
The explosion of online celebrity cuisine in the National People’s Congress canteen has raised the memory of taste buds to the level of cultural expression.

  "I finally got it ‘ Online celebrity ’ Youth League! " With pictures and click Send, a graduate student of Renmin University of China Law School wrote such a circle of friends and joined the big team of "punching in" in the campus canteen.

  On the eve of Tomb-Sweeping Day, the Youth League made by the dining hall in the North District of Renmin University was once again "on fire", with an average of 2,000 copies sold every day. On the Internet, netizens from inside and outside the school have forwarded and commented on relevant news, bluntly saying "I want to eat". On March 26th, the Logistics Group of the National People’s Congress also launched the Youth League Gift Set, which was sold online and offline.

  In fact, the Youth League is not the only "online celebrity cuisine" produced by the National People’s Congress canteen. Also famous are more than 10 kinds of food, such as pumpkin bread in the east dining hall, gift box for new year’s goods in the central dining hall, Shandong jujube steamed bread bigger than the face in the west dining hall, and Chongyang cake in the north dining hall.

  Why can university canteens keep making "explosive online celebrity dishes"? How are these "online celebrity dishes" cooked? What kind of sparks can be generated when the canteen tastes big data and the Internet?

  Online and offline "sense of participation"

  Many students of Renmin University know Wang Ruorong and Song Da Me.

  Off-line, Wang Ruorong is the director of the canteen in the North District of the National People’s Congress. At the peak of eating, I can always see him shuttling among the students to collect comments. Online, he is also a little-known "online celebrity". Since he opened the Weibo, he has frequently interacted with students to discuss what is delicious in the canteen. He has also published a book called "The Taste of the National People’s Congress".

  Originally, there was only an ordinary "big pot rice" on the first floor of the North District canteen. Wang Ruorong found that this could not meet the needs of students, and made up his mind to open a Jiangnan flavor window, focusing on crab yellow soup packets. Not long after, a student went to Weibo to leave a message, "Can we also do some youth groups?"

  The suggestion was quickly adopted. Wang Ruorong studied it several times with the chef of the canteen. Before Tomb-Sweeping Day last year, this kind of snacks with Jiangsu and Zhejiang flavor was launched on the first floor of the North District canteen and sold for more than 20 days. Because all of them are on-site packages and steaming, students waiting in line often have to stand at the gate of the canteen from the window.

  At present, this "online celebrity Youth League" has two kinds of fillings: egg yolk floss and pine nut bean paste. In order to ensure the quality, Wang Ruorong and the masters did not choose the egg yolk packed in vacuum in the market, but pulled the egg yolk from the salted duck eggs on the spot; In order to adjust the greasy bean paste, they added kumquat pieces and pine nuts to it, blending a sour and sweet smell.

  If the youth league’s "red-hot" is an accident, then this year, other foods in the National People’s Congress canteen, like the youth league, have been on fire one after another, which proves that this is not just an accident.

  Song Da-i, also a "Weibo red man", was the deputy director of the Institute of Investigation Technology of the National People’s Congress. The associate professor of Renmin University commented that he "loves food and life". After being transferred from the front line of teaching to the general manager of the school logistics group, he began to "toss".

  "Warm People’s Congress" is the official WeChat of the logistics of the National People’s Congress, and it is also the WeChat WeChat official account that the students of the National People’s Congress pay the most attention to. In order to improve the service ability of the canteen, they posted a lot of news about campus food, such as new dishes and scheduled tasting activities.

  Not long ago, the logistics group also launched the "canteen iron powder group" on the micro-signal. Students of the Iron Powder Group can deeply participate in the promotion of new dishes in the canteen, the promotion of dishes and the tasting of dishes, and at the same time enjoy VIP treatment and participate in cooking demonstration classes and practical classes. The Logistics Group also gives lectures on cooking techniques to Iron Powder from time to time and gives live demonstrations on cooking. Carry out cooking practice classes or organize "iron powder" for cooking skill competitions.

  The opinions of these students can influence the standard of food in the canteen. Song Da I hope that the students who join are not "canteen tourists" who have tasted it, but "senior foodies" who really have an insightful understanding of the canteen. Their screening criteria for "iron powder" are: participating in 8 campus food activities each semester, and at the same time "punching in" and collecting 18 "likes" in the circle of friends.

  "Many times, food is just a chat." Song Dawei said that the canteen and students should break the distance and communicate more through various channels. Now, they display new products in articles pushed by WeChat, and also disclose the production process of "online celebrity cuisine" one by one.

  Song Da I gradually found that many students would "like" the canteen even if they didn’t eat new food. The alumni who have graduated seem to feel the happiness brought by the campus canteen from a distance, and many outsiders know the "online celebrity cuisine" of the National People’s Congress through this window.

  The "assembly line" of interdisciplinary subjects

  As the master planner of "online celebrity" food, Song Da always talks about his student team.

  Song Da came from a statistical background, and I know how to "play with" data best. After starting to work as a student, he added logistics-related contents to the campus satisfaction survey of the National People’s Congress: students’ taste preferences, the degree of solving canteen service problems, and "scoring your favorite canteen" all appeared on the questionnaire. Subsequently, the teachers and students of the School of Statistics will conduct big data processing to screen out the most useful information.

  Find out the taste and demand, and the rest is publicity and packaging. The promotion of "online celebrity cuisine" in the new media is "manipulated" by the students of the School of Journalism; Product design is free for students majoring in Chinese painting in the Art College.

  Before each new issue of "online celebrity" is released, Song Da and I will take the team to "meet the model" first, observe the shape and color of the cooked dishes, then understand their ingredients and preparation methods, then take photos and finally taste them. "Only in this way can we design a higher quality copy."

  The food design and dissemination of the National People’s Congress has benefited from the professional strength of this top comprehensive university. Luan Yimei, a professor at the School of Journalism, Renmin University of China, said that "online celebrity cuisine" can be a big fire precisely because of interdisciplinary cooperation among students. "We used to focus on the development of a single discipline and explain problems, but to really solve problems, we must cooperate across disciplines. ‘ Online celebrity cuisine ’ Starting from the needs of students, telling your own story well and grasping the law of communication will be welcomed. "

  Dishes are popular, and innovation is naturally more motivated. In the impression of Zhang Yiran, a sophomore in the School of Journalism, in the past year, the innovation of the school canteen has become greater, and new dishes will be introduced soon. This is also the change that Song Da expected to achieve. On Monday alone this week, more than 30 kinds of snacks were introduced in the North District canteen.

  Behind the new dishes, the logistics group "I am a chef" WeChat group studied and pondered at length. Last year, Song Da and I brought several canteen directors into a group. Usually, he would throw the good ideas he saw and thought into the group at any time to share, and sometimes they hit it off, forming offline products.

  For example, after the creativity of pumpkin bread reached an agreement, the central dining hall took the lead in setting an example, tying the bread into a strand with a string, which visually approached the appearance of pumpkin; The dining hall in the North District has worked hard on stuffing to turn pumpkin into a hidden "connotation"; The east dining hall also added sausage elements. "Everyone is competing for a competition. I didn’t expect the campus canteen to be so active." Song Da sighed.

  The youthful taste of productization

  After the Youth League became "hot", many graduates left a message under the article of WeChat WeChat official account, "What a pity! I graduated too early. "

  I found that the Youth League is not only a holiday food need for students in school, but also symbolizes a unique "symbol of the National People’s Congress" — — Students who have graduated expect to find campus memories through tasting, and teachers and students of the school also want to share this campus taste with relatives and friends. At the end of 2017, the Logistics Group officially planned to make the bulk youth league into a gift box set that can be sold.

  On March 26th, the Youth League gift box set was officially launched. The kraft paper bag used for packaging is printed with "memories of youth from the National People’s Congress canteen". The green ball stuffed with meat floss and egg yolk is called "this heart stumbles", and the green ball stuffed with pine nuts and bean paste is called "Acacia". A new green ball stuffed with fresh shepherd’s purse also has the same literary name — — "A thousand miles".

  Song Da I said, "The most fundamental duty of the school canteen is to meet the dining needs of students and ensure their food and clothing for three meals a day. On this basis, delicious food is also very important. We hope to bring students different experiences, enhance their campus happiness, and let the memory of taste buds rise to the cultural expression level of the National People’s Congress. "

  In addition to "going out" of products, they also attach importance to "bringing in" to supplement new energy for campus canteens. Last year, Song Da-i founded a series of activities called "Guest Chef RUC" with the logistics group, and invited elites from the catering industry in society and universities to come to the school for exchange.

  The activity was held in turn by five canteens of the National People’s Congress, and the directors of each canteen were secretly "competing". They invited the master of state banquet in the Great Hall of the People, chef Tan Jiacai of Beijing Hotel, members of the French Chef’s Association, and even a team of chefs who maintained the Guinness World Record.

  This activity has been successfully held for 12 times, and there is no funding for inviting chefs. I didn’t expect that the catering department of a well-known hotel would take the initiative to find it and ask to enter the school to cook for the students.

  Zhang Yiran has experienced several guest kitchens, and she still remembers the popularity of the event. "Hundreds of copies were sold out at once.". Now, she and her classmates are on the public platform of "Warm People’s Congress", waiting for the news released by the guest kitchen activities.

  Song Da, I feel gratified. He said that many new dishes had been introduced in the original canteen. Because of the asymmetric information, it was sometimes difficult for students to know the relevant information. After the trial period, these dishes were removed from the shelves with low sales. "The convenience brought by new media communication is mainly rapid. Students can quickly understand information, experience and give opinions quickly, and we can also make judgments quickly and adjust in time. "

The General Administration of Market Supervision imposed administrative penalties on unfair price behaviors of five community group buying enterprises.

  CCTV News:Some sell goods below the purchase cost through huge subsidies, "dumping at low prices"; Some mark false original prices and discounts when selling goods, and lie about price reduction to trick consumers into buying. To this end, the General Administration of Market Supervision imposed administrative penalties on unfair price behaviors of five community group-buying enterprises, including Orange Heart Optimization, Buy More Vegetables, Meituan Optimization, Shihui Group and Food Enjoyment Club, and five enterprises were fined, with a total fine of 6.5 million yuan. In this regard, on the morning of March 3, the General Administration of Market Supervision made an administrative penalty on the unfair price behavior of five community group buying enterprises.

  Question 1: Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision imposed administrative penalties on five community group buying enterprises according to law. What are the main considerations?

