
Revealing the Translation Process of "Guardians of the Galaxy": 8 Processes to Check Layer by Layer

Preliminary preparation: Disney provides English dialogue text and Chinese translation table of nouns
    "Guardians of the Galaxy" was released on the mainland on October 10, and Jia Xiuyan did some preparation work in late June when he learned that he would be a translator for the film. "I watched Tieba and gained a deep understanding of the story and the characters in it through the Internet. In fact, it is necessary to understand the background of the film. There will never be a situation where you just start reading without watching or understanding anything."
    In July, she got the English dialogue text, the Chinese translation table of nouns and the film manual. These three things may be relatively unfamiliar to ordinary netizens, all of which came from the film, which was provided by Disney, the filmmaker of "Guardians of the Galaxy" this time. "The international version of the dialogue text is much more complicated than our common Chinese scripts. The rulers, names, place names, scenes, etc. are all written very clearly."
    The ruler that Jia Xiuyan mentioned refers to the size and time of each sentence. Basically, each sentence should be controlled within 20 words. When translating, parentheses, punctuation, and annotations should not be added, and the subtitles should not appear difficult words that hinder the audience’s understanding. Speaking of this, Jia Xiuyan gave an example, "For example, the word’covet ‘is actually not so easy to understand, and Director Zhang also said that the audience will not be so clear when the word is said, usually we will change a word and replace it with something easier to understand."
    The Chinese translation table of nouns stipulates the Chinese translation version of some fixed nouns, such as people’s names, place names, etc. The planet "Terran" mentioned in the film is specified as "Special Blue Star" in the Chinese translation table of nouns. The movie manual will explain the overall style tone and general content of the introduction. Take "Guardians of the Galaxy" as an example, the movie manual will mention that the movie is humorous and will also give a general introduction to the Marvel Universe.
    Each of the five protagonists in "Guardians of the Galaxy" has its own unique personality, which also needs to be distinguished when translating and dubbing. "Drax speaks in a crepe, and Kamora is a woman and a man. When we translate the dialogue, we must highlight these characteristics in order to make the audience feel their charm." Jia Xiuyan revealed that sometimes the film will ask the translator to replace a certain noun with a local word, so that the film can be better "down-to-earth".
Translation process: multi-party handling and layer-by-layer checks
    After really entering the translation work, it took 7 days for Jia Xiuyan to complete the translation of the text dialogue and the script, and then the voice actors went into the studio to record, proofread, and go through a process of proofreading the subtitles.
    During the translation process, Jia Xiuyan will also work with the film,translationThe director communicates, mainly targeting some laughs and difficulties. After the translation is completed,translationThe director will review, "This is also the most critical and important review. He will check whether the dialogue is complete and smooth, and also see if the dialogue is in line with the identity of the character, and the artistry of the lines should also be considered."
    After entering the studio, the director, translator, filmmaker, sound engineer, voice actor, Chinese text correction recorder and others will be present, and during the word-for-word recording process, they will correct and modify. Then, there is the subtitling staff’s review. According to Jia Xiuyan, when using professional subtitling software to upload subtitles, in addition to correcting typos, subtivists will also proofread the lines again. After the subtitling staff, there will be someone who will continue to review, which is the production director. After the latter gets the subtitle file, he will check whether the lines are accurate again, and will also remove some mood words, such as "ah", "is" and so on.
    Finally, the subtitles are handed back to the translator, who performs another pre-review. When all the people behind the scenes have completed their work, the film will be submitted for review. Although the relevant personnel are mainly examining the technical problems of dubbing, they will also propose changes to the Chinese dubbing and subtitles.
    To sum up, the translation process of a foreign film is indeed, as Jia Xiuyan put it, "a layer of checks."
extended reading
    1. Jia Xiuyan has been working as a translator for about 8 years. She did not graduate with a major in English, but she has certain advantages in Chinese. As netizens know, she is an employee of the Bayi Factory. When she first came to the Bayi Factory, she followed the arrangement of the leader and began to get in touch with the translation work. After several years of study, she gradually translated some batches.
    2. Zhang Yunming is a well-known translation director in the mainland and the director of Disney International Dubbing Company China. He has extensive experience and has dubbed Tang Seng in the 86 version of "Journey to the West".
    3. There are four major ones in the mainlandtranslationThe units are Beijing Film.translationFactory (China Film Group Translation Center), Bayi Film Studio, Shanghai FilmtranslationFactory and Changchun Film Studio.
    4. A foreign language filmtranslationThe process requires at least eight procedures.
    (1) China Film Import and Export Corporation: responsible for reviewing imported films, distributing films to the four major film studios, assisting and supervisingtranslationProcess, review of translation quality
    (2) Producer: undertaketranslationTasks, choosing a director, translator, sound engineer, and the entiretranslationprocess responsibility
    (3) Translation: Translate the dialogue of the film, make the dialogue script, and proofread the subtitles script
    (4) Director: Proofreading the dialogue script, selecting actors to organize dubbing
    (5) Voice actor: voice actor
    (6) Recording engineer: dialogue recording and mixing
    (7) Subtitle staff: produce subtitles and proofread subtitles for films
    (8) The person in charge of the film: for the wholetranslationprocess responsibility

The annual spring breeze blows from the east, and the garden is full of spring

"Carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit and recast the glory of Dongfeng." Chairperson Jiang Zemin’s inscription for Dongfeng people inspired all the cadres and workers of Dongfeng Truck Company to work together and work hard, and achieved the most brilliant results in history. In 2002, the company produced and sold 158,000 cars, achieved sales revenue of 20 billion yuan, and created profits of 1.50 billion yuan. Both operating quality and profitability reached the highest level in Dongfeng’s history. In 2003, the company targeted to sell 160,000 cars, and medium-sized car sales continued to maintain the first market share. Sales revenue was 22 billion yuan, and profits were 1.60 billion yuan. Dongfeng commercial vehicles have entered the second golden age of rapid development in history. The restructuring plan of the strong alliance between Dongfeng and Nissan will surely inject strong impetus into the development of Dongfeng commercial vehicles.

Deepening reform, pioneering and innovation

The predecessor of Dongfeng Truck Company was the main part of Dongfeng Motor Company’s production of commercial vehicles. Since its establishment in 1966, it has made great contributions to the country, especially in the 1980s to the mid-1990s after the reform and opening up. With a series of advanced reform practices, it has become a leading enterprise in the automotive industry in our country. However, in the mid-to-late 1990s, due to the constraints of the system and mechanism, the development of the enterprise fell into a trough, and the cumulative loss exceeded 500 million yuan in 1998. At the most difficult time for the company, the Party Central Committee was very concerned about the revitalization and development of Dongfeng. In late May 1999, Comrade Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, visited Dongfeng Company and pointed out the direction for the future development of Dongfeng Company. At that time, Miao Wei, the new general manager of Dongfeng Company, issued a "military order": to turn Dongfeng Company into a profit within three years and contribute to the reform and development of state-owned enterprises.

So Dongfeng Company underwent a "major surgery" – the main body of the company was adjusted into three levels. The first level was the group company of the decision-making body, which was mainly responsible for strategic planning, asset management, production and operation, and macro-control. The second level was the production and operation entity that bears specific profit or cost responsibilities. According to the business process and region, Dongfeng Company reorganized more than 30 professional factories, more than 10 joint ventures and holding subsidiaries under its original subordinates into several major plates such as the truck company, the parts division, Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd., Shenlong Automobile Company, and the southern business division. The third level is the basic unit of production and operation that also bears specific profit or cost responsibilities, mainly including the professional production plants directly under the original headquarters. The truck company came into being.

