
Crazy for 50 hours! On-the-spot report of Liaoning Lingyuan escaping criminals, many witnesses restore thrilling moments.

       CCTV News:At about 3: 50am on October 4th, Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin escaped from Lingyuan No.3 Prison of Liaoning Provincial Prison Administration. At about 13: 00pm on October 6th, two criminals were arrested in Taitoushan Town, Pingquan City, Hebei Province. So, how did the two criminals escape, and how did the police open tight encirclement to bring the two escaped criminals to justice?

       After the escape case occurred, Lingyuan No.3 Prison issued an investigation report on October 4th. According to the circular, Chloe Wang, an escaped criminal, was sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution by the Higher People’s Court of Liaoning Province for kidnapping. On December 28, 2017, he was reduced to life imprisonment, and on December 22, 2016, he was transferred to Lingyuan No.3 Prison to serve his sentence. Zhang Guilin, an escaped criminal, was sentenced to life imprisonment by Wenzhou Intermediate People’s Court for robbery. On June 12, 2014, he was transferred to Lingyuan No.3 Prison to serve his sentence.



       [List seven contents, official disclosure of escape details]

       As for the details about the escape of two criminals, the Liaoning Provincial Prison Administration published an article entitled "Notice of Liaoning Provincial Prison Administration on the details of the escape of criminals in Lingyuan No.3 Prison" in official website on October 8. The notice was in the form of a question and answer, listing seven items.

       1. Did the escaped criminals escape from the gate through the access card?

       The criminals used the noise of Lingyuan Iron and Steel Company as a cover to pry open the doors and windows of the interview room and escape.

       Second, how did the criminal get the police uniform?

       The criminal stole a police uniform worn by prison administrators, with armbands, no warning signs and epaulettes.

       3. Does the fugitive have a mobile phone?

       The escaped prisoner has no mobile phone, but MP4 in his hand.

       4. Did the criminal Zhang Guilin escape twice before?

       Zhang Guilin, a criminal, tried to escape twice before being transferred to prison, and both of them were given heavier punishment according to law.

       5. Does the criminal have any cash?

       After entering the interview room, the criminal pried open the desk of the staff and stole some cash.

       6. Has the accountability mechanism been initiated?

       At present, the warden, the general manager and two deputy wardens have been dismissed, and the relevant authorities have intervened in the investigation of the directly responsible personnel. We will seriously pursue the responsibility according to the law and regulations and will never tolerate it.

       7. Did the criminal commit a crime after he escaped?

       After the two criminals escaped, they have been kept in the mountains, and there have been no crimes such as theft and robbery.

       [Crazy 50 hours, both arrested and restored the arrest process]

       After the two criminals escaped, the police immediately launched a large-scale search. Escaped from about 3: 50 am on October 4 to about 13: 00 pm on October 6. In the past 50 hours, how did the local public security police quickly arrest him? After the two criminals arrived at the case, CCTV reporters interviewed the relevant police handling the case and visited some witnesses for the first time, which restored this thrilling more than 50 hours.

       Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "Our police should have received an alarm from the prison at 8: 00 am on October 4th, less than 9: 00 am. Say two felons in custody, one is Chloe Wang and the other is Zhang Guilin. They are at large and have escaped from prison. " After receiving the alarm, the public security organs in lingyuan city immediately called the police to carry out the investigation.


       Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "Our first reaction was to mobilize the police. After collecting all the videos around the prison, we learned about their escape route, analyzed the time of their escape from this route and the distance within the time after their escape, and set up various posts. For example, we are on the necessary roads near Lingyuan No.3 prison, and we have set up posts on all the necessary roads. In addition, around the prison and around lingyuan city, you can get out of Lingyuan and set up posts in an emergency. "

       At about 12 noon, the police received a report from the masses that two fugitives appeared in Shi Hu Gou Village, Shiyang, Songzhangzi Town, lingyuan city, 20 kilometers away from the Third Prison. The monitoring installed in the canteen recorded the whole process of the two people buying things.

       Witness Master Xu: "At about 11: 30 noon, the tall man came in first, and then I was there. He said he wanted to buy something, and he came over. I said what you want to buy, and he said I’ll buy two boxes of cigarettes first, and then I’ll buy some drinks and mineral water after I finish. He said he had everything to eat, and I said there was bread … …” Master Xu recalled that while the taller man was shopping, another thin man entered the store.