  In recent years, the status of Internet economy in China’s national economy and society has been significantly improved, and it has become an important engine to promote economic development and an important starting point to improve people’s livelihood. It has played a positive role in coping with the impact of epidemic situation, improving shopping experience and improving supply chain structure. However, with the large-scale entry of major Internet platform enterprises into the community group buying market, problems such as irregular order and illegal operation have become increasingly apparent, which has aroused great concern from all walks of life.

  First, improper means are used to squeeze the offline community economic market, which is easy to cause disorder and affect social stability. Internet platform enterprises use the advantages of capital and traffic to enter "community group buying" and compete for the market at a price lower than the cost, which will have an impact on offline community economic models such as small vendors and community convenience stores and bring obvious negative effects. Second, large Internet platform enterprises have an unfair competition tendency of "burning money to grab the market and raising prices after monopoly", which is easy to damage consumers’ rights and interests. In the short term, consumers can really get short-term benefits at a lower price when the relevant enterprises implement the "subsidy" strategy in the early stage of competition. However, after occupying the market, related enterprises are likely to raise prices substantially to obtain high monopoly profits, seriously damaging the interests of consumers. Third, unfair price behavior disrupts the market price order. Community group buying platforms generally have problems such as huge subsidies, selling goods below the cost price, and some community group buying platforms use price fraud to deceive consumers. The above acts seriously infringe upon the legitimate interests of other operators and consumers, damage the market environment of fair competition and undermine the normal market price order.

  The products and services provided by community group buying are mainly "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets". The rising prices of these basic livelihood commodities are likely to lead to economic and social turmoil. The Central Economic Work Conference made it clear that the disorderly expansion of capital should be prevented. The General Administration of Market Supervision resolutely implemented the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, took effective measures to strengthen the supervision of the community group buying market, responded to social concerns in a timely manner, and standardized corporate behavior. Monitor the price behavior of community group buying enterprises and conduct investigations according to law. It has been found that there are unfair price behaviors such as low-price dumping and price fraud in community group buying enterprises such as Orange Heart Youxuan (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Meituan Youxuan Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Qiwei Delicious Technology Co., Ltd.

  Question 2: Please brief us on the basic situation of these five cases?

  The companies punished this time are: Orange Heart Optimization (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Orange Heart Optimization), Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Buy more food), Shenzhen Meituan Optimization Technology Co., Ltd. (Meituan Optimization), Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd. (Shihui Group) and Wuhan Seven Kinds of Delicious Technology Co., Ltd. (Food Enjoyment). The above five enterprises occupy a large share in the community group buying market, and the basic situation of the case is as follows.

  First, through huge subsidies, there is a "low-price dumping" behavior of selling goods below the purchase cost. In order to seize the market, four community group buying enterprises, such as Orange Heart Youxuan (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Meituan Youxuan Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd., took advantage of the capital and adopted subsidies in the form of direct drop and coupons, resulting in the sales price of a large number of goods being lower than the purchase cost. If the costs of operation, warehousing and logistics are included, the actual sales revenue is much lower than the cost of goods, which disrupts the normal production and operation order and damages the legitimate rights and interests of other operators. The above acts violate the relevant provisions of Article 14 of the Price Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), and constitute dumping at a low price.

  The second is to use price fraud to trick consumers into trading with them. Five companies, including Orange Heart Optimization (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Meituan Optimization Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Qiwei Delicious Technology Co., Ltd., used false original prices, discounts, and lied about price reduction to trick consumers into buying goods; There are price violations such as not clearly indicating the meaning of the price comparison line. The above-mentioned behaviors belong to the behaviors mentioned in Article 7 of the Provisions on Prohibiting Price Fraud and Article 21 of the Interim Provisions on Regulating Promotion Behavior, which violates the relevant provisions of Article 14 of the Price Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and constitutes price fraud.

  Judging from the investigation, the illegal facts in five cases are very clear. During the investigation, we extracted the commodity pages, relevant financial data and service agreements related to price behavior according to law, carefully combed and analyzed the relevant materials, and repeatedly accounted for the amount of subsidies. At the same time, we also solicited the opinions of relevant parties according to the specific circumstances of the case. The survey shows that the facts of unfair price behaviors of five enterprises are clear and the evidence is conclusive. The General Administration of Market Supervision decided to impose a total fine of 6.5 million yuan on five enterprises, including Orange Heart Optimization (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Meituan Optimization Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Qiwei Delicious Technology Co., Ltd., for low-price dumping and price fraud.

  Question 3: We noticed that the above-mentioned enterprises were fined. What factors were mainly considered?

  When the General Administration of Market Supervision made the decision on administrative punishment, it mainly considered the following aspects. First, illegal activities have a greater impact on the normal market competition order. The above-mentioned enterprises sell goods below cost, with a wide range of subsidies, frequent subsidies and large subsidies, and their business volume has exploded, which has a great impact on the normal business activities of farmers’ markets, bazaars and small traders. Second, the social harmful consequences of illegal acts are more serious. The above-mentioned enterprises have great influence in the industry, with a huge number of users and huge market influence. The impact of their illegal activities is rapidly amplified by the scale effect and network effect of the Internet, with wide coverage and serious harmful consequences. Third, the circumstances of the illegal act are relatively bad. After the administrative guidance meeting of the General Administration of Market Supervision to standardize the order of community group buying, although the amount of subsidies for the above-mentioned enterprises has been reduced, it has not been comprehensively rectified. Therefore, the General Administration of Market Supervision decided to impose a fine within the scope prescribed by law in the hope of investigating a number of cases, standardizing an industry and purifying a field.

  Question 4: What other work has the General Administration of Market Supervision done to strengthen the supervision of community group buying, and what are the specific considerations for the next step?

  On December 22, 2020, the General Administration of Market Supervision and the Ministry of Commerce organized an administrative guidance meeting to regulate the order of community group buying. The meeting affirmed the positive significance of the economic development of the Internet platform, and seriously pointed out the outstanding problems such as low-price dumping and price fraud in community group buying. It is emphasized that Internet platform enterprises should strictly regulate the business behavior of community group buying, and strictly abide by the prohibition of low-price dumping and price fraud; Do not engage in acts of unfair competition such as commercial confusion, false propaganda and commercial slander; Do not use the advantages of data to "kill" and harm the legitimate rights and interests of consumers; Do not use technical means to damage the order of competition and hinder the normal operation of other market players.

  In the middle and late December of 2020, the General Administration of Market Supervision directly investigated five community group buying enterprises. On March 3, 2021, the General Administration of Market Supervision publicly fined the above-mentioned community group-buying enterprises for unfair price behaviors such as low-price dumping and price fraud, which effectively shocked the illegal enterprises and effectively promoted their rectification.

  In the next step, the General Administration of Market Supervision will actively respond to social concerns, strengthen investigation and study, judge and grasp the market dynamics of community group buying, innovate supervision methods, strengthen law enforcement and case handling, standardize the market order of community group buying according to law, effectively safeguard the legitimate interests of other operators and the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and create a fair and orderly market environment.

Professional counterfeiter Wang Hai: This year, we will not rule out playing online red and playing Wechat business.

  When Wang Hai, a tall man, appeared in front of Chengdu Business Daily reporters, he would not attract much attention. He didn’t wear his trademark sunglasses, the personal logo that has been with him in his anti-counterfeiting career for the past 21 years. But when it comes to taking pictures, the black sunglasses appear on his face in a blink of an eye.

  The man who used to wear the hat of "fake hero" is now 43 years old. With the promulgation of the new Consumer Protection Law and the improvement of a series of relevant laws and regulations, it is easier for consumers to protect their rights. Today’s Wang Hai seems to be inferior to the "fake idol" who has been shouting and fighting all the time. With only 100,000 fans in Weibo, he is not even "online celebrity", although his personal introduction is still "the first person to fight counterfeiting".

  However, with the emergence of more and more professional counterfeiters, consumer rights protection has entered a normalization, and Wang Hai is only one of many professional counterfeiters.

  When online shopping has become an important way of consumption, professional counterfeiters have begun to specialize in e-commerce. Liu Yanqing sued more than 30 cases in half a month, all of which were related to online shopping. He said that after he picked out the thorns, the operators would definitely improve, which was a thunder for future consumers.

  Professional counterfeiters have gone through 21 years from barbaric growth to rational rights protection. Nowadays, they prefer to be called builders. "Promote the improvement of relevant laws and claim compensation within the legal bottom line."

  Wang hai

  "My personal pursuit is to be a builder"

  "This year, I don’t rule out playing net red and playing Wechat business."

  Wang Hai, who owns four business investigation companies, currently has more than 30 employees, mostly lawyers and investigation managers. Last year, more than 500 cases were handled, with an amount of more than 10 million. The company is mainly engaged in three kinds of businesses to help consumers defend their rights and fight counterfeiting; Knowing and buying fakes; Employed by enterprises, counterfeiting for enterprises. The third is the focus of his business.

  Compared with before, Wang Hai’s exposure has decreased, but his cooperation with government departments has increased, more than 400 times a year. He has become more gentle, not always "pinching". In his own words, it is called "rational blood".

  "My personal pursuit is to be a builder. Solve the problem constructively. " What Wang Hai hasn’t changed is the clarity of thinking and the endless desire to express. He said that he expected to promote consumers’ awareness of rights protection and the integrity of China people, so as to advance the law.

  Nowadays, compared with the endless stream of "online celebrity", Wang Hai is not a name with internet popularity anytime and anywhere. He sent a Weibo, and there were often only a few or dozens of comments and reposts. "There is no deliberate management, and I don’t want to be too conspicuous. Being online celebrity is not the goal."

  Wang Hai is dismissive of today’s "online celebrity economy". He mentioned that many online celebrity stores sell all kinds of cosmetics and clothing, but many of them are refurbished by stalls, and there are quite a few inferior products. "This year, we will not rule out playing online red and playing Wechat business."

  What Wang Hai is pondering now is how to promote the establishment of the Whistleblower Act (whistleblower sharing fines) in China. He said that he had previously reported Nike, and the maximum bonus given by the government department was 100,000 yuan. And if the Whistleblower Act can be established, 30% to 50% of the fines imposed on enterprises will be distributed to whistleblowers, which will give every insider, even corporate executives, the incentive to become a voluntary supervisor.

  Another goal of Wang Hai is to promote consumer organizations that can play games. He gave this organization, which is still spinning in his mind, a grounded name "Children’s Mothers Association". Wang Hai said that the "Children’s Mothers Association" can set up a laboratory to test all kinds of goods at any time; Detectives can be sent to investigate the production of each enterprise and test reports can be issued. The price violence of foreign milk powder will not happen, and it can also fight against the format contract with overlord clause. "If the child’s mother is associated with 1 million people, pricing consumers can participate."

