full of excitement, which is not to be missed.

Also released alongside the special short film is a double poster of Andy Lau’s "acting" version. In the movie "Crowd", the top "killer" Zhou Quan (Andy Lau, played) and the down-and-out group actor Chen Xiaomeng (Xiao Yang, played) start a journey of exchanging lives. The poster follows their identity transformation, presenting the plot direction of "drama is like life, all rely on acting".

The film’s star, Zhou Quan (played by Andy Lau), is dressed in a tuxedo of street performance. It is very curious whether this is his living capital that took root in the bottom after losing his memory, or his diverse experiences of a decent life. It is also worth pondering whether the stack of documents raised in his hand is the real proof of his rich life or the tool of his crime in the rivers and lakes.

The other star of the film, Chen Xiaomeng (played by Xiao Yang), is clutching the objects related to his own destiny, holding a shiny pistol in his left hand and a rough sling in his right hand. How will the pistol and the sling affect his life? How can a frustrated life turn things around? How does a dashing life fall from the sky? And whether the flying keys in the poster are inextricably linked to their journey of changing identities.

On the road to playing others, the two leading actors have experienced some interesting plot episodes and experienced some heart-piercing moments. I believe that walking into the cinema will provide the answer.

The travel industry accelerates the integration of data and reality, and what problems should be solved in the integration of taxi patrols?

Mobile network integration is a typical practice of digital-real integration in the travel industry
"The real integration of the patrol network should be’based on the patrol, and promote innovation through the network ‘." Liu Zhenfei said that the integration of the patrol network should return to the essence of the taxi – transportation services, and professional transportation service capabilities should be given priority. The responsibility of Internet platform enterprises is to enable the professional capabilities of cruise vehicles to be better displayed, and to continue to promote service innovation through technological innovation.
The integration of the patrol network is a typical practice of the integration of data and reality in the travel industry. In December 2019, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport said that it will promote the integrated development of new and old business formats and promote the "+ Internet" service of cruise cars. At the same time, all localities have also accelerated the pace of taxi integration.
In recent years, the degree of integration of data and reality in the travel industry has been increasing. Didi Chuxing will upgrade its taxi business to "fast new taxi" in 2020 and operate independently. Autonavi Taxi has launched a "good taxi" plan to help taxi companies upgrade digitally. In addition, Didi Chuxing, Cao Cao Chuxing and others are also promoting the integrated development model of "cruise + online appointment".
Li Xinhua, general manager of Autonavi Taxi Division, introduced that in the past three years, based on the "good rental" solution, Autonavi has cooperated with the industry to build a patrol network integration platform to help the industry build digital capabilities, and has been applied in nearly 100 cities across the country. The cumulative number of service drivers has exceeded 1 million, helping drivers increase their online income by 40%.
As a partner, Wang Guoqing, general manager of Cathay Pacific Industrial, said that with the help of digital technology, point-and-network integration, accurate docking, connecting passengers’ car needs with rentals, realizing scientific real-time matching of supply and demand, and greatly improving the operation efficiency of cruise taxis. If there is big data and heat maps, it can effectively carry out capacity scheduling in the background, effectively solve passengers’ travel needs, understand the optimal route and reasonable price, and avoid detours. It can also provide a comprehensive understanding of drivers and enterprises to improve service quality and safety.
Zheng Yongzhi, executive vice president and secretary general of Shenzhen Taxi Association, believes that the mechanism of intelligent dispatch and the introduction of traffic effectively reduce the empty driving rate, increase the order volume and income, which is conducive to the stability of the platform team. The platform relies on the intelligent end point data in the car and uses big data to manage intelligent dispatch, which solves the problem of information asymmetry of traditional cruise taxis. Online and offline evaluations are complementary, effectively guiding drivers to improve the quality of the industry.
"Digital technology is effectively combined with the advantages accumulated over the years in the cruise taxi industry. The aggregation platform is an online platform for information matching, which requires very good digital technology base capabilities, and the quality of cruise taxi drivers has been tested and tested. There is a very good complementarity between the two, which is a huge opportunity." Ji Xuehong, director of the Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center at Northern University of Technology, said.
Liu Zhenfei said that taxi companies are "masters" in the field of transportation, with high-quality transportation service resources, profound experience in organizing transportation, solid safety capabilities and a strong sense of social responsibility, which are irreplaceable professional capabilities of taxi companies.
In this regard, Autonavi released "Good Rental" 2.0 to upgrade four sets of digital systems on the basis of version 1.0, and use digital technology to help the cruise car industry release professional capabilities and promote industry service upgrades in terms of operational efficiency and service quality. At the same time, Autonavi will gradually provide fare advance for all taxi drivers. It has been piloted in Beijing, Shenzhen and other places. During the pilot period, a total of more than 1 million fare advance payments were completed for taxi drivers.
The integration of mobile networks has entered a critical period: dynamic pricing and innovative supervision still need to be explored
"Price is a very important constraint on how cruise car companies can transform and upgrade. Although many cities have gradually turned the government pricing of cruise cars into guiding prices, the price adjustment mechanism of guiding prices is still not flexible enough, and it still does not adapt to the actual travel needs of ordinary people. This problem needs to be solved in the next step." Highway Research of the Ministry of TransporthospitalResearcher Yu Mingyuan believes that.
The integration of the patrol network has entered a critical period, and dynamic pricing and innovation supervision have become problems facing the industry. Cheng Guohua, an associate researcher at the Institute of Highway Sciences of the Ministry of Transport, believes that the reform of cruise vehicles will continue to be deepened from point to point, and there are relatively large differences in various places. It is necessary to support local governments to carry out pilots in the reform of cruise vehicle freight rates and other aspects to enhance the flexibility and timeliness of cruise vehicle freight rates. Local governments should carry out free operation rights, have a time limit, and improve the exit mechanism of operation rights. Track and summarize local experience to deepen learning and reference.
"Innovate supervision and service methods, coordinate supervision, further give play to the role of the joint meeting system of new business sectors, and form a joint supervision force. Digital supervision, improve service quality and service level, improve the pertinence of supervision, and enhance the ability to normalize supervision through network management. Credit supervision, implement the" Taxi Car Service Quality Credit Assessment Measures ", and formulate targeted reward and punishment measures," Cheng Guohua said.
Zheng Yongzhi, executive vice president and secretary general of the Shenzhen Taxi Association, mentioned that it is necessary to further explore how to implement dynamic price adjustment of supply and demand, and explore whether the current "dual-track system" of cruise taxis can be considered, that is to say, the implementation of online taxi hailing and car-hailing online pricing, offline hailing to implement offline pricing, price mechanism reform, and explore "carpooling" models to diversify the services of cruise taxis.
In the context of the integration of data and reality, the reform of cruise cars is still on the way and needs to keep pace with the times. Liu Xiaochun, director of the Internet Rule of Law Research Center of the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that through the integration of data and reality, in the sense of data possession, resource allocation, and digital assets to further stimulate and further innovation, offline taxi companies or the taxi industry can precisely acquire a greater voice over and truly participate in the transformation of the digital economy era.
Liu Zhenfei believes that in the digital age, "catch up" and "super" are two must-answer questions facing the cruise taxi industry. "Catch up" is to adapt to the digital trend and build online service entrances and system capabilities. When digital capabilities become standard, differentiated value and core competitiveness will inevitably return to the offline, and the opportunity for "super" lies in the professional capabilities of cruise cars.
"Strive to pursue the inclusiveness of network tour integration, which is one of the important characteristics of the digital economy, an important part of building a digital China, and an inevitable requirement for promoting the high-quality development of the taxi industry. Network tour integration involves the interests of passengers, cruise car companies, drivers and online ride-hailing platforms, but the core is the interests of passengers," said Zhang Junfeng, president of the China Taxi and Car Rental Association.
Chen Weicheng, Shell Financial Reporter, Beijing News
Editor, Chen Li
Proofreading, Lucie

