
I followed 100 beauty bloggers, but I still didn’t learn how to make up.

During lunch break and on the way to work, holding a mobile phone to brush a beauty video is a decompression time for contemporary urban beauties. Appreciate beautiful women with fragmented time, and learn beauty skills at the same time. It’s beautiful.

However, after watching so many videos, I still feel "I get it, but I don’t fully understand it".

It’s not that you haven’t learned, and don’t jump to conclusions that you are a crippled party. In fact, the key point is that the facial features distribution, skin condition and preparation work of both sides are different, resulting in different makeup effects.

This article answers the confusion when you watch the video "hand in your homework". Collect it and don’t let it eat ash!

The silky eyeliner in one go without any hesitation is the pursuit of every girl’s makeup. The flexible hands of beauty bloggers are as silky as eating chocolate, which makes people envy.

However, it is a layer-by-layer obstacle to the eyelid accumulation and swelling of the swollen eyelid.

The external eyeliner with swollen eyes often has a sense of seeing with laver patches.

In fact, the use of eyeliner to achieve painting techniques is difficult to master in a short time no matter what eye shape, and the combination of eyeliner glue pen and eye shadow is a faster combination.

In view of the fact that the eyelids "swallow" the outer eyeliner, we can simply change our thinking directly, focusing only on the inner eyeliner that can refresh us accurately, and the outer eyeliner that prolongs our eyes and enhances the exquisiteness of eye makeup.

The swelling and refreshing on the eyelids are no longer pinned on the rigid eyeliner, but on the eye shadow.

Even if it is a clean eyeliner, it can be seen from the comparison that eyeliner gel pen+eye shadow is more suitable for swollen eye bubbles and the eyes are much softer.

After the inner eyeliner is filled with eyeliner glue pen, the outer eyeliner is combined with eyeliner and eye shadow, and it can be pulled out straight along the eye shape. The small triangle at the end of the eye is super simple to operate with this oblique eyeliner brush, and the lines will be very smooth.

If you are worried that the eyeliner is easy to smudge makeup, you can consolidate it with eyeliner after the eyeliner glue pen is positioned, so that the lines will be smoother and cleaner.

The close distance between eyebrows and eyes is also a type of eyelid that is easy to "eat makeup", and visually it will appear that the atrium is longer, and it will often look older after makeup.

It can be improved by lowering the eye position and widening the distance between eyebrows and eyes. The method is also very simple and can be done in 4 steps.

STEP1. Subtract the eyebrows:

If you are born with thick eyebrows, you can try to thin them, or dilute them with light-colored eyebrow dye cream. Daily care, but also pay more attention to the lower edge of the eyebrows, try to compress the eyebrow width a little, and the distance between the eyebrows and eyes will naturally widen.

STEP2. Weaken the upper eyelid eye shadow:

"Transfer" the eye shadow smudge width of the upper eyelid to the lower eyelid, and make an inverted eye makeup. The main color of eye makeup only needs to appear in a small amount on the upper eyelid, as far as possible only beyond the position of eye pleats.

STEP3. Shorten the atrium with the blush at the moment:

If you are worried that the color is not enough after "canceling" the eye shadow, then use the blush at the moment to enhance the color, and at the same time, it also has the effect of decorating the atrium for too long. In the choice of blush color, try to be consistent with the tone of eye shadow and lipstick, so as not to make an abrupt transition.

STEP4. Give up the long curly eyelashes:

Although the "Sunflower" eyelashes are charming, they will further bring the eyebrows and eyes closer, create a sense of urgency, and the eyes will be fierce. The eyelash image extends forward and becomes longer, so it can be thick and slender from the side, and the upward curling of the front side should be avoided as far as possible.

Close distance between eyebrows and eyes can also coexist harmoniously with thick eyebrows and sun flower eyelashes, but the eyebrows need to have a certain curvature to avoid a sense of compactness. Sisters with relatively large facial features can try it, which is very mixed-race spice girl style.

The brightening of beauty bloggers’ eyes always exudes charming sparkle, which makes the exquisiteness of eye makeup go up to a higher level, and also makes the bridge of the nose more straight, which definitely has a bonus.

But in real life, some eyes look dirty when they are finished. In particular, the inner-wrapped corner of the eye is not only dirty, but also has the feeling of widening the eye distance.

Don’t be discouraged yet. It’s not a problem to use BlingBling eye shadow to highlight your eyes, but you need to find the right position. Rosé’ s makeup artist helped us find it.