The newly established truck company is under great pressure, with many difficulties, people’s minds change, and everything needs to be prosperous. So, what makes all truck people face difficulties and challenges, so that the company suddenly comes like an "east wind" overnight, thousands of trees and pear blossoms, and thus enters the track of rapid development?

This is a set of very convincing data in the reform process of Dongfeng Truck Company: in 1999, it turned losses into profits of 360 million yuan; in 2000, it made a profit of 250 million yuan; in 2001, it made a profit of 900 million yuan; in 2002, it made a profit of 1.50 billion yuan. This is the company since its establishment, adhering to the policy of "market-oriented, marketing as a breakthrough, service as the center, and taking the road of quality and efficiency". It has based itself on the market with high-quality products, adapted to the market with flexible marketing, accelerated product development, optimized production and sales structure, and increased the proportion of "double high" production and sales with high-tech content and high added value represented by heavy-duty vehicles and special vehicles. All employees have worked hard and made great achievements. Data show that the company’s various businesses have created the highest level in history, and various commercial vehicles are in short supply across the board. Compared with the same industry in the country, Dongfeng Truck Company has the highest output, the highest sales volume and the best operating performance.

These outstanding achievements are mainly due to the company’s deepening of reform and the establishment of a manufacturing, marketing and management system in line with the market. It can capture market opportunities first, make accurate decisions, attack quickly and win successfully. In the words of Yang Shaojie, general manager of the truck company: "Our truck company thoroughly understands the practical significance of the adjustment of our country’s road transportation structure, and keenly captures the business opportunities emerging in the adjustment of the transportation structure, so that the company can do a good job of serving transportation enterprises and individuals, and usher in the peak of its own development."

Optimize the mechanism and strengthen management

At the beginning of the establishment of the truck company, the new leadership team took office immediately. Reintegrate the internal institutions, get rid of the chronic diseases that hinder the development of the enterprise, take decisive measures, lead the reform to a deeper level, and thoroughly carry out a "big change".

The company first started by rationalizing the relationship, changing the system, optimizing the mechanism, and strengthening management. It successively established a financial management committee, a product working committee, and a preparation committee, and reorganized a heavy-duty vehicle factory, a special-purpose vehicle company, a telecommunications company, and Dongfeng Bus Chassis Co., Ltd. The original automobile transportation department suffered losses for many years. Through reform, it replanned its business direction and changed its name to a heavy-duty vehicle factory. It became the main position for the R & D and production of heavy-duty vehicles, off-road vehicles, and overseas vehicle assembly, special vehicles, and special chassis of Dongfeng Truck Company. After the reform, the auxiliary functional area of business was transformed into a professional factory directly facing the market. The fourth multi-variety and flexible assembly line of Dongfeng Company was built, and the capacity was increased by more than 20 times. It took only more than a year to turn losses into profits. The reform turned a loss-making enterprise into a "special force" with large profits and the company’s new product development and market rapid response.

The system is the carrier, and the mechanism is the soul. The truck company has achieved tasks in place, responsibilities in place, and management assessment in place by implementing measures such as cadre system reform and post evaluation work. The company has also made breakthroughs in the reform of salary distribution, employee management, and cadre management. The average salary of employees has increased by 25%. The company continues to adhere to the principle of "three rigidities" centered on financial management and budget management, give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of all units, and encourage them to base themselves on the market, operate flexibly, and seek greater efficiency growth points. Now the company’s more than 30 units have indicators, and everyone is under pressure.

Market-oriented reform, all the market has the final say. Units that do not meet the profit targets set by the company will not receive full wages, and units and individuals who exceed the profit targets will be rewarded. The reform forced all units to go to the market one after another, face the user directly, and everyone picks up the heavy burden, and everyone has indicators. The new management system clarified responsibilities and rights, transforming Dongfeng Truck Company from a slow-to-respond "aircraft carrier" to a flexible and combat-effective "joint fleet".

Product development to win quickly

The market is changing rapidly, business opportunities are fleeting, and products are the top priority among all factors. Today’s market competition is no longer the concept of "big fish eat small fish", but "fast fish eat slow fish". If you can’t establish a fast-changing production, development and marketing system, it is difficult for enterprises to win in the fierce market competition. In order to become a fast-changing "fast fish", the truck company has changed the previous "serial" to "parallel" management mode from market forecast and information feedback to R & D trial production and production organization, and vigorously promoted "synchronous engineering", so that information feedback, process design, production organization, planning finance, quality inspection and other functional areas of business form a joint force, harmonious resonance, shorten the new product development cycle and production organization time, optimize the management system, and improve work efficiency. The company has strengthened macro-control and micromanagement, established a flexible production system that adapts to market changes, established a perfect production and sales regular meeting balance system, changed the passive adjustment of the work plan to the predictive active adjustment of the early decision-making, and flexible manufacturing system has formed a benign value chain for the company’s decision-making, research and development, production, sales and service.

In terms of new product development, vigorously adjust the product structure and increase the intensity of new product development. This made Dongfeng commercial vehicles quickly attack the city and seize the ground, not only regained a large number of lost ground, but also occupied some new markets. For the flat-head gasoline vehicles that are not well sold in the market, resolutely stop production or reduce production. For products with large market demand, not only should we increase production, but also improve and innovate in configuration and technology to make them more mature and better meet the needs of the market and users. The company focuses on "Tianlong" products and forms a series of products from 240 horsepower, 270 horsepower to 300 horsepower to improve the core competitiveness of Dongfeng commercial vehicles. Adhere to the guiding ideology of cultivating core competitiveness with core products, and use the global commercial vehicle technology platform to comprehensively improve the technical content of Dongfeng products. This year, more than 30 models in 16 series of heavy, medium, light and military models have been developed, and new product sales have reached more than 90%. The success rate of new products on the market is 100%. New products are launched every month, and there are market hotspots in Zhou and Zhou. Dongfeng’s new generation of heavy-duty flat-head semi-trailer tractors represented by "Dongfeng Tianlong", "Dongfeng *******" EQ5075 series cars meet the high-end medium-sized van of Europe III emission regulations, "Dongfeng Iron Armor" EQ2050 series cars meet the tactical indicators of the third generation of light off-road vehicles in the army. New vehicles such as high-mobility light off-road vehicles, "Dongfeng Hercules" EQ3260G series engineering vehicles, and "Dongfeng Urban Wind Shadow" EQ6111RC series ultra-low-floor buses have beautiful appearance, luxurious interior, first-class configuration, high technical content, and set comfort Safety, environmental protection, with a world-class technical level, fully reflects the comprehensive strength of Dongfeng Motor Company’s research, development and manufacturing. The continuous launch of new products has brought fresh blood to the Dongfeng Motor family.

Base on the market and adapt quickly

Sun Tzu’s Art of War says "know yourself and know your enemy, and win a hundred battles". Only by understanding the market can you defeat your opponents. Yang Shaojie, general manager of the company, and Zhou Qiang, secretary of the Party Committee, often lead scientific research, production, and marketing personnel to conduct market surveys all over the country. They keenly found that, on the one hand, our country’s entry into the WTO will inevitably have an impact on the truck market, and the personalized needs of customers have also put forward higher requirements for production enterprises. On the other hand, the country has implemented a proactive fiscal policy, and the development of the western region has been in full swing, which will provide development opportunities for truck companies to expand their broad market space.

