
12 people bet on 9 people for public office! An exclusive investigation on "Yunnan Yongsheng public officials were demoted for gambling"

       CCTV News:Recently, a news that six teachers in Yongsheng County, Lijiang, Yunnan Province were demoted for playing mahjong during the winter vacation aroused public concern. Some people questioned that playing mahjong should be dealt with, especially during the winter vacation. Is this too harsh on teachers? In addition, how to define entertainment or gambling? In this regard, the "Rule of Law Online" reporter rushed to the local area to interview the relevant parties exclusively.

       According to Deng Chaobin, director of Yongbei Police Station of Yongsheng County Public Security Bureau who handled this case, on the afternoon of February 16, 2019, the police station received an alarm and some people gathered for gambling.

       Deng Chaobin, director of Yongbei Police Station of Yongsheng County Public Security Bureau, said: "On the afternoon of February 16th, we received an anonymous report from the masses, that is to say, in this family at No.43 Huancheng East Road in our jurisdiction, some people gathered to gamble, so after receiving this report from the masses that day, our police station immediately organized the police to rush to this reported place."

       According to the police, the reported location is located on the fourth floor of a residential building. The picture of the law enforcement recorder shows that when the police rushed to the scene and asked the people in the room to open the door, no one came to open the door. From the window of the corridor, it can be clearly seen that two men in the room jumped out of the window on the fourth floor to escape, while others hurriedly fled in the room.


       Deng Chaobin: "When we arrived at the scene, we found that there was a mahjong table in each of the three rooms, and they were all playing mahjong." Subsequently, the police conducted a survey on the scene, and they found that the amount of gambling funds at each table was not small.

       Deng Chaobin: "In general, three tables of mahjong add up to 28,800 yuan, so the gambling money collected from three tables of mahjong is more than 12,000, the second table is more than 9,000, and the third table is more than 6,900. That’s right."


       Subsequently, the police took the people in the house to the police station for further investigation. Subsequently, the police found through investigation that this is not a simple entertainment activity between friends. Because some people who gamble know each other, and some are the first time to join in gambling.

       The police found that Zhang, the owner of this apartment on the fourth floor, usually attracts some friends to play mahjong at home and collects some fees from them. At the same time, the police found that among the 12 gamblers, nine were public officials, six of whom were teachers.


       Deng Chaobin: "After the seizure on the same day, the words in the process of inquiry also reflected that some had won or lost thousands of dollars, some had almost lost all of them, and some had won thousands of dollars. That’s right. According to our local salary standard, that is to say, the monthly salary of these public officials is several thousand dollars. It can be said that according to the gambling money seized that day, it can be said that almost one month’s salary is taken with you to participate in this gambling. Then some of them are nearly half of their wages, so their per capita gambling money on that day far exceeds our minimum standard of illegal gambling in all parts of the country. This is the case. "

       Nine public officials participated in gambling and seized 28,800 gambling funds.

       Twelve people gamble and nine are public officials. How to punish them? According to the local police, 28,800 gambling funds were seized on the spot, which did not meet the criteria for criminal offences. Therefore, they made penalties according to the Law on Public Security Administration Punishment.

       Article 70 of the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Public Security Administration Punishment stipulates that those who provide conditions for gambling for the purpose of making profits, or who participate in gambling with a large amount of money, shall be detained for less than five days or fined less than 500 yuan; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and be fined not less than 500 yuan but not more than 3,000 yuan.

       Then, how to identify the gambling capital? According to the local police, they mainly refer to the Guiding Opinions on Discretion Standards for Handling Gambling Illegal Cases published by the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department in January 2019, and comprehensively consider the identification standards across the country. In this guidance, Article 4 stipulates that "those who participate in gambling with a large amount of money" as stipulated in Article 70 of the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Public Security Administration Punishment refers to a gambling administrative case in which the per capita gambling amount is less than 2,000 yuan in 200 yuan.

       Deng Chaobin: "So from a national perspective, it is between 200 and 500. Then, judging from the gambling money collected from three tables of mahjong that day, each table far exceeds this range, and it has reached at least 1,700 yuan, and the smallest table has reached more than 1,700."


       Which situation is "serious"? The Ministry of Public Security issued guidance.

       At the same time, the police introduced that according to the "Guiding Opinions on the Discretion of Public Security Organs to Punish Some Violations of Public Security Management" issued by the Ministry of Public Security in June 2018, Article 78, paragraph 3, stipulates that the participation of state staff in gambling belongs to "serious circumstances".

       Deng Chaobin: "This is the guidance of our Ministry of Public Security. As the actual situation of cracking down on gambling crimes in the whole country, that is to say, every public official also represents his own official status. Then what you are doing represents the image of this unit and has a different impact on society. If these public officials participate in gambling, it means that it is clearly stipulated that the circumstances are serious according to the guidance, so the punishment range means that they should be punished for more than 10 days."

       According to the police, according to these laws and regulations and the specific circumstances of the case, they finally made a punishment decision.

       Deng Chaobin: "Then, in view of the situation of the day and the whole case, all the gambling personnel with nine public officials actively cooperated with our public security organs to investigate and realized their mistakes. Then, taking these situations into consideration as appropriate, 12 gambling personnel, including these nine public officials, were finally sentenced to administrative detention for 10 days and fined 500 yuan. Zhang, who provided conditions for gambling, was detained for 15 days and fined 3,000 yuan."

       Subsequently, according to the handling mechanism of the public security organs, these nine public officials were handed over to the discipline inspection and supervision department for further handling.

       Deng Chaobin: "Because our public security organs have a case-handling cooperation mechanism with the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervisory Committee, that is to say, once it is found that a public official in this country or party member has violated relevant laws and regulations and been seized by various departments, law enforcement departments and law enforcement case-handling departments, we must hand over the relevant clues to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. According to this mechanism, if we are required to complete this case, we will submit the relevant clues to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in time, and

       Nine people were detained on the 10 th and then handed over to the county commission for discipline inspection.

       Then, how did these nine public officials who participated in gambling get demoted or otherwise punished? In this regard, we interviewed the local Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Education Bureau.

       He Wenjin, deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Yongsheng County: "After they (the public security organs) informed us, we also organized personnel to analyze it, because we had to analyze the specific case, and then we found that these nine public officials had three identities."


       According to the staff of the Disciplinary Committee of Yongsheng County, Lijiang City, after the public security organs handed over nine public officials to the Disciplinary Committee, they found that these nine public officials had three different identities. He Wenjin: "One is a civil servant, the other is a people’s teacher, and the other is an employee of an enterprise. Therefore, we have diverted its clues to different places according to the cadre management authority. The civil servants involved, that is, the county cadres, are handled by our Commission for Discipline Inspection, and then six teachers are involved. According to the cadre management authority, all of them are non-Party, so we have to hand them over to our Education Bureau for handling."

       Three public officials, two of whom are also party member. Therefore, the local discipline inspection departments have different results in dealing with them. He Wenjin: "Two civil servants, both of whom are department-level cadres, so we have to go through our procedures for filing a case, so we will deal with party member in accordance with the disciplinary regulations of the Communist Party of China (CPC), so we have given them a serious warning and this punishment. There is another civil servant. He is also a county-level cadre and a department-level cadre, but he is not party member. He is a non-party. Therefore, we will follow the regulations on the punishment of public servants, that is, civil servants in administrative organs. The regulations on which it is based are different. Therefore, according to that regulation, he was punished with administrative demerits. "

       At the same time, Yongsheng County Education Bureau also received clues from the public security department and the discipline inspection department.