  Liu Yanqing

  From shopping malls to online shopping.

  You can easily take screenshots to collect evidence without leaving home.

  Liu Yanqing, who has 15 years of experience in counterfeiting, is a native of Beijing. His office is hidden in a two-bedroom apartment in an old residential area near the Apple Orchard in Beijing. His company has only five or six employees at present. The main business, of course, is counterfeiting. Last year, after deducting employee salaries and various costs, Liu Yanqing’s net income from counterfeiting was around 800,000.

  "85% of my cases now are e-commerce counterfeiting." Liu Yanqing, who once beat more than 50 large shopping malls in Beijing at least once, is now dying with e-commerce companies more often. The first e-commerce anti-counterfeiting took place in 2013. He bought cosmetics of a well-known brand for 4,000 yuan online and sent them to the headquarters of the brand in China for testing, and came to the conclusion that the outer packaging did not match the genuine product. Finally, under the mediation of the court, after six months, he got 4000 yuan compensation.

  Study various judicial interpretations

  According to Liu Yanqing’s cost performance ratio, the first experience of "online counterfeiting" was not a "good business" during his counterfeiting career. But this stubborn Beijing man feels that the other party’s attitude of downplaying only "regulatory mistakes" has hurt himself. He began to switch from shopping malls to online shopping.

  In the past more than half a month, Liu Yanqing has claimed more than 30 cases from various e-commerce websites. Liu Yanqing has her own understanding of the reason why she moved from a physical store to an e-commerce. He said that although online shopping is more difficult than physical stores, for example, it can’t communicate directly with the supervisor, but it can only communicate by phone, and it is easy to be refused compensation. However, compared with physical stores, online shopping can crack down on fakes without leaving home, and it is easy to obtain evidence and screen shots. The evidence of screen shots is notarized and preserved, which is very convincing in evidence and the proportion of successful claims will be higher.

  Liu Yanqing, who just graduated from junior high school, studied laws including the Consumer Protection Law and various related judicial interpretations of the Supreme Court. In order to crack down on jewelry, he specially studied jewelry appraisal and was familiar with relevant industry standards. This made him practice a pair of critical eyes, and when he searched online, he knew which goods had false propaganda or other certain problems even in the description.

  On February 26th, Liu Yanqing bought a bracelet marked "Baltic amber beeswax" in JD.COM shopping mall, and the price was 1799 yuan, while the original price was 17990 yuan, equivalent to 10% discount. It took only four days for Liu Yanqing to buy the goods, file a claim, return the goods, return the payment, and get the compensation of 2500 yuan.

  Liu Yanqing took out a set of national standards for jewelry and the notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on the interpretation of the relevant provisions of the Provisions on Prohibiting Price Fraud. These two documents are the basis for his quick claim. He said that on the online shopping page of this bracelet, the place of origin is obviously the mainland, but the name is marked with the Baltic Sea, which is suspected of falsely marking the place of origin. This bracelet was put on the shelves on February 24, and the original price was marked with more than 10,000 yuan. There must be a transaction record of the original price sales, otherwise it is a virtual standard price.

  I used to watch Wang Hai fake on TV.

  Because of the revision of the Civil Procedure Law in 2014, it is stipulated that online shopping disputes can be prosecuted in the court where the goods are received, which makes Liu Yanqing’s e-commerce anti-counterfeiting cause more good news. He laughed and said that he could sue the e-commerce operators who he thought had problems all over the country in the Shijingshan court at his doorstep.

  Liu Yanqing’s e-commerce anti-counterfeiting process has been completely streamlined. He will give employees standardized training in food, clothing, jewelry and other commodities in advance, and then let employees find out the products that describe problems, and then he will screen them himself and place an order after confirming that they are correct. "A dozen are accurate."

  However, the name Liu Yanqing is not a popular name for many online shopping platforms. His Amazon account was cancelled for "violating online trading rules". Or, the operator will tell him that the goods are out of stock and let him choose to return them. "I entered the blacklist of e-commerce, but it doesn’t matter. I can also register many other accounts. There are more than a dozen."

  Liu Yanqing, who has driven a taxi, opened a canteen and sold mutton kebabs, once watched Wang Hai’s counterfeiting on TV. After stepping into the business of professional counterfeiters, I found that this industry with a little personal heroism brought him unprecedented self-confidence.

  He was once "threatened" by the store to report his extortion. But Liu Yanqing, who is a little "mixed", responded like this: "If I knock, I knock internally according to the law, and I don’t do it if I don’t do it."

  Feng zhibo

  "Almost all the claims were won last year."

  "I hope that fakes can be bought less and less."

  Feng Zhibo, a Wuhan native who started counterfeiting in 1997, now lives in Guangzhou. He has two identities, one is a professional counterfeiter and the other is a clothing operator. He said that it is precisely because he is counterfeiting and knows the cost of illegal business that he will be more cautious when doing clothing business.

  In 2013, there was a provision in the Supreme Law on several issues concerning the application of law in the trial of food and drug disputes. If there was a dispute over the quality of food and drugs, the buyer claimed the rights from the producers and sellers, and the producers and sellers made a defense on the grounds that the buyer knew that there were quality problems in the food and drugs but still bought them, the people’s court would not support it. This means that even if you buy a fake knowing it, it will not affect the claim.

  Last year, Feng Zhibo focused on food counterfeiting. For a whole year, he has been arguing with ordinary food with cod liver oil, suing for compensation, and probably got millions of compensation. "Professionals buy problematic goods, so less will be left in the hands of consumers. From this perspective, it is good for the market. I hope that fakes can be bought less and less."

  Last year, Feng Zhibo, who likes to be more serious, won almost all the claims. The only case that lost in the first instance was changed in the second instance, and Feng Zhibo, who got the verdict, was somewhat gratified, which meant his 100% winning rate. He believes that this is a more perfect law to protect his legitimate rights and interests.


  A professional counterfeiter in the eyes of a lawyer;

  Counterfeiting is conducive to market regulation.

  Qiu Baochang, head of the lawyers’ group of China Consumers Association, told Chengdu Business Daily that personally, professional counterfeiters should not kidnap them with morality as long as they have not violated the law. The existence of professional counterfeiters is beneficial to market purification, to the interests of consumers, to the protection of legitimate enterprises and to market regulation.

Using Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other fraud cases, the police frequently reminded the public to be vigilant

  Nowadays, audio-visual websites such as "Tik Tok", "Aauto Quicker", "Volcano" and "Watermelon Video" have sprung up rapidly, attracting a large number of netizens to participate in the interaction, and many criminals are also involved in it, frequently making moves. Recently, our province has also received many cases of fraud using the above-mentioned audio-visual websites. In this regard, Jiangsu police reminded the public that this kind of fraud has a large audience, wide spread and strong confusion. Netizens should raise their awareness of prevention and protect the safety of personal property.

  Correspondent Changgong New Yangzi Evening News/Yangyan reporter Yu Yingjie

  Using video

  These three types of fraud cases are frequent.

  Changzhou police made a special analysis of fraud cases on audio-visual websites and found that the following three categories of fraud cases are more prominent.

  A, birthday celebration, lovelorn red envelope rebate category

  [Case 1] Liu fell in love with Tik Tok and added a WeChat friend through Tik Tok. On September 9, he saw this friend in a circle of friends who was engaged in red envelope cashback activities, so he chatted with him. The other party said that there was a fan feedback activity with red envelopes, which was "transfer to 50 yuan and return to 55 yuan and other grades, and each person can play for up to three times". Liu believed it, transferred 4950 yuan to the other party through WeChat, and later found that he was cheated.

  [Case 2] On August 27th, Qin met and joined a QQ group of online celebrity’s birthday red envelope party through Tik Tok. When he saw a man nicknamed "Brother", he claimed that 300 yuan could get a rebate of 3,888 yuan for sending red envelopes, so he added the other person’s WeChat as a friend and sent red envelopes through WeChat, and was cheated by 1000 yuan.

  [Case 3] On August 24th, Wei met a netizen from Tik Tok and added the other person’s WeChat. The other person said in the WeChat circle of friends that "he was dumped and got a breakup fee of 1 million yuan. If someone sent 200 to 10,000 yuan, he would return it 10 times". Then Wei transferred 888 yuan to the other person through WeChat, and later found that he was blacked out by the other party.

  B. Fake products sold in Wechat business

  [Case 1] On September 6th, Gongmou saw a online celebrity blogger recommend cosmetics worth 198 yuan in Tik Tok. Gongmou believed that WeChat transferred 1188 yuan and was cheated.

  [Case 2] On August 29th, Xu met a netizen through Tik Tok and added the other party’s WeChat. The other party said that he would get a chance to roll the dice if he bought a slimming product of 298 yuan. According to the request of the other party, Xu transferred a total of 5,000 yuan through WeChat, but did not receive the product and found that he was cheated.

  [Case 3] On August 17th, when Meng used Tik Tok, he saw a message that there was a low-priced mobile phone for sale, so he added the other party as a WeChat friend. The other party said that Apple X, OPPO and other mobile phones only cost 198 yuan, and Meng paid 198 yuan through WeChat. The other party said that it was necessary to go through customs, pay customs duties, etc., and Meng made a total transfer to 800 yuan through WeChat payment. Later, the other party also asked for a transfer, and Meng realized that he had been cheated.

  C, praise fans, buy and sell Tik Tok accounts.

  [Case 1] On August 28th, the swindler said that he could help people to brush the praises on Tik Tok. After contacting him, Miao believed it, and provided his own WeChat payment verification code according to the request of the other party. As a result, he found that 6700 yuan in his WeChat was transferred away by the other party.

  [Case 2] One day in July, Zhu bought a Tik Tok account for 10,000 yuan on the virtual asset trading service platform of "YuZhao.com". At the beginning of September, the seller contacted Zhu and said that someone wanted to buy the Tik Tok and invested 16,000 yuan. After discussion between the two parties on September 5th, Zhu agreed to sell Tik Tok’s account to the other party. Subsequently, the other party successfully tied the mobile phone number to the Tik Tok account, but the other party did not transfer 16,000 yuan to Zhu, but deleted Zhu’s WeChat.

  Like to follow suit

  Young people who are inexperienced are easy to be recruited.