       Witness Master Xu: "The second one was thirsty when he came in. Look at that. Drink another bottle of mineral water. But let’s be honest, it’s quite thirsty. After buying, there are villagers and shoppers, all of whom are here. After leaving, they are left. After they are settled, they are all cash. He went out after finishing the account, and I watched them go outside when they went out. "

       Through monitoring, the police found that the two men under surveillance were the fugitives Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin they wanted to arrest. Then, where will the two fugitives go after buying things from the canteen? The police immediately organized police forces to conduct a carpet search around Shi Hu Gou Village, Shiyang, but found nothing. It’s getting dark and the search is still going on.


       The weather in Liaoning is getting cold after autumn, especially after night. Because the villages where the two fugitives were found were mostly surrounded by mountain woodlands and there were many paths, it was very difficult to catch them.

       Gu Tuanwei, deputy detachment leader of Chaoyang detachment of Liaoning Armed Police Corps: "Because the wind is relatively strong, the sense of smell of police dogs is not very sensitive, and the mountains are relatively high. The highest peak reaches more than 700 meters. When the drone rises, plus the forest is dense and the grass is deep, there are many disadvantages to drone detection."


       In addition to the unfavorable external environment for search, there is another problem before the police. Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "If according to our routine, there is no funds, and the main purpose of criminals is to escape from Lingyuan and leave this trouble spot to a safe place, then he needs funds. They don’t have their ID cards with them, so they want to commit crimes, rob or steal. This is the most urgent thing for our public security organs. "

       At this time, it has been more than twenty hours since the two criminals escaped from the third prison, and no one knows where the two criminals will eventually flee. As Shiyang Shi Hu Gou Village is located at the junction of Liaoning and Hebei provinces, it is very likely that the two criminals will flee Liaoning and enter Hebei. The police decided to immediately issue a regional police cooperation investigation letter to inform the two escapees in Lingyuan No.3 Prison. The Hebei Provincial Public Security Department, Chengde Municipal Bureau and Pingquan Municipal Bureau, which received the regional police cooperation investigation letter, also immediately started the cooperation mechanism, and dispatched public security police and armed police officers and soldiers to conduct simultaneous raids from Hebei, forming a two-sided attack situation.

       Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "That night, the director of the (Liaoning) Provincial Public Security Bureau led a team from the Command Hall and set up a headquarters here to mobilize all the police forces in various cities, including the armed police, police, public security police and judicial police, including the people. At this time, nearly 7,000 people were mobilized, including the police. "

       On the morning of October 5, the police received another report from the masses that one of the fugitives, Chloe Wang, appeared in a canteen in Fangshen Village, Yushu Linzi Town, Pingquan City, Hebei Province at about 18: 35 pm on October 4. The owner of the canteen also told reporters about the scene at that time.


       Shopkeeper: "When he came in, he started to say that he wanted to buy beer and buy cans of beer. He said to buy four, and then he suggested buying six, six for a dozen. Then he bought six. Then he said, is there anything with canned fish and meat? I said no. He picked out some intestines, water, milk and the like. " The police immediately organized police forces to conduct a search centered on Fangshen Village.

       Fan Junyang, director of the Public Security Bureau of lingyuan city, Liaoning Province, said: "Around Pingquan, there are four towns in Pingquan, and Fiona Fang is 250 square kilometers, which is surrounded and blocked. These two criminals, after they went out to buy things at night, went up the mountain. Now the mountain is very dense. At the same time, they set up checkpoints and took the action of clearing the mountain. Statistically, more than 3,000 people were organized and the armed police participated in the encirclement and suppression of the mountain. Nothing was found. "

       [The official car rolled over and two auxiliary police officers died unfortunately]

       No one would have thought that the bad news came at this time. In the process of organizing the police to carry out the arrest task, the Public Security Bureau of Pingquan City, Hebei Province, an official vehicle was damaged and four auxiliary police officers were injured because the road surface bumped and rolled over. Two of the auxiliary police officers, Wang Dongyu and Xu Yuelong, died after being rescued by the hospital.