       Director of Yongsheng County Education Bureau and Genjie: "We strictly follow the specific provisions in the Provisional Regulations on the Punishment of Staff in this institution, so Article 21 stipulates that the punishment should be given to lower the post level in the following circumstances. Then one of the following circumstances in Article 21 includes this gambling participant, who participates in gambling, and clearly stipulates that the punishment should be given to lower the post level."


       Subsequently, the local education bureau made a decision to lower the post level of six teachers involved. And the principals of the three schools to which these six teachers belong were given the accountability treatment of canceling the qualification of appraising the first year and reporting it to the county.

       Director of Education Bureau of Yongsheng County and Genjie: "As a teacher, the profession is special. We must face our next generation, train our next generation, and run a satisfactory education for the people. As a teacher, it will definitely have a greater impact than public officials in other units. It’s not that this is the way to deal with it this time. Before that, we also found that we would never tolerate it together. This is what we have always insisted on in strengthening the construction of the times. "

       The public official involved said that he thought it was entertainment at the beginning.

       Why do these public officials take part in gambling? We also contacted several public officials involved in the case. According to them, they thought it was entertainment at ordinary times, but they didn’t expect to be involved in gambling.

       The parties said that they met to play mahjong after shopping that day, and then they met to play mahjong at Zhang’s house. According to the parties, it is not the first time that they came to Zhang’s house to play mahjong, and they will give Zhang some fees every time they go. Regarding their participation in gambling, several parties said that they always thought it was daily entertainment and didn’t realize that they had violated the law.

       Although several parties said that they didn’t think they were gambling, they also revealed in their words that if they lost, they would actually have an impact on their lives, which has deviated from the original intention of entertainment. After the incident, several parties felt very regretful.

       Expert Interpretation: How to Define Gambling and Entertainment

       Seeing this, people who may love playing mahjong will have such questions: "Do I usually play mahjong as entertainment or gambling?" If you want to play mahjong reasonably and legally, you must know where the legal boundaries between entertainment and gambling are. Next, we will ask legal experts to interpret it.

       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said that regarding gambling, we should look at it separately. Firstly, the criminal law stipulates that there is gambling crime, which is generally for profit according to this business model. Secondly, there is a gathering plot, and there are certain standards for lottery. The provisions of this standard vary from place to place. If the other piece does not rise to the crime of gambling as stipulated in the criminal law, then there is an administrative punishment on gambling in the Administrative Punishment Law. According to its nature, it mainly depends on the circumstances, including whether he has this kind of business, including how big the lottery is after opening a casino, and it depends on the number of people he gathers.


       Regarding whether it constitutes a gambling crime, the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Gambling Criminal Cases has made more detailed provisions. Among them, Article 1 stipulates that for the purpose of making profits, one of the following circumstances belongs to "gathering gambling" as stipulated in Article 303 of the Criminal Law: (1) organizing more than three people to gamble, and the total amount of tapped profits has reached more than 5,000 yuan; (2) Organizing more than three people to gamble, and the amount of gambling funds has reached more than 50,000 yuan; (3) Organizing more than 3 people to gamble, and the total number of gamblers has reached more than 20; (four) organizing more than 10 People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens to gamble abroad, and collecting kickbacks and referral fees from them.

       As for whether it constitutes gambling in the Law on Public Security Administration Punishment, Professor Zhu Wei introduced that different regions have different standards for the amount of gambling funds because of different conditions such as economic development. By consulting the discretion standards of local public security organs, it was found that the lowest gambling funds included in the punishment were 200 yuan. The difference is that Shandong and Henan are defined as "per capita gambling amount", while Hebei and Jiangxi are defined as "individual gambling funds". The bottom line of punishment for personal gambling in Beijing and Liaoning is 300 yuan and 500 yuan respectively. Zhejiang divides the bottom line of individual gambling funds from 200 yuan to 500 yuan, "the specific amount is determined by the municipal public security organs according to the local law enforcement practice". Guangdong has also issued relevant discretionary standards by various cities. For example, the bottom line of punishment for personal gambling in Shenzhen is 500 yuan, and the bottom line of punishment in Qingyuan City is expressed as: "Personal gambling is dissatisfied with 500 yuan, the winning or losing amount is dissatisfied with 200 yuan or the highest single bet is dissatisfied with 50 yuan." At the same time, other provinces have their own regulations.

       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said that the lottery is constantly increasing, but the standard of gambling is constantly decreasing. It has a stricter standard. If this standard is lowered too low, people will feel that the boundary between entertainment and illegality is not easy to grasp. So many people have a chilling effect, and everyone is afraid to get together to play mahjong, which is problematic. However, this ceiling is too high, and if the law enforcement standards in many places are too loose, you will find that gambling is an addictive behavior. Many people who like gambling in novels or in real life are called gambler. Why is it called gambler? It is because of an addictive behavior. So sometimes in order to increase the punishment, as an example, several cases may be sentenced, which has a great influence in the local area, just to cut off this gambling atmosphere and let gambler know that the law has such provisions and dare not do such acts. So it has such an effect of warning society.

       What is the boundary between entertainment and gambling? Professor Zhu Wei believes that the difference between entertainment and gambling lies in whether it is for profit subjectively.

       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said, then the core lies in profitability. How do you assess these profitability? I think the criteria for determining this in daily judicial practice are different. It depends on whether you are friends, know each other well, and have known each other for more than ten years. We have been friends since childhood, and playing mahjong together, which is frequent, should not be recognized as profitability. Some people are friends, some are not friends, and everyone is gathered for the purpose of playing mahjong and gambling. At this time, it is very likely that you are presumed to be profitable in practice. The last point depends on whether he has regular behavior. For example, someone is reporting that this family often plays mahjong at night, many people make noise together, and often open such gambling halls. Moreover, neighbors have said that these people often have parties in this house, and everyone starts and ends at what time. With this police record and alarm record, it can be inferred that he has certain business and daily behavior, which is different from playing mahjong once or twice at home.

       The "two highs" clearly stipulate that public officials are "aggravated"

       At the same time, the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Gambling Criminal Cases also clearly stipulates aggravating circumstances, including those who have the status of national staff, organizing national staff to gamble abroad, organizing minors to participate in gambling, or opening casinos to attract minors to participate in gambling. Professor Zhu Wei introduced that public officials involved in gambling in this case are aggravated offenders.


       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said that on the one hand, the reason for doing this is to set an example for the people, and more importantly, to avoid this hidden bribery. Because there are a lot of such bribes given to you through mahjong and gambling, if you want to bribe, you may not need to give money directly. It is no problem to have a meal and play mahjong, and you will lose tens of thousands of dollars directly and a lot of money to you. The parties are well aware of this, so the legislation fully took this into account and made a full article from the perspective of aggravated crimes, so you seem to be innocent. However, from the perspective of a whole society, it is very necessary to make such a provision for aggravated offenders, and this cut cannot be opened. Once it is opened, it will be entertainment, so it is good to give gifts to teachers, civil servants and play mahjong. Several people can easily make money with him. So this cut is linked to bribery again.

       So for ordinary people, how to grasp the boundary between gambling and entertainment?