  After analyzing the above-mentioned cases, Changzhou police found that most of the targets targeted by criminal suspects are young people who are inexperienced, have poor preventive ability, like novelty and like to follow suit.

  In terms of the modus operandi of these fraud cases, criminals take advantage of the victim’s curiosity and greed, and constantly attract fans through the newly popular "Tik Tok", "Aauto Quicker" and "Watermelon Video" apps, asking the deceived to pay by scanning the QR code, issuing red envelopes, transferring money, etc. Once the money is defrauded, the victim will be blacked out immediately.

  Police tips

  Don’t trust marketing videos

  At present, short online videos are very popular among netizens, and the number of video views is tens of thousands. However, due to the short video time, vague background and fragmentary information, some lawless elements also blend in and take the opportunity to commit fraud.

  The police reminded the majority of netizens to improve their awareness of self-prevention, not to trust videos with marketing, money and other properties on short video platforms such as "Tik Tok" and "Aauto Quicker", and not to transfer money and remittances to the other party easily. If you find that you have been cheated, you should call the police immediately.

Destined not to be cheap! Xiaomi Auto Confirmed: High-end configuration has everything.

Xiaomi’s press conference is never boring, thanks to Lei Jun’s interesting speech.

I thought that Xiaomi’s trip was to share the technical details about Xiaomi’s car. Lei Jun, who first suppressed and then promoted, always brought unexpected things. On the one hand, the popularization of new energy vehicle technology is easy to understand, and Mr. Lei has brought the "pre-release" of Xiaomi’s first model SU7 without stint.

Even if the new energy vehicle market is seriously involved, Xiaomi is under great pressure, and Lei Jun in the speech still smiles with confidence.

You can’t give too many surprises. Xiaomi’s brand is not much different from that of traditional car companies. The price that everyone wants to see most is naturally absent, and a press conference can’t be finished.

Even if there is no price, the content of Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference is worth taking out and talking about.

When the super motor arrived, the latecomers also had great ambitions.

In order to make it easier for us to understand the system engineering of electric vehicles, Lei Jun divided the technology of Xiaomi Automobile into five parts.

The core technology of the fuel vehicle era is the engine, and when it comes to new energy vehicles, it is the motor. Xiaomi’s two brand-new super motors made their debut, namely V6 and V6s, both of which can reach the maximum speed of 21,000 rpm. The reason why it is called V6, Lei Jun thinks it can be compared with V6 engine in the fuel car era.

It is not unusual for a motor with 21,000 rpm to be put into use today. The high-performance motor carried by Krypton 001 FR can "overclock" the maximum speed to 24,000 rpm. Lei Jun was puzzled by "being cut off" and admitted that this was the direction of the industry, but he still found the answer of "far ahead".

Higher peak power and greater torque are the "kings".

Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile has a more powerful "V8s" super motor in the pre-research, and its maximum speed reaches 27,200 rpm. A single motor module can provide power comparable to the V8 engine, with a peak torque of 635 Nm and an efficiency of 98.11%.

This "horrible" motor will land in 2025, but Xiaomi has bigger ambitions.

"Cake painting" is a common phenomenon in the automobile industry. The release of a car is divided into several steps, and there is also a certain period from finalization to delivery. Lei Jun believes that pre-research is an important measure of technical reserve and has to be done. In addition to the V8-comparable motor, Xiaomi also has a super motor based on carbon fiber laser winding technology. The speed of laboratory test has exceeded 35,000 rpm, but it will take some time for mass production to land.

As a latecomer, Xiaomi Automobile has spared no effort in technical reserve, improved motor technology through self-research, and its book data is ahead of its peers, which is the most intuitive performance that consumers can feel. We don’t know the actual performance, and the means of Xiaomi roll parameters are well known in the field of smart phones.

At least, Xiaomi has won Tesla and Porsche from the perspective of parameters.

Self-developed battery in place, durable and safe.

Power battery is the cornerstone of electric vehicle, and it is also one of the core components.

Xiaomi can’t research batteries by himself, but the battery pack has the ability to research independently. The power battery on Xiaomi’s first model is the result of two years’ cooperation with the world’s leading battery suppliers. Of course, it also supports the mainstream 800V high-voltage platform, and the highest peak voltage reaches 871V V. Lei Jun smiled and said that this should be called "quasi-900V".

He also used this to ridicule a wave of "industry status quo". He revealed that as long as it is 500V and 600V, it can be called "800V" on the table. In contrast, he wants to make products honestly.

CTB integration technology is a highlight of Xiaomi’s self-developed battery pack. This design can integrate the battery pack with the automobile chassis, on the one hand, improve the strength of the whole vehicle structure, on the other hand, reduce the thickness of the bottom plate and leave space for the cockpit.

Improving the battery volume utilization rate and greatly reducing the number of wire harnesses have significant advantages for the battery life and safety of Xiaomi automobile. Lei Jun revealed that the battery capacity of Xiaomi’s first car is as high as 101kWh, and the cruising range can reach 800 kilometers, which has both long battery life and fast charging.

Thanks to the advantages of platformization, Xiaomi’s self-developed battery pack can theoretically achieve a capacity of 150kWh and its battery life can be increased to 1260 km. However, the biggest problem with ultra-large capacity batteries is the cost and difficulty in mass production. Lei Jun also admitted that the cost price of such a battery should be at least 100,000.

Of course, the battery pack also has other results brought by Xiaomi’s self-research. The battery cell inversion technology is the first in the industry. After the battery cell is hit, it can quickly release energy to the ground, minimizing the negative impact of thermal runaway. At the same time, Xiaomi also added 165 pieces of aerogel insulation materials to the battery pack, and with a series of safety measures, the safety factor of Xiaomi battery pack was several times higher than the industry standard.

As a newcomer to the car track, Xiaomi’s definition of the first car is advanced enough. Starting from the 800V platform, CTB integrated battery pack technology is the mainstream development direction of electric vehicles in the future. Considering the discount of winter battery life, Xiaomi also came up with his own solution.

High-efficiency dual-mode heat pump technology is an improvement of Xiaomi’s heat pump. In the bad weather below zero, it can take into account the heating of the battery and the cockpit at the same time, so as to keep the battery in the best working condition at all times, thus alleviating the trouble of battery life discount.

Late entry has the advantage of late entry, the most obvious of which is "less detours". The new forces who joined the ranks of car-making before have found out the way for these latecomers, and they have reduced the cost and time wasted in many exploration processes. Xiaomi Auto has proved itself with various advanced technologies. Even if it is a new player, its technical content is no less than that of its peers, and it also has mature solutions.

It is obviously the right choice to dispel consumers’ doubts about Xiaomi Automobile from the technical force.

Super die casting, the future of the automobile industry.

Xiaomi is one of the few Internet companies that build cars by self-built production lines, and will have its own factory to produce battery packs in the later period.

Therefore, Lei Jun specially spent some time to introduce the breakthrough of Xiaomi Automobile in production line technology.

Die-casting technology is the representative of the industrial level of car-making enterprises. Lei Jun said that at present, the die-casting machine of Tesla American factory has a clamping force of 9000 tons. Xiaomi’s super-large die-casting equipment cluster, the locking force is one level ahead of Tesla, reaching 9100 tons.

Nine processes, 60 equipments, 433 process parameters, 840 square meters of floor space and 1,050 tons of total weight are the most intuitive parameters of Xiaomi Super Die-casting Equipment Cluster. This is more indicators that Xiaomi can come up with besides the clamping force, which seems to ridicule a wave of colleagues who only roll the clamping force.

Greater clamping force means that Xiaomi can manufacture die-casting structural parts with higher structural strength and more precision, and can also integrate more parts through integral die-casting in exchange for higher strength and lower production cost. However, the maintainable space after high-speed collision is still a big problem faced by integrated die casting. Xiaomi automobile, which is determined to redefine the future automobile industry, believes that it also has its own set of solutions.

After all, electric vehicles are highly dependent on integration. The higher the integration, the more space they give users, and more places can be reserved for high configuration.

What is the finishing touch to the safety of Xiaomi automobile should be Xiaomi Titan alloy. Lei Jun introduced that this is Xiaomi’s ability to find the best formula from 10.16 million schemes with the help of AI, and called it Titan alloy. With Xiaomi’s advanced production line, it can be said that the structural safety of Xiaomi automobile is no longer in doubt.

All this is also the result of Xiaomi’s painstaking efforts.

Intelligent+intelligent driving, laying the "moat" of Xiaomi automobile

Mobile phone manufacturers are best at interaction and intelligence, and Xiaomi has a natural advantage in this field.

We got the answer from the existing smart cockpit solutions in the market. They have more experience in the field of smart cars than traditional car companies, know how to build an efficient and practical interactive system, and use their own intelligence and ecology to open up a track different from traditional car companies.

Whether it is intelligent cockpit or intelligent driving, Xiaomi chooses full-stack self-research and uses intelligent algorithms to create the "hardest spear" for Xiaomi car. For the field of intelligent driving, Xiaomi has launched "Zoom BEV", "Super-resolution Occupancy Network" and "Road Large Model". There is only one result of the combination of the three-very cow.

"Zoom BEV" enables vehicles to have the same ability as human eyes, adjust the focal length for different scenes, and can "see accurately" on narrow roads and "see far" on high-speed roads. Lei Jun made a big show at the press conference. Xiaomi SU7 can accurately park in a very narrow mechanical parking space, and its technology is comparable to that of an old driver.

"Super-resolution occupation network" and "road large model" are technologies to enhance the cognitive ability of the system, which enable Xiaomi to judge the small bullying obstacles on the road more accurately, and carry out AI correction on some parts that are wrongly identified to enhance the vehicle’s cognitive ability.

At the press conference, Lei Jun also showed everyone the intelligent driving strength of Xiaomi Automobile.

Lei Jun said that the mechanical quality of domestic cars has reached a high level. Armed with intelligence in every corner of the car, relying on software to define the chassis and enhancing the car’s ability through OTA are the outstanding points of domestic smart cars. Some peers, Xiaomi is doing better, and what peers don’t have, Xiaomi can take it out.

The intelligent cockpit is the home of Xiaomi. Lei Jun said at the press conference that Xiaomi SU7 will be equipped with a "Pad" class car screen with an amazing resolution of 3K, and it has achieved "leading generation" in the degree of freedom of touch, hand and car linkage and animation display.

Then, the industry’s first "120Hz", will it happen on Xiaomi car?