"Can Dongfeng trucks meet the ever-changing needs of users? How many new markets has Dongfeng trucks opened up? Which models of Dongfeng trucks are the most popular? What is the marketing and service network of Dongfeng trucks? How can Dongfeng trucks let users buy with confidence and use them with peace of mind? How can Dongfeng truck company go to the international market?" All of this is always haunting the hearts of the company’s management and ordinary employees.

For example, the same truck, the northwest market of China, needs models with good stability and large load capacity; the southeast coastal market needs models that are convenient, flexible and adaptable, indicating that the variant demand of China’s truck market is accelerating. The same truck, Henan needs a flat-head car, Hebei needs a long-head car, Shanxi needs a flat-head and a long-head, indicating that the Chinese truck market is further segmented. The same truck, in the past, users’ eyes were fixed on the multi-pull fast-running models, but now they not only need to pull more and run faster models, but also drive and ride comfortably, which shows that the demand level of China’s truck market is improving. As the same truck, some areas need to be used for coal pulling, some areas need to be used for long-distance transportation, some areas need to be used for engineering construction, and some areas need to be used for port transportation, which shows that the multi-demand trend of China’s truck market is obvious. In response to the variant needs of the market, the company has fought a war of differentiation, implementing differentiation in product design, production, marketing and service, further segmenting the market, and formulating different marketing strategies according to different regions and different consumption levels.

Change static marketing to dynamic marketing, change "business" to "business", everything from the user’s perspective, to a single sales behavior that only promotes products, to an integrated production, supply and marketing behavior that understands customer needs and serves customer needs. A Dongfeng truck sales company in the west organized personnel to promote products to key western development projects such as the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Chaer Salt Lake, and drove cars to the construction site, where production and sales met directly. More than 100 Dongfeng trucks were quickly sold to key construction sites.

Implement "a la carte" marketing, tailor-made cars for customers, as long as customers need, the company will satisfy them immediately. "Customer orders, I will fry." In just over 20 days, more than 5,000 colorful and unique trucks were delivered to users.

There is a demand in the market, and the company must act immediately. For the special needs of the domestic truck market, such as the construction of highway concrete mixer trucks and special fire trucks, the company has not been involved in the past, but has now been listed as an urgent project for research and development, and has launched technical research. In order to adapt to the transformation of the truck market from low consumption to low and high consumption, the company has set up a project to develop high-tech, high-value-added trucks with excellent performance configuration, stable and comfortable operation.

People-oriented is very popular

In the company’s reform and development, the truck company places people first, perfects the system, optimizes the mechanism, closely integrates ideological and political work with production and operation, fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of employees, and gives full play to the enthusiasm of employees to participate in production and management. The majority of cadres and employees participate in the whole process of production and operation of the enterprise with a sense of ownership, and at the same time enjoy the fruitful results of the company’s reform and development and production and operation.

The company has reformed a new salary distribution system, and the new basic salary system is closer to the market. The company has fully established a mechanism of "enterprise distribution depends on efficiency, and employees’ income depends on contribution". According to job responsibilities, technical requirements, labor intensity, work efficiency, work performance, economic benefits and other indicators, the income level is determined, and the grades are boldly opened. There is no cap, so that those who can do more and do more can get more and earn more, so that those who do not work and do less can not "mix" days. In addition, completely break the original boundaries between the identity of workers and cadres. All on-the-job personnel are employees of the company, and they are divided into managers, technicians, production personnel, and service personnel according to the nature of their positions. No matter the cadres and workers, they must compete for jobs; those who cannot compete for jobs will be sent to the company’s re-employment service center for training. In the enterprise, a competition mechanism of "the capable go up and the mediocre go down" has been formed.

The reform will inevitably touch the interests of some people. Within the company, the implementation of a clear reward and punishment assessment system, the implementation of heavy rewards for individuals and units who complete tasks well, and the deduction of funds, warnings, exemptions or demotions for those who fail to complete tasks make every unit leader and employee try their best to do a good job in the enterprise. In the technical department of the company’s frame factory and forging plant, the minister’s income is not as good as that of the vice minister, the vice minister is not as good as the technical staff, and the technical staff is not as good as some front-line technical workers, which is no longer news. This was impossible in the past. In the engine factory, skilled workers with excellent work can enjoy the same monthly bonus of 550 yuan as technicians, which has long been rumored to be a good idea. In addition, the company also set aside 5 million yuan to reward personnel with special contributions, which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of employees. At present, the floating part of the company’s employee income has accounted for 70%, and the income difference between employees can reach 5 to 6 times.

The reform has led to the rapid development of the company, which has brought rich profits to the employees, as well as enthusiasm for work and dedication to the factory. The company is serious about financial discipline and has increased its efforts to reduce costs. The procurement and coordination department takes centralized procurement and the assembly responsibility system as the main line, comparing quality and price procurement, and adopting a healthy competition mechanism. In order to save energy and reduce consumption, some branch and workshop workers changed their working habits during the day and chose to work at night with favorable electricity prices; in order to control costs, workers have gradually developed many good professional habits, such as "changing labor insurance supplies according to the piece", "picking up leftovers anytime and anywhere", etc. In order to reduce expenses, more and more workers have begun to pay attention to the operation process of the purchase and sales link, actively exercise their right to know and supervise, and the company has formed a good atmosphere in which everyone has to calculate an account, everyone reduces costs, and refuses to waste. According to incomplete statistics, in recent years, the company has created hundreds of millions of dollars in economic benefits in terms of cost savings alone.

With the strategic goal of "building a learning type and building the first brand of commercial vehicles in China", Dongfeng Truck Company has greatly promoted the learning style throughout the company, formed an atmosphere of learning for all employees, and improved the quality of employees. Enable enterprise employees to update their concepts, change roles, and think from a different perspective, and truly regard users as "gods" and "parents of food and clothing". Firmly establish the concept of "market first, user first, and service first". Focus on the development of third-generation commercial vehicles. From the development trend of commercial vehicles, products will further develop in the direction of large tonnage, high horsepower, high reliability, safety, and environmental protection. Electronic technology, information technology, satellite remote sensing technology, humanized design, and a large number of applications of new materials and new processes have made commercial vehicles develop with each passing day. With their own wisdom and hard work, Dongfeng people have finally developed a leading domestic, international and advanced Dongfeng series of commercial vehicles.

After joining the WTO, in the face of crises and challenges, the leadership team led by General Manager Yang Shaojie, Party Secretary Zhou Qiang, and Deputy General Manager Hu Jianguo is leading all the company’s employees to integrate into the tide of the world’s automobile industry with a new concept and positive attitude. They will learn from others’ strengths and embrace them, speed up the introduction of foreign advanced technology and management experience in various ways, and narrow the distance with the world’s trucks in as short a time as possible, so that the east wind blows China and goes to the world.

With the advanced technology, superior configuration and superior performance of Dongfeng’s third-generation commercial vehicle – "Dongfeng Tianlong" tractor – officially put into trial mass production on the assembly line, Dongfeng Truck Company has entered a period of rapid development through science and technology, scientific management and lean management. This marks that Dongfeng Truck Company has the ability to combine its own characteristics, introduce, absorb and digest international advanced technologies, and independently research, develop, produce and sell high-end and advanced heavy trucks that meet the characteristics of Chinese roads. This also shows that after three years of reform and development, Dongfeng Truck Company has entered a new fast lane of development.