       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said: "I think for ordinary people, there are several points to pay attention to. Since the first point is entertainment, you should not hold the mentality of winning money. The so-called lottery should not be too high. The second is whether you know these people. I think this is also a standard. Relatives and friends are entertainment. If you don’t know this person at all, is this entertainment? This is definitely not entertainment. The third point depends on how many people there are. For example, after entering a room, there are many tables of mahjong there, which is gambling in groups. “

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What do world internet conference, Ma Yun, Ma Huateng and other "big coffees" talk about?

  The 4th world internet conference once again brought the world’s Internet "big coffees" together in Wuzhen, a beautiful water town. Digital economy, artificial intelligence, sharing economy, technological change … … What do the "big coffees" think about these hot topics on the Internet?

  Ma Yun, Chairman of Alibaba’s Board of Directors: In the face of new technologies, it is better to take responsibility than to worry.

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Meng Dingbo

  "It is better to take responsibility for cyberspace and the digital economy than to worry about it. In recent years, almost all over the world are worried about the new technology era and technology, worried that machines will take away job opportunities, worried that machines will control human beings, and worried that human beings will be destroyed in their greatest inventions. In fact, the new technology is not to make people unemployed, but to make people do more valuable things, to make people not repeat themselves, but to innovate, so that their work can further evolve. I believe that machines will make people’s work more dignified, valuable and creative. "

  Apple CEO Cook: Inject humanity into technology.

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong

  "Many people are talking about the negative effects of artificial intelligence, but I am not worried that robots will think like people. I am worried about thinking like machines. Therefore, we must inject humanity into technology and our values into technology, which is also our commitment to family, community and each other. We need to make full use of this historical opportunity, we need to give technology its due value, we need to remain open, we need to be confident and creative, and we need to protect all people. We look forward to working with friends in China and partners around the world to ensure that these efforts and achievements we have made can be created all over the world. "

  Ma Huateng, Chairman of the Holding Board of Tencent: Being the Driver of New Technology

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyi

  "New technologies represented by artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data have begun to promote profound changes in all walks of life. In the face of a new round of technological and industrial revolution, enterprises in China used to play the role of followers of new technologies, but today we hope to become drivers and contributors of new technologies and develop together with global partners. Today, everyone, every enterprise or organization is closely linked through digital technology and is an integral part of the "cyberspace destiny community". At present, all kinds of new challenges in this "community of destiny" need to be explored by the government, industry partners and all walks of life to jointly build and govern. "

  Kelly Y Zhou, founder and CEO of Zhihu: May knowledge illuminate everyone.

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  "The development of the Internet has made knowledge sharing extremely convenient, and it has also enabled all people to participate in knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing beyond the traditional elite concept will be the optimal solution to promote the sustainable development of society. A knowledge platform like Zhihu may become a new generation of knowledge infrastructure, where everyone can share their views in their professional fields and gain all kinds of knowledge. Knowledge is no longer far away, and it is no longer only mastered by a few people. This is not only measurable in commercial value, but also of great social value. May knowledge illuminate everyone and discover a bigger world together. "

  Liu Qiangdong, CEO of JD.COM: drones solve the last mile problem of rural logistics

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  "Logistics leads to poorer, more remote and backward areas, but the value of industrial products that consumers have to pay is much higher than that of rich areas such as Beijing and Shanghai. At the same time, because of the high logistics cost, a large number of high-quality agricultural products can’t leave the village. After they come out, they arrive in Beijing and Shanghai, and the prices are too high for consumers to consume. It took us 10 years to establish a huge logistics network covering the whole country. We are still investing a lot of money in developing the latest logistics technology, the most important of which is the drone, which is to solve the problem of the last mile of rural logistics. "

  Yang Yuanqing, Chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group: The digital economy represents the future

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyi

  "I don’t think the digital economy can be overstated, because it represents the future. It is precisely because of the development of digitalization and network that we can produce a large amount of data, and the empowerment of data through the network will bring intelligence to all walks of life. With the data collected from intelligent terminals, the computing power of new infrastructure, and the algorithm of continuous learning and improvement, we can perceive and recognize our world more accurately and make smarter judgments and decisions, thus making our lives more convenient and colorful, our work more accurate and efficient, and our society more harmonious and orderly. "

  Fu Sheng, CEO of Cheetah Mobile: AI (Artificial Intelligence) helps you live more easily.

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyi

  "AI, or super AI connections are everywhere. If you think of the car as our connection with tools and travel, in fact, AI is a connection between brain power and information. Today, AI can take different measures for everyone like God once imagined. A supercomputing entity grows naturally on a global scale. Everyone’s brain power, your own preferences, your own characteristics, your own habits, all your data can be helped by a super brain to help you live better and live more easily. "

Li Keqiang cultivates "double innovation ecosystem": China is becoming a global "maker paradise"

  Giving up a high-paying job in San Francisco and starting a business in Shenzhen, China, Canadian Lawrence’s choice won the support of many friends around him.

  "They are very envious when they know that I am coming to China, because they think that China has the most imaginative market at present." Lawrence said, "The atmosphere of entrepreneurial innovation in China is very strong, and you have unlimited possibilities to achieve what you want to do."

  In fact, more and more overseas "makers" choose to come to China just like Lawrence, and what attracts them is the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" advocated by Premier China.

  Go to China to start a business! ",the British" Financial Times "website that noticed this phenomenon reported on this topic. "Economist" magazine also said: "Shanzhai merchants are gone, and innovators are coming!" Taking Shenzhen as an example, the report points out that it is attracting all kinds of entrepreneurs around the world who are trying to make new products in new ways. Invention and innovation are transforming the whole Pearl River Delta into an advanced manufacturing cluster.

  Chen Siyu, Commercial Officer of the Swedish Consulate General in Shanghai, said that Sweden is a "country of innovation", and there are about 20,000 start-ups with a total population of 10 million. However, in recent years, Swedish entrepreneurs have come to China one after another, because most of them have to rely on their own development to start their own businesses in Sweden. In China, the government has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to support entrepreneurial innovation, and with a relatively complete industrial chain in all walks of life, it is called "maker’s paradise".

  "internet plus" faces the whole world, and foreigners find new opportunities in China.

  "China is vigorously promoting ‘ Internet plus & rsquo; This is itself global. " On June 28th, Premier Li Keqiang’s statement during the dialogue and exchange with the representatives of international business circles attending the Davos Forum in the summer of 2017 was regarded as a "strong signal" released to foreign businessmen.

  China’s booming "internet plus" and consumption upgrading have already made more and more foreigners see the business opportunities of starting new businesses. And China’s superior "double innovation" environment is making their entrepreneurial dream come true.

  German Alberton founded Zanado Company in China, which not only provided online travel booking service, but also opened an offline VR experience store, bringing travelers a 360-degree virtual travel experience. Alberton said that China people are willing to "try early", while it may take 10 years for the United States and Europe to accept these.

  Lan Jili, founder of Vitas, a game and entertainment production company, believes that the China government is very friendly to entrepreneurs, and "we have the opportunity to bring new technologies into China". Jared, founder of R2Games, said: "In the era of mobile Internet, it is safe to say that China is ahead of Americans in this area. For a global Internet company, the opportunity is now in China. It won’t happen anywhere else, it can only happen here. "

  It takes two years in the United States and only half a year in China. China is the first choice for hardware entrepreneurship.

  The Economist also found that China is rewriting another rule, that is, embracing open innovation. Taking Shenzhen as an example, the report points out that China’s open innovators are not secretive, but are committed to providing solutions for the public. Analysts pointed out that the "double-innovation ecosystem" formed by the integration of China’s policy support and complete industrial chain is unmatched by many other countries.