Xiaomi’s mobile phone gives the on-board 澎湃 OS a higher upper limit. On the one hand, it allows the car to directly call the App on the mobile phone. With the silky split-screen design, the flexible experience is a "dimensionality reduction blow" to traditional car companies. Thanks to the 8295 chip, Xiaomi can drive more display screens, including connected tablet computers.

Of course, Apple users can also have a good experience.

By the way, Xiaomi has also developed a special interface standard for cars, which allows vehicles to connect to a large screen and even add a row of physical buttons. With the gradual improvement of Xiaomi CarIoT, I believe that Xiaomi Automobile can become more flexible and practical by relying on this set of interface standards.

Here, the first half of Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference is over.

Xiaomi SU7 "pre-released", to be a "future classic"

"The classic image in the history of automobile manufacturing is still a car", which is Lei Jun’s consideration of Xiaomi’s first car.

Lei Jun always likes to give us small surprises. When warming up, he said, "Only technology is released, but no products." As a result, the second half of Xiaomi’s auto technology conference was the world premiere of Xiaomi’s first car SU7.

Careful people may find some "eggs". Two Xiaomi SU7s who came to the scene did not have an operator in the driver’s seat, but went on stage by themselves, which was quite interesting for the intellectual S7 to appear on the stage, and also made a wave of advertisements for the intelligent assisted driving of Xiaomi Automobile.

At the beginning of Xiaomi SU7 exposure, the capable and avant-garde design attracted many people. The lines of Porsche Taycan (parameter picture) are not in line with the mainstream design language, which may not look good at first glance, but Lei Jun hopes to have a design that can stand the test of time and stimulate people’s driving desire.

To this end, the design lineup of Xiaomi SU7 is extremely luxurious, and many of the design teams are former BMW chief designers.

The semi-hidden door handle with full practicality is less "ceremonial" and more "light" for opening the door. Even so, the drag coefficient of Xiaomi SU7 is controlled at 0.195cd, which is the top level in the automobile industry. Lei Jun’s statement is also very simple, not because the doorknob is frozen in winter, but because the hidden doorknob is often put away, so it is not easy to clean it at ordinary times.

Chris bangle, one of the top ten most famous car designers in the world, believes that Xiaomi SU7 is not over-designed.

If the design of this car can be regarded as a representative for more than ten years or even decades, it will become a classic in the future. Just a design is enough for Xiaomi to spend more space to introduce.

But good-looking is only the "first impression" of Xiaomi SU7, and good-looking design is not enough to support the three-dimensional sense of the product. Lei Jun has repeatedly stressed that SU7′ s products are very powerful, not 99,900 yuan and 149,900 yuan.

At the scene, Lei Jun announced two versions of SU7, but mainly the "Max" version, equipped with dual motors, with a maximum output of 673 horsepower and an acceleration of 2.78 seconds. The cruising range is 800 kilometers, and it has dual Orin chips and customized lidar. At the same time, SU7 also has the largest front reserve box capacity at present, with a full 105 liters, which is enough for fishing enthusiasts to "take off in situ".

Moreover, Xiaomi has made its multi-device ecological moat more extreme. SU7 can not only be linked with Xiaomi’s mobile phone, but also establish contact with more IoT devices through Mijia Ecology.

The price of the standard version may have a good price, but it is far from the configuration of the Max version. I wonder if a compromise version will be launched in the future. The Max version of the product is very powerful, and the actual price may not be low. This will have to wait for the first half of next year, and Lei Jun will answer it for you again.

Lei Jun’s "last step" has no retreat.

"This is the last time in my life to start a business. Xiaomi Auto has taken this step and can’t go back."

It has been 1003 days since Xiaomi officially announced the construction of the car. Lei Jun didn’t have many exciting stories at the end of the press conference, and he didn’t have the firepower to mark friends. He just said that Xiaomi had redoubled his investment to do a good job in the automobile business. Obviously, SU7 is a beautiful start for Xiaomi’s automobile business and a perfect turn for Xiaomi.

Without a solid reputation and profound automobile manufacturing background, it is more difficult for internet companies to step out of the comfort zone and enter the automobile manufacturing track than ordinary car companies. The new forces that challenged the traditional automobile industry have also experienced such challenges, so it is not difficult to understand why Xiaomi should pay tribute to these "pioneers".

However, the Internet brand represented by Xiaomi has the colors needed by smart cars. Electrification, intelligence, deep integration between cars and smart phones, efficient interaction between intelligent cockpit systems, and advanced intelligent assisted driving systems ….. all these have more desirable experiences in Internet companies.

These characteristics are not available to traditional car companies, and it is even more difficult to catch up in the short term.

The technical conference of Xiaomi Automobile was very long. During the whole three hours, Lei Jun brought us a lot of dry goods about Xiaomi Automobile. The core of the technical conference was to show the strength of Xiaomi Automobile to the outside world and meet the expectations of potential customers. After 15 to 20 years of hard work, Xiaomi has become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world. In this increasingly prominent automobile market, Xiaomi has its own self-confidence and pursuit.

By the way, Lei Jun also became a "lecturer" on new energy vehicles, popularizing a wave of parts and technical principles of electric vehicles. The popularization of knowledge may also be integrated into the service chain of Xiaomi Automobile.

In Lei Jun’s view, the future car should be a beautiful, easy-to-drive, comfortable and safe "mobile smart space". Can Xiaomi car, which started the revolution, be the protagonist of the "Smart Car 4.0" era?

In the last few days of 2023, Xiaomi made people remember with the biggest stride in its historical process. SU7′ s next appearance should be at a major international auto show next year. We are still looking forward to the final price of SU7. After all, in the field of mobile phones, the stacking and pricing of Xiaomi has always been very conscientious.

Lei Jun’s "Dream Car" has arrived, so is SU7 the "Dream Car" beyond Porsche and Tesla in the mind of rice noodles?

The safe operation of NOA, a technology truck, exceeds 50 million kilometers, and the intelligent driving of trucks has entered the stage of large-scale commercialization.

On August 29th, 2023, Macheng Technology held the second Macheng Technology Day with the theme of "Run the truck NOA", and shared the innovative practice that Macheng truck NOA (navigation-assisted driving) took the lead in breaking through 50 million kilometers and operating safely without accidents, deeply interpreted the new generation core technology of Macheng truck NOA, and cooperated with Shentong Express and Shentong Express on the spot. Intelligent driving of trucks has entered the stage of large-scale commercialization.

Ma Zheren, founder and CEO of Won Che Technology, said, "Won Che truck NOA has been operating safely for more than 50 million kilometers with zero accidents. Since the end of 2021, Hunche Technology and its OEM partners have successfully mass-produced smart heavy trucks, and Hunche truck NOA has successfully covered the national high-speed trunk lines. Its value of safety, labor saving, labor saving and fuel saving has been widely recognized by head logistics customers, and it has realized the large-scale commercial operation of smart heavy trucks. This is the common achievement of the close cooperation of the truck autonomous driving industry, and has formed a leading position in the world. Through the platform of Suiche Science and Technology Day, we share and discuss the technological innovation and application practice of truck autonomous driving with industrial partners to jointly promote the accelerated development of the industry. "

Ma Zheren, founder and CEO of Yuche Technology

Wei Bingwu, director of Shanghai SME Development Service Center, was invited to attend the meeting. He said that Hunche Technology is one of the key unicorn enterprises in Shanghai, and congratulated Hunche on his achievements in autonomous driving technology and products. The city service center will rely on the "Shanghai Enterprise Service Cloud" as the platform carrier, actively link resources, further do a good job in unicorn cultivation, and empower enterprises in the critical period of growth.


NOA, a winning truck, travels safely over 50 million kilometers, and the commercial value of autonomous driving has been verified on a large scale.

Mache Technology has cooperated with more than 100 shippers and carrier fleets to carry out normalized intelligent heavy truck operation services, with a commercial operation mileage of over 50 million kilometers, covering more than 340 trunk high-speed operation lines in seven core economic zones across the country, with a cumulative shipment of nearly 50,000 times, all of which were completed by a single driver. In the normal commercial operation of intelligent driving heavy trucks for more than 600 days, the automatic driving mileage accounts for more than 90%, which continuously creates significant value for logistics customers in terms of safety, manpower saving, labor saving and fuel saving.

Ayushun, Executive Vice President of Mache Technology

  • Security:On Science and Technology Day, Pacific Insurance and Hunche Technology jointly released the industry’s first complete annual smart driving heavy truck insurance data report, which compared the safety performance and accident data of smart driving heavy trucks and traditional heavy trucks in detail. Compared with manual driving, intelligent driving can be reduced by more than 75% in core indicators such as pre-collision warning, lane departure warning and sudden deceleration.
  • Save people:NOA, a winning truck, changes the driver from the previous pure manual driving mode to a simple and relaxed safety officer mode, which greatly reduces the work intensity and driving fatigue. Through safe and sustainable single driving, the ratio of people to vehicles has been significantly reduced in various trunk logistics subdivision scenarios such as express delivery, contract logistics, LTL and vehicle-specific lines, and the labor cost can be saved by 20%~50%.
  • Save effort:Hunche Technology and Beijing Institute of Technology’s aerospace human factors engineering team introduced aerospace human factors research into truck autonomous driving. After 134 trips of transportation tasks and nearly 120,000 kilometers of drivers’ physical fatigue and psychological fatigue index tests, the results show that compared with traditional truck drivers, the physical fatigue of intelligent truck drivers who use NOA, a well-won truck, decreases by about 35%, and the psychological fatigue decreases by about 11%. This test provides industry norms and standards for human factors research of intelligent truck driving, and fills the gap in the industry. The two sides pioneered a research method for testing the physiological and psychological fatigue indicators of smart truck drivers. The signals of physiological and psychological indicators such as EMG and ECG were collected through wearable skin and ECG modules, and a multi-modal biomathematics model of driving fatigue based on three dimensions of physical load, alertness and cognitive load was constructed.
  • Fuel saving:According to NOA commercial operation data of Hunche truck, the fuel saving performance of Hunche intelligent heavy truck is better than the customer’s fuel consumption assessment standard in the core freight flow direction of East China, South China, North China and Central China, and the average fuel saving per 100 kilometers can reach 1-3 liters, which is 3%-7% compared with excellent human drivers. Among them, 30% of the normal operation lines can achieve 7%-10% fuel consumption reduction.