Sailis Automobile Zhang Xinghai: Make high-end more high-end, luxury more luxurious, and intelligence more intelligent

On February 5, the completion and commissioning of the automobile super factory and the delivery of the first batch of M9 owners were grandly held in Chongqing. Zhang Xinghai, the chairperson (founder) of the automobile, attended the event and delivered a speech. Zhang Xinghai said that the car will take the needs of users as the direction of the development of the enterprise. "Automobile production is not only a vehicle and a moving space, but also a bridge for us to communicate with users. It is the home of the user, and everyone is welcome to go home often!" he said.

Sailis Automobile Zhang Xinghai: Make high-end more high-end, luxury more luxurious, and intelligence more intelligent

Zhang Xinghai expressed his gratitude to the users who have strongly supported AITO. He said that in the 38 years of automobile growth, he has always adhered to the tenet of "user-centered, wholeheartedly serving users", continued to deepen open cooperation, and firmly practiced "do one line, specialize in one line, become a line" "do one car, specialize in one car, become a popular car".

While AITO’s sales are rising, the car user service concept is also constantly being upgraded. Through the implementation of the CARE care service strategy, it runs through the full-link scene of sales, delivery and after-sales, and the channel network continues to be laid out. In 220 cities across the country, there are more than 700 experience centers and more than 200 user centers. At the same time, the car implements the "Spring Festival does not close", allowing users to get their cars as soon as possible and enjoy high-quality pleasant travel services.

Sailis Automobile Zhang Xinghai: Make high-end more high-end, luxury more luxurious, and intelligence more intelligent

Zhang Xinghai also said that in the face of the needs of the global market, as well as different climate and road use scenarios all over the country, in the face of today’s thousand-vehicle level, to the future 10,000-vehicle level, 100,000-vehicle level, or even million-vehicle level delivery, in the face of thousands of people and thousands of cars, the car will continue to iterate and improve, improve at the fastest speed, and meet the needs of all users as much as possible. Let the high-end be more high-end, let the luxury be more luxurious, and let the intelligence be more intelligent!

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Xiaomi SU7 Tasting Meeting: Rice flour is accepted below 300,000 yuan, but the allocation price is below 200,000 yuan?

We went to see SU7, who put his personal reputation on the line.

At 9: 00 am on March 25th, Weibo, the official of Xiaomi Automobile, announced that Xiaomi Automobile will be officially listed at 7: 00 pm on March 28th (this Thursday). At the same time, Xiaomi SU7 opened a tasting meeting in 60 stores in 29 cities to welcome the press conference on the 28th.

The odd-even school also made a special trip to Xiaomi’s home, Chuhe Hanjie Automobile Experience Store, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, to find out. Although the shower didn’t stop early that morning, it still failed to stop customers’ enthusiasm for watching cars. Nearly 50 people were crowded in a place of about 15 square meters, and basically every customer or team was equipped with special technicians to explain and watch.

Source: parity shooting

The on-site staff said, "At present, there is basically only one car in each store. The tasting meeting before the car is officially listed is limited to watching the shape of the vehicle and understanding the relevant configuration parameters. Without the power system and the door, it can’t be opened."

Since the beginning of this year, the whole automobile industry has been seriously involved. BYD took the lead in pushing down the "domino" of price reduction. Tesla, Geely and other brands arrived with flattery, hoping to try their best to hold one position, and Xiaomi, as a late "placement student" at the end of the semester, can rush out from a group of car companies?

There are many rice noodles, and the specific configuration is open and the price is not open.

Many customers who look at the car revealed to the odd-even school that Xiaomi’s sales staff basically called to confirm the time and purpose of the visit. Some people made an appointment in the field on March 22, and they made an appointment only on the evening of the 24 th. The staff still contacted me as soon as possible to ensure the stability of the scene and the smooth flow of people.

At the scene, a female car buyer said at the scene, "I pay more attention to the design and color matching when buying a car. Although only three color matching are exposed at present, the overall streamline of Xiaomi SU7 is very sporty, especially after the tail LOGO is made small, it looks more advanced. If you have cherry blossom powder, you will definitely rush."

Source: parity shooting

Another car buyer directly said that he was a rice noodle and spent at least 500,000 yuan on millet products every year. This time, he took a fancy to the SU7 MAX version of Xiaomi. If the price can be announced at the scene below 300,000 yuan, he will not hesitate to place an order directly at the scene, but the staff said that the new car has not yet arrived at the store.

Curious about the authenticity of the information transmitted online, the technicians at the scene confirmed most of the information to us except the price.

For example, the standard model of Xiaomi SU7 does not have a fast charge of 800V, and it is equipped with a 73.6-degree lithium iron phosphate battery provided by Xiangyang Fudi Battery. This company is a subsidiary of BYD. The new car uses a single motor, with a peak power of 220kW and a maximum speed of 210 km/h. On the other hand, the SU7 Max adopts Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s 101-degree ternary lithium battery with dual motors. The peak power of the front and rear drive motors is 220kW and 275kW respectively, and the maximum speed can reach 265km/h..

The wheel hub is also equipped with Bridgestone TURANZA 6 in the standard version, Michelin E PRIMACY in the PRO version and Michelin PILOT SPORT EV in the MAX version. The super motors V6 and V6s of Xiaomi are jointly developed with UMC and Huichuan respectively, and V8s is the self-developed result of Xiaomi Automobile.

Source: parity shooting

Although the interior and operating system have not yet been officially disclosed, the on-site technicians are very excited to say that 澎湃 OS, as a part of Xiaomi’s ecological chain, will realize the information flow and sharing of mobile phones, automobiles, Internet of Things and other terminal devices, and Xiaomi SU7 can bind charging piles and avoid the charging peak through remote control through networking.

"Imagine that you can reserve a charging point just after work. After parking the car, you can directly call Xiao Ai to turn on the air conditioner and sweeping robot at home. Once you get back, you can rest on the sofa."

However, when we asked about the most extreme trigger range of cars and other terminals, the staff said with regret: "At present, the whole house intelligence is still realized through WIFI connection. The company should not have conducted experiments on this, and the specific data is not clear here."

Parity sent a number of sales staff of Xiaomi Auto to learn about the specific pricing of Xiaomi SU7, but they were told that it was still in the confidential stage. "Our store staff also have loyal rice noodles. Everyone hopes that the final price will be lower than Model 3 and Extreme Krypton 007, and the best standard version will be less than 220,000, but the headquarters did not disclose the specific information, and it will not be known until the market was released on the evening of March 28."

At present, the biggest suspense of Xiaomi SU7 is still "price".

What is the price of Xiaomi’s car to "serve" for dinner?

Although the various advanced technologies displayed at the conference and the real cars that appear repeatedly in many "spy photos" can make people excited. However, when consumers calm down and make purchase decisions, it is crucial for consumers’ final choice, and it may be the price of Xiaomi still hiding half her face from us behind her guitar.

In fact, in view of the topic of price, Lei Jun said frankly in Weibo a few days ago that "the standard version of Xiaomi SU7 is far more configured than (Tesla) Model 3", and said that the purchase cost of SU7 is very high, which will not lead to a low price for external sale.