Rosé eye brightening position

With the same idea of being close to the eyebrows and eyes and improving the length of the atrium, Rosé turned the eye makeup upside down, focused on the lower eyelid, brightened it from the original two sides of the mountain root to the lower eye, and extended it narrow and straight, which not only did not show dirty, but also enlarged the eyes conveniently.

In addition, Rosé hardly wears curly and thick false eyelashes, but tends to use a cluster effect, which will not delay the display of eyelash existence, and will not cover the eyelids too much to avoid further narrowing the eyebrow-eye distance. And her lower eyelashes share the same idea, so the lower eyelashes with presence are also a wonderful trick to shorten the atrium and enlarge the eyes.

In fact, many beauty bloggers pay attention to this point, but most people’s lower eyelashes are not thick and slender enough, so they use the freehand method to "make something out of nothing". Of course, not everyone is so ingenious.

Freehand eyelash rollover scene

When learning makeup, your hands are always the most unreliable. Instead of freehand, it is better to use a super convenient gadget-a single cluster of eyelashes. Don’t think about how difficult it is to stick a whole pair of false eyelashes. A single cluster of eyelashes is really much easier.

Single cluster of eyelashes dipped in glue, scraping off the remaining glue, and directly sticking their own eyelashes to complete the grafting. The effect is extremely natural, just like native.

In addition, the eyelash clip is still "lying flat", which is also a common situation of inner binocular shape. With local eyelash clip, it can be improved by multiple operations in different regions. After the clip is finished, apply the slim primer first, and then use the slim mascara with waterproof effect to avoid the thick one, so as not to be too thick and accelerate the eyelash to lie flat.

When wearing sunscreen, makeup lotion and liquid foundation, the skin on the eyebrows will also be "taken care of", but it is always forgotten when it comes to the makeup step.

When these liquid and cream products are mixed, they will also pile up in the eyebrows, which will make the eyebrows feel stuck. Therefore, it is also a key step to "grind the skin" at the eyebrows with powder makeup products.

Sisters who love oil and often take off makeup can try to avoid eyebrows when applying makeup products, switch to colored powder with sunscreen value, and brush lightly so that the skin around eyebrows does not have obvious color difference with other places. The thinner it is, the less chance of oil and makeup removal.

When you start to draw eyebrows, try not to learn the technique of picking out the clear hair flow from the brow, and start from the back of the eyebrow to outline the eyebrow shape first.

After that, use a small amount of eyebrow powder to transition to the front section, leaving the brow about the width of a fingernail, and then smudge the area that has been painted with eyebrow powder in the direction of the brow with a completely clean brush to create a natural transition.

Finally, comb the hair flow of eyebrows with eyebrow dye cream or transparent eyebrow glue.

The saddest thing about nose repair is that I’m satisfied with it when I finish it in front of the mirror. Finally, I feel like a tall building is rising from the ground, but when I go out to see people, I’m pointed out that it looks dirty, especially girls with wide noses are most often recruited.

Bloggers who follow the narrow nose shape will definitely roll over, so it is more useful to find a template of the same type as themselves.

The nose, which is very fleshy, will not have a straight effect with a straight shadow. We should change our minds and make efforts to reduce the volume and shape the outline of the nose.

STEP1. Cover first, then reshape:

Shadow position is also a key. First, the original black shadow of the nose wing is modified with concealer, so that a new shadow area can be reconstructed. Repairing the volume in the original shadow position will only further widen the nose.

Cr.mia is a fish.

STEP2. Accurate light and shadow position:

The oblique eye shadow brush is easy to use, and the angle and range can be more accurate, and the fluffy bristles can also avoid stiff repair.

High-light highlights should be careful not to draw too wide an area. Accurate and small-scale highlights can have a three-dimensional effect, concentrating and shrinking the nose shape that is too wide.

In addition, girls with fleshy noses try to avoid the bangs that will cover the eyebrows and the roots of the mountains. For a short and wide nose, bangs cover the longitudinal length that the nose lacks, which is one of the key points to weaken the width of the nose.

Joy, is there a bangs comparison?

In the absence of bangs, the five senses have room to stretch, and the nose shape will be longer, so naturally you won’t feel the nose is very wide.

In the era when information is very convenient to obtain, there are many opportunities to see more and learn more, but the application of what they have learned should be combined with the actual conditions. I hope all the sisters can explore a set of beauty-changing methods that suit them ~

* Some pictures are from the Internet.