NOA, a winning truck, leads the level of truck automatic driving technology. Its national expressway availability rate is 100%, and the commercial operation coverage rate of expressways has reached 70%. It also overcomes the problems of continuous bends, long downhill, continuous tunnels and lack of RTK positioning signals, and realizes safe and reliable traffic on complex roads. The original fuel-saving algorithm (FEAD) of Hunche Technology has completely surpassed the predictive cruise algorithm (PCC), and achieved lateral control, traffic flow response, global speed planning, and more accurate calculation of load and rolling resistance coefficient, which significantly improved the fuel-saving effect. Aiming at the limitation of heavy truck data transmission, NOA creatively realized the enhanced shadow mode of combining end and cloud, directly purified driving data at the vehicle end, uploaded high-quality data fragments, and formed 550,000 high-value scenes, which were simulated and trained in the cloud data lake. The version update cycle only took 14 days.


Three core technologies in the new stage of NOA for winning trucks

Dr. Yang Ruigang, CTO of Hunche Technology, said that starting from the 50 million km milestone, the automatic driving technology of Hunche truck will accelerate the expansion of the capability boundary, especially: better national road performance, surpassing the higher cognition and smarter decision-making of old drivers, and supporting the OEM to realize more and faster vehicle adaptation. On the Science and Technology Day, Winch Technology comprehensively interpreted the three core technologies in the new stage of NOA of Winch Truck:

  • End-to-end network with security fenceEnd-to-end network can significantly improve the performance of autonomous driving, which is a general trend in the industry. However, the traditional end-to-end network is difficult to be applied to real scenes on a large scale because of its lack of interpretability and reliability and lack of security guarantee. Qiche innovatively put forward the "end-to-end network with security fence", which decomposes the traditional end-to-end network into several differentiable sub-networks, establishes an interpretable end-to-end network, and constructs a security fence to restrain it, so as to maximize the use of the intelligence of the end-to-end network and ensure the safety of autonomous driving. At the same time, the Occupancy Grid Map-OGM is used to represent in three-dimensional space, so as to realize the effective recognition of special-shaped objects and complex scenes. In addition, in view of the challenge of heavy truck’s long sensing distance to OGM’s computing power and memory consumption, we have developed an efficient OGM technology, which adopts adaptive granularity and sparse algorithm to reduce computing power consumption by 55% and memory consumption by 70%, and provide users with higher cost performance.

Dr. Yang Ruigang, Won Che Technology

  • Won the super driver.NOA, a winning truck, has approached the outstanding drivers of human beings in behavior at present, and even surpassed the outstanding drivers in several key dimensions such as fuel consumption. In order to continuously optimize the NOA performance of Won-Che truck, and achieve a comprehensive transcendence over the old human drivers in driving behavior, Win-Che Technology began to build a Win-Che super driver by combining the massive data obtained from commercial operation and the highly intelligent LLM model. Firstly, the driving behavior and scene data are atomized and subdivided in more than 300 dimensions, such as weather, road material, lighting, road structure, traffic flow, vehicle type and load, and naturally linguistized; At the same time, combining manual labeling and automatic labeling to form positive and negative driving behavior atomic sets, LLM model is fine-tuned, and a general intelligent big model TruckGPT focusing on truck automatic driving is customized. In view of the long tail problem that is difficult to deal with in the contemporary autonomous driving technology, the general intelligence of TruckGPT is used to optimize driving behavior, to build a super driver, and to strive to surpass the old driver in terms of fuel consumption, safety and driving comfort.


  • Ma che zhi Jia platform
  • In terms of hardware, Manche Technology has designed a new generation of ADCU computing platform for truck intelligent driving system. The new platform provides powerful AI and CPU computing power to meet the needs of trucks for remote sensing and fuel-saving algorithms. In view of the challenge of closed-loop data caused by long-distance weak network and changeable working conditions of trucks, the new platform provides large-capacity storage capacity and data management system, and ensures the success rate of high-value data return to 99.9% through technologies such as data compression and intelligent breakpoint continuous transmission. The new ADCU has also reached the functional safety level of ASIL-B and the information safety level of ISO 21434 certification, which fully meets the harsh operation and maintenance environment of trucks.
  • On the platform software level: Penche Technology has developed the core functions of vehicle hardware management, basic functions of system software, functional safety and information safety management, following the design concepts of integrity, universality and standardization. The platform software includes software development packages such as Vehicle Abstraction (VAL), Sensor Abstraction (SAL) and automatic code generation, which greatly improves the research and development efficiency and reduces the adaptation time of NOA, a brand-new truck, to 9-12 months.
  • In the aspect of truck EEA architecture: Hunche Nebula architecture has released a new generation of functions, providing more efficient and flexible solutions for OEM and Tier-1 partners. The new generation scheme uses the communication architecture of Gigabit Ethernet, which effectively solves the bandwidth bottleneck of traditional CAN/LIN bus. At the same time, the new generation of Hunche Nebula architecture also provides IASP standardized service library to meet the needs of rapid application of new models and high-performance transformation of old models at controllable cost. The overall scheme realizes full modular software and hardware decoupling, can be split and delivered in multiple dimensions, adapts to the differentiated electronic and electrical architecture of multiple OEMs, and efficiently supports the upgrade of truck EEA architecture.


Mache Technology signed purchase and strategic cooperation agreements with Shentong Express, Zhongtong Express and Debon Express.

At the site of this Science and Technology Day, Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle and Shentong Express signed the first batch of 500 smart heavy trucks procurement and strategic cooperation agreements, China Heavy Duty Truck and Zhongtong Express signed the first batch of 200 smart heavy trucks procurement and strategic cooperation agreements, and Debon Express signed the smart heavy trucks strategic cooperation agreement.

It is related to the prevention and control of Zhengzhou epidemic. This night conference responded to ten hot spots.

  On the evening of November 6th, Zhengzhou held the 34th press conference on the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic (the ninth in 2022), which was released around the recent prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Zhengzhou and answered questions from reporters.

  At the press conference, many concerns about the current epidemic situation in Zhengzhou, the implementation of the "one size fits all" policy for rectification and implementation, and the situation of Foxconn Park were answered one by one.

  The new cases are mainly concentrated in the risk groups in key areas.

  According to Li Huifang, deputy secretary-general of Zhengzhou Municipal Government, on November 3, there were 21 new confirmed cases and 136 asymptomatic infected people in Zhengzhou. On the 4th, there were 9 new confirmed cases and 105 asymptomatic infected people in the city. On the 5th, there were 15 new confirmed cases and 168 asymptomatic infected people in the city.

  Li Huifang said that at present, the new cases are mainly concentrated in the risk groups in key areas, while all the hospitalized patients are in stable condition.

  Isolation rooms will be reserved by rebuilding public rental housing and requisitioning talent apartments.

  Li Huifang said that in accordance with the requirements of the national and provincial prevention and control programs, Zhengzhou will fully reserve isolated rooms by rebuilding public rental housing, requisitioning talent apartments and signing agreements with hotels; Expand medical treatment beds through new construction, renovation and requisition, and actively respond to the large-scale epidemic that may occur this winter and next spring on the basis of meeting the needs of this round of epidemic.

  In addition, Li Huifang further introduced that the management of centralized isolation points and designated hospitals will be comprehensively strengthened, Chinese medicine will participate in the whole process, and psychological counseling will be carried out in a timely manner, so as to improve the service guarantee ability and meet individual needs as much as possible.

  The whole community will not be sealed because of the indiscriminate ignition of individual epidemics.

  It was mentioned at the press conference that in accordance with the work requirements of "putting the tube in the middle, clearing it in the middle" and "preventing living and opening it", Zhengzhou City has refined the control area into three categories: high-risk areas and risk units, medium-risk areas and risk communities, and temporary control areas for preventing spillover, and further refined the risk areas to communities, communities and buildings, and made it clear that the communities with less than two new infected people and in the same unit will only be sealed and controlled, not because of the fact that.

  At the same time, the conference mentioned that with the change of epidemic situation and the timely and dynamic adjustment of epidemic situation, the main urban area (eight districts in the city) is being unsealed in an orderly manner, and the number of unsealed communities today has increased by 41 compared with yesterday.

  Can individual epidemic-free communities still implement prevention and control measures? Lixing has been requested to rectify.

  Li Huifang pointed out that, on the whole, at present, most areas can "solve all the problems", but there are still a few communities that implement policies across the board and simplify them. For example, epidemic-free communities in individual temporary control zones for preventing spillage still cannot implement prevention and control measures. In this regard, the municipal inspection team has asked for rectification, and those who are not in place will be seriously dealt with.

  Establish and improve the mechanism of transportation dispatching, allocation and admission, and increase the allocation of transportation vehicles for critically ill patients.

  Li Huifang mentioned that Zhengzhou strengthened the overall planning of the whole city, and each district sorted out the basic information of patients separately, and made targeted transshipment plans. According to the use of medical resources, Zhengzhou City Command established and improved the mechanism of transportation dispatch and allocation, and added transport vehicles for severe patients to ensure that patients with basic diseases, the elderly, young children and pregnant women can be transported and treated in time.

  Zhengzhou: The epidemic situation has stabilized and improved, and it is currently in a critical period and a critical period.

  The press conference mentioned that Zhengzhou, as a national central city, a populous city and a transportation hub, has always faced the dual risks of external epidemic import and local epidemic spread. Affected by multiple unfavorable factors in the early stage, this round of epidemic in Zhengzhou has become the epidemic with the widest scope, the largest number of people involved and the longest duration since the outbreak of Xinguan pneumonia.

  In addition, the conference also mentioned that the epidemic situation in Zhengzhou has stabilized and improved, and it is currently in a critical period and a critical period.

  24-hour nucleic acid detection service is provided in general hospitals above the second level in the city.

  Fang Ziqin, deputy director of Zhengzhou Medical Security Bureau, said that in order to better serve the general public, the synchronous matching between the unsealed area and the opening of nucleic acid testing houses has been strengthened. At present, more than 3,000 sampling houses have been opened in Zhengzhou, and after the subsequent communities are unsealed, the nucleic acid testing sampling houses will be opened as soon as possible to provide nucleic acid testing services.

  Fang Ziqin also mentioned that at present, 24-hour nucleic acid testing services are provided in general hospitals above the second level in the city. If citizens miss the centralized testing time in the sampling house, they can go to the above hospitals for testing.

  Care actions for the elderly, children and pregnant women will be carried out to meet the medical needs of special groups.