Source: Lei Jun Personal Weibo

However, it is generally regarded as a precaution for Xiaomi SU7 to appear at a high price, or to raise consumers’ psychological expectations first, and then "persuade" executives overnight to launch products with extremely high cost performance. But in either case, consumers’ money is not blown by strong winds, and the yardstick of market measurement has always been there. If Mr. Lei wants to play the banner of Xiaomi Automobile, he must do better than competing products from friends at the same price.

Looking at the competing products of friends (that is, Krypton 001, Krypton 007 and Model 3), in fact, the price of SU7 has already been blocked. Compared with the Krypton 007, which adopts 800V electrical architecture, single and double motors and is known as the "200,000-yuan tram gatekeeper", the entry-level SU7 without 800V overcharge and without Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s 100-degree battery is simply difficult to parry.

Source: Extreme Krypton 007 Conference

Therefore, even if Mr. Lei denies it, in the current market environment, the starting price of 199,000 yuan is not only a zero probability event, but may become the best price for Xiaomi SU7 to detonate the market.

However, if the starting price is set at 209,900 yuan as the Krypton 007, then the SU7, with its larger measurements, is expected to match Huawei’s smart cockpit strength, still compete with Krypton 007, and even stabilize other competing products in the market. However, if the starting price reaches 229,900, then facing the extremely krypton 007 with 100-degree Ningde battery and 800V fast charge, the SU7 may really have only one way to choose.

The odd-even faction also communicated with a power battery practitioner, and the other party was more direct. If the starting price exceeds 210,000 yuan and the relevant intelligence does not have the ability to shine, then the high probability will not be in the consumer’s choice range.

In addition to the entry-level models, if the SU7 Pro, SU7 Max and even the highest-equipped SU7 FE are all like online pictures, then it is not difficult to understand the way Xiaomi plays.

Source: Net transmission Xiaomi car configuration table

For consumers who want to experience SU7, the most standard version can become "the first car for young people", while the two advanced versions are for middle-class people who really want to experience the new technology released at the Xiaomi technology conference, but I don’t know whether it is the real FE version, that is, to create high-end "toys" for the big shots.

But what exactly is the landing price? Is the SU7 series really stuffed into three models? What is the consumer’s evaluation after listing? It will take until March 28 to see the results.

03 written at the end

On March 25th, Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi, sent a message in Weibo with emotion: "How to introduce Xiaomi SU7 in one sentence? I asked myself this question for three years. My final answer: The goal of Xiaomi SU7 is to be the best-looking, best-driving and most intelligent car within 500,000. "

Although talking about ideals and marketing are Xiaomi’s strengths, the competition between car companies ultimately depends on sales and production capacity.

At present, Xiaomi Automobile has not announced its production capacity. Xiaomi Automobile has signed contracts with 14 sales and service partners, and also listed a list of 59 stores. The channels are mainly divided into flagship centers, sales and service centers, experience stores and delivery centers. Of the first 29 cities, 17 have only opened delivery centers at present.

Some media have reported that Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases and completed in 2025, with a total annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles. The first phase was completed in 2023. At the end of February this year, a research document on Xiaomi Automobile was circulated on the Internet. According to the disclosure, Xiaomi Automobile will be delivered in April. It is estimated that the vehicle output will be about 2,000 vehicles in the first quarter after listing, with an output value of 400 million yuan. In response to this news, Xiaomi officially came out to rumor.

It is not difficult to see that all preparations for Xiaomi Auto are made on the premise that Xiaomi SU7 will explode when it goes on the market. It’s just that this bet on the whole personal reputation of Lei Zong, and then bet on the future gambling of the whole Xiaomi Group. What is the chance of winning?

Who to choose at the same price: latte DHT-PHEV compared with Tang DM-i

  [car home] Although electrification is the general trend of automobile development, high-efficiency hybrid or plug-in hybrid vehicle is undoubtedly the best transition scheme at present, and it will become one of the protagonists in the market for a long time. Today’s plug-in hybrid cars are very different from those of a few years ago, both in terms of feed power/fuel consumption and overall driving quality have been qualitatively improved. Among them, BYD’s DM-i technology is regarded as the pioneer of its own brand in the field of high-performance hybrid, which has won gratifying sales and super-high attention, while DHT hybrid technology from the Great Wall, although late, has more perfect strength to challenge DM-i technology. Today, we will let the representative models of these two technologies, Wei Pai (|) and BYD Tang DM-i, come face to face and see what kind of sparks will collide.

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  The prices of Latte DHT-PHEV and BYD Tang DM-i are basically around 250,000. We choose the two-wheel drive version of Latte DHT-PHEV and the 2021 Tang DM-i 112KM version for comparison, and they are basically the same in driving form and price range.

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    The working principle of this hybrid system under some working conditions is actually similar to BYD Tang DM-I. In the pure electric mode, after the vehicle starts, the engine only acts as a generator under the medium and low speed series working conditions, and does not directly participate in the driving, and is only responsible for supplying the generated electric energy to the battery for charging or the motor for driving the vehicle.

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  However, the difference of Latte DHT-PHEV lies in the addition of its 2-speed DHT gearbox, which can realize the direct drive of parallel engines in the low speed range of about 40km/h, and the transmission efficiency of DHT gearbox is as high as 98%, which is of great help to fuel economy. When there is a big power request, the engine and the motor can work together to drive the vehicle at any time, and get a sharper acceleration experience. However, in the middle and low speed range, Tang DM-i can only power the motor through the engine and battery to drive the vehicle, and there is delay and loss in the process of energy conversion, so the acceleration experience is inferior.

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  In addition to the improvement of dynamic response speed, the special DHT gearbox for 2-speed hybrid power will shift into the second gear when cruising at high speed, so as to allow the engine to enter the operating range with the best fuel economy and further reduce fuel consumption, while the whole gear shifting action is silent, with no obvious sense of intervention, and the body feeling of people in the car is not obvious.

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  With an efficient hybrid system, combined with a special 1.5T engine for hybrid power and a large-capacity power battery. The system of the two-wheel drive version of Latte DHT-PHEV has a comprehensive maximum power of 240kW(326 HP) and a comprehensive maximum torque of 530N·m, which can achieve a pure electric cruising range of 184km. Even in the state of power shortage, the comprehensive fuel consumption of the vehicle can be controlled at 5.4L/100 km (comprehensive cruising range of 1000+ km), which is in terms of power, fuel economy and high-purity electric cruising range.

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  The structure of BYD’s DM-i hybrid system is relatively simple. In most cases, the engine is only used as a generator to provide power for the motor. It does not participate in the driving of the vehicle at low and medium speeds, but is only responsible for generating electricity, which is the same as the extended range mode of extended-range electric vehicles.

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  When the vehicle is driving at medium and high speed, the engine comes to the efficient working range. At this time, although the engine can directly drive the vehicle, it can only move forward at a fixed gear ratio. The engine can’t directly participate in the driving in the low-speed state of Tang DM-i hybrid system, and the response is not fast enough; On the other hand, under high-speed road conditions, although the engine can be directly driven at this time, it can only drive at a fixed gear ratio, and its fuel economy is bound to be inferior to that of latte DHT-PHEV.

  The appearance and style have their own characteristics.

  After seeing the invisible core technology differences, let’s compare the two cars that can be seen by people. First of all, in terms of design style, the two cars have their own characteristics.