Editor /Lizzy

Medical treatment, medical insurance and medicine should be combined to build a whole course management system.

Source: [People’s Daily Health Client]

"Before a new drug and a new technology of treatment enter medical insurance, it often needs a process. In this case, part of it can be commercial insurance to solve the cost problem." On March 13th, Peng Mingqiang, vice president of China-Japan Friendship Hospital and executive vice president of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, said in the People’s Daily Health Client’s "Two-Session Health Policy" that with the continuous deepening of medical reform, medical care, medical insurance and medicine need to be combined to provide quality medical services for more patients.

In the "Government Work Report" of the NPC and CPPCC, it is emphasized that it is necessary to improve the medical and health service capacity, further promote the "Healthy China Action", deepen the reform of the medical and health system, and provide the basic medical and health system to the whole people as a public product, so as to further alleviate the problems of difficulty and expensive medical treatment for the masses. It is very important to construct the whole course management mode through Internet medical treatment and straighten out the relationship among the three service scenarios of "medical treatment, medicine and insurance" for improving patients’ medical experience and solving the problem of medical treatment.

Internet medical care helps the whole course management.

Peng Mingqiang said that Internet medical care is an important part of the medical system reform and an important starting point for implementing graded diagnosis and treatment. In recent years, the state has issued a series of policies and documents to encourage and support the development of Internet medical care and the construction of Internet hospitals in China. It is intended to promote the integration of Internet medical care and medical services, and build a medical model that integrates pre-hospital, in-hospital, post-hospital, online and offline, so that informationization can walk more and ordinary people can run less errands.

"Internet medical care is more for patients with chronic diseases and patients who need rehabilitation management. Informatization can provide patients with convenient, fast and efficient medical services. Patients can make appointments at home, doctors can diagnose online, and patients can take medicine offline. For patients, they can get good medical services at home. Telemedicine is more about communication between medical institutions and medical institutions, which can enable remote areas to obtain high-quality medical services and improve the level of medical services at the grassroots level through remote consultation and guidance. " Peng Mingqiang said.

In Peng Mingqiang’s view, Internet medical care has made the medical system more complete. With the reform of the medical system, some problems existing in Internet medical care will gradually be solved.

Promote the deep integration of medical, pharmaceutical and insurance services.

Peng Mingqiang said that medical treatment is inseparable from medicine, and medicine is a very important aspect in the treatment of diseases. With the development of innovative drugs, many incurable diseases have the hope of radical cure. For hospitals, it is also hoped that drugs will be more and more accurate, the treatment effect for patients will be better and better, and patients can use and afford them, so that drug treatment can better serve patients.

"In the traditional sense, many people may think that the most important function for pharmaceutical companies is to produce and develop drugs, and finally provide drugs to medical institutions, but in fact, the scene of pharmaceutical companies is also undergoing tremendous changes. For a company, it is not enough to focus only on drugs. It is necessary to take patients as the center and bring more care to patients. " Bian Xin, president of Roche Pharmaceuticals China, said that from the perspective of pharmaceutical companies, it is always the core value to constantly develop the best drugs. At the same time, drugs should be used by patients in the end, and pharmaceutical companies should also cooperate with medical institutions, payers and other partners in various fields, so that we can work together to create a linkage scenario of various services such as medical care, drugs and insurance in the future.

Peng Xuan, CEO of Center Huibao, said that the development of Internet medical care, the improvement of medical technology and the emergence of innovative drugs have brought more treatment possibilities to patients, giving patients more choices when facing diseases. At this time, it is very important to have enough ability to pay for medical expenses. As the connecting layer between basic medical insurance and commercial insurance, inclusive commercial health insurance can solve the problems of multi-payment and innovative drug payment more effectively, and it is an important part of the national multi-level medical security system.

He Tao, Chairman and CEO of Center Science and Technology Group, said that at present, Center Science and Technology has three sections: medical technology, drugs and insurance services, which constitute the main scene of patient’s whole course management. In the medical treatment scenario, Center Science and Technology and about 170 3A hospitals jointly build and operate Internet hospitals, and carry out full course management from online to offline, from pre-diagnosis, during-diagnosis to post-diagnosis.

How to manage the whole course effectively? He Tao said that the first thing is to think about where to start management, and the second is how to manage effectively. So first of all, Center Technology reaches users and provides services in three scenarios: medical treatment, medicine and insurance. Then there is how to carry out effective management, including three "initiatives". The first is "active screening". Based on the goal that prevention is greater than treatment advocated by the state at present, we work with medical institutions such as disease control and public hospitals to actively screen patients’ inspection reports and find out the disease stage in which patients are located.