       [Report again at the critical moment when the search is fruitless]

       The lives of the two auxiliary police officers were fixed at this moment forever. They wore badges on their heads and paid their young lives to keep one side safe. But at this moment, criminals Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin are still at large. With the fruitless search around Fangshen Village, the arrest work returned to the original point. At this time, the police once again received a report from the masses that one of the fugitives once again appeared in a canteen in Sanjiazi Town, lingyuan city. According to the store advocate, the old lady said that at 8 o’clock in the morning on October 6, she was cleaning in the store. At this moment, a man came in.

       The small shop advocated the old lady: "When he came in, he said he wanted to wash his hands, so I poured him water to wash his face and hands there, and then he came here." He said I was wondering if there was anything to eat. I bought some, and I said there was no delicious chicken leg. He said my aunt would bring this for me, so I put it here for him. I wanted 20, and then I ordered that, four bottles of mineral water, four bottles of milk, four bottles of eight-treasure porridge, and two bags of egg yolk pie. He said he repaired cars and didn’t eat for a day. He said I was too hungry, and the four of us all said so.

       When leaving, the old man’s son happened to come back and had a face-to-face meeting with the man. Mr. Wang found out that the man was a fugitive. Mr. Wang immediately called the police. The police confirmed that the man Mr. Wang met was one of the two fugitives, Chloe Wang. At this time, the police once again received an alarm from the masses that the fugitive Chloe Wang appeared near the high-speed rail viaduct not far from the canteen.

       Witness Mr. Li: "At that time, my wife and I were picking corn in that area. When I looked up, I saw a person carrying a yellow bag coming down. After I came down, I saw that it was not our local person. I thought it was the staff of the high-speed rail at first, and then I looked at him on the opposite side. He looked around." Feeling suspicious, Mr. Li quietly followed. "I walked around in front of him. We walked in front of him. I saw him. After seeing him, I thought that this person was not our local. I could know him locally, just about our age. Later, he went to the mountains in the west. Later, I thought that this was definitely not our local, even if it was a suspicious person. Later, I called the police."

       Soon, the police who searched nearby rushed to the scene. After identification, this person is the fugitive Chloe Wang. Due to many road forks, the police and mass soldiers who arrived in advance launched a search in multiple ways.


       Wang Huidong, the captain of the anti-drug brigade of lingyuan city Public Security Bureau: "From Taitou Mountain in Hebei Province, after the mountain ridge passed, to the mouth of the cooking pot, we didn’t find it after arriving at the mouth of the ditch. We waited there for a while without finding it." At this time, the police who were guarding here found that a man came out of the ravine not far away.

       Wang Huidong, the captain of the anti-drug brigade of lingyuan city Public Security Bureau: "At that time, I was sure that when I came down from the mountain, I didn’t find anyone on the mountain. At that time, I felt very suspicious, so I went to meet him, and I went with my captain. When he went to trace it, he felt that it was wrong, turned his head and ran away. We chased after it and chased it to a gully. He jumped into the ditch and we couldn’t find him." When Wang Huidong and his colleagues tried to find the man, the man appeared on the opposite side of the ditch and was walking down the hill. The police immediately chased him up and mobilized the people on the spot to assist in the pursuit.


       Wang Huidong, captain of the anti-drug brigade of lingyuan city Public Security Bureau, said, "I said these two men are fugitives, please help the police catch them. At this time, all the people were dispatched, and there were bicycles on the road in the greenhouse. At this time, Huludao and Jinzhou and our Fan Bureau took a team and also rushed to the scene to surround him in the cornfield, and our Fan Bureau arrested him. " It was confirmed that this man was Chloe Wang. At this point, the subsequent police officers quickly searched and arrested the second fugitive Zhang Guilin not far away.


       [Expert Interpretation: How to Sentence the Crime of Escaping]

       What did the escape of two criminals, Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin, constitute? What kind of punishment should I receive? Let’s listen to the expert’s interpretation.

       Professor Ruan Qilin of China University of Political Science and Law believes that according to the details of the case now announced, criminals Chloe Wang and Zhang Guilin are suspected of escaping the crime. Article 316th of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that the crime of escape refers to the act of a criminal, a defendant or a criminal suspect who is detained according to law, escaping from the prison and leaving the prison. Then, if two criminals are suspected of escaping from the crime, what kind of punishment will they receive?