  The world’s thinnest folding full-color touch screen produced by Rouyu Technology Co., Ltd. needs a lot of "integrated innovation" and "maker" ecosystems from early research to finished products. Bill Liu, the founder of the company, said that when he set out to establish Rouyu, it was clear that the company had to establish itself in Shenzhen to be successful.

  Jenny Lee, an investor in the hardware industry and a partner of GGV capital (GGV), said that in Shenzhen, it takes only half a year for a hardware startup to turn a concept into a product, which usually takes two years in the United States. When Revols, a Canadian "maker", tried to develop economical customized headphones in Montreal, he found that things there were slow and expensive. After he moved the company to Shenzhen, he quickly made a prototype and the product has been put into production.

  "China’s already blazing pace of innovation is still accelerating!" The Economist said. Many multinational companies have set up "observation posts" in China to pay close attention to the latest trends here. Shenzhen, China has become one of the global innovation centers of intelligent manufacturing, and is favored by all kinds of "makers".

  Scientific research results can land, and scientists bring "black technology"

  Many foreign "makers" said that overseas, many "black technologies" are only academic achievements, but coming to China, which is full of possibilities, can make it a reality.

  Professor Wusi Kaelte, an academician of the European Academy of Sciences, believes that China’s government and industry are actively promoting the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, and starting a business in China is the best opportunity for its research results to land. The scientist in the field of artificial intelligence set up the Institute of Know Infinite Artificial Intelligence in Beijing in May this year, and cooperated with JD.COM, BOE and other enterprises to help China enterprises build an innovative ecosystem in the fields of AI visual recognition and translation.

  Liu Huijun, dean of the School of Electronic Engineering of the Korean Academy of Sciences, also settled in Dongguan with the whole team. Its "black technology" AI-AR smart glasses will be mass-produced locally, which can realize remote precision maintenance of automobiles and airplanes. As long as the staff wear this kind of smart glasses, they can see the maintenance scene and remotely maintain it. In the process, they can also see the analysis of the fault made by AI behind the glasses.

  In the article calling for starting a business in China, the Financial Times website wrote that overseas entrepreneurs who have successfully started a business in China have pointed out a new path for young people who are interested in starting a business.

  As Premier Li Keqiang said: "Our entrepreneurial innovation is open. We should sum up experience and attract enterprises from more countries to come with capital, technology and talents, so as to achieve a win-win situation in cooperation." (Beijing News special correspondent Mu Yi)

Super League star Sai Xinfeng missed a penalty, and the northern team won the southern team 16-15.

  Netease Sports News: This afternoon, the 2007 Super League North-South Star Tournament was held in Shanghai Jinshan District Stadium. In the end, Rooney scored four goals, Zou Yougen, Vicente and Yang Lin contributed to the South Team, while Tao Wei of the North Team scored twice, goals from Qu Bo, Li Jinyu, Diego, Elvis and Zhao Junzhe sealed the score at 7-7. In the penalty shootout, Xin Feng missed the penalty, and the northern team beat the southern team 9-8 (with a total score of 16-15) to win.



  This is the fourth time that the China Football Professional League has hosted the Star Tournament. In 1994 and 1995, the North-South Star Tournament was held at the beginning of League A, but since then, this grand ceremony of China football was interrupted. Until last season, the Football Association held the first all-star match in the history of the Super League in Jinan. This year is the second all-star match of the Super League, and the powerful northern team is even more shining. At the same time, various awards of this year’s league will be awarded today.

  Before the competition, the China Football Association and sponsors held a donation ceremony to the Soong Ching Ling Foundation of China, and donated 800,000 yuan to the latter. The game was kicked off by the southern team, and the northern team scored in the first minute. Li Jinyu broke through on the right to the bottom line and returned to the middle road. Tao Wei pushed the ball on the restricted area and the ball went straight to the dead corner, 1-0. Later, the Southern team quickly equalized the score. Wang Yun passed the ball directly to the front of the door. Zou Yougen’s shot was blocked by the defender. Vicente got the ball and shot it single-handedly. The ball was pounced by Li Leilei. Rooney, who was outflanked, succeeded in pushing the empty net, and the score became 1-1. In the 8th minute, the score was rewritten again. Roman Abramovich got the chance to go to the bottom on the left, and one foot crossed to the middle. Rooney easily scored with his heel and the score became 2-1. Later, the northern team quickly equalized the score. The defender of the southern team made a mistake in passing and catching the ball. Qu Bo got the ball and made a long shot in front of the restricted area. The ball rolled into the net again and the score became 2-2.

  The pace of the game didn’t go fast, but the players seemed very relaxed on the court. In the 14th minute, the northern team organized an attack in the frontcourt, and Du Zhenyu suddenly shot a cold shot outside the restricted area, and the ball hit the far post and popped up, almost scoring again. Because it is raining in Shanghai, the field is slippery, which affects the mutual communication and cooperation between the players. In the 21st minute, the Southern Team expanded the score again. Zou Yougen passed the ball to the front of the goal from the left in the restricted area. Rooney didn’t get greedy and continued to pass the ball back to the former. Zou Yougen scored a goal from a small angle and the score became 3-2. Then the northern team immediately equalized the score, and the middle team members directly hit behind them. Zhao Junzhe headed back to the middle in the restricted area, and Li Jinyu volleyed the goal with his right foot. In the 29th minute, Roman Abramovich succeeded in offside and passed Li Leilei. Rooney received the ball and deliberately stayed in front of the door for a period of time before pushing the far corner. The score became 4-3. Then the northern team immediately returned the favor, and the curve wave broke through on the right and passed to the door, and the goalkeeper struggled to save the ball.

  The backward northern team stepped up their offensive. In the 34th minute, Du Zhenyu stopped the ball in front of the restricted area, and volley and the goalkeeper punched the ball. This shot was very wonderful. Two minutes later, the Southern team expanded its lead, and Wang Yun passed the ball to Li Yan at the bottom line on the right. The latter’s heavy bombardment caused Li Leilei to save the ball and Vicente easily made up the shot, and the score was rewritten to 5-3. In the 41st minute, the southern team organized an attack in the frontcourt, and Li Yan’s shot in front of the restricted area was higher than the crossbar. In the 43rd minute, the northern team got a chance on the left, and Zhikov made a high-quality cross to the goal. Unfortunately, Qu Bo’s header was slightly higher than the crossbar.

  In the 50 th minute, the southern team made a long pass in the backcourt and Rooney quickly inserted it. The goalkeeper took the lead in clearing the ball. In the 54th minute, the northern team pulled back a point, and Elvis left the left unguarded, easily leveled the ball to the middle, and Diego succeeded in shooting from the far corner, and the score was rewritten to 5-4. Later, the southern team returned the favor. Wang Yun passed the ball to the middle of the road on the right. Rooney’s powerful long-range shot missed the goal, followed by Zhang Ye’s loss of the ball in the backcourt. Elvis’s shot in front of the restricted area caused the goalkeeper to get rid of the ball, but the second shot quickly hugged it. In the 57th minute, the southern team played a series of subtle cooperation. Rooney stopped the ball in the back of the chest and volleyed across the door. Wang Yun passed the ball again in the restricted area, and Yang Lin, who was inserted later, pushed the goal and the score became 6-4. Then the northern team also scored a goal immediately. Elvis successfully shot the far corner on the left side of the restricted area, and the score became 6-5. In the 63rd minute, Rooney put on a solo performance, dribbling the ball from the left side to the restricted area and hitting the side net.