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Home of the car

  As a luxury brand SUV, Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV gives people the first impression that it is luxurious and stable enough; Tang DM-i continues BYD’s family-style Dragon Face design language, and the whole car looks more dynamic. Both Latte DHT-PHEV and BYD Tang DM-i have a huge air intake grille area. In contrast, Latte DHT-PHEV has more sharp edges and corners, while Tang DM-i has more rounded and feminine features.

  Headlights of the two cars generally adopt a long and narrow design style, and the far and near lights are all LED light sources, and they are all equipped with LED daytime running lights, automatic headlights and adaptive far and near lights.

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Home of the car

  Because Tang DM-i locates the medium-sized SUV, its body size is more prominent than that of Latte DHT-PHEV, and its overall visual experience is also more slender. Tang DM-i has a length/width/height of 4870/1950/1725(mm) and a wheelbase of 2820mm;; Latte DHT-PHEV is 4668/1890/1730(mm) with a wheelbase of 2745 mm.

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Home of the car

  Latte DHT-PHEV’s rim is dynamic, and it is equipped with Michelin Haoyue 4 tires at any cost, which pays attention to silence and comfort and is not weak in grip and handling. Tang DM-i is equipped with 245/45 R20 Jiatong Comfort225 tires, although the specifications are one size larger than that of Latte DHT-PHEV, but the price and cost are quite different.

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Home of the car

  The rear of latte DHT-PHEV is full of layers, which gives people the same feeling of stability and honesty as the front. Tang DM-i adopts through taillight design and still takes a dynamic route.

[Autobots] Xiaomi Automobile is listed, what are the obstacles?

The original intention of Xiaomi to build a car is to maintain the grand system of Xiaomi’s digital ecology. If this starting point remains unchanged, Xiaomi’s idea is still relatively realistic.

Text/"Autobots" Qi Ce

It has been nearly 17 months since Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi Group, announced his official entry into electric vehicles. On August 23, it was information from foreign media, and Xiaomi had obtained the qualification of new energy to build a car.

So far, Xiaomi’s process of building cars is ahead of their own timetable. In the new energy industry, where "standing pigeons" is the norm, it shows that Xiaomi’s control over a new format is online. From this point alone, Xiaomi is not like a novice car maker.

Another source said that the qualification was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in early August. However, Xiaomi officially got the approval, which should be this week. Of course, no one in the media has seen the original approval, and Xiaomi has no official announcement. But this matter is very important, and public opinion is flying all over the sky. Xiaomi can’t ignore it. If he doesn’t deny it, he will default.

Why can Xiaomi get "big qualification"

Around 2017, new energy brands need to apply for "double qualifications", which has been widely concerned by public opinion.

Facts have proved that the "big qualification" (which can be understood as production qualification) approved by the National Development and Reform Commission is more difficult to obtain. Many new forces have applied for the "small qualification" of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. That is, it can meet the "Regulations on the Administration of New Energy Automobile Manufacturers and Products Access" and can also be understood as brand sales qualification.

Production problems, the usual practice is OEM, or acquisition of "shell resources", "Wei Xiaoli" is doing this. However, Tucki and Ideals took the latter route: after purchasing the shell, they did OEM work for a short period of time, and then injected their own car-making assets to achieve the goal of mastering the production resources. Weilai, named OEM, is actually a joint venture on the grounds that Weilai has invested a lot of money in the special production line of Jianghuai.

The regulatory attitude towards the acquisition of shell resources has changed. At first, from the perspective of resource reuse, it is considered that it is best to reactivate the existing production line without wasting resources. Later, it tended not to support the "direct investment" production line, because after buying the shell, the previous car production line was not reused, and all of them were replaced by new ones.

This year, the regulatory attitude is more severe. It is said that it is required not to buy, sell or transfer qualifications in the future. This requirement did not fall on paper, but Baowo appeared on the list of "voluntary" cancellation of production qualifications, which indirectly proved this statement. The rumor that Xiaomi acquired the Baowo license will not be broken.

After the supervision has narrowed, "small qualification" must rely on "big qualification". The self-traveler bought Mahayana’s new energy qualification, but the latter’s qualification expired, and the self-traveler could only be dissolved. The Jidu brand jointly established by Baidu and Geely was also forced to change to Geely-led Jiyue brand because of qualification problems. Baidu changed from leading car manufacturers to system suppliers.

New energy start-up brands have a headache about their qualifications. Xiaomi seems to have no trouble solving it. Although there is still an audit by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the "big qualification" of heavy assets has been won, and there seems to be no reason why the "small qualification" cannot be won.

As soon as everyone compares, it is inevitable that there are some rumors that Xiaomi is "chartered", "default" and "guaranteed" by the above. Others say that Xiaomi’s big qualification may be "closed qualification" (the last car license). We can’t prove it or falsify it. But the reality is that Baidu has been tossing for several years without results, and Xiaomi has applied for a green light.

Both companies have Internet genes and have invested heavily in building cars. The difference between them is that Xiaomi is a technology company with a lot of hardware manufacturing components. Although Xiaomi smart home appliances, 3C products, etc. are also commissioned by the OEM, the original manufacturer is very complicated, but its understanding of hardware quality control is not comparable to Baidu, a pure software company. The latter is a complete newcomer not only to making cars, but also to making simpler mobile phones and the like. From the perspective of supervision, it goes without saying which one is reliable.

In this way, if mass production is put on the market and delivered as the goal of new energy brands, the biggest obstacle standing in front of the goal is to cross it.

Supply chain and popularity are fine.

Then, from now until the first delivery, is it smooth for Xiaomi to build a car?

There is no secret in the methodology of electric vehicle manufacturing. The industrial chain is mature, and all parts are shelf products. China has the most extensive and complete supply chain of electric vehicles with the highest overall technical level in the world. Chips are exceptions and short boards, but the exceptions and short boards of China-related chains have the least lateral ratio.

Xiaomi and Lei Jun themselves (Shunwei Capital) have invested in dozens of chip design and manufacturing startups alone or jointly with state-owned assets. China is rapidly making up for the shortcomings in chip manufacturing with mature processes.

Xiaomi automobile also has an inherent advantage, that is, its popularity is high. When the car was first announced, public opinion was overwhelming. This is not only the credit for the popularity of Xiaomi brand, but also the successful creation of Lei Jun’s personal design.

Electric vehicles are more based on the technology industry. The more labels on technology, struggle and growth of their brand founders, the richer their images, and the natural flow blessing can be formed. This kind of operation can be clearly seen in Lei Jun’s fourth annual speech on August 14th this year.

There is no shortage of funds.

Now there are two points to test Xiaomi’s car: one is capital; The other is the market reaction of the first product. Unfortunately, the information revealed by both is fragmented.

Xiaomi has signed confidentiality agreements with major suppliers. The lack of information is also the reason why public opinion in the industry has different opinions on the prospect of Xiaomi’s car.

When Lei Jun first started to build a car, he announced that he would invest 10 billion US dollars in 10 years and 10 billion yuan in the first phase. This statement has not attracted attention. There are too many pictures of cakes, and the reaction of public opinion to all kinds of "money wishes" has long been passivated.

However, Xiaomi took the road of heavy assets as soon as he came up, and a lot of investment could not be avoided. One is to invest in research and development; The other is put into production. Both sides concentrate on asking for money together, and Xiaomi’s financial burden should be heavier.

Xiaomi stated from the beginning that he would use his own funds to build a car. Over the past year or so, there has been no information about Xiaomi’s car financing and no news of bank credit in the industry. Xiaomi Automobile is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi Group, which cannot be ignored.