       Professor Ruan Qilin said that the crime of escape is lightly punished in law and will generally be combined with the original punishment.

The General Administration of Market Supervision imposed administrative penalties on unfair price behaviors of five community group buying enterprises.

  CCTV News:Some sell goods below the purchase cost through huge subsidies, "dumping at low prices"; Some mark false original prices and discounts when selling goods, and lie about price reduction to trick consumers into buying. To this end, the General Administration of Market Supervision imposed administrative penalties on unfair price behaviors of five community group-buying enterprises, including Orange Heart Optimization, Buy More Vegetables, Meituan Optimization, Shihui Group and Food Enjoyment Club, and five enterprises were fined, with a total fine of 6.5 million yuan. In this regard, on the morning of March 3, the General Administration of Market Supervision made an administrative penalty on the unfair price behavior of five community group buying enterprises.

  Question 1: Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision imposed administrative penalties on five community group buying enterprises according to law. What are the main considerations?

  In recent years, the status of Internet economy in China’s national economy and society has been significantly improved, and it has become an important engine to promote economic development and an important starting point to improve people’s livelihood. It has played a positive role in coping with the impact of epidemic situation, improving shopping experience and improving supply chain structure. However, with the large-scale entry of major Internet platform enterprises into the community group buying market, problems such as irregular order and illegal operation have become increasingly apparent, which has aroused great concern from all walks of life.

  First, improper means are used to squeeze the offline community economic market, which is easy to cause disorder and affect social stability. Internet platform enterprises use the advantages of capital and traffic to enter "community group buying" and compete for the market at a price lower than the cost, which will have an impact on offline community economic models such as small vendors and community convenience stores and bring obvious negative effects. Second, large Internet platform enterprises have an unfair competition tendency of "burning money to grab the market and raising prices after monopoly", which is easy to damage consumers’ rights and interests. In the short term, consumers can really get short-term benefits at a lower price when the relevant enterprises implement the "subsidy" strategy in the early stage of competition. However, after occupying the market, related enterprises are likely to raise prices substantially to obtain high monopoly profits, seriously damaging the interests of consumers. Third, unfair price behavior disrupts the market price order. Community group buying platforms generally have problems such as huge subsidies, selling goods below the cost price, and some community group buying platforms use price fraud to deceive consumers. The above acts seriously infringe upon the legitimate interests of other operators and consumers, damage the market environment of fair competition and undermine the normal market price order.

  The products and services provided by community group buying are mainly "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets". The rising prices of these basic livelihood commodities are likely to lead to economic and social turmoil. The Central Economic Work Conference made it clear that the disorderly expansion of capital should be prevented. The General Administration of Market Supervision resolutely implemented the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, took effective measures to strengthen the supervision of the community group buying market, responded to social concerns in a timely manner, and standardized corporate behavior. Monitor the price behavior of community group buying enterprises and conduct investigations according to law. It has been found that there are unfair price behaviors such as low-price dumping and price fraud in community group buying enterprises such as Orange Heart Youxuan (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Meituan Youxuan Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Qiwei Delicious Technology Co., Ltd.

  Question 2: Please brief us on the basic situation of these five cases?

  The companies punished this time are: Orange Heart Optimization (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Orange Heart Optimization), Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Buy more food), Shenzhen Meituan Optimization Technology Co., Ltd. (Meituan Optimization), Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd. (Shihui Group) and Wuhan Seven Kinds of Delicious Technology Co., Ltd. (Food Enjoyment). The above five enterprises occupy a large share in the community group buying market, and the basic situation of the case is as follows.

  First, through huge subsidies, there is a "low-price dumping" behavior of selling goods below the purchase cost. In order to seize the market, four community group buying enterprises, such as Orange Heart Youxuan (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Meituan Youxuan Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd., took advantage of the capital and adopted subsidies in the form of direct drop and coupons, resulting in the sales price of a large number of goods being lower than the purchase cost. If the costs of operation, warehousing and logistics are included, the actual sales revenue is much lower than the cost of goods, which disrupts the normal production and operation order and damages the legitimate rights and interests of other operators. The above acts violate the relevant provisions of Article 14 of the Price Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), and constitute dumping at a low price.