  The press conference said that in the next step, Zhengzhou will focus on three things:

  The first is to form a team. On the basis of establishing and perfecting the Yang-chasing mechanism, we will speed up the establishment of an "expert+special class" emergency commando team with complete equipment, rapid response and standing in a normal state. Once the epidemic is ignited, the whole chain will carry out all the work of "collecting, sending, inspecting, verifying, reporting and transferring", so as to circle the risk people, block the transmission chain and protect the majority in the first time.

  The second is to establish two platforms. That is, establish a institutionalized command platform and improve the three working mechanisms of "daily consultation and judgment, regular fixed-point scheduling and one-click direct disposal"; Establish a platform for overall allocation of resources, take demand as the guide, and automatically allocate, dispatch and distribute various resources such as manpower, materials, epidemic prevention and medicine across regions, so as to form a good situation of rapid response, integration of resources and joint efforts to overcome difficulties, and effectively grasp the initiative of epidemic prevention.

  The third is to carry out four actions. Carry out special actions to sweep buildings and streets for three consecutive days, focusing on solving the remaining problems such as social clearing, risk investigation of unsealed communities, and environmental disinfection; Carry out special actions to standardize the management of isolated places, strengthen medical treatment, strictly prevent and control infection, enrich spiritual and cultural life, and improve the level of service guarantee; Carry out caring actions for the elderly, children and pregnant women to effectively solve the medical needs of special people outside the isolation place; We will carry out the creation of epidemic-free communities, epidemic-free organs and epidemic-free units, and support the overall stability of the city’s epidemic prevention with small units without epidemic.

  Zhengzhou Foxconn: Providing comprehensive services and guarantees to employees in five aspects.

  In response to the recent demands of employees and social concerns, the airport area has conducted in-depth communication with Foxconn, and on November 2, it issued the "15 Measures for Employees’ Care in Foxconn Science Park", which provides comprehensive services and guarantees for employees from five aspects: life support, epidemic prevention safety, environmental disinfection, humanistic care and employee rights and interests.

  First, in terms of ensuring the supply of employees’ lives

  First, select high-quality catering service providers, overcome difficulties such as supply and transportation, optimize processing, loading and unloading, transportation and distribution, and deliver three meals a day to 11 apartment communities in the IT community on time to ensure sufficient supply of hot meals and hot water for employees.

  The second is to improve the standard and quality of food. There are steamed buns, milk, eggs and fruits for breakfast, with balanced nutrition; Lunch and dinner are two meats and one vegetable, with fruit for lunch and yogurt for dinner; Every day, the menu is different, and a large number of servings are enough, so you can eat well. At the same time, the market supervision department sent 11 food quality supervisors to each community to be responsible for the quality control of three meals. As of November 6, 202,500 meals have been prepared.

  Second, in terms of ensuring epidemic prevention and health and safety of employees

  First, distribute epidemic prevention love packages to protect the health and safety of employees, and urgently purchase 1 million N95 protective masks, 100,000 bottles of alcohol spray and 2 million alcohol disinfection wipes, which will be distributed in an orderly manner through Foxconn and the IT community to build a personal epidemic prevention barrier for employees.

  Second, according to the living distribution of Foxconn employees, medical offices were set up in 11 apartment communities to facilitate employees to seek medical treatment nearby; For those who really need to be hospitalized, they will be transferred to designated hospitals for treatment at the first time.

  The third is to set up 100 sampling points for nucleic acid detection in 11 apartment communities in the IT community, and provide free nucleic acid sampling services for employees.

  Fourth, the original dormitory staff should be relocated reasonably, and after the dormitory is finally destroyed, it should be renovated and renovated, and the living facilities should be replaced to improve the living environment of the staff.

  Third, in strengthening environmental disinfection and garbage removal

  First, organize 400 elite troops to carry out comprehensive disinfection of 10 factories, 9 restaurants, 11 apartment blocks and public areas under the guidance of provincial and municipal disease control experts.

  Second, on the basis of the original property management personnel, 680 cleaning personnel will be added to clean and remove the garbage in the park to ensure that the domestic garbage is cleared twice a day.

  Fourth, in strengthening employees’ psychological counseling and humanistic care,

  First, provide psychological counseling services, open a 24-hour psychological counseling hotline, and take the initiative to pay a return visit every day; Open online mental health courses to relieve employees’ psychological pressure.

  The second is to unblock the channels of employees’ appeals and open a 7*24-hour care hotline to ensure that it can be opened at any time and provide corresponding services and guarantees to solve employees’ appeals and difficulties in time.

  Five, in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees according to law.

  First, fully respect employees’ willingness to stay or stay, and work with Foxconn to produce the WeChat applet of "Questionnaire on Employees’ Willingness to Return Home", which conforms to the current epidemic prevention policy and organizes employees to return home safely and orderly. For employees who voluntarily declare to stay in the port area for isolation, the government will give each person a daily living allowance in 300 yuan, which will be paid on a daily basis.

  The second is to urge enterprises to honor relevant incentive policies in time for employees who are willing to return to their posts after the isolation.

  Third, for those who really need to return home immediately due to special circumstances, timely arrange vehicles for "point-to-point" safe transshipment and incorporate them into local closed-loop management according to epidemic prevention and control policies.

  Dining places in low-risk areas are forbidden to eat in class, and only take-away service is provided.

  With regard to the orderly opening of service places in medium-risk areas, risk communities, temporary spill prevention control areas and low-risk areas, the press conference introduced that in accordance with the working idea of "resolutely controlling the management and orderly releasing the release", the prevention and control measures were adjusted and optimized according to the times and the situation, and the service places were opened in an orderly manner.

  Among them, low-risk areas advocate minimizing going out, not gathering, and not getting together. In low-risk areas, supermarkets, pharmacies, medical institutions, barbershops, delicatessens, bakeries, clothing stores and other places related to people’s lives, under the premise of strictly implementing epidemic prevention and control measures such as appointment, peak shifting, flow restriction, wearing masks, temperature measurement and code scanning inspection, will resume normal operations after cleaning, disinfection and ventilation.

  Party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, office buildings, banks, service halls and other business places will resume normal production and operation order on the premise of strictly implementing prevention and control measures such as appointment, peak shifting, flow restriction, wearing masks, temperature measurement and code scanning inspection.

  Dining places are forbidden to eat in the hall, and only take-away service is provided (non-contact delivery to the door of the community). Schools, kindergartens and off-campus training institutions start online teaching. Pension service institutions, welfare institutions, prisons and boarding schools strictly implement closed-loop management. Aggregation activities are not held in principle.

The 15th China Scientists Forum was held in Beijing.

  Beijing, September 13 (Xinhua) The 15th China Scientists Forum was held in Beijing on September 12. This forum is held at the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up, the 40th anniversary of the "scientific spring", and the historic intersection of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world and the transformation of China’s development mode, which has far-reaching significance for implementing the innovation-driven development strategy. More than 900 scientists, science and technology managers, science and technology experts and entrepreneurs from all walks of life all over the country participated in the grand event, and exchanged ideas around the theme of "building a world science and technology power and scientific and technological innovation in the new era" to seek common development of scientific and technological innovation.

Meeting site

  This conference is sponsored by China Technology Market Association, China High-tech Industrialization Research Association, China Productivity Promotion Center Association and Discovery Magazine, co-sponsored by Enterprise Management Innovation Institute of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, especially co-sponsored by China Science and Technology System Reform Research Association, and supported by think tank of Beijing WORK- Beijing Wharf. Relevant leading comrades of the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, leaders of relevant ministries and commissions of the science and technology system and more than 10 academicians of the two academies attended the opening ceremony.

  China Scientists Forum was founded in 2002 and has been successfully held for 15 sessions. At the opening ceremony, the meeting was also attended by several founding sponsors of the China Scientists Forum — — Comrade Zhang Jing ‘an, Comrade Qi Rang, President of Discovery Magazine and Beijing WORK— Chen Gui, the founder of Beijing Wharf Think Tank, paid tribute to and awarded the "Special Contribution Award for Spreading the Scientific Spirit" to show their great contribution to promoting the development of China’s science and technology, spreading scientific ideas and carrying forward the scientific spirit by the China Scientists Forum, which was founded and successfully held for 15 sessions.

  Zhang Jing ‘an, Qi Jean, Chen Gui and other comrades were awarded the "Special Contribution Award for Spreading the Scientific Spirit".

  At the opening ceremony, Du Xiangwan, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, former vice-president of China Academy of Engineering and an expert in applied physics, Fan Daiming, former vice-president of China Academy of Engineering, academician of China Academy of Engineering and director of the national drug clinical trial institution, gave wonderful reports entitled "Four Signs of a Powerful Country in Science and Technology" and "Integrated Health Science" respectively. The reports of two famous scientists were professional and in-depth, and received enthusiastic response from the participating experts and guests. Luan Hongyan, vice president of Discovery Magazine, secretary general of China Scientists Forum and executive deputy director of Enterprise Management Innovation Institute of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference.

Luan Hongyan presided over the opening ceremony of the conference.

  Academician Du Xiangwan gave a wonderful report entitled "Four Signs of a Powerful Country through Science and Technology"

  Academician Fan Daiming gave a wonderful report entitled "Integrated Health Science"

  Relying on the deep foundation of the forum for more than ten years and the purpose of pragmatic innovation, this forum combines multi-angle analysis and discussion, multi-dimensional cooperation and interaction, multi-dimensional integrated communication and multi-level charm achievement display to create an authoritative, comprehensive and professional conference content system. The two-day forum held more than 20 rich and practical special events, such as the Academician Forum, the Dialogue between Scientists, Economists and Entrepreneurs, the Forum for Chief Scientists and Investment and Financing, the TED Speech Creation Meeting on Science and Technology Innovation and Marketing, the Cooperation Matchmaking Fair, the First Week of China Scientists Forum, the Science and Technology Enterprise Bank, the Forum on Integrated Development Capital, the establishment of a demonstration base for science and technology services in emerging industries, and the establishment of an innovative think tank for chief scientists of enterprises. China Academy of Engineering, Fan Weicheng, Dean of Tsinghua University department of engineering physics Institute of Public Safety, China Academy of Engineering, Xu Li, Researcher of China Institute of Atomic Energy, Director of Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chen Shilin, Academician of Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Academician of China Academy of Sciences, Kuang Tingyun, Researcher of Institute of Botany of Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc. More than 40 academicians and experts in various fields, and more than 100 technology entrepreneurs and chief experts gave special speeches. In order to give full play to the leading role of enterprise’s scientific and technological innovation and enhance its core technological innovation capability, we have carried out warm and constructive discussions and sharing on the general trend of world’s scientific and technological development and China’s scientific and technological innovation vision pattern, innovation capability, resource allocation, system policy and other substantive issues, so as to build consensus and gather talents.推进建设世界科技强国的伟大目标的顺利实现共谋共进。




Musical Matilda: "Even if you are young, you can do great things"

Stills of Matilda

Three Matilda actors Song Jinyu Liu Wenhui photo

  West End of London’s original musical "Matilda" landed at Guangzhou Grand Theatre from August 8 to 14, with eight performances in a row. The day before yesterday, three "Matilda" actors Katie Harris, Sophia Boston and Morgan Santo appeared at the Guangzhou Grand Theatre in advance, shared their experiences in performing musicals and their feelings about their trip to China, and brought wonderful performance excerpts from the classic "Naughty".