In the first seven months of this year, Xiaomi Group invested 6 billion yuan in Xiaomi Automobile. In 2022, innovative businesses such as Xiaomi Automobile invested 3.1 billion yuan. In this way, almost all the initial investment of 10 billion yuan has been invested. In addition to this long-planned budget, there should be additional channels, otherwise this progress will not be achieved at all.

Xiaomi is expected to release the 2023 semi-annual report on August 29th. According to the first quarter financial report, Xiaomi Group’s cash and cash equivalents are 26 billion yuan. Compared with the investment in Xiaomi’s automobile business, the funds within two years are no problem.

However, don’t equate the cash flow of Xiaomi Group with Xiaomi Automobile, and there are still many places where the Group spends money, and don’t put Xiaomi Automobile’s only financial hope in Xiaomi Group. Don’t forget, Lei Jun has the ability to mobilize a large amount of funds through various means.

This is an important wealth difference between an industry man and an investor and ordinary people.

For example, the former has 100 yuan and the latter has 5 yuan. The latter’s 5 yuan is 5 yuan, while the former’s 100 yuan is only his personal 100 yuan. He can easily use this 100 yuan personal assets to incite 1000 yuan’s funds, and this 1000 yuan is the money he can take out immediately.

By this point, Lei Jun has not used bank loans and various financing methods. In fact, the wealth he can control may be as high as 10,000 yuan, depending on how many times he is willing to use leverage. Of course, the latter can’t play well and has a strong self-attack.

In a word, as long as the brand of Xiaomi Automobile is bright, banks (especially those operating in Beijing and Wuhan) will rush to lend to Lei Jun, let alone grant credit. The "road" of the National Development and Reform Commission has strengthened the confidence of creditors. Of course, this is in the current situation where everything goes well.

We have seen many new energy brands that are at the end of the road. The founders come forward to borrow money and even transfer their status as major shareholders, but the high price has not been exchanged for vitality. This at least shows that the money should be spent in the front and cannot be used as a refueling tactic.

Suppliers are still playing games.

So far, these financing methods seem to be useless. At present, the production line debugging of Xiaomi Automobile’s Yizhuang factory is in full swing. At the same time, the recruitment of production line workers (lacking hundreds of workers) proves that the capacity allocation has reached the final stage.

During this period, because of the intensity of new energy competition, it has been very different from when Lei Jun made the decision. Xiaomi’s first product, don’t expect to go much, at least get a "meeting color" so that the next play can be sung.

At present, the unofficial news revealed that BYD, which was originally rumored, did not appear in the list of battery suppliers. Singapore Airlines is the first supplier for Xiaomi and the second supplier for Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. Originally, the positions of the two sides were arranged in reverse. However, on August 3rd, the dispute over Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s claim for 518 million yuan of battery patents from Zhongchuang Singapore Airlines came to an end. Chuangxin Airlines announced that China National Intellectual Property Administration had made an invalid decision on the two invention patents of "Li-ion battery" and "positive pole piece and battery" owned by Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited.

It is not known whether it is this reason that caused the creation of Singapore Airlines to be mentioned as a confession. However, one supply and two supply are not static. According to the free quotation of both parties and the market demand, the location can be changed at any time.

It is reported that the battery pack capacity of Xiaomi’s first car is 101 degrees and the battery pack weight is 642 kilograms. It is worth mentioning that the battery price is falling too fast now. Two months ago, the price of such a PACK was above 80,000 yuan, and now it may be 10,000 yuan less.

The endurance data is a bit outrageous, only 8.8 kWh/100 km. This is hard to believe (it is said that it is still fully loaded at 37℃). It may not be the standard electric load, because it is difficult to comment due to the lack of other information. But since the first car is a coupe, the power consumption per 100 kilometers is much lower than that of an SUV, which is no problem.

At present, this car has been tested in Xinjiang. Although the outside is covered with camouflage, the outline is still easy to identify. Someone joked about competing with Paramera.

The first car didn’t make an SUV, which proves that it is still a brand image. The consideration of engineering process is more important than quantity. There are indications that the technical status of Xiaomi Automobile has been frozen, and the main material suppliers in the BOM may be replaced. But in any case, the first car can be mediocre, but there can be no batch quality problems. At present, the market does not accept the tentative launch of products.

Pricing system and ecology

Someone found out that this car has a high price of 299,000 yuan and a low price of 199,000 yuan. I wonder if there are any other SKUs.

If this price is true, it will be finalized after several adjustments. Although the price may be adjusted, 400,000 yuan is a hurdle. The electric coupe above this price can’t be measured at all, and the key will be to lose the recognition of Xiaomi brand base.

Lei Jun himself is still very concerned about the basic fans. This is what Xiaomi brand has saved in more than 10 years of operation, otherwise Xiaomi household appliances will not take the ride of Xiaomi brand.

The basic powder can’t afford a car, but the public opinion position can’t be lost. We must strive for fans to stand on our side. Dignity is a relative concept, and the key is for everyone to judge "value for money", and this anchor point is more important. Electric sports cars, similar in performance and shape, are all at what price, and everyone has a steelyard in mind. That’s why I made the coupe first.

This objectively requires that Xiaomi’s first car must not be expensive, but also make a brand level. As some public opinion speculated in the past, it may be possible to do more than 100 thousand yuan of electric power in the future, but the first car, as a brand-setting product, should not do so.

In terms of Xiaomi, it is also trying to suppress the profits of manufacturing links. Xiaomi claims that the profit of parts and components will remain at around 1%, and the profit depends on software and ecological services. This is not surprising, Xiaomi mobile phone is this route.

Xiaomi car will be a part of Xiaomi’s ecology. From this point of view, although Xiaomi Automobile is very different from the mobile phone business, Xiaomi Group undoubtedly hopes that the two can produce more linkage effects.

This should be no problem, whether Xiaomi’s mobile phone is embedded in the car or the data interconnection between the two, it is easy for Xiaomi to do. The key point is that the original intention of Xiaomi to build a car is to maintain the grand system of Xiaomi’s digital ecology. If you don’t build a car, the most important piece of land in the future is someone else’s.

If this starting point remains unchanged, Xiaomi’s idea is still relatively realistic. Since car hardware doesn’t expect to make money, it sounds that the difficulty of building a car will be much reduced.

If the first delivery of the first car is the goal, Xiaomi will face some small obstacles next. Xiaomi has quietly changed the node listed in late 2024 to the first half of the year, indicating that Xiaomi’s confidence is also relatively sufficient. Compared with the new car that keeps jumping tickets, Xiaomi may be a clear stream. [Copyright Notice] This article is the original manuscript of Autobots and may not be reproduced without authorization.

The price of Tiggo 8 PRO in Anyang has been greatly reduced! The reserve price is 113,900 yuan, and the promotion is limited.

Recently, car home Anyang discount promotion channel has brought you a wave of heavy discounts! In Anyang area, much attention is being paid to the price reduction promotion. With its excellent performance and high cost performance, this model has always been loved by consumers. Now, you will have the opportunity to buy this model at a lower price. The highest discount of Tiggo 8 PRO reached 13,000 yuan, and the lowest starting price was only 113,900 yuan. In order to get more discounts, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form and strive for higher discounts!