  The second is to use price fraud to trick consumers into trading with them. Five companies, including Orange Heart Optimization (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Meituan Optimization Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Qiwei Delicious Technology Co., Ltd., used false original prices, discounts, and lied about price reduction to trick consumers into buying goods; There are price violations such as not clearly indicating the meaning of the price comparison line. The above-mentioned behaviors belong to the behaviors mentioned in Article 7 of the Provisions on Prohibiting Price Fraud and Article 21 of the Interim Provisions on Regulating Promotion Behavior, which violates the relevant provisions of Article 14 of the Price Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and constitutes price fraud.

  Judging from the investigation, the illegal facts in five cases are very clear. During the investigation, we extracted the commodity pages, relevant financial data and service agreements related to price behavior according to law, carefully combed and analyzed the relevant materials, and repeatedly accounted for the amount of subsidies. At the same time, we also solicited the opinions of relevant parties according to the specific circumstances of the case. The survey shows that the facts of unfair price behaviors of five enterprises are clear and the evidence is conclusive. The General Administration of Market Supervision decided to impose a total fine of 6.5 million yuan on five enterprises, including Orange Heart Optimization (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Meituan Optimization Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Shihui Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Qiwei Delicious Technology Co., Ltd., for low-price dumping and price fraud.

  Question 3: We noticed that the above-mentioned enterprises were fined. What factors were mainly considered?

  When the General Administration of Market Supervision made the decision on administrative punishment, it mainly considered the following aspects. First, illegal activities have a greater impact on the normal market competition order. The above-mentioned enterprises sell goods below cost, with a wide range of subsidies, frequent subsidies and large subsidies, and their business volume has exploded, which has a great impact on the normal business activities of farmers’ markets, bazaars and small traders. Second, the social harmful consequences of illegal acts are more serious. The above-mentioned enterprises have great influence in the industry, with a huge number of users and huge market influence. The impact of their illegal activities is rapidly amplified by the scale effect and network effect of the Internet, with wide coverage and serious harmful consequences. Third, the circumstances of the illegal act are relatively bad. After the administrative guidance meeting of the General Administration of Market Supervision to standardize the order of community group buying, although the amount of subsidies for the above-mentioned enterprises has been reduced, it has not been comprehensively rectified. Therefore, the General Administration of Market Supervision decided to impose a fine within the scope prescribed by law in the hope of investigating a number of cases, standardizing an industry and purifying a field.

  Question 4: What other work has the General Administration of Market Supervision done to strengthen the supervision of community group buying, and what are the specific considerations for the next step?

  On December 22, 2020, the General Administration of Market Supervision and the Ministry of Commerce organized an administrative guidance meeting to regulate the order of community group buying. The meeting affirmed the positive significance of the economic development of the Internet platform, and seriously pointed out the outstanding problems such as low-price dumping and price fraud in community group buying. It is emphasized that Internet platform enterprises should strictly regulate the business behavior of community group buying, and strictly abide by the prohibition of low-price dumping and price fraud; Do not engage in acts of unfair competition such as commercial confusion, false propaganda and commercial slander; Do not use the advantages of data to "kill" and harm the legitimate rights and interests of consumers; Do not use technical means to damage the order of competition and hinder the normal operation of other market players.

  In the middle and late December of 2020, the General Administration of Market Supervision directly investigated five community group buying enterprises. On March 3, 2021, the General Administration of Market Supervision publicly fined the above-mentioned community group-buying enterprises for unfair price behaviors such as low-price dumping and price fraud, which effectively shocked the illegal enterprises and effectively promoted their rectification.

  In the next step, the General Administration of Market Supervision will actively respond to social concerns, strengthen investigation and study, judge and grasp the market dynamics of community group buying, innovate supervision methods, strengthen law enforcement and case handling, standardize the market order of community group buying according to law, effectively safeguard the legitimate interests of other operators and the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and create a fair and orderly market environment.

The boy rewarded the female anchor for 70 days. The 1.58 million live broadcast platform refused to refund.