  As the game went on, the scene was a little dull. In the 68th minute, Elvis passed in front of the restricted area, and then he shot with his long foot. The ball was saved by the goalkeeper, and Dong Wang’s supplementary shot hit the defender out of the bottom line. Then the northern team seized the opportunity. Tao Wei faced the defense in front of the restricted area and dodged the empty shot. The ball entered the door against the far post, and the score became 6-6. In the 74th minute, the northern team made a quick counterattack. Wang Yun made a wonderful pass from the front of the restricted area to the back point, and Yang Lin’s header was first cleared. In the 78th minute, the Southern team expanded the score again. Sun Xiang made an assist from the left and made a cross to the frontcourt. Rooney grabbed a header in front of the door and the score became 7-6. Then Rooney once again showed his football talent, and an imaginative shot almost broke the door again. In the 82nd minute, the Northern Team equalized the score, and Tao Wei returned to the middle from the left. Zhao Junzhe took the ball with two steps and shot with his right foot. The ball crossed the goalkeeper and fell into the net, and the score became 7-7.

  In the penalty shootout, Diego first volleyed the goal, and Sun Xiang’s powerful long-range shot equalized the score for the South Team. In the second round of penalty, Tao Wei deceived the goalkeeper and sent the ball into the net. Wang Yun’s very tricky shot made the goalkeeper helpless. In the third round, Zhang Yaokun scored a goal and Lu Feng equalized for the southern team; In the fourth round, Dong Wang took the lead in sending the ball into the goal, and Rooney also easily broke the goal; In the fifth round, Du Zhenyu made a strong long-range goal, and Ma Cheng’s shot deceived the goalkeeper. In the sixth round, Zhao Junzhe’s shot hit the crossbar and bounced into the net, and Li Weifeng also broke the door of Zong Lei. In the seventh round, Elvis’ shot was successful, and Zhang Ye also successfully scored a penalty. In the eighth round, Zhang Shuai hit a penalty kick and Yang Lin also broke the goal. In the ninth round, Hao Junmin took the lead in penalty, and Xin Feng’s shot was higher than the crossbar. In the end, the northern team beat the southern team 9-8 on penalty.

  Southern Team’s appearance lineup (4-4-2): 18-Song Zhenyu (46’1- Shengjiong Qiu); 3- Li Weifeng, 6- Li Yan (41’14- Ma Cheng), 5- Dewey (40’4- Sun Xiang), 13- Emerson; 11- Abu (40’2- Xinfeng), 8- Zheng Bin (46’7- Lu Feng), 9- Zou Yougen (46’12- Zhangye), 15- Wang Yun; 10- Vicente (46’16- Yang Lin), 17- Rooney

  Northern Team’s appearance lineup (4-4-2): 1-Li Leilei (46’18- Zong Lei); 2- Cao Yang (46’7- Hao Junmin), 3- Ka barreiro (46’5- Zhang Yaokun), 4- Xu Yunlong (46’13- kelvin wong), 12- Zhang Shuai; 15- Zhikov (46’6- Dong Wang), 8- Tao Wei, 9- Zhao Junzhe, 14- Du Zhenyu; 10- Li Jinyu (46’16- Diego), 11- Qubo (46’17- Elvis)

Editor: Shuo Yang

It became the number one hot spot after class overnight. How long can Tenghahe last?

Reporter Han Bing reports Going out at home in the League Cup is not a big deal, but losing more than 3 goals at home in a row, the worst record of losing at home in 61 years, is a key node that may push Tenghahe’s fate from quantitative change to qualitative change. Although Manchester United did not consider changing coaches when talking to the media, the act of making a statement itself has already made the outside world smell dangerous.

The 0-3 defeat against Newcastle United activated a series of dazzling shame records: half of the top 10 home games of the season were lost, the worst since the 1930/31 season; Lost 8 of the first 15 games, the worst since the 1962/63 season; There is also the highest loss rate (53%) in 90 years, which is not counting the previous 12 records of losing, conceding and losing in a row. The patience with Tenghahe is constantly consumed in this ever-increasing shame record, and the distance is getting closer and closer to being completely exhausted …

After the game, Tenghahe continued to complete the familiar "reversal" at the press conference, but his odds after class jumped to the second place in the Premier League within 24 hours after the game (odds of 3), second only to Sheffield United coach Hejin Barton (odds of 5/3) who scored only 1 point in 10 rounds. Chelsea coach Pochettino, who burns more money, has fewer events and fewer points, ranks fifth (odds are 17), which is much safer than Tenghah. In the early morning of Beijing time, just after Manchester United officially made a statement that it was not considered to change coaches, Tenghahe’s odds of class dismissal rose to the top of the Premier League (11/10), surpassing Hutchinson Barton (5/4), and Pochettino was even safer (20)! Overnight, Tenghahe entered the "extremely dangerous" zone from the "safe" position.

Since ancient times, there have been few gifts in the snow, and there have never been many people who have fallen into the rain. Tenghahe stressed that last season’s Carling Cup proved that he could turn the tide, but media such as Manchester Evening News and celebrities such as Neville made it clear that the Dutch coach had lost the support of the dressing room and it was only a matter of time before class was over. This season’s scandal-ridden dressing room of the Red Devils, after the turmoil of Sancho and Anthony, now players have completely lost confidence in Tenghahe himself. As early as after the Manchester derby, the British media revealed that players questioned Tenghahe’s tactics, including letting Lindelov, who is not good at wingers, play left-back, and Anthony, who is better at wingers, was not the first choice.

Tenghahe’s tough approach has also attracted the disgust of most players. Punishing Sancho is an example. After the Manchester derby, Tenghahe forced Manchester United players to stay to witness the celebration of Manchester City players and fans, canceled the original holiday and added extra homework, which was considered as disrespect for the players. The extra homework is to let the players watch the video edited by the coaching staff for themselves, which points out the mistakes made by the players. This kind of practice, like punishing primary school students, makes the stars feel "humiliated". The first person who didn’t buy it was Rachford. On the night after the derby, the Manchester United winger held a party in the nightclub until 3: 30 in the morning. At least for now, Tenghahe hasn’t given him a ticket.

Neville’s hint on the social media account is almost explicit: "We have seen such a situation before, we know how it ends, and we have had enough." Former Tottenham midfielder O ‘Hara also stressed: Manchester United is in chaos from top to bottom, the players don’t care about winning or losing, and the coach has lost the support of the players. This is similar to Neville’s definition of Tenghahe and Manchester United. Neville emphasized that both rivals of Manchester United have professional sports departments, but Manchester United doesn’t even have Sports director. In addition, after driving away Cristiano Ronaldo last year, Manchester United announced that it would consider new strategic choices, but there is still no clear direction today, which also makes Manchester United players feel insecure.

Tenghahe’s fate has changed from how to turn things around to when to finish class. The British media began to calculate the cost (15 million pounds) of firing Tenghahe for Manchester United. After Ferguson retired, this figure tied for the highest among the fired coaches. However, it has just been announced that last season’s revenue was as high as 640 million pounds, which is completely affordable for Manchester United, which set a new record for Premier League clubs. In addition, the media has even listed a succession candidate list for Manchester United: emeri of Aston Villa, Eddie Howe of Newcastle United, De Zerbi of Brighton, as well as the laid-off Zidane and the hot Bayer Leverkusen coach Alonso.