The era of China’s automobile voyage has arrived

On March 5th, the day of the twenty-four solar terms, spring thunder rang, and all things revived.

At 8 a.m., Yin Tongyue, chairperson of Chery Holding Group, dressed in a black suit, white shirt and red-and-white tie, spoke to reporters in high spirits and told the world about the rise of Chinese automobiles through personal experience at the first "representative channel" of the second session of the 14th National People’s Congress.

(Representative Yin Tongyue was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency in the "representative channel")

Work hard and try hard, find a great career in a shabby house

"Twenty-seven years ago, Chery started its business from a few small thatched cottages. We lacked capital, technology and talent. At that time, the market was basically monopolized by foreign capital or joint venture brands. There was a popular saying in the industry that Chinese people owned their own trunk cars, which was a fantasy." Looking back, Yin Tongyue, who is 62 years old and has worked in cars all his life, has a vivid past and mixed feelings.

In the 1990s, almost all cars on China’s roads had foreign logos, and few national car brands. At that time, Yin Tongyue, who graduated from Hefei University of Technology with a major in automobile manufacturing, was the director of the final assembly workshop of Changchun FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd., and the leaders in his hometown of Wuhu, Anhui Province, mobilized him to return to his hometown to start a business. He said that "Chinese people want to make their own cars", which made him always have a dream of "building Chinese cars".

In 1996, Yin Tongyue resolutely bid farewell to FAW and returned to his hometown of Wuhu to build cars. But the ideal is very rich, and the reality is very skinny. At that time, there was only a brick factory and a few thatched houses in front of him. Capital, technology, and talents were not only in front of Yin Tongyue, but also a chasm that must be crossed by the rise of Chinese national car companies.

Faced with many difficulties, Yin Tongyue was not discouraged. With the support of the governments of Anhui Province and Wuhu City, he led the team to overcome difficulties regardless of cold or heat, day or night. He simply drew the first blueprint of Chery Automobile in a thatched hut, and began the road to counterattack and realize his dream.

In January 1997, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was established.

In May 1999, Chery independently developed the first engine and successfully launched it.

In December 1999, Chery’s "Fengyun" first bridge car rolled off the assembly line, and then successively launched Qiyun, Dongfang Son, QQ, Tiggo and other series models;

In August 2007, Chery’s 1 million car rolled off the assembly line, becoming a leader in national automobile brands.


In 2023, Chery sold 1.881 million cars, an increase of 52.6% year-on-year, and exported 937,000 cars, an increase of 101.1% year-on-year, ranking first in the export volume of Chinese brand passenger cars for 21 consecutive years; the group’s annual revenue exceeded 300 billion yuan for the first time, an increase of more than 50% year-on-year.

"For more than 20 years, we have persisted in hard work, openness and innovation, adhered to the leadership of party building, and strengthened the foundation. Together with other Chinese car companies and joint venture brands, we have jointly supported the backbone of Chinese manufacturing and jointly built China into the world’s largest exporter. Looking at the current day, Yin Tongyue is full of passion and his tone is sonorous. Although he has full hair, he still seems to be a teenager.

Chery’s extraordinary development process is a vivid microcosm of the gradual rise of China’s national automobile industry from scratch, from small to large, and from large to strong. From the streets full of foreign cars, one of the world’s major car importers, to selling Chinese cars to the world and the world’s largest car exporter, this reverse attack proves a truth: as long as you want to do it, there is nothing that the Chinese can’t do!

Innovation, surging new quality productivity

"Chinese companies, especially Chinese automobiles, will continue to increase investment in research and development, increase investment in branding, and create the ultimate product power, adding luster to Chinese manufacturing, Chinese creation, and Chinese brands." As a witness and witness of the development of China’s automobile industry, Yin Tongyue, who has experienced the wind and rain and seen the rainbow, looks to the future with clear ideas and full of confidence.

Automobiles have always been known as the "crown jewel of modern industry" and are the culmination of modern industrial technology. Because a car is assembled and rolled off the assembly line, it relies on 20,000 multiple parts, and its manufacturing process involves a lot of high-precision technology and strict fine management. The automobile industry is recognized as one of the most important symbols of a country’s manufacturing strength.

To shatter the fallacy that Chinese self-made cars are a "fantasy", we must first break through the "stuck neck" technology of car building and have independent intellectual property rights on key components. The engine is called the "heart" of the car. In May 1999, more than two years after the company was established, Chery’s first self-developed engine was successfully rolled off the assembly line and ignited successfully. From that moment on, Chery, which has the "heart of China", has embarked on the fast lane of relying on technological innovation to promote development.

In February this year, the founder of the world-famous engine design company AVL Austria, Helmut Liszt, visited Chery. The world-class technology expert expressed sincere admiration for the latest technological achievements displayed by this former "student". He said: "In our cooperation, we have deeply felt the diligence, studiousness and innovative spirit of Chery people. I am very pleased to see that Chery has now not only reached the world’s leading level in engine research and development, but also excellent in other aspects of the vehicle."

Now, Chery’s products are exported to more than 80 countries and regions, and the global users exceed 13 million, of which overseas users 3.35 million. From "building cars for the Chinese people" to "driving to the world", to a certain extent, Chery’s development history is a history of innovation. In Chery, in addition to automobile manufacturing plants, there is also a technological innovation factory, which is closely related to the deep integration to achieve rapid application of new technologies and promote rapid product upgrade and iteration.