CCTV News:Minors are immature, and their cognitive ability and self-control ability are low. It is precisely because of this feature that they are not only tricked into participating in pornographic live broadcasts, but also become blind rewards for various live broadcasts. In the process of live broadcast, the anchor often uses induced words to urge the audience to send gifts. For the audience with high reward, the anchor will praise them or perform for them specially, and many minors are immersed in it. Recently, Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court tried such a case. In 70 days, the minor Xiao Liu rewarded all 1.58 million yuan to an anchor.

In this case, Xiao Liu, a minor, dropped out of school at home in the second day of junior high school. His parents asked him to collect money at his own vegetable wholesale booth and was busy making a living. Parents rarely asked about their children’s situation. There was basically nothing to do at night, and he was quickly attracted by a female anchor on a webcast platform, rewarding, thanking, performing alone, and rewarding more. After many interactions, Xiao Liu was addicted to it. Basically, the food collected during the day would be rewarded at night, sometimes as much as 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per night, until it was discovered by his parents more than two months later.

Immediately, Xiao Liu’s parents contacted the live broadcast platform several times to explain the situation, hoping to refund the reward of 1.58 million yuan. After being rejected, Xiao Liu’s family took the live broadcast platform to court.

Tian Lei, Judge of Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court:In fact, network companies should have supervision before, during and after the event. Because the background big data is widely used, we can see the behavior of each user’s reward, some of its laws, time periods and amounts. In this way, we can find the scenes in which minors are mixed.

In the end, after mediation by the court, the live broadcast platform returned 1.58 million yuan to Xiao Liu’s family in full.

The Supreme People’s Court makes it clear that if a minor participates in online paid games or "rewards" on the live webcast platform without the consent of his guardian, and the guardian requests the Internet service provider to return the money, the people’s court shall support it.

Seven departments, including the National Network Information Office and the Office of the National Working Group for Combating Pornography, also jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Webcast, which requires that the Webcast platform should strictly prohibit the provision of network anchor account registration service for minors under the age of 16, and should not accept the recharge and reward of minors without the consent of their guardians. At the same time, it is clear that if minors use adult accounts to reward, they must be refunded according to regulations after verification.

Gao Qingyun, Deputy Director of the Office of the National Working Group for Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications:In order to promote the effectiveness of network seedling protection, the next step is to prevent minors from being addicted to the Internet, urge major Internet platforms to implement the youth model, focus on the network application fields that minors often contact, such as online games, live broadcasts, short videos, online social platforms, online animations, etc., and carry out special rectification to clean up bad information more effectively and purify the network environment.

The well-known anchor was reprimanded for disturbing the people late at night, and the female neighbor rushed into his house! I respond

According to the city express, late last night,Chen Ze, a well-known game anchor, clashed with his neighbors during the live broadcast. The neighbors loudly reprimanded Chen Ze for disturbing the people every day, and then rushed into his home.

Subsequently, Chen Ze Weibo’s account @ Mushroom Mushroom did not send a message to respond to disturbing people:



At five o’clock in the morning, Chen Ze replied to the netizen: Don’t talk nonsense, it’s better to have more public figures than less … …


Early this morning, related topic words rushed to the top of hot search.


In this regard, someNetizen saidUnderstand the neighbors, now the house is not sound-proof, and the live broadcast really disturbs the people.


Zhang Cheng 0227: Actually, the anchor is really disturbing the people. Now the house is not soundproof, and the live broadcast is just at night. Everyone will collapse when they go to work during the day and live next door at night. You can change the time, or change the room like the video said. Neighbors can do this probably because negotiations have been ineffective for a long time. What’s more, he is a big anchor.

Sleepy or don’t want to sleep: I understand this neighbor too well. I can also hear a man broadcast live every night, and it is noisy at 11 o’clock every night until the early morning.

Line draft: Noise disturbing people deserves to be scolded! These anchors are so loud when they are broadcast live. Can you stand it if it were you?

I really don’t want to cut my hair: you can’t do whatever you want just because you are online celebrity, but you still have to respect the routine of ordinary people!

Fat man Wen Na: The sound insulation in the building is really bad now, and neighbors are excusable for being too noisy.

Some netizens also said,We can’t just say that the live broadcast disturbs the people, and it’s not right for neighbors to break into houses privately. I hope both sides can solve it peacefully.

Xiao Qingmei 9213: However, it seems bad for that neighbor to break into a house … …

Eat a chestnut in Tian Tian _ Tian Jiarui’s handsome version: It’s not right to disturb the people, and the other side has problems. I hope both sides can solve it peacefully.

I don’t know whose child it is: first of all, we should check whether his voice is loud in the recent live broadcast, let the police decide whether it is disturbing the people, and then deal with the problem of neighbors breaking into houses.


Original title: The well-known anchor was reprimanded late at night, and the female neighbor rushed into his house! I respond

Editor: Yang Hong Editor: Wu Zhonglan Audit: Feng Fei

Aauto Quicker announced the third quarter report card: the domestic business was profitable for two consecutive quarters, and the monthly active users exceeded 620 million.

On November 22nd, Aauto Quicker Science and Technology released its results for the third quarter of 2022, and its total revenue increased by 12.9% year-on-year to 23.1 billion yuan, which was higher than the consensus forecast of 22.56 billion yuan by Bloomberg. Thanks to the steady growth of revenue, the optimization of gross profit margin and the continuous improvement of users’ acquisition efficiency, Aauto Quicker’s domestic business achieved single-quarter profit for two consecutive quarters. In the third quarter, the domestic operating profit exceeded 375 million yuan, a nearly three-fold increase from the previous quarter.

Through refined operation management strategy and abundant content supply, the user scale of Aauto Quicker applications continued to grow in the third quarter. DAU increased by 13.4% year-on-year to 363 million, and MAU increased by 9.3% year-on-year to 626 million, both of which exceeded historical highs. With the strengthening of social interaction and trust atmosphere on the platform, the number of users who care about each other reached 23.5 billion pairs, a substantial increase of 63.1% year-on-year.

Cheng Yixiao, founder and CEO of Aauto Quicker Technology, said, "Looking ahead, we will further promote the integration of users, content and commercialization ecology, and create more value for users, content creators, advertisers and businesses. Relying on the strong carrying capacity of short video+live broadcast, we will continue to innovate, create new scenes, new opportunities and new models, promote the integration of digital and real, and strive to create long-term value for shareholders while bringing social and economic benefits. "

The average DAU in the third quarter reached 363 million, a record high.

For content-based platforms, summer vacation is usually a critical period for customer acquisition and growth. In the third quarter, Aauto Quicker seized the peak season of users’ growth, and continuously enriched users’ consumption content and experience through refined operation management and efficient customer acquisition means and continuous iterative optimization of algorithm model.

The data shows that the average DAU (daily active users) and MAU (monthly active users) in Aauto Quicker both broke through historical highs: the domestic average DAU increased by 13.4% year-on-year to 363 million, and the MAU increased by 9.3% year-on-year to 626 million. The number of monthly users increased by 39 million in a single quarter, which also set the biggest quarterly net increase this year. With the continuous strengthening of social interaction and trust atmosphere on the platform, the number of users who care about each other reached 23.5 billion pairs, a substantial increase of 63.1% year-on-year.

In terms of content ecology, Aauto Quicker continues to expand diversified short video and live content supply. In this summer’s summer file, 22 of Aauto Quicker’s top-quality short plays have achieved a broadcast volume of over 100 million, and such explosive high-quality short plays as Family Realistic Works "Parenting Battle", "Jingweier" sitcom "Hutonger" and doctor’s professional short play "Benevolence" have emerged, achieving new breakthroughs in theme expansion and marketing play. In terms of homemade variety shows, "Let’s go! The launch of word-of-mouth programs such as "Mom" and "Sounds like Summer Flowers" has created a new operation mode of "long video+short video+live broadcast", bringing users a brand-new content consumption and interactive experience. In the sports content section, in September, the village BA of "Country Basketball Champions Cup" jointly created by Aauto Quicker and NBA started in full swing, with a total audience of 120 million, further promoting the popularization and deepening of basketball in rural China.

In overseas markets, in the third quarter, the usage time of single DAU users remained at a high level of over 60 minutes. On the basis of investment control and ROI-driven growth, overseas users maintained efficient and healthy growth. Aauto Quicker said that Kwai’s differentiated content strategy has achieved initial results in the creation of users’ minds. "We hope to further enrich the content ecology by establishing a wider category of content, and establish a positive circulation mechanism for content production, consumption and creators’ realization."

Domestic business achieved profit for two consecutive quarters, with Q3 revenue of 23.1 billion yuan.

While achieving high-quality growth, Aauto Quicker has further consolidated its liquidity.

After achieving the single-season profit target of domestic business ahead of schedule in the second quarter of this year, the operating profit of domestic business Q3 exceeded 375 million yuan, an increase of nearly three times from the previous month. In the third quarter, Aauto Quicker continued to deepen the construction of business ecology, and its revenue performance was steady. The total revenue increased by 12.9% year-on-year to 23.1 billion yuan, which was higher than the consensus forecast of 22.56 billion yuan by Bloomberg. Among them, online marketing services (advertising), live broadcast and other services (including e-commerce) accounted for 50.1%, 38.7% and 11.2% respectively.

Online marketing service revenue reached 11.6 billion yuan, up 6.2% year-on-year, which is the highest single-season revenue since this year. In the third quarter, the number of monthly active advertisers in Aauto Quicker increased by more than 65% year-on-year through multi-channel introduction of advertisers and policy support. In terms of brand advertising, relying on customized investment projects, we will explore a brand marketing model that fits advertisers’ individual needs and Aauto Quicker’s content ecology, dig deep into the marketing value of talent, and match the traffic advantage behind talent with the brand’s demand for traffic more efficiently. At the same time, Aauto Quicker continues to strengthen the construction of advertising infrastructure, subdivide and focus on vertical industries, open up internal and external circulation, improve the core competitiveness of products, further tap users’ commercial interests, and accelerate the establishment of a positive cycle of user content ecology and commercial ecology.

E-commerce business achieved the performance of exceeding the industry growth level in Q3, and continued to gain market share. In the third quarter, Aauto Quicker e-commerce GMV increased by 26.6% year-on-year to 222.5 billion yuan.

Relying on the advantages of flow and efficiency, as well as the continuous improvement of investment policies, Aauto Quicker continues to attract more businesses to settle in, and the number of newly opened businesses has increased by nearly 80% year-on-year. At the same time, more efficient traffic distribution and more accurate matching strategy of people and goods further improved the conversion efficiency, and the number of new mobile merchants in Q3 increased by high digits year-on-year.

By expanding more industries to bring good goods and brands, and improving infrastructure construction such as logistics, Aauto Quicker will further enhance the user’s buying experience. In addition to the live broadcast scene, the penetration rate and conversion rate of e-commerce in Aauto Quicker continued to increase by expanding short videos and planting grass. The monthly active buyers of e-commerce exceeded 100 million, and the repurchase rate of users increased by about 1.1 percentage points year-on-year. From the analysis point of view, from the transaction between live broadcast rooms to more shopping contacts, short video planting grass can stimulate the mind and play a role in satisfying the "uncertain demand" of shopping; Strengthening store management can meet the "definite demand" of users and give businesses a longer-term management matrix.

In the overseas business segment, Q3′ s total revenue was 189 million, up about 83% from the previous month and more than 8 times year-on-year. In terms of liquidity, overseas commercialization departments continue to optimize their product and service capabilities, and online marketing service revenue has grown rapidly; By improving the ecological construction, deepening the cooperation with guilds, the live broadcast department can improve the content quality and enrich the supply at the same time, and combine the operation activities in different regions to promote the continuous growth of live broadcast revenue. In the financial report, Aauto Quicker pointed out that we should strive to improve the operational efficiency of overseas business and gradually establish the profitability of overseas business through the simultaneous way of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

In the third quarter, the overall adjusted net loss of Aauto Quicker was 670 million, a decrease of 640 million compared with the previous quarter, and the adjusted net loss rate narrowed to 2.9%, an improvement of nearly 20 percentage points year-on-year. Sales and marketing expenses decreased from 11 billion yuan in the same period last year to 9.1 billion yuan, accounting for 53.8% of revenue to 39.5%. After listing, the ratio was lower than 40% for the first time. While the ratio of sales expenses to revