The reality show "Our Beautiful Life" jointly produced by Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV invites different stars to try out the experience officer every week to provide business suggestions for the homestay. This week "Our Beautiful Life" came to Harbin people! Lu Yi and Bao Lei are here. As a Harbin person, Bao Lei doesn’t know if she will provide any business suggestions with Northeast characteristics?
The first couple of experience officers, Lu Yi and Bao Lei, came as guests, coinciding with the beautiful partners going to the next village to study. They made an appointment to meet at the homestay in the next village. After an old friend-style "dismantling" greeting, they began the "pig chasing competition". The scene is full of situations, who can see the "pig" with their eyes?
After the visit and study, everyone rode back to the Good Life Homestay. After a night of trial stay, Lu Yi and his wife put forward their opinions on the heating measures in the homestay room. After hearing the reason, Cai Shaofen called it their own problem. Why is this? To make the unique gift of the Good Life Homestay, they went to the farm to pick up eggs, bring baskets to pick flowers, and carry water bottles to fetch mountain spring water. They wanted to make oil tea flower dew for Lu Yi and Bao Lei, but they were told that it would take 1 hour. Can they make the flower dew before Lu Yi and his wife get on the bus?
After the beautiful partners reluctantly bid farewell to Lu Yi and Bao Lei, they will also welcome new trial experience officers Meng Jia and Zhou Bichang. The two took two big red snakeskin bags to participate in the construction of the library. They sorted books and created graffiti. After finishing their work, they wore winter cotton pajamas, danced in the square, and went out to look at the stars, showing their down-to-earth side.
Harbin Daily reporter, Gao Yun