At present, Chery has a global R & D system including eight major R & D centers in North America, Europe, and Shanghai, and has obtained more than 18,000 authorized patents, of which 37% are authorized patents, ranking 21st in the "National Top 500 Enterprise Science and Technology Innovation". It is the super vitality of the mature R & D system that has given the Chinese Autobots represented by Yin Tongyue the confidence and confidence to "make progress".

A flower alone is not spring,

The garden is filled with thousands and thousands of red and spring.

Behind Chery, stands a rapidly rising central automobile province – Anhui. Thanks to the super-strong scientific and technological innovation of many universities and research institutes, Anhui has made overall arrangements in recent years, attracted internal connections, and made deep efforts. Now there are not only Chery, but also Jianghuai, NIO, BYD Anhui, Hefei Chang’an, Volkswagen Anhui, Hanma Technology and other 7 vehicle companies in total. In 2023, the output of automobiles reached 2.491 million, ranking second in the country. Among them, the output of new energy vehicles was 86.8, ranking fourth in the country, and the revenue of the entire automobile industry chain exceeded trillion.

The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader pointed out: "Integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, lead the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces." In 2023, Anhui will make the automobile industry the "first industry", aiming at the goal of "building an internationally competitive new energy automobile industry cluster", taking the lead in legislating in the country, escorting and striving to build China’s new energy automobile industry center.

"In the next decade, we will not only pursue the world’s No. 1 in sales and scale, but also strive to be a global leader in technological innovation capabilities, quality reputation, and social responsibility; and provide Chinese wisdom for global users to pursue a better way of life." Looking to the future, Yin Tongyue has a torch in his eyes and ambitions. At this moment, he not only represents Chery, but also Anhui car companies, and also represents the surging Chinese auto industry to issue a declaration to the world: World cars, made in China! The era of China’s automobile voyage is striding forward!

[Autobots] Xiaomi Automobile is listed, what are the obstacles?

The original intention of Xiaomi to build a car is to maintain the grand system of Xiaomi’s digital ecology. If this starting point remains unchanged, Xiaomi’s idea is still relatively realistic.

Text/"Autobots" Qi Ce

It has been nearly 17 months since Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi Group, announced his official entry into electric vehicles. On August 23, it was information from foreign media, and Xiaomi had obtained the qualification of new energy to build a car.

So far, Xiaomi’s process of building cars is ahead of their own timetable. In the new energy industry, where "standing pigeons" is the norm, it shows that Xiaomi’s control over a new format is online. From this point alone, Xiaomi is not like a novice car maker.

Another source said that the qualification was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in early August. However, Xiaomi officially got the approval, which should be this week. Of course, no one in the media has seen the original approval, and Xiaomi has no official announcement. But this matter is very important, and public opinion is flying all over the sky. Xiaomi can’t ignore it. If he doesn’t deny it, he will default.

Why can Xiaomi get "big qualification"

Around 2017, new energy brands need to apply for "double qualifications", which has been widely concerned by public opinion.

Facts have proved that the "big qualification" (which can be understood as production qualification) approved by the National Development and Reform Commission is more difficult to obtain. Many new forces have applied for the "small qualification" of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. That is, it can meet the "Regulations on the Administration of New Energy Automobile Manufacturers and Products Access" and can also be understood as brand sales qualification.

Production problems, the usual practice is OEM, or acquisition of "shell resources", "Wei Xiaoli" is doing this. However, Tucki and Ideals took the latter route: after purchasing the shell, they did OEM work for a short period of time, and then injected their own car-making assets to achieve the goal of mastering the production resources. Weilai, named OEM, is actually a joint venture on the grounds that Weilai has invested a lot of money in the special production line of Jianghuai.

The regulatory attitude towards the acquisition of shell resources has changed. At first, from the perspective of resource reuse, it is considered that it is best to reactivate the existing production line without wasting resources. Later, it tended not to support the "direct investment" production line, because after buying the shell, the previous car production line was not reused, and all of them were replaced by new ones.

This year, the regulatory attitude is more severe. It is said that it is required not to buy, sell or transfer qualifications in the future. This requirement did not fall on paper, but Baowo appeared on the list of "voluntary" cancellation of production qualifications, which indirectly proved this statement. The rumor that Xiaomi acquired the Baowo license will not be broken.

After the supervision has narrowed, "small qualification" must rely on "big qualification". The self-traveler bought Mahayana’s new energy qualification, but the latter’s qualification expired, and the self-traveler could only be dissolved. The Jidu brand jointly established by Baidu and Geely was also forced to change to Geely-led Jiyue brand because of qualification problems. Baidu changed from leading car manufacturers to system suppliers.

New energy start-up brands have a headache about their qualifications. Xiaomi seems to have no trouble solving it. Although there is still an audit by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the "big qualification" of heavy assets has been won, and there seems to be no reason why the "small qualification" cannot be won.

As soon as everyone compares, it is inevitable that there are some rumors that Xiaomi is "chartered", "default" and "guaranteed" by the above. Others say that Xiaomi’s big qualification may be "closed qualification" (the last car license). We can’t prove it or falsify it. But the reality is that Baidu has been tossing for several years without results, and Xiaomi has applied for a green light.

Both companies have Internet genes and have invested heavily in building cars. The difference between them is that Xiaomi is a technology company with a lot of hardware manufacturing components. Although Xiaomi smart home appliances, 3C products, etc. are also commissioned by the OEM, the original manufacturer is very complicated, but its understanding of hardware quality control is not comparable to Baidu, a pure software company. The latter is a complete newcomer not only to making cars, but also to making simpler mobile phones and the like. From the perspective of supervision, it goes without saying which one is reliable.

In this way, if mass production is put on the market and delivered as the goal of new energy brands, the biggest obstacle standing in front of the goal is to cross it.

Supply chain and popularity are fine.

Then, from now until the first delivery, is it smooth for Xiaomi to build a car?

There is no secret in the methodology of electric vehicle manufacturing. The industrial chain is mature, and all parts are shelf products. China has the most extensive and complete supply chain of electric vehicles with the highest overall technical level in the world. Chips are exceptions and short boards, but the exceptions and short boards of China-related chains have the least lateral ratio.

Xiaomi and Lei Jun themselves (Shunwei Capital) have invested in dozens of chip design and manufacturing startups alone or jointly with state-owned assets. China is rapidly making up for the shortcomings in chip manufacturing with mature processes.

Xiaomi automobile also has an inherent advantage, that is, its popularity is high. When the car was first announced, public opinion was overwhelming. This is not only the credit for the popularity of Xiaomi brand, but also the successful creation of Lei Jun’s personal design.

Electric vehicles are more based on the technology industry. The more labels on technology, struggle and growth of their brand founders, the richer their images, and the natural flow blessing can be formed. This kind of operation can be clearly seen in Lei Jun’s fourth annual speech on August 14th this year.

There is no shortage of funds.

Now there are two points to test Xiaomi’s car: one is capital; The other is the market reaction of the first product. Unfortunately, the information revealed by both is fragmented.

Xiaomi has signed confidentiality agreements with major suppliers. The lack of information is also the reason why public opinion in the industry has different opinions on the prospect of Xiaomi’s car.

When Lei Jun first started to build a car, he announced that he would invest 10 billion US dollars in 10 years and 10 billion yuan in the first phase. This statement has not attracted attention. There are too many pictures of cakes, and the reaction of public opinion to all kinds of "money wishes" has long been passivated.

However, Xiaomi took the road of heavy assets as soon as he came up, and a lot of investment could not be avoided. One is to invest in research and development; The other is put into production. Both sides concentrate on asking for money together, and Xiaomi’s financial burden should be heavier.

Xiaomi stated from the beginning that he would use his own funds to build a car. Over the past year or so, there has been no information about Xiaomi’s car financing and no news of bank credit in the industry. Xiaomi Automobile is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi Group, which cannot be ignored.

In the first seven months of this year, Xiaomi Group invested 6 billion yuan in Xiaomi Automobile. In 2022, innovative businesses such as Xiaomi Automobile invested 3.1 billion yuan. In this way, almost all the initial investment of 10 billion yuan has been invested. In addition to this long-planned budget, there should be additional channels, otherwise this progress will not be achieved at all.

Xiaomi is expected to release the 2023 semi-annual report on August 29th. According to the first quarter financial report, Xiaomi Group’s cash and cash equivalents are 26 billion yuan. Compared with the investment in Xiaomi’s automobile business, the funds within two years are no problem.

However, don’t equate the cash flow of Xiaomi Group with Xiaomi Automobile, and there are still many places where the Group spends money, and don’t put Xiaomi Automobile’s only financial hope in Xiaomi Group. Don’t forget, Lei Jun has the ability to mobilize a large amount of funds through various means.

This is an important wealth difference between an industry man and an investor and ordinary people.

For example, the former has 100 yuan and the latter has 5 yuan. The latter’s 5 yuan is 5 yuan, while the former’s 100 yuan is only his personal 100 yuan. He can easily use this 100 yuan personal assets to incite 1000 yuan’s funds, and this 1000 yuan is the money he can take out immediately.

By this point, Lei Jun has not used bank loans and various financing methods. In fact, the wealth he can control may be as high as 10,000 yuan, depending on how many times he is willing to use leverage. Of course, the latter can’t play well and has a strong self-attack.

In a word, as long as the brand of Xiaomi Automobile is bright, banks (especially those operating in Beijing and Wuhan) will rush to lend to Lei Jun, let alone grant credit. The "road" of the National Development and Reform Commission has strengthened the confidence of creditors. Of course, this is in the current situation where everything goes well.

We have seen many new energy brands that are at the end of the road. The founders come forward to borrow money and even transfer their status as major shareholders, but the high price has not been exchanged for vitality. This at least shows that the money should be spent in the front and cannot be used as a refueling tactic.

Suppliers are still playing games.

So far, these financing methods seem to be useless. At present, the production line debugging of Xiaomi Automobile’s Yizhuang factory is in full swing. At the same time, the recruitment of production line workers (lacking hundreds of workers) proves that the capacity allocation has reached the final stage.

During this period, because of the intensity of new energy competition, it has been very different from when Lei Jun made the decision. Xiaomi’s first product, don’t expect to go much, at least get a "meeting color" so that the next play can be sung.

At present, the unofficial news revealed that BYD, which was originally rumored, did not appear in the list of battery suppliers. Singapore Airlines is the first supplier for Xiaomi and the second supplier for Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. Originally, the positions of the two sides were arranged in reverse. However, on August 3rd, the dispute over Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s claim for 518 million yuan of battery patents from Zhongchuang Singapore Airlines came to an end. Chuangxin Airlines announced that China National Intellectual Property Administration had made an invalid decision on the two invention patents of "Li-ion battery" and "positive pole piece and battery" owned by Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited.

It is not known whether it is this reason that caused the creation of Singapore Airlines to be mentioned as a confession. However, one supply and two supply are not static. According to the free quotation of both parties and the market demand, the location can be changed at any time.

It is reported that the battery pack capacity of Xiaomi’s first car is 101 degrees and the battery pack weight is 642 kilograms. It is worth mentioning that the battery price is falling too fast now. Two months ago, the price of such a PACK was above 80,000 yuan, and now it may be 10,000 yuan less.

The endurance data is a bit outrageous, only 8.8 kWh/100 km. This is hard to believe (it is said that it is still fully loaded at 37℃). It may not be the standard electric load, because it is difficult to comment due to the lack of other information. But since the first car is a coupe, the power consumption per 100 kilometers is much lower than that of an SUV, which is no problem.

At present, this car has been tested in Xinjiang. Although the outside is covered with camouflage, the outline is still easy to identify. Someone joked about competing with Paramera.

The first car didn’t make an SUV, which proves that it is still a brand image. The consideration of engineering process is more important than quantity. There are indications that the technical status of Xiaomi Automobile has been frozen, and the main material suppliers in the BOM may be replaced. But in any case, the first car can be mediocre, but there can be no batch quality problems. At present, the market does not accept the tentative launch of products.

Pricing system and ecology

Someone found out that this car has a high price of 299,000 yuan and a low price of 199,000 yuan. I wonder if there are any other SKUs.

If this price is true, it will be finalized after several adjustments. Although the price may be adjusted, 400,000 yuan is a hurdle. The electric coupe above this price can’t be measured at all, and the key will be to lose the recognition of Xiaomi brand base.

Lei Jun himself is still very concerned about the basic fans. This is what Xiaomi brand has saved in more than 10 years of operation, otherwise Xiaomi household appliances will not take the ride of Xiaomi brand.

The basic powder can’t afford a car, but the public opinion position can’t be lost. We must strive for fans to stand on our side. Dignity is a relative concept, and the key is for everyone to judge "value for money", and this anchor point is more important. Electric sports cars, similar in performance and shape, are all at what price, and everyone has a steelyard in mind. That’s why I made the coupe first.

This objectively requires that Xiaomi’s first car must not be expensive, but also make a brand level. As some public opinion speculated in the past, it may be possible to do more than 100 thousand yuan of electric power in the future, but the first car, as a brand-setting product, should not do so.

In terms of Xiaomi, it is also trying to suppress the profits of manufacturing links. Xiaomi claims that the profit of parts and components will remain at around 1%, and the profit depends on software and ecological services. This is not surprising, Xiaomi mobile phone is this route.

Xiaomi car will be a part of Xiaomi’s ecology. From this point of view, although Xiaomi Automobile is very different from the mobile phone business, Xiaomi Group undoubtedly hopes that the two can produce more linkage effects.