The second is "active management", which labels and structures the test reports of patients at different stages and actively intervenes in people in need; The third is "active inquiry" or active return visit, especially for some patients who have left the hospital, to return to their medication effect, data changes in test reports, follow-up reminders, etc. It is actually complicated and cumbersome to do these three initiatives, because it includes pre-diagnosis, in-diagnosis and after-diagnosis. Now the center of the circle processes the data through some technical means, and then makes the service more efficient with the help of AI and big data.

In the medication scene, Center Science and Technology and excellent enterprises such as Roche jointly promote online and offline pharmacy management to meet patients’ medication needs and follow-up management of treatment effects. He Tao said that in terms of insurance services, the treatment of diseases and the use of drugs are inseparable from payment and affordability. Therefore, Circle Center Huibao, a subsidiary of Circle Center Technology, has joined hands with medical insurance and insurance companies to promote the construction of a multi-level medical security system based on basic medical insurance, supplemented by commercial insurance such as Huimin Insurance and specialist insurance, and jointly help reduce the treatment burden of patients.

Editor: Li Shuang

Editor: Z Ryan

Proofreading: Chen Longfei

This article comes from People’s Daily Health Client and only represents the author’s point of view. The national party media information public platform provides information dissemination and dissemination services.


Returning to home after three years, Lei Wu leads the way in the harbor.

Reporter Cheng Shan reports. The slogan "Welcome home" was put up in the brand-new "White Jade Bowl" stands in Pudong. In the second round of the Super League in 2023, after a lapse of 1237 days, the Shanghai Harbour Team finally returned to its real home, beating Shenzhen 3-2, which only satisfied the harbour from the result.

SAIC Pudong Football Stadium was completed as early as 2021, but due to various factors, it has never hosted the Super League competition. As the first professional football field built in strict accordance with FIFA standards in China, the most surprising thing about this venue is that the first row of spectators is only 8.5 meters away from the stadium. Although the overall capacity of 33,765 fixed seats is not large, due to the excellent experience of watching the game and the limited number of people entering the stadium, it is still hard to get a ticket for the first home stadium of the new season in the harbor. On the opening day, it was basically "seconds". Many players’ families want tickets, but they can’t find them.

Although this is the first time that the Harbour Team has played a Super League match at SAIC Pudong Football Stadium, the team members already know the situation of the venue very well because the team has already played many warm-up matches here before. On the day before the game, coach Javier did not arrange the pre-game adaptation training in Pudong football field, but still chose to train in the club’s base in Century Park football field.

After defeating the defending champion Wuhan Sanzhen in the first round away, the goal of the seaport returning to Shanghai is more clear. "We must make a good start for the first time. We have no excuse to lose." Facing the Shenzhen team with young players as the team, the task given by the top management of the seaport before the game is very clear. Coach Javier has always said that he can’t wait to lead the players to make their debut at the new home. "This ball marks that football has returned to the normal track and is a very good thing for our team and fans. We look forward to playing in front of the fans and hope that everyone will play a wonderful level and finally achieve a good result. "

The Shenzhen team, which was plagued by unpaid wages, passed the admission at the last minute, but they were impressive in the first round of the season, defeating Qingdao Manatee 2-1, and even the powerful seaport dared not take it lightly. In the starting lineup, Haigang sent three foreign AIDS PK Shenzhen single foreign aid, Pingke, Oscar and Vargas started, and Achim Peng played in the starting lineup.

Although there is a big disparity in personnel strength, the Shenzhen team continued its good state in the first game. In the first half, Jiang Guangtai scored a goal in front of the harbor, which was also the first goal of the Super League in the new stadium. At half-time, the harbor was obviously superior to the opponent. However, in the second half, Jiang Guangtai was sent off for blocking Archimpen’s single-knife foul. Although Pinko’s next goal stabilized the morale of the army, the harbor was obviously in decline due to the ten-man battle. Shenzhen team Jiang Zhipeng scored a corner kick directly, and before the end of the second half, he assisted Archimpen to equalize the score in the away game.

For the first home draw, the seaport naturally couldn’t accept it. Javier changed into Li Ang, Wei Zhen, Li Shuai, Maiti River and paulinho. It was paulinho who sent an assist to Lei Wu in the 87th minute, and the latter made a quick forward attack and finally fixed the score at 3-2.