Different from last season, Manchester United’s dressing room is not only separated from Germany, but also the injury crisis has not improved. Casemiro’s new injury continues to weaken Manchester United’s already unbearable defensive end. Tenghahe wants to be what he calls a "fighter" and unite with the players to fight together, but he must first fully implement his tactics through the players-unfortunately, this is also the most difficult thing to do at present.

In order to save the situation, the British media revealed that Tenghahe would have a one-on-one conversation with Manchester United players to understand the situation and eliminate barriers. However, there is not much time left for Tenghahe, and the international competition day in November may be his last chance to breathe. At the end of November, Manchester United will play Galatasaray, Newcastle United, Chelsea and Bayern at home, and then Liverpool. How long can Tenghah last? It’s a good prize-winning quiz.

The maximum flow rate is 2180 cubic meters per second! Overwarning floods occurred in 84 rivers in 15 provinces in China.

  Cctv newsIn the past few days, many places in China have suffered from heavy rainfall. Floods exceeding the police occurred in 84 rivers in 15 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in the northwest, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jiangnan and Southwest China. The emergency management department said that although some local disasters are serious, on the whole, all major rivers are in a controllable state.

  Ningxia: The No.1 flood of the Yellow River in 2020 entered Ningxia.

  Since June, affected by the rainfall in the source area, the inflow of water in the upper reaches of the Yellow River has continued to increase. On the morning of 21st, the No.1 flood of the Yellow River arrived in Ningxia, two days earlier than in previous years. The maximum flow rate is 2180 cubic meters per second. Ningxia Emergency Management Headquarters has issued flood prevention notices to cities and counties (districts) along the Yellow River.

  Sichuan: Super-historical flood occurred in Marcand, Aba Prefecture.

  Affected by several days of heavy rainfall, the Suomo River in Barkam City, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province experienced a super-historical flood yesterday (23rd). As of 11: 00 last night, the flood level was 2,580.34m, with a flow of 494m3/s, the over-alarm level was 0.73m, and the over-guaranteed level was 0.21m. The heavy rainfall also caused many natural disasters such as mudslides and mountain collapses in Marcand of National Highway 317, and some sections were flooded.

  Chongqing Qijiang: The electricity consumption of more than 14,000 households crossing the flood peak is affected.

  On the 22nd, the biggest flood peak since the flood season of the Qijiang River passed through the urban area of the Qijiang River, and many places along the Qijiang River were affected. The power facilities in the flooded area were threatened, and the electricity consumption of 14,056 households was affected. The local power department launched a comprehensive investigation and management of the safety hazards of the affected users and resumed power supply. As of press time, 10026 users have been restored to power supply.

  Anhui: A dam burst in Dongpei River due to continuous rainstorm.

  Dongpi River, located in Anhui Province, is one of the main tributaries of Huaihe River, and it is also the flood discharge channel of three large reservoirs: Foziling, Mozitan and Bailianya. The heavy rainfall in the past few days and the increased flood discharge of the three upstream reservoirs have caused the water level of the Dongpei River to rise. On the morning of the 23rd, a dam on the east bank of the Dongpei River burst nearly 10 meters. The local water conservancy department has joined hands with Qingshan Township Government in Yu ‘an District, where the production dam is located, to stop and repair the breach.

  Huaihua, Hunan Province: Class III emergency response to flood control was launched to urgently transfer more than 60,000 people.

  In Huaihua City, Hunan Province, more than 700,000 people in Hongjiang District, Jingzhou County and Yuanling County were affected by heavy rain, and 63,217 people were urgently transferred. 125 houses were damaged, and Huaihua City started flood control level III emergency response. Due to the timely storage, the four major rivers in Hunan — — The water level of each branch in Yuanling section of Yuanshui River is stable.

  Yingshan, Hubei: The secretary of the village branch was washed away by the flood during the rescue.

  At noon on June 21st, Liu Shuicun, secretary of the Party branch of Poernao Village, Wenquan Town, yingshan county, Hubei Province, was washed away by the flood during the emergency rescue. Yingshan county firefighting, public security and professional rescue teams are conducting search and rescue.

  Jiang Hongsheng, Deputy Squadron Leader of Yingshan Squadron of Huanggang Blue Sky Rescue TeamAccording to our experience, we analyzed the scene of the accident. We mobilized two search and rescue boats, two sonar, 14 search and rescue team members, and other neighboring units to participate in the joint rescue. At present, the search and rescue area has reached 18,000 square meters, which is underwater. We are going to expand the search area.

Does running make people younger or older?

Some time ago, a runner left a message asking: Why do some people run younger and younger, while others run older and older? Are they running too much without oxygen?

This is indeed a question that many people like to discuss. When we write about some running characters, we often see similar messages, such as writing about running friends who lose weight. Some people will leave a message saying: How do you feel older after losing weight?

Not long ago, I wrote that the British 60-year-old grandfather broke the world record of 60-year-old half horse with 1:11:09:?

?Then a runner left a message saying: it looks too old, and the 70-year-old people who do farm work at home are not as old as him.

However, the same 60-year-old Japanese grandfather Iwanaga Yoshiji, who ran 33 minutes and 39 seconds in 10,000 meters, changed his message style.

Let’s look at the 70-year-old Shaoxing horse running out of 258 yellow wealth. If there are running friends, leave a message: My dad is 70 years old, and he looks at least 10 years younger than my dad.

Let’s take a look at this runner we interviewed before who lost 80 pounds by running:

Then a runner left a message to refute the saying that running will make people old:"Let’s look at the aging after running. This has changed from thirty or forty uncles to small meat."

Is it very confusing? Why do some people look younger after running and others look older after running?

Today we are going to talk about this topic.Whether running makes people old or young.


A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2018 shows that running for a long time can make your body at least 10 years younger. this isBecause regular exercise all the year round will greatly improve the health of cardiovascular system, bones and muscles.

Dr. Scott Trappe, who is in charge of this study, said: Many people who are 75 years old but exercise regularly actually have the same level of cardiovascular health as middle-aged people aged 40-45.

In 2017, an American study also showed thatLong-term running can prolong life span by 7 years.

Even if your weekly exercise only reaches the minimum recommended to keep healthy, you can prolong your life. Research shows that you can live longer as long as you start exercising, regardless of your age, gender and health status.

If you have smoked, your life expectancy can be extended by 4.1 years after starting exercise; If you don’t smoke before, you can prolong your life by 3 years. Even if you smoke after you start exercising, you can prolong your life by 2.6 years.


With the increase of age, people will become more and more dull. But regular exercise will keep you agile.

In 2012, the research published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review believed that regular exercise could resist the mental decline with age, such as selective attention, task switching and working memory.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina found that:Runners have younger brains.Because people who often take part in exercise, their brains will shrink slowly, because exercise will increase blood flow and deliver more oxygen to their brains.


With the increase of age, the bone mass of human body will gradually lose. Osteoporosis is a common disease of the elderly, and running can slow down the speed of bone mass loss.

It is often said that running is easy to hurt your knees. In fact, this is a very big misunderstanding. David Felson, a researcher at Boston University, said in an interview that,Running can make your knees healthier, not damage them.?

"We have learned from long-span studies that running does not hurt your knees." Felson said, "When we look at their knee arthritis, the difference between runners and non-runners is obvious. People who run regularly have a much lower probability of suffering from knee arthritis. "


Two days ago, the State Council released the Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of China Residents (2020), which showed that more than half of the adult residents in China were overweight or obese.

butObesity is the root of all diseases.Metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea and elevated blood pressure are all related to it. The World Health Organization has officially regarded obesity as a disease, so there is no such thing as a healthy fat person!Obesity can reduce people’s life by 8 years on average.