This should be no problem, whether Xiaomi’s mobile phone is embedded in the car or the data interconnection between the two, it is easy for Xiaomi to do. The key point is that the original intention of Xiaomi to build a car is to maintain the grand system of Xiaomi’s digital ecology. If you don’t build a car, the most important piece of land in the future is someone else’s.

If this starting point remains unchanged, Xiaomi’s idea is still relatively realistic. Since car hardware doesn’t expect to make money, it sounds that the difficulty of building a car will be much reduced.

If the first delivery of the first car is the goal, Xiaomi will face some small obstacles next. Xiaomi has quietly changed the node listed in late 2024 to the first half of the year, indicating that Xiaomi’s confidence is also relatively sufficient. Compared with the new car that keeps jumping tickets, Xiaomi may be a clear stream. [Copyright Notice] This article is the original manuscript of Autobots and may not be reproduced without authorization.

"Slow hands" Xiaomi 14 mobile phone only sells for 4349 yuan, and the first purchase is reduced by 550 yuan!

"Slow hands" Xiaomi 14 mobile phone only sells for 4349 yuan, and the first purchase is reduced by 550 yuan!


Xiaomi 14 5G mobile phone is a flagship mobile phone with high performance. Now the JD.COM esports store is on sale. The original price of Xiaomi 14 is 4899 yuan, but now the first purchase is reduced from 550 yuan, and the actual price is only 4349 yuan. This phone is equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen3 processor, which has strong performance and low power consumption. In addition, it also has a storage configuration of 16GB+1TB, which is enough to meet the various needs of users. Xiaomi 14 Cai …

On the hot search as soon as you shoot, Shanghai Meiying deserves to be the national team of China animation.

Special feature of 1905 film network The animated film is released.After a lapse of 38 years, this film officially met the audience in the cinema for the first time. Perhaps, the saying of "returning a movie ticket" has been redefined in this film.

And this is Shanghai Animation Film Studio (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Meiying") behind the film, the second film work handed over this year after Tyrannosaurus Tu Tu with Big Ears in Action in the National Day file.


The two seemingly independent works are actually a kind of "inheritance" of the film maker to some extent. Mr. Wang is the co-director of the film "The Story of Heaven". At the same time, he also participated in the art work of the first season of the drama series "Tu Tu with Big Ears".


From the "old" to the new, and then renovate and repair the "old". In the past few years, Shanghai Meiying has always presented its "treasures" to everyone in the best form.


The charm of Shanghai Meiying is not only on the big screen.As early as last year, the "China Animation Alliance" gathered and customized a promotional film for the Beijing Winter Olympics, saying, "My old grandson is coming!" Who’s feelings have been ignited?


When the "Zhu Rong" rover landed on Mars, Shanghai Meiying took out the concept film of the 4D sci-fi cartoon "Fluorescent Fire". After watching it, anyone who didn’t marvel at it was still online.


Inheritance of "repair"

The story of Shangmeiying is as wonderful as its cartoon characters, but this time, let’s start with "The Story of Heaven".


In 2019, the main visual poster of Shanghai International Film Festival designed by Huang Hai was released, which surprised everyone. And this poster is based on the animated film produced by Shanghai Meiying.

In that year’s screening list, Shanghai Meiying also released two restored works, one is the full version of "Make a scene in Heaven" and the other is the 2K restored version of "The Story of Heaven".After the invoice was issued, "Tian Shu Qi Tan" became one of the fastest sold-out films. This is somewhat unexpected. After all, in the past, most of the animated films mentioned by the audience were "Make a scene in Heaven".


Making a scene in Heaven was completed by Shanghai Meiying in 2011. It is precisely because of this achievement that Shanghai Meiying saw hope that "classics will never go out of date". As a result, in 2018, Shanghai Meiying restarted the restoration work of "Tian Shu Qi Tan".


This repair work is not easy.Because of the limitation of early technical conditions, the storage medium of the original film is film. The film itself is very fragile, even if it is well preserved, it will inevitably cause some damage. The director of Shanghai Meiying told us that the team invested a lot of manpower and energy to repair the sound and picture.


Behind the simple expression, there is actually a very complicated process technology. In the end, the basic restoration of the film was completed by Shanghai Film Technology Factory and Shanghai Meiying, which ensured the basic content of the work and realized the work of "glue revolution". It is reported that the film has been repaired in the 4K version. This also caused the film to finally meet the audience after two years after the screening of the last film festival.


For many viewers, this is a "youth return". Memories of the movies I saw when I was a child are all emerging one by one, and even the "sequel legend" about this movie is not broken.


For Suda, the release of this film has not only fulfilled his dream, but also completed the unfinished story of the predecessors of Shanghai Meiying.

Mr Yunda Qian, the co-director of this film, is her university teacher. At the Shanghai premiere of the film, the 93-year-old director Yunda Qian appeared. Facing the recognition of the audience, he also said humbly, "I feel that we have not done enough. If we can do it in the future, we will do more work."


However, what is the release of such a film to the audience?Suda doesn’t want to emphasize the box office. After all, the release of this animated work is difficult to demonstrate with the box office itself. "Going to the cinema is not just about paying for feelings."

In Suda’s view, this restoration can make the audience feel better about "The Wonder of Heaven" and break the previous cognition on the small screen. No matter the sound or the picture, more different details can be found.


The vitality of IP

Suda has been busy for the last two months. I was interviewed by various media for Action of Tyrannosaurus Tu Tu with Big Ears and 4K Commemorative Edition.


Although these two works are presented to the audience with a brand-new look, we can’t ignore the fact that it has been 38 years since "The Story of Heaven" and the drama series "Tu Tu with Big Ears" has been updated, but it has been more than 15 years since the first season. It seems that from the outside world, these two works are already "past tense".


Suda seems to have become accustomed to these discussions, and bluntly saying that economic benefits are definitely not the purpose. "I understand that everyone has such a voice, because in the past, we did not produce a large number of new films, and we also understand the expectations of the audience."

In fact, the restoration of "The Wonder of Heaven" is to use digital technology to make the film glow with new vitality.


On the basis of the original film’s 89 minutes, a special behind-the-scenes feature was specially added at the end of the film, including some creative materials, restoration process and interviews with old artists. This is a tribute to the older generation of animation artists, but also a kind of China animation inheritance.


At that time, there were many ingenious ideas of old artists in the creation of the film "The Wonder of Heaven", but now it seems a little clumsy.


For example, in the four words of the title, the blue-black background pattern presents a "special effect" of flowing fusion. It is the old artists who pour blue-black paint into a basin and add solvent to make the paint "flow", thus shooting this wonderful "special effect" scene.