A game with great disparity in strength satisfied the seaport, and the process also made the fans on the scene feast their eyes. After the game, Jiang Zhipeng, a Shenzhen player, said frankly, "Even if the other team was missing one person, we still looked a little passive, and it was still a pity that the corner details were not handled well." For him, who played for the East Asian Football Club at the beginning of his career, he still has a lot of thanks to the Shanghai fans. After the game, Jiang Zhipeng not only thanked the Shenzhen fans who came from afar, but also bowed to the harbour fans and got a lot of praise.

At the last moment, Lei Wu, the hero, received the biggest cheers. In the stands of the major fan associations in the harbor, the red ocean that has not been seen for a long time was rendered. "This home atmosphere is great!" Lei Wu went to the sidelines to celebrate the victory with his teammates and fans. Compared with the previous home, the interaction here was closer. "I am very happy and enjoy it. Behind the goal are our fans. At this distance, when facing them, everyone will be very motivated."

Javier, the harbor coach, also thought that the game was rather ups and downs. "We created some troubles for ourselves, and most of the time we played with 10 people." Javier said, "The final result is satisfactory, but I feel that my heart can’t stand it."

It is worth mentioning that in the face of the difficulties in the scene, Javier was very frank. "I will take on all the problems in the game, and I am very happy that the team has not given up. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to the fans, who have played an important role in our winning game. We know that we need to give more excellent performance to the fans, and we will focus on the next game. "

This game is also the second consecutive start of the new aid Pingke, and he scored the first goal after joining the harbor. Regarding his performance, Javier said: "My evaluation of him is positive, he is slowly adapting, and his state will definitely get better and better with the deepening of the league. Pinko is a very good person and a very professional player. "

After winning this victory, Haigang is currently leading the Super League standings (tied with Yatai and leading Shenhua in goal difference). However, it is still worrying whether they can sit firmly in the top spot in the Super League. Next week, the harbor will experience a difficult week of doubles, in which they will go to the away game to challenge Cangzhou Lions on 26th, and then they will return to the home game to start the same city derby with Xinshenhua.

The eight most promising occupations in 2023! Come and see if there is a job for you?

At present, we are discussing which occupations have development prospects everywhere, but the development laws of various occupations are different, so it is very important to grasp the factors. This article will lead you to know which occupations have more development prospects. If you want to engage in these promising occupations, you can search and download them from Baidu, and send resumes to major enterprises to learn more.

The eight most promising occupations in 2023!

First, the most promising career in 2023: software engineer

Software engineer is a very technology-intensive occupation, and it is also a challenging occupation. Software engineers can play an important role in both mobile applications and PC-side software, and are responsible for the development, design and implementation of the software to ensure the efficient and stable operation of the software. In addition, software engineers can also develop various high-tech applications, such as AI and big data, which will bring more development to society.

Second, the most promising occupation in 2023: product manager

Product managers are a very diversified profession. They should not only be familiar with technology, but also grasp the market pulse and customer demand. Product managers should not only participate in product planning, but also participate in project management, manage project personnel and resources, and track project progress. Product managers have strong comprehensive skills, can grasp the pulse of the market and help enterprises walk in the forefront of the market.

Third, the most promising career in 2023: financial analyst

Financial analysts are a very theoretical profession. They should deeply understand the changes in the financial market, give appropriate investment suggestions to companies, and help enterprises seize financial opportunities and avoid financial risks, so as to obtain good returns. At the same time, financial analysts should also understand the changes in domestic and foreign financial markets, find new opportunities in time, and create more value for the company.

Fourth, the most promising career in 2023: artificial intelligence engineer

Artificial intelligence is the future development trend. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, related occupations also have development prospects. Artificial intelligence engineers can make full use of the advantages of AI technology according to the needs of enterprises, identify patterns, solve problems, and provide more possibilities for enterprises. In addition, artificial intelligence engineers can develop more valuable applications according to the needs of enterprises and bring more development to society.

V. The most promising occupation in 2023: website operation.

Website operation is a very complicated occupation, which involves network technology, marketing, channel management and other aspects, and requires operators to grasp the pulse of the market, accurately grasp the needs of users, improve the traffic and user experience of the website, improve the brand awareness of the website, and thus gain more users.