Many chronic diseases, such as "three highs", are inseparable from the word "fat". And many people insist on running for a period of time, and when they go to the physical examination, they will find that these three indicators are normal.


As the saying goes: smile, ten years old. Many people go running when they are stressed or in a bad mood, and they will feel much more comfortable after running. This is because running produces an endogenous phenolic hormone.

In 2006, a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise showed that,Simply walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes can immediately improve your mood and get out of depression.

In modern society, the communication between people can be said to be less and less, and it becomes more and more "lonely". Many people pull a long face all day and have no vitality at all.

Persisting in running can relieve stress and improve mood. You can talk to yourself during running, reconcile yourself with yourself, and you will understand when you are running.

Moreover, running is a sport with strong social attributes. You can meet many like-minded friends through running.One person can run faster, and a group of people can run farther and happier!


Human aging is an irreversible natural phenomenon. This is because with the increase of age, the number of mitochondria in cells will decrease, and the decrease of mitochondria will make cells become less and less active, so the body will gradually age.

And the magic of running is thatCan repair mitochondria, which can make cells more energetic, which means the body is younger.?

A researcher at the University of Colorado said, "Running will make your muscles younger. If you increase mitochondria through running, then the young body will affect all aspects, such as reducing heart disease, reducing bone loss and reducing the risk of diabetes. "

In addition, running can also make the aorta more elastic, make the heart younger and reduce the occurrence of various diseases; Make your muscles and bones strong, which is also a necessary part of keeping you young.

Since scientific research shows that running can make people younger, thenWhy do you still get old??

This is because running too much or the intensity is too great.

After a lot of running, especially after taking part in the ultra-long marathon or cross-country race, people feel "getting old". this isBecause after a lot of exercise, the body produces excessive free radicals, which leads to low immunity.

free radical(Free radical, FRs), also called free radical, refers to a group, ion, atom or molecule whose outer orbit contains unpaired electrons; Free radicals are chemically active and have strong oxidation, which can take away electrons from normal cells and tissues, thus damaging cells and tissues.

If you don’t have enough time to recover, free radicals are produced too much or removed too slowly.Excess free radicals will attack life macromolecules and various organelles, causing various damages to the body at the molecular level, cellular level and tissue and organ level, thus causing various injuries to the body. If you go back and forth, people will "age".?

Excessive exercise and fatigue may also lead to neurosis, which will reduce your reaction ability, balance and muscle elasticity, and begin to feel such as dizziness, nausea, bad food, poor sleep, depression, general fatigue, listlessness and tiredness of running.


Last month, the World Health Organization published the Guide to Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior, which suggested that adults should do it at least once a week.150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise; Or 75-150 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise.; Or the equivalent combination of two kinds of physical activities, you can get great health benefits. This is the minimum amount of exercise.

For additional health benefits, you canDo moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for more than 300 minutes every week; Or more than 150 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise;And the equivalent combination of two kinds of physical activities.

Moderate intensity is generally considered as reaching 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, while reaching more than 80% is the intense intensity.

As far as running is concerned, 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate is the intensity of aerobic jogging. Running for 60 minutes a day and five times a week is enough for health.

At the same time, it is also recommended to carry out moderate or high intensity for at least 2 days per week in the guide.Muscle strength training, including all large muscle groups; Limit the time of sitting still and moving less.

Strength training is essential. One of the reasons why 60-year-old Yan Yongyi is young is that he can use different equipment to train and recover strength.

The 70-year-old Huang Wealth once said in an interview that he would take a break every Monday and Friday to train the core strength of his legs and waist and abdomen. "In particular, I strengthened my strength training, and I didn’t feel tired when I ran behind, and I ran faster than the first half."

Academician Zhong Nanshan, on the other hand, takes three or four days a week to get up early for exercise, running for about 25 minutes first, and then doing some strength training for about an hour at a time.

So,Although exercise is good, it is necessary to control the amount and degree. It is best not to carry out a single exercise, and it is more beneficial to health to combine various exercise methods.

Coupled with reasonable intake of nutrition, daily attention to sun protection and other good living habits, people will be healthier, younger and more energetic, thus making your life more quality.

?interactionSo, how has running changed you? Do you look younger than your peers? Welcome to share your message.

Why can miscellaneous grains reduce cardiovascular disease? What foods can be counted as "miscellaneous grains"?

  The idea of coarse cereals has a long history. As early as more than 2,000 years ago, in the book Huangdi Neijing, the principle of balanced diet was put forward, in which coarse cereals refer to "rice, adzuki beans, wheat, soybeans and millet", which shows that coarse cereals have played an important role in diet since ancient times. So, what kinds of grains do miscellaneous grains include?

  Generally, it refers to cereal crops other than rice, wheat, corn, soybean and potato, in which cereal grains mainly include sorghum, oats, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, etc., and bean grains mainly include mung beans, adzuki beans, kidney beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils.

  Compared with polished rice, which nutrients of miscellaneous grains are more abundant?

  Miscellaneous grains are rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and a variety of bioactive substances, with high nutritional value. Compared with polished rice, miscellaneous grains are richer in protein, insoluble dietary fiber, B vitamins and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and iron.

  1. protein

  Protein is rich in coarse cereals, especially leguminous coarse cereals, and protein is as high as 20%, which is a good source of plant protein. Cereal protein generally lacks essential amino acids — — Lysine, while miscellaneous beans contain high lysine. When they are eaten together, they can make up for the shortage of cereals and improve the overall utilization rate of protein.

  2. Dietary fiber

  Miscellaneous grains are also rich in dietary fiber, which can not only increase satiety, control weight and lose weight, but also enhance intestinal function and improve constipation, which is also very helpful for lowering blood lipid and protecting blood vessels.

  3. Vitamins and minerals

  Coarse cereals are rich in B vitamins, and the contents of minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc are much higher than those of refined rice. These nutrients play a very important role in maintaining the normal function of the body. For example, B vitamins generally participate in various physiological processes in the body in the form of coenzyme, which is an indispensable substance to promote metabolism in the body and convert sugar, fat and protein into energy. Calcium can form a strong skeleton to support the whole body and protect the heart, lungs and teeth. Iron is the raw material of cells and participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, myoglobin and some enzymes in the body. Zinc can promote growth and tissue regeneration, promote vitamin A metabolism, and participate in immune function.

  4. Other plant active ingredients

  Coarse cereals are also rich in phenolic compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and phytosterols, which have strong antioxidant biological activities.

  In addition to reducing cardiovascular diseases, what are the effects of miscellaneous grains?

  1. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular metabolic diseases.

  Studies have shown that a higher intake of miscellaneous grains is associated with a lower risk of diabetes and ischemic stroke. For every 100g/day increase in intake of miscellaneous grains, the risk of diabetes and ischemic stroke is reduced by 14% and 13% respectively.

  2. Regulate blood sugar

  Miscellaneous grains contain many plant active ingredients that can reduce blood sugar concentration, including polysaccharides, flavonoids, dietary fiber and so on. These plant active ingredients are helpful to delay the digestion and absorption of food, improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, and thus play a role in preventing or slowing down the increase of blood sugar in the body.

  3. Regulating blood lipids

  Coarse cereals are rich in dietary fiber and polyphenols, which can reduce the plasma cholesterol level by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the diet and promoting the excretion of cholesterol, or by slowing down or reducing the fat absorption.