The TV animation "Tu Tu with Big Ears" with more than 100 episodes grew up with the post-90s and post-00s, and it was created by Shanghai Meiying for the purpose of making original and high-quality cartoons to reflect the life of contemporary children.The image of "Tu Tu" unexpectedly became popular on the short video platform two years ago, which made everyone see the vitality of IP.

From the small screen to the big screen, the movie version of Tu Tu with Big Ears has been striving to integrate the spirit of the times into its works and track the topics of social concern. It involves filial piety culture and pension topics.


It seems to be a mature drama IP, but this creation is not easy for Suda. In this movie, there is no collision between justice and evil, just want children to watch it with relish and touch them with emotion.


It doesn’t matter if you have doubts, it also represents the expectations of the audience.For these IPS in their hands, Suda said, "The old IP, because it was already there, we will repair it and develop it, and maybe it will take less time; Then the new work needs a process of incubation, cultivation and creation. "


As for the excessive public opinion of "fried cold rice", the speed is also accepted according to the order. The hard work behind the classic repair is no easier than an original IP. Classic IP needs to maintain its vigorous vitality, which can not be presented by simple preservation. "We are not completely copying the past to sell tickets again, but to create in depth again."


Not only the restoration of movies, but also the IP image authorization of Shanghai Meiying from a very early age.Especially at the beginning of 2019, the collection of doll toys, in which "Tian Shu Qi Tan" cooperated with a fast food brand, even sold as high as 500 yuan on a second-hand trading platform.


This series of IP authorization, actually from another level, is also the activation of IP.Of course, in terms of IP authorization, Shangmeiying pays great attention to whether the cartoon image is suitable for the brand. "Every IP has its own personal design, and we also value the concept of communication that can be set by someone in the future brand communication."


The story continues

"Innovation and inheritance" is the brand concept written by official website of Shanghai Meiying.


Reasonable IP authorization and development, as well as the restoration of classic films, are the best footnotes made by Shanghai Film and Television. To combine "inheritance" and "innovation" organically, we have to mention Meiying’s ink animation.


As early as the 60th anniversary of Shanghai Film Festival, it was announced that it would restart ink animation and launch the first feature film of ink animation. At that time, the official also released a 2-minute trial film, which attracted a lot of attention once it was spread.


After a lapse of four years, what is the progress of this project?Suda told us that the film is scheduled to be completed by the end of next year and is scheduled to be released in 2023. The duration of the film will be about 90 minutes, with almost no dialogue, and the story will be promoted by music. "It can be said with great pride that this will be the first animated feature film in China and even the world."


The 3D version of the official announcement has also made progress. "We will make a bold attempt to break everyone’s previous understanding of the image of the Monkey King in" Big Sky "and make a brand new the Monkey King in a three-dimensional space, which will be more in line with the aesthetics of young people as a whole."


In addition, the new Snow Child, which was created by directors Lu Hengyu and Li Shujie, will also be produced accordingly. In the future production process of Shanghai Meiying, there will be more than a dozen works coming out one after another.

In the face of marketization, Suda said frankly, "Not blindly pursuing the click-through rate and the box office, how to make a good work that can stay is the first thing that our creators should consider, and don’t produce a pile of cultural garbage."


With the special promotional film of the Winter Olympics going off again, the outside world is increasingly looking forward to the progress of the "cartoon universe" of the American film. At the beginning of this year, they launched the drama "Beautiful Film Paradise", but this short drama did not leave much sound. Su Da told us not to worry. They really saw the concept of "movie universe" and are creating an animated film "Make a scene in cartoon city", which combines the IP of Shangmeiying with real life.


No matter from the outside world, Shanghai Meiying is slowing down or speeding up now; Is it being questioned "fried cold rice" or insisting on bringing forth the old and bringing forth the new? They are always carrying on the good memories of several generations with a pen.


As Suda said, Shanghai Meiying is the national team of animation in China, which shoulders great responsibilities. It cannot just pursue commercial animation, and it is one of the responsibilities to inherit and innovate the art of its predecessors.

Detonate a new upsurge of consumption! The 4th West Coast International Auto Show was successfully concluded in 2024.

  March 27th On March 24th, 2024, the 4th West Coast International Auto Show was successfully concluded in Qingdao World Expo City (No.3399 Sansha Road, Huangdao District).

  The exhibition opened two indoor exhibition halls S1 and S2 and some outdoor exhibition areas of Qingdao World Expo City, with an exhibition area of more than 30,000 square meters. More than 60 participating brands brought more than 400 display models to the exhibition. During the three-day exhibition, more than 2,000 on-site orders were placed, and the turnover exceeded 300 million yuan. In 2024, the new automobile consumption boom zone in Qingdao was detonated!

  New car debut, crowds surging west coast

  As the first official auto show in Qingdao in 2024, it is also one of the four official brand auto shows in Qingdao. The 2024 West Coast International Auto Show has attracted much attention and made the new district in March particularly lively.

  With the care and support from all walks of life, the West Coast International Auto Show has been attached to the new area for four years, adding a brand event to the Expo City and becoming a dazzling business card for the exhibition industry in the new area. In terms of the scale of participating brands and the number of people visiting the exhibition, this exhibition has achieved a new leap, with a long queue at the entrance, a lot of people in the exhibition hall, good news on the booth and a barrage rolling in the live broadcast room.

  Looking up at the brand to start the first automobile exhibition in Shandong, although it is only a static display, the close-range test ride contact has greatly satisfied the curiosity of the audience.

  SAIC-Volkswagen made its debut with all models, and luxury manufacturers’ exhibits and wonderful car models became live stars.

  () Brought the "Glory Edition" of all models, and took the price/performance ratio to the end.

  ICAR 03, Ford Fierce Horse, brand-new Krypton 001, Dongfeng Yipai 007, Geely Yinhe E8, Aouita 12, Chery Fengyun A8, FAW Audi Q4 e-tron, Haobo HT, brand-new Mercedes-Benz E-Class … dozens of new cars appeared in the official exhibition in the new year, bringing new features to the new district and injecting vitality into urban culture and citizen life.

  When the low price "falls", the regional economy will show its benefits.

  Run a meeting well and enliven a city.

  As a "famous exhibition city" under the new economic format, West Coast New District stands out with strong policy guidance and meticulous service attitude, aiming at building the most beautiful exhibition coastal zone in China and becoming a gathering place for exhibitions of characteristic industries.

  "Vitality" is synonymous with the exhibition industry in West Coast New District, which not only comes from sharp market insight, but also depends on active regional groups and consumption potential.

  In the beginning of 2024, the wave of price reduction led by new energy brands began again in an orderly manner. The highest discount is 160,000 yuan, cash official reduction, deposit inflation, replacement subsidies, and attractive price policies are all over the 2024 West Coast International Auto Show, which has also become one of the reasons why many consumers come here.