6. The most promising occupation in 2023: investment analyst.

Investment analysts are a very challenging profession. They should have the skills of investment analysis, economic analysis, financial market grasping, accurately grasp investment opportunities, provide valuable investment advice to customers, and help customers get good investment returns. In addition, investment analysts can help customers grasp new investment opportunities through different investment channels, so as to obtain more benefits.

7. The most promising occupation in 2023: Internet legal consultant.

Internet legal consultant is a very challenging profession. They should master legal knowledge, understand the changes of Internet laws at home and abroad, and the legal risks faced by Internet enterprises, and give reasonable suggestions to help enterprises seize legal opportunities and avoid legal risks, so as to make enterprises develop more healthily and stably.

Eight, the most promising career in 2023: data analyst

Data analysts are a very popular profession. They should master the data analysis technology, accurately grasp the data, find out the rules in the data, and put forward suggestions on data analysis to help enterprises seize market opportunities, thus enhancing their competitiveness and gaining more commercial value.

The above are the eight most promising occupations in 2023 compiled by Xiaobian. Look at the recruitment network and there are more occupations waiting for you to explore. Hurry up Baidu search and look at the recruitment network and start a job search!

Will the emergence of Chat-GTP really have a subversive impact?

Recently, news about Chat-GTP has emerged in an endless stream, and more than one article predicted that this technology will become a subversive factor affecting the development of the industry. So what is this technology that is "highly anticipated"? What impact can it bring to human development?


What is Chat-GTP?

If you want to understand Chat-GTP, you must talk about AIGC first. What is AIGC? AIGC is the abbreviation of content generated by artificial intelligence technology, which is similar to the concepts of UGC and PUGC. The content producer of AIGC is an AI machine, which can automatically generate content. Chat-GTP is one of AIGC products. Unlike previous robots, ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology. It can talk through learning and understanding human language, and can also interact according to the context of chat, just like chatting between humans, and even complete tasks such as writing video scripts, emails, copywriting, translation, and codes. Simply speaking, it can be understood as an intelligent machine tool, but why does the appearance of this intelligent tool attract widespread attention all over the world?

The picture comes from the Internet.

The content of machine production has appeared as early as a few years ago, such as writing robots in the press and publication industry, AIpha Go, which has caused a heated discussion because of defeating human beings, and mobile robots developed by various mobile phone companies, as if AI intelligent production has fully entered the normal life of human beings. However, ChatGPT, which appeared this time, has broken through some boundaries in technology, which seems to be imperceptible on the surface, but from its function, it can chat with users freely, which, to a certain extent, breaks all boundaries and has significantly improved in content, logic, data and knowledge. More importantly, through constant interaction, ChatGTP can "learn" the logic of some human thinking problems and give more satisfactory answers. Although this process is still similar to coding and decoding, and it can’t reach the independent consciousness pursued by many technical experts, from the side, ChatGPT seems to have been able to master some learning methods, master human logic in "training" and learn to "communicate".


What are the possible impacts of Chat-GTP?

The emergence of any kind of technology will always lead to the discussion about how much influence machines have on human beings, and of course, ChatGPT is no exception. The topic of whether technology will replace people has been going on for many years without a conclusion, so I will not express any opinions on similar topics. Simply from the technology of ChatGPT, let’s talk about the specific impact.

On the positive side, the appearance of ChatGPT has an important impact on media industry, education, service and other industries. Taking the media industry as an example, ChatGPT can directly use the voice function in information search, accurately identify problems and find materials, which will inevitably improve the efficiency of information production and play an important role in the era of big data with information explosion. Moreover, as far as the tests of many companies are concerned, ChatGPT is far superior to the previous writing robots in the automatic production of news content. In addition, for the virtual anchor which is popular in recent years, ChatGPT can greatly improve its discourse ability and reaction ability, make the virtual anchor infinitely close to the real anchor state, and provide assistance for the development of the "meta-universe". From the perspective of the larger media industry, the influence of ChatGPT can penetrate into all aspects, such as background data calculation, advertising marketing and digital publishing, which can promote the further rapid development of the media industry.

The picture comes from the Internet.

On the negative side, the technical limitations of ChatGPT itself are still very obvious. For example, in the face of newer information, it is often difficult to get a satisfactory answer because the basic data is not updated in time; In the face of emotional and moral problems, it is still difficult to grasp, and the hidden concerns of news ethics are still significant; At the same time, some users said that ChatGPT has limited understanding of questions and can only answer questions directly, and can’t identify deep content. In addition to the problems of technology itself, there are also gaps in the standardization of the application of this technology. How to use technology correctly and realize sustainable development needs further discussion.