  4. Promote intestinal health

  The rich dietary fiber contained in coarse cereals can hold water, adsorb water molecules in the intestine, increase the volume of feces, promote food residues or toxins to move in the intestine and excrete them quickly, which is helpful to prevent constipation and reduce the risk of rectal cancer. The plant polysaccharides contained in it are decomposed and utilized by intestinal flora in the intestine, and fermented to produce short-chain fatty acids, which provide energy for intestinal epithelial cells and protect the intestinal barrier.

  5. Antioxidant activity

  Coarse cereals are rich in natural antioxidants, such as phenols, unsaturated fatty acids, sterols, phytic acid, vitamin E, etc., which can help the human body to better resist free radicals and delay aging.

  How to open the correct posture of eating miscellaneous grains?

  1. The intake should be appropriate

  China residents’ dietary guidelines recommend that 50-150g of whole grains and legumes should be consumed every day, among which whole grains and legumes are the main sources of whole grains and legumes.

  2. Eat with thickness.

  Although the nutrition of miscellaneous grains is good, it cannot completely replace polished rice flour. Because of the high content of dietary fiber and resistant starch in miscellaneous grains, it will cause certain pressure on the gastrointestinal tract. Especially for the elderly, children and people with weak digestive function, the inedible dosage is too large. You can eat coarse cereals and polished rice flour together, and gradually increase the proportion of coarse cereals in the staple food according to your own physical reaction and taste acceptance. Healthy adults can eat 1/3 to 1/2 of the staple food every day.

  3. Fine coarse grains and diversified cooking methods.

  Coarse cereals are hard in texture, so they can be soaked for several hours before cooking to fully absorb water, and at the same time, anti-nutritional factors such as phytic acid and saponin can be removed by soaking. The miscellaneous grains rice or porridge with soft and rotten taste can be made by using the miscellaneous grains rice function of electric rice cooker or pressure cooker, and it is also a good choice to make miscellaneous grains soybean milk or miscellaneous grains rice paste with soybean milk machine and wall-breaking machine.

  4. Gluten and beans are mixed and varied.

  The composition of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients contained in different miscellaneous grains is quite different, so it is more nutritious to eat them together. When cereals and beans are eaten together, amino acids can complement each other and the overall utilization rate of protein can be improved.

  Text/Qin Wen (Institute of Nutrition and Health, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

  Knowledge link

  Afraid of cardiovascular disease? These foods will be late if you don’t eat them.

  Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, nearly 18 million people worldwide die of cardiovascular diseases every year, accounting for more than 30% of the total deaths. Three points move, seven points eat. Many diseases are eaten diseases, and cardiovascular diseases are no exception. If you don’t eat right, the chances of high blood pressure, myocardial infarction and stroke are much higher than those who "eat". So, what is the right way to eat? Let’s take a look at a recent research conclusion published in the European Heart Journal, which is a joint research result from Fuwai Hospital in Beijing and McMaster University in Canada. If you want to help your parents and your friends with healthier cardiovascular system, prepare a small notebook quickly.

  These seven kinds of foods, if eaten in the right amount, can have stronger small hearts and blood vessels. (Note: 1 cup = about 240 ~ 250 ml, 1 ounce ≈ 28.3 grams)

  1. Fruits and vegetables: 4 to 5 servings a day.

  Quantity per serving: 1 apple/banana/pear; 1 cup of green leafy vegetables; 1/2 cup other vegetables

  2. beans: 3 to 4 servings per week

  Dosage per serving: 1/2 cup of beans or lentils.

  3. Nuts: 7 servings per week

  Quantity per serving: 1 ounce (about 28.3 grams) of tree nuts or peanuts.

  4. Fish: 2 to 3 servings per week.

  Quantity per serving: 3 ounces of cooked fish.

  5. Dairy products: 14 servings per week

  Quantity per serving: 1 cup of milk or yogurt; 1.5 ounces of cheese

  6. Whole grains: appropriate amount (for example, 1 serving per day)

  Quantity per serving: 1 slice of bread (40g); Half a medium-sized pancake (40 grams); Half-cooked (about 75-120g) rice/barley/buckwheat flour/coarse wheat flour/corn paste/coarse wheat or quinoa.

  7. Natural meat: moderate amount (for example, 1 serving per day)

  Quantity per serving: 3 ounces of cooked red meat or poultry meat.

  To sum up, the healthiest diet with high scores corresponds to the energy supply ratio of the three energy-supplying nutrients, which is roughly as follows: 56% comes from carbohydrate, 27% comes from fat (8.9% comes from saturated fat, 15.0% comes from unsaturated fat), and 17.2% comes from protein.

  After sharing the core information, let’s talk about the reference level of this study: the sample size of 245 thousand people; The sample covers 80 countries on 5 continents and regions with different levels of economic development. 21% of the participants come from high-income countries, 60% from middle-income countries and 19% from low-income countries, which is similar to the global population distribution; The average follow-up time was 9.3 years. It is by far the most diversified nutrition and health outcome study in the world.

  Text/Liu Suiqian (popular science worker, clinical nutritionist, member of China Nutrition Society)

Is the English stop announcement of Rail Transit Line 5 inaccurate? Teacher outside Sichuan gave the answer.

Recently, some netizens posted on the Internet that "there is something wrong with the rail transit station? Is this enthusiastic citizen’s reminder correct? " In the post, it is questioned that the grammar of English stop reporting and rolling subtitles in Shiqiaopu-Tiaoping section of rail transit line 5 is inaccurate.
Netizens posted questions.
The netizen "Looking at Bashu with Cold Eyes" posted a post on May 3rd, claiming that some Chongqing citizens complained that the English stop announcement and rolling subtitles of Shiqiaopu-Tiaodeng section of Rail Transit Line 5 were inaccurate, and listed three problems.
The first question, Shiqiaopu starting station. In-car broadcast: Welcome to Chongqing Rail Transit Line 5 Welcome to the Chongqing…… … Netizens think that the one is unnecessary, and it should be: Welcome to Chongqing …
The second question, in-car broadcast: the train will open The doors open on the right, and the right on the right is not pronounced correctly.
The third question, rolling subtitles in the carriage: This train is the Local train. Netizens think it should be: This train is a Local, or: This train is Local.
The rolling subtitles in the carriage photographed by the reporter are as the netizens said.
At noon today (7th), the reporter came to Shiqiaopu Station of Rail Transit Line 5, and took Line 5 from the starting station. As netizens said, the broadcast of the starting station was indeed "Welcome to the Chongqing…… …" Later, through the rolling subtitles in the carriage, the reporter also saw what netizens said, "This train is the Local" and other translations.
Whether there are grammatical problems in these English, the reporter contacted Mr. Li from the School of English, Sichuan International Studies University.
Teacher Li said that the netizen’s suggestion is reasonable.
Teacher Li gave a slightly detailed explanation. First of all, proper nouns should be preceded by zero articles, and definite articles cannot be added before Chongqing. In addition, this train is an ordinary train, which is a general term, and the indefinite article A, a local train is the train that stops at every station. As for whether the pronunciation of right in the second question is accurate, it is impossible to judge because I have not heard the specific content. Teacher Li also said that the usage of English articles is really complicated, and the suggestions of netizens are reasonable and accurate.
At present, the reporter has given feedback to Weibo, the official rail transit official.
Upstream News chongqing morning post reporter Fu Dixi