  Natalie Gilhome, the resident director, introduced that the stage, music and arrangement of Matilda’s China tour are original. "We have toured the world countless times, and I am very happy to finally come to China. This is a rare play featuring a little girl, and we see how a little girl can become a better self. "

  Adapted from well-known children’s literature in Britain

  What kind of musical is Matilda? At the meeting, the three "Matilda" described the play with wit, independence and mystery respectively. Matilda, adapted from the novel of the same name by British writer roald dahl, tells the story of how Matilda, a little girl, deals with vulgar parents and principals, and works miracles with courage and wisdom to save herself and others around her.

  Roald dahl is a well-known children’s literature writer in Britain. He even beat J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, to the top in the "British favorite writer selection". The musical Matilda was hatched by the Royal Shakespeare Company. It is worth mentioning that among the two musicals hatched by the troupe, the other is the world-famous Les Miserables. The composer of Matilda is tim minchin, a musical genius, and the album Matilda brought him a nomination for the Grammy Award for Best Musical Album in 2014.

  In 2011, "Matilda" was a great success after its premiere in West End of London, winning 7 laurence olivier awards awards and 5 Tony awards, which swept all the stage design awards in 2012. So far, it has won more than 86 musical awards, including 17 best musical awards.

  The three "Matilda" are small and powerful.

  There is a line in Matilda, "Even if you are young, you can do a lot", which is equally applicable to three young actors. Among the three "Matildas", Sophia and Morgan have played roles in musicals such as Madame Veron, and Katie is on the professional stage for the first time. Generally speaking, children’s actors often don’t dance properly because of their limited physical strength. However, the young actors in Matilda can not only complete many difficult movements, but also lose their singing skills.

  Talking about the feeling of playing Matilda, Morgan said: "The hardest thing is to keep a poker face without expression, because Matilda lives in a family without love." Sophia said: "The hardest thing is to get rid of yourself and become Matilda, because she is completely different from me in personality, expression and walking style."

  Besides Matilda, which roles do they want to try in the play? Sophia and Morgan chose Matilda’s soul mentor — — Miss Henny, Katie wants to play Matilda’s mother: "Mom often yells at Matilda, which is a very interesting role." (Yangcheng Evening News reporter Hu Guangxin intern He Yingdong)

Chen Yingming, a 95-year-old master of aviation painting, died, and the drawing error never exceeded 5%

  Chen Yingming hand-painted the Ten Fighters

  Young Chen Yingming

  I have been reading aviation knowledge magazines since middle school, and I have been reading Chen Lao’s paintings and articles. I visited Chen Lao several years ago because of the story of a China pilot. After several visits, it was rare to have a good conversation with Chen Lao in his hometown Cantonese. I am grateful to know him and learn a lot.

  — — Hong Kong director Chen Jiashang told the Chengdu Business Daily reporter about his contacts with Chen Lao on the Internet.

  Teacher Chen Yingming pioneered aviation painting for a generation, inspiring countless people’s aviation dreams — — Including me. Deeply cherish the memory of teacher Chen Yingming.

  — — Dai Xiaopeng, a model airplane man in Beijing

  I recall that my teacher and I talked about aviation allusions all night, made coffee, went to KFC, looked through historical files at our desks and doodled airplanes … … Still vivid, unforgettable. What a fatherly teacher left me was the truth of being a man and the method of studying. Have a good trip, teacher!

  — — Jiangdong, Shanghai aviation history expert and model maker.

  A pen, depicting the waves in the sky.

  A pair of hands, so that the precision aircraft can be seen.

  A volume of history tells the history of aviation in China for a hundred years.

  Years are advancing with the times, and the hero is dying. At the age of 95, Chen Yingming, a model airplane master, left his lifelong career on the 14th and returned to the blue sky he yearned for most.

  The master of aviation art was an early participant in the construction of aviation industry in New China. He was well known as an expert in aviation history, an aviation painter and a model airplane designer. Until the moment he left, he never stopped searching for the aviation history of China.

  Fighters, bombers and transport planes & HELIP; … Various planes in different periods in the history of aviation development are vivid in Chen Yingming’s works. His aviation paintings, accompanied by the growth of a generation, exist in the form of a "textbook", which makes many young people look to the sky.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Huan Xiaohuai

  Netizen remembers

  Inspired by his paintings

  A group of people joined the aviation industry.

  At 5: 05 on April 14th, Chen Yingming passed away and said goodbye to Chengdu, where he lived for most of his life. His son Chen Dabo wanted to follow the wishes of the old man and keep everything simple, but the news spread like wildfire, and Chen Lao students, aviation enthusiasts and aviation history researchers from all over the world forwarded and cherished it.

  A military fan netizen told the reporter that he and many friends grew up watching Chen Lao’s plane diagram. "His spread of aviation knowledge in China has influenced a group of people to join the aviation industry.".

  Chen Yingming has a large number of admirers, and even Hong Kong director Chen Jiashang visited Chen Yingming’s home in Chengdu several times. In 2016, he published Aviation Knowledge and a recent photo of Chen Lao in Weibo, and mentioned that "this is my favorite magazine when I was young, and I regard all kinds of illustrations in it as treasures. Talk to him (Chen Lao) about the history of China Air Force, and have fun. ". On January 24 this year, he once again took a photo with Chen Lao and wished the elderly a happy Spring Festival. Last night, after learning the news of the old man’s death, he sent Weibo to express his condolences. "Teacher, go well." It is understood that Chen Jiashang is going to shoot a film about the air combat against Japan, hoping that Chen Lao can help improve the script and provide advice and guidance.

  At the end of life

  Give the manuscript to the students

  Tell them to continue their research.

  Chen Dabo, the only son of Chen Yingming, is 67 years old. He told the Chengdu Business Daily reporter that at the end of last year, the old man had surgery for bladder stones, and later he had a lung infection. After leaving the hospital, he didn’t eat much, and his life was difficult to take care of himself. Chen Dabo proposed to send the elderly to a maintenance center with medical functions, but it was difficult for the elderly to give up a room full of information in their small house, which was integrated into their lifelong efforts.

  It was not until March that the old man promised to go to the maintenance center. In the last period of his life, the old man also instructed the students to sort out the manuscripts and materials at home. Zhong Yihui is Chen Yingming’s most trusted student. "His memory is super strong. Even if his words are unclear, he has a clear memory of some anti-Japanese war history and air combat figures."

  Before his death, Chen Yingming gave some information to Zhong Yihui, asking him to "further sort it out and make good use of it". Zhong Yihui mentioned that Chen Lao’s unfinished business is to let more people participate in aviation research and propaganda, let more people be willing to engage in aircraft design and manufacturing, and let our aviation equipment and aviation industry truly take the lead in the world.

  For Chen Dabo, it is a pity that his father did not leave himself a model plane and an aerial painting. Chen Yingming once entrusted his grandson to donate dozens of aerial paintings to Tsinghua University, but only left his son a manuscript and some handwritten music scores.

  His pursuit

  Insisting on staying in Chengdu has his youth and career here.

  Participate in the preparation of a flying factory.

  Set up an airplane model room

  Chen Yingming was originally from Guangdong, and his grandfather was an overseas Chinese in Vietnam. In February 1923, Chen Yingming was born in Hanoi, Vietnam. At the age of seven, the French held an industrial exhibition in Hanoi, and Chen Yingming devoted his eyes to the three biplanes in the exhibition hall. This "encounter" made him obsessed with describing airplanes and making model airplanes, which formed an indissoluble bond with the aviation industry and became his lifelong pursuit.

  In 1949, Chen Yingming came to Guangzhou and later joined civil aviation. In 1952, Chen Yingming was transferred to Taiyuan Civil Aviation Repair Factory and participated in the production of the first self-designed airplane model engine "5138" in New China.

  In 1956, Chen Yingming was transferred to the preparatory office of Chengdu New Factory of the Ministry of Aviation to prepare for Chengdu Aircraft Factory (now China Aviation Industry Chengfei Company). In 1958, after Chengfei Factory was officially launched, he set out to set up an "aircraft model room". Here, he trained the second and third generation model makers of Chengfei Factory. Later, Chen Lao was transferred to Qingjiang Instrument Factory (now China Aviation Industry Chengdu Kaitian Electronics Co., Ltd.). According to his students’ memories, during this period, Chen Yingming also participated in the successful design and production of the first aerometer pitot tube, the second aerometer magnetic compass and the third aerometer altimeter in New China.

  Zhong Yihui mentioned that many relatives of Chen Yingming are overseas, and some relatives asked him to live overseas, but he insisted on staying in Chengdu. "There is his youth here, a career he loves, and he is used to life in Chengdu." Chen Dabo explained.

  It takes 17 years

  Compile the history of aircraft in China.

  After retirement, Chen Yingming still likes to stay in the study, collecting and sorting out information. He once spent 17 years working with other domestic scholars to compile the first history of aircraft development in China’s aviation for a hundred years. Downturn to version 02

  He is good at blowing, pulling and playing, and will make coffee for every visitor.

  His life

  Chen Dabo did not inherit his father’s career, but his choice was also influenced by his father. Before retiring, Chen Dabo was engaged in music teaching in Sichuan Conservatory of Music. At the age of six, Chen Dabo learned to play the violin with his father and went to the factory to perform. "I play the violin and he plays the guitar." Chen Dabo recalled that his father had an art troupe in the factory that year. He was good at trumpet, violin and cello.

  In leisure time, the old people like to sit down and drink coffee and eat western food, which is influenced by their early life. Chen Yingming’s second apartment in Chengdu has received many aviation enthusiasts. "As long as you go to the elderly, the elderly will give visitors a cup of coffee." Zhong Yihui said, "He likes to communicate and share with young people."