Tiggo 8 PRO is a fashionable and dynamic SUV model, and its design is very eye-catching. The car adopts the latest design language of Tiggo family, and the front face design is unique. The air intake grille is decorated with chrome trim, which shows a sense of luxury and sportiness. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is fashionable, which leaves a deep impression on people. In addition, the car is also equipped with LED headlights and daytime running lights to improve driving safety. The side of the car body adopts a slip-back design to create a dynamic atmosphere. In short, the design of Tiggo 8 PRO is full of vitality and fashion sense, and it is a very attractive model.


Tiggo 8 PRO is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4745*1860*1745 and a wheelbase of 2710 mm. The body lines are smooth and the overall shape is fashionable and atmospheric. The side lines of the car body are simple and smooth, and the roof lines are tilted backwards, showing a sense of dynamic lines. The front and rear wheel tracks are 1582mm and 1604mm respectively, and the front and rear tyre size are 235/55 R18. The tire width is moderate, which can provide stable driving performance and comfortable driving experience.


The interior design of the Tiggo 8 PRO is exquisite, with a leather steering wheel, which is comfortable and supports manual up and down+front and rear adjustment. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches and supports voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight, which makes drivers more convenient. The car is also equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, two in the front row and one in the back row, which is convenient for passengers to charge. In addition, the front row is also equipped with mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main seat supports front-back adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the auxiliary seat also supports front-back adjustment and backrest adjustment. The second row of seats also supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats are laid down in proportion, providing more space flexibility.


The Tiggo 8 PRO is powered by a 1.6T 197 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 145 kW and a maximum torque of 290 N m.. This engine adopts advanced turbocharging technology, which can provide abundant power output and make drivers feel more intense acceleration and power performance during driving. At the same time, with the 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, the shift is smooth and rapid, making the driver’s driving experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

In the design of the Tiggo 8 PRO, we have been recognized by the owner of car home. He said that except that the waistline of the car butt is a little concave and looks a little thin, other aspects are not bad. The front face of the Tiggo 8 PRO adopts a large-size air intake grille and sharp LED headlights, creating a strong visual impact, smooth body lines and fashionable and atmospheric vehicle modeling. In addition, the interior space is spacious and comfortable, equipped with rich technology configuration and luxurious interior, which makes the driving experience more comfortable and convenient. The Tiggo 8 PRO is also equipped with a powerful power system, which provides abundant power output and excellent handling performance, bringing a better driving experience to car owners. To sum up, Tiggo 8 PRO is an SUV with fashionable appearance, rich configuration and abundant power. I believe it will become the choice of more car owners.

BYD Auto: In February, 2023, Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition gained 25,363 orders in five days.

"You can buy a hybrid for 99,800 yuan". In 2023, BYD played the first trump card of Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition, which completely subverted the A-class fuel vehicle industry pattern and increased the pressure on the joint venture brand fuel sedan. According to the latest official data of BYD Auto,Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition has been listed for only 5 days, and it has already received 25,363 orders.Another explosion model is undoubtedly.

It is understood that BYD Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition has launched five models, including 55KM and 120KM endurance versions.Among them, the leading price of 55KM is as low as 99,800 yuan, which is the first time that the price of DM-i model has been lowered to less than 100,000 yuan.

How fragrant is it compared with the joint venture fuel vehicle at the same level? Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition Entry Edition has a 10.1-inch floating central control large screen and an 8.8-inch full LCD instrument panel, as well as reversing images, voice recognition, remote start, NFC Bluetooth key, automatic air conditioning, exterior mirror heating, etc., which has more advantages in configuration.

More importantly, Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition has lower fuel consumption and stronger power.In most cities, you don’t have to pay the purchase tax, and there is no restriction.

In addition, BYD has also made full preparations in terms of production capacity.All models, including 99,800 55KM leading models, have sufficient production capacity.

The appearance of BYD Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition will also make more consumers give up the determination of fuel vehicles such as Sylphy, Lei Ling and Corolla.

Ziqiao technology

The price is millions, look forward to U7 real car exposure! Headlights are exaggerated in design, with a maximum power of 960kW.

A few days ago, a group of photos of real cars looking up at U7 were exposed on the Internet. In the image, we can see that the side of the new car is very stretched and the rear of the car is full, which looks very imposing overall. The new car is positioned as a large car, which has been declared in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It is equipped with "Easy Sifang" technology. The motor power of the four wheels is 240kW/240kW/240kW/240kW, totaling 960kW, which is about 1305Ps. According to the previous news, I hope U7 has opened the reservation, and the price may be in the million level.

In terms of design, Wangwang U7 adopts the language of Wangwang brand "dimension door". The oversized C-shaped headlights and daytime running lights on the front face look vigorous and powerful, just like two huge eyes. With the penetrating air intake below, it looks more imposing as a whole.

Looking up at U7, the side lines look sharp and slender. The front end of the front door adopts a design similar to the shark fin shape, combined with the hidden door handle, which makes the whole look simple and sporty. The wheel hub of the vehicle adopts a forged five-star shape, and a large area of petal styles are available. The rear fender obviously protrudes from the body, which has a good sense of aerodynamics and design.

The rear of the car is relatively simple as a whole. The whole system comes standard with a foldable electric tail, and there are large-size penetrating taillights, with the logo embedded in the middle, and a diffuser under the rear of the car, which has a good overall sense of movement.

In the spy photos before, we saw that looking up at U7 basically continued the style of looking up at U8. The LCD screen was vertical, which was similar to looking up at U8. In addition, it was equipped with a large LCD instrument and a passenger entertainment screen.

In the key power part, the new car will be equipped with "Easy Sifang" four-motor technology. The maximum power of four-wheel motors is 240kW/240kW/240kW/240kW, totaling 960kW, or about 1305 HP. As a brand-looking model, it is expected that the Yunqi body control system will not be absent. The comprehensive endurance of the new car is expected to exceed 1000 kilometers. We will continue to pay attention to more news about the new car.

Chery Geely will enter the Taiwan Province market. Taiwanese media questioned its safety.

  People’s Daily Online, Hong Kong, March 13th Well-known automobile manufacturers Chery Automobile and Geely Automobile will enter the Taiwan Province market in the near future. The local media wrote that the cars made in mainland China have made remarkable progress, but the impact test results are not ideal and the safety is worrying.

  Chery Automobile will make its debut at the Taipei New Car Exhibition at the end of this year and enter the local market with the strategy of "low price". According to the agent, the price of Chery Automobile is still under accounting, and it is estimated that the price of Chery Automobile is 30% lower than that of similar cars. For example, Toyota ALTIS with a displacement of 1.8 liters, the local price in Taiwan Province is about 600,000 yuan (note: NTD, the same below) to 680,000 yuan; Chery A3 with the same displacement is expected to sell for only 450,000 yuan.

  Zhejiang Geely Automobile will also seize the Taiwan Province market. Its small cars with a displacement of less than 1500cc, such as America, Japan, Freedom Ship and King Kong, will be assembled and sold in Taiwan Province. The price of these cars in the mainland is between RMB 30,000 and RMB 50,000, and the price in Taiwan Province will be reduced to less than RMB 350,000.

  Taiwanese media wrote that Chery and other domestic cars have made remarkable progress in recent years, from the whole car to the engine, gearbox and key components, from design and development to engineering technology, trial production and process planning, but their impact test results in Germany, Russia and China are not satisfactory, and consumers are urged to pay attention to the performance and safety of cars, not just greedy for low prices. (LiHaiyuan)

Editor: Xu Guimei