  On-site FAW Audi, Mercedes-Benz and FAW Hongqi booths were crowded, and new energy brands made excellent transactions. The exhibition scale of pure electric brands is nearly half, and the figure of new energy vehicles occupies almost every booth.

  The new industry outlook and new consumption boom are flourishing in the new district, which will be displayed in the panorama of the 4th West Coast International Auto Show in 2024.

  Buy a car, get a good gift, watch the exhibition and win the gold bars. With a more immersive exhibition experience, the West Coast International Auto Show is also rewarding this fertile land. The official first exhibition of the opening year ended successfully, bid farewell to Huangdao for the time being, focus on Laoshan, and set off in glory in May for the 23rd Qingdao Spring International Auto Show in 2024! (Reporter of this website)

Crazy for 50 hours! On-the-spot report of Liaoning Lingyuan escaping criminals, many witnesses restore thrilling moments.

       CCTV News:At about 3: 50am on October 4th, Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin escaped from Lingyuan No.3 Prison of Liaoning Provincial Prison Administration. At about 13: 00pm on October 6th, two criminals were arrested in Taitoushan Town, Pingquan City, Hebei Province. So, how did the two criminals escape, and how did the police open tight encirclement to bring the two escaped criminals to justice?

       After the escape case occurred, Lingyuan No.3 Prison issued an investigation report on October 4th. According to the circular, Chloe Wang, an escaped criminal, was sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution by the Higher People’s Court of Liaoning Province for kidnapping. On December 28, 2017, he was reduced to life imprisonment, and on December 22, 2016, he was transferred to Lingyuan No.3 Prison to serve his sentence. Zhang Guilin, an escaped criminal, was sentenced to life imprisonment by Wenzhou Intermediate People’s Court for robbery. On June 12, 2014, he was transferred to Lingyuan No.3 Prison to serve his sentence.



       [List seven contents, official disclosure of escape details]

       As for the details about the escape of two criminals, the Liaoning Provincial Prison Administration published an article entitled "Notice of Liaoning Provincial Prison Administration on the details of the escape of criminals in Lingyuan No.3 Prison" in official website on October 8. The notice was in the form of a question and answer, listing seven items.

       1. Did the escaped criminals escape from the gate through the access card?

       The criminals used the noise of Lingyuan Iron and Steel Company as a cover to pry open the doors and windows of the interview room and escape.

       Second, how did the criminal get the police uniform?

       The criminal stole a police uniform worn by prison administrators, with armbands, no warning signs and epaulettes.

       3. Does the fugitive have a mobile phone?

       The escaped prisoner has no mobile phone, but MP4 in his hand.

       4. Did the criminal Zhang Guilin escape twice before?

       Zhang Guilin, a criminal, tried to escape twice before being transferred to prison, and both of them were given heavier punishment according to law.

       5. Does the criminal have any cash?

       After entering the interview room, the criminal pried open the desk of the staff and stole some cash.

       6. Has the accountability mechanism been initiated?

       At present, the warden, the general manager and two deputy wardens have been dismissed, and the relevant authorities have intervened in the investigation of the directly responsible personnel. We will seriously pursue the responsibility according to the law and regulations and will never tolerate it.

       7. Did the criminal commit a crime after he escaped?

       After the two criminals escaped, they have been kept in the mountains, and there have been no crimes such as theft and robbery.

       [Crazy 50 hours, both arrested and restored the arrest process]

       After the two criminals escaped, the police immediately launched a large-scale search. Escaped from about 3: 50 am on October 4 to about 13: 00 pm on October 6. In the past 50 hours, how did the local public security police quickly arrest him? After the two criminals arrived at the case, CCTV reporters interviewed the relevant police handling the case and visited some witnesses for the first time, which restored this thrilling more than 50 hours.

       Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "Our police should have received an alarm from the prison at 8: 00 am on October 4th, less than 9: 00 am. Say two felons in custody, one is Chloe Wang and the other is Zhang Guilin. They are at large and have escaped from prison. " After receiving the alarm, the public security organs in lingyuan city immediately called the police to carry out the investigation.


       Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "Our first reaction was to mobilize the police. After collecting all the videos around the prison, we learned about their escape route, analyzed the time of their escape from this route and the distance within the time after their escape, and set up various posts. For example, we are on the necessary roads near Lingyuan No.3 prison, and we have set up posts on all the necessary roads. In addition, around the prison and around lingyuan city, you can get out of Lingyuan and set up posts in an emergency. "

       At about 12 noon, the police received a report from the masses that two fugitives appeared in Shi Hu Gou Village, Shiyang, Songzhangzi Town, lingyuan city, 20 kilometers away from the Third Prison. The monitoring installed in the canteen recorded the whole process of the two people buying things.

       Witness Master Xu: "At about 11: 30 noon, the tall man came in first, and then I was there. He said he wanted to buy something, and he came over. I said what you want to buy, and he said I’ll buy two boxes of cigarettes first, and then I’ll buy some drinks and mineral water after I finish. He said he had everything to eat, and I said there was bread … …” Master Xu recalled that while the taller man was shopping, another thin man entered the store.


       Witness Master Xu: "The second one was thirsty when he came in. Look at that. Drink another bottle of mineral water. But let’s be honest, it’s quite thirsty. After buying, there are villagers and shoppers, all of whom are here. After leaving, they are left. After they are settled, they are all cash. He went out after finishing the account, and I watched them go outside when they went out. "

       Through monitoring, the police found that the two men under surveillance were the fugitives Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin they wanted to arrest. Then, where will the two fugitives go after buying things from the canteen? The police immediately organized police forces to conduct a carpet search around Shi Hu Gou Village, Shiyang, but found nothing. It’s getting dark and the search is still going on.


       The weather in Liaoning is getting cold after autumn, especially after night. Because the villages where the two fugitives were found were mostly surrounded by mountain woodlands and there were many paths, it was very difficult to catch them.

       Gu Tuanwei, deputy detachment leader of Chaoyang detachment of Liaoning Armed Police Corps: "Because the wind is relatively strong, the sense of smell of police dogs is not very sensitive, and the mountains are relatively high. The highest peak reaches more than 700 meters. When the drone rises, plus the forest is dense and the grass is deep, there are many disadvantages to drone detection."