The subversive influence of Chat-GTP still takes time.

As an important means of production, technology plays an important role in social development. Especially in the era of science and technology, the driving force of technology far exceeds the traditional old factors of production such as labor and capital. However, at its root, technology is still a production tool. Moreover, judging from the technological development in recent years, whether it is the big data, blockchain, metauniverse mentioned before, or ChatGPT, which is now exploding, the influence of a single technology is limited, and it is difficult to produce the influence of subverting the industry. In addition, the current artificial intelligence technology is still in the primary stage. Although there are some breakthrough developments, there are also fatal defects. It still takes time to avoid the defects in technology and integrate technology into the existing production links. It is still too early to call a certain technology a subversive turning point now.

The picture comes from the Internet.

The discussion on the relationship between technology and human beings has been going on for more than ten years. Some people think that the development of technology is a devastating blow to human beings, and some positive optimists think that technology is to bring human beings into a brand-new world. At present, no matter how fierce the academic debate is, the road of technological development and innovation has never stopped. Moreover, with the deepening integration of technology and human production and life, it is bound to innovate the existing production methods of human beings and create a brand-new world system. However, the development of technology is always a process, and it is indeed untenable to blindly think that a certain technology can subvert an era. It is still a question mark how much ability ChatGPT can play in the future, but what is certain is that the advent of ChatGPT has taken us one step further from that "world".

Vinicius becomes a brother of Brazil! Militao asensio scored and Real Madrid reversed the Spaniard 3-1.

On the evening of March 11th, Beijing time, in the focus match of La Liga, Real Madrid made a strong reversal in the backward situation and finally defeated the Spaniard 3-1. In the 8th minute, Jose Lu helped the Spaniard break the deadlock. In the 22nd minute, vinicius quickly tied the score. In the 39th minute, Militao overtook the score. In injury time, asensio sealed the score.

In the 2nd minute, the Spaniard steals the ball in midfield and sends it obliquely to Braithwaite in the left front court! Directly grabbed it and shot into the restricted area, and Militang struggled to block the bottom line!

In the 8th minute, the Spaniard steals a counter-attack in the backcourt, and makes a long pass to the right-wing frontcourt. Sanchez takes the ball and forcibly wipes away the defense and crosses the door. Jose Lu follows up with an unguarded shot into the net! Real Madrid are 0-1 behind.

In the 12th minute, vinicius made a surprise attack with the ball on the left wing and knocked back the triangle. Kamavin added a powerful shot! That’s right! Pacheco confiscated it directly!

In the 23rd minute, the cooperation of Real Madrid’s left-wing frontcourt was handed over to vinicius’s quick attack. After the direct left-wing breakthrough, he crossed into the net, swinging open the space, and then shot a difficult shot into the net! Real Madrid tied the Spaniard 1-1. This is also vinicius’s 19 goals this season, surpassing Neymar to become the Brazilian player with the most goals in the five major leagues this season.

In the 39th minute, the opportunity of Real Madrid’s right corner kick was pushed out in the cross with the cooperation of Cross and Magic Flute. vinicius grabbed it and gave it to Joan Ameni on the left wing. The left wing attacked and lifted it again, and then Militao headed the ball to break the net! Real Madrid 2-1 Spaniard!

In the 71st minute, Rodrigo stormed in with the ball, knocked it back to the follow-up Cross, and shot it away with one foot!

In the 76th minute, Cammavinga’s assault on the left wing was put down, and Rodrigo fired directly at the post for Real Madrid’s free kick!

In injury time, Na Qiao’s quick assault tore the right side of the two men’s defense, and asensio followed up to form a single-knife, small-angle shot to break the net! Real Madrid leads 3-1.

The latest development of silicon valley: paying equal attention to scientific and technological progress and social responsibility

The latest development of silicon valley: paying equal attention to scientific and technological progress and social responsibility

Silicon Valley has always been the center of scientific and technological innovation, where the most outstanding and intelligent talents in the world have gathered, and they have created many far-reaching technology companies and products through innovation and experiments. The latest development of Silicon Valley also proves that its leading position will not be easily shaken.

First, the development of smart cars

In recent years, Silicon Valley has become a leading research and development center for smart cars. Many technology companies and automobile manufacturers here are committed to building smart cars to improve users’ driving experience and reduce accidents and traffic jams. Companies such as Google and Tesla have begun to test the technology of self-driving cars, and many other companies are also exploring related research and development work.