       In addition to the unfavorable external environment for search, there is another problem before the police. Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "If according to our routine, there is no funds, and the main purpose of criminals is to escape from Lingyuan and leave this trouble spot to a safe place, then he needs funds. They don’t have their ID cards with them, so they want to commit crimes, rob or steal. This is the most urgent thing for our public security organs. "

       At this time, it has been more than twenty hours since the two criminals escaped from the third prison, and no one knows where the two criminals will eventually flee. As Shiyang Shi Hu Gou Village is located at the junction of Liaoning and Hebei provinces, it is very likely that the two criminals will flee Liaoning and enter Hebei. The police decided to immediately issue a regional police cooperation investigation letter to inform the two escapees in Lingyuan No.3 Prison. The Hebei Provincial Public Security Department, Chengde Municipal Bureau and Pingquan Municipal Bureau, which received the regional police cooperation investigation letter, also immediately started the cooperation mechanism, and dispatched public security police and armed police officers and soldiers to conduct simultaneous raids from Hebei, forming a two-sided attack situation.

       Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "That night, the director of the (Liaoning) Provincial Public Security Bureau led a team from the Command Hall and set up a headquarters here to mobilize all the police forces in various cities, including the armed police, police, public security police and judicial police, including the people. At this time, nearly 7,000 people were mobilized, including the police. "

       On the morning of October 5, the police received another report from the masses that one of the fugitives, Chloe Wang, appeared in a canteen in Fangshen Village, Yushu Linzi Town, Pingquan City, Hebei Province at about 18: 35 pm on October 4. The owner of the canteen also told reporters about the scene at that time.


       Shopkeeper: "When he came in, he started to say that he wanted to buy beer and buy cans of beer. He said to buy four, and then he suggested buying six, six for a dozen. Then he bought six. Then he said, is there anything with canned fish and meat? I said no. He picked out some intestines, water, milk and the like. " The police immediately organized police forces to conduct a search centered on Fangshen Village.

       Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "Around Pingquan, there are four towns in Pingquan, and Fiona Fang is 250 square kilometers, which is surrounded and blocked. These two criminals, after they went out to buy things at night, went up the mountain. Now the mountain is very dense. At the same time, they set up checkpoints and took the action of clearing the mountain. Statistically, more than 3,000 people were organized and the armed police participated in the encirclement and suppression of the mountain. Nothing was found. "

       [The official car rolled over and two auxiliary police officers died unfortunately]

       No one would have thought that the bad news came at this time. In the process of organizing the police to carry out the arrest task, the Public Security Bureau of Pingquan City, Hebei Province, an official vehicle was damaged and four auxiliary police officers were injured because the road surface bumped and rolled over. Two of the auxiliary police officers, Wang Dongyu and Xu Yuelong, died after being rescued by the hospital.



       [Report again at the critical moment when the search is fruitless]

       The lives of the two auxiliary police officers were fixed at this moment forever. They wore badges on their heads and paid their young lives to keep one side safe. But at this moment, criminals Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin are still at large. With the fruitless search around Fangshen Village, the arrest work returned to the original point. At this time, the police once again received a report from the masses that one of the fugitives once again appeared in a canteen in Sanjiazi Town, lingyuan city. According to the store advocate, the old lady said that at 8 o’clock in the morning on October 6, she was cleaning in the store. At this moment, a man came in.

       The small shop advocated the old lady: "When he came in, he said he wanted to wash his hands, so I poured him water to wash his face and hands there, and then he came here." He said I was wondering if there was anything to eat. I bought some, and I said there was no delicious chicken leg. He said my aunt would bring this for me, so I put it here for him. I wanted 20, and then I ordered that, four bottles of mineral water, four bottles of milk, four bottles of eight-treasure porridge, and two bags of egg yolk pie. He said he repaired cars and didn’t eat for a day. He said I was too hungry, and the four of us all said so.

       When leaving, the old man’s son happened to come back and had a face-to-face meeting with the man. Mr. Wang found out that the man was a fugitive. Mr. Wang immediately called the police. The police confirmed that the man Mr. Wang met was one of the two fugitives, Chloe Wang. At this time, the police once again received an alarm from the masses that the fugitive Chloe Wang appeared near the high-speed rail viaduct not far from the canteen.

       Witness Mr. Li: "At that time, my wife and I were picking corn in that area. When I looked up, I saw a person carrying a yellow bag coming down. After I came down, I saw that it was not our local person. I thought it was the staff of the high-speed rail at first, and then I looked at him on the opposite side. He looked around." Feeling suspicious, Mr. Li quietly followed. "I walked around in front of him. We walked in front of him. I saw him. After seeing him, I thought that this person was not our local. I could know him locally, just about our age. Later, he went to the mountains in the west. Later, I thought that this was definitely not our local, even if it was a suspicious person. Later, I called the police."

       Soon, the police who searched nearby rushed to the scene. After identification, this person is the fugitive Chloe Wang. Due to many road forks, the police and mass soldiers who arrived in advance launched a search in multiple ways.


       Wang Huidong, the captain of the anti-drug brigade of lingyuan city Public Security Bureau: "From Taitou Mountain in Hebei Province, after the mountain ridge passed, to the mouth of the cooking pot, we didn’t find it after arriving at the mouth of the ditch. We waited there for a while without finding it." At this time, the police who were guarding here found that a man came out of the ravine not far away.

       Wang Huidong, the captain of the anti-drug brigade of lingyuan city Public Security Bureau: "At that time, I was sure that when I came down from the mountain, I didn’t find anyone on the mountain. At that time, I felt very suspicious, so I went to meet him, and I went with my captain. When he went to trace it, he felt that it was wrong, turned his head and ran away. We chased after it and chased it to a gully. He jumped into the ditch and we couldn’t find him." When Wang Huidong and his colleagues tried to find the man, the man appeared on the opposite side of the ditch and was walking down the hill. The police immediately chased him up and mobilized the people on the spot to assist in the pursuit.


       Wang Huidong, captain of the anti-drug brigade of lingyuan city Public Security Bureau, said, "I said these two men are fugitives, please help the police catch them. At this time, all the people were dispatched, and there were bicycles on the road in the greenhouse. At this time, Huludao and Jinzhou and our Fan Bureau took a team and also rushed to the scene to surround him in the cornfield, and our Fan Bureau arrested him. " It was confirmed that this man was Chloe Wang. At this point, the subsequent police officers quickly searched and arrested the second fugitive Zhang Guilin not far away.


       [Expert Interpretation: How to Sentence the Crime of Escaping]

       What did the escape of two criminals, Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin, constitute? What kind of punishment should I receive? Let’s listen to the expert’s interpretation.

       Professor Ruan Qilin of China University of Political Science and Law believes that according to the details of the case now announced, criminals Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin are suspected of escaping the crime. Article 316th of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that the crime of escape refers to the act of a criminal, a defendant or a criminal suspect who is detained according to law, escaping from the prison and leaving the prison. Then, if two criminals are suspected of escaping from the crime, what kind of punishment will they receive?

       Professor Ruan Qilin said that the crime of escape is lightly punished in law and will generally be combined with the original punishment.