Second, big data and artificial intelligence

In Silicon Valley, big data and artificial intelligence have always been important areas of technological innovation. These tools can help enterprises and governments better understand users and markets, and also help medical institutions make better treatment decisions. Therefore, many Silicon Valley companies have invested a lot of resources in research and innovation in related fields. For example, social media giants such as Facebook use big data analysis to optimize advertising and user experience.

Third, the understanding of social responsibility

With the development of Silicon Valley, the importance of social responsibility is gradually recognized and valued. In the past few years, Silicon Valley companies have generally faced a lot of criticisms and accusations about data privacy, data security and fake news. These problems not only affect the brand image of enterprises, but also affect the reputation of science and technology. Therefore, more and more Silicon Valley enterprises begin to take the related social responsibility issues seriously and devote themselves to protecting users’ privacy and information security.

Fourth, try to face the future

Technology companies and innovators in Silicon Valley have been actively exploring the direction of future technology. For example, the application of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain and other technologies has created many new commercial and social values. The younger generation in Silicon Valley is also actively studying blockchain technology.

[Mingxuan · Crab Museum] Lujiazui Center | 199 yuan to grab the market price of 609 yuan signboard crab powder 2-3 people meals! Intritious crab powder for 20 years! Take you to taste delicious!

Mingxuan · Crab Museum

Little friends who love crabs come here ~

It’s time to add a "fresh" beauty to yourself

Sip a sip of fresh fragrance

Another sip of aftertaste

True incense warned, wipe dry first!

The overall simple decoration style

As soon as people enter the store, they are deeply attracted

Retro charm, antique

Everywhere makes people shine!

Neat and elegant environment

It is a sense of ritual to open the food feast

Can’t wait to ask friends and family to sit on a seat

Can enjoy the old Shanghai style charm

You can also taste Shanghai specialty food

Shanghai on the tip of the tongue, let you do this!

Signature crab powder fishing rice

Fresh ingredients, 20 years of crab powder

Drop by bit, leave incense!

Every classic is ingenious!

Restore the traditional taste of old Shanghai

Mingxuan has made a full effort in choosing crabs

The selected one is full

Fresh and delicious, energetic crab

In this way, there can be fresh and fat crab yellow, crab meat, and crab paste

Before entering the mouth, the deliciousness is in front of you

Just watching the delicate crab yellow

I can’t help but want to enjoy it soon

Mingxuan inherits the culture of Shanghai people’s crab eating

Handmade crab yellow and crab meat

Each crab used is freshly steamed

After frying the crab powder that was dismantled on the day

Fresh mellow, bling bling’s golden light

While retaining the ingredients

Combined with the right seasoning and cooking method

Make this crab powder more delicious, you will fall in love with a bite

Sure enough, there are crab meat and taste buds that can not be disappointed

A good bowl of good rice, warming the stomach and warmth

Golden appearance, seductive color

Every bite is fragrant!

The rice with soup will be impressed by you

=Black pepper beef grains=

Beef grains wrapped in black pepper

Full and thick visible to the naked eye

The aroma of oil is inspired by high temperature

The juice of beef is tightly locked in the meat pieces

The moment I put it in my mouth

Fresh and fragrant juice

Broken from the soft denim particles

The rich aroma is wonderful!

One bite and eat the more, the more happy, the happiness is rising


Shanghai sauce duck


The characteristic of this gang is thick red red sauce

Duck duck is one of the representative dishes in the cold disk

Skin black meat tender, delicious flavor

Look at the drool

With a trace of freshness, mellow and not greasy

A solid meat can feel when you eat

=Live eggplant=

The spicy taste of peppers and garlic is mixed together

Soft glutinous taste, slightly spicy taste

Make this dish loved by diners

Before eating, be sure to let the eggplant suck the soup in the plate

This is the classic way of eating juice eggplant

=Seasonal vegetable=

=Matsutake bamboo mushroom soup=

=Homemade pudding=

TA is here! TA is here!

Along the warm yellow color tone, people are in front of people

The environment is clean and tidy, simple and atmospheric

The lights are shining, it looks warm and bright

The spacious dining space makes people relax physically and mentally

There is no noisy and noisy in the traditional restaurant

Let you enjoy the deliciousness here quietly and elegantly

Different specifications of tables and chairs can have multiple needs

Unique design, collision of color

It is not difficult to see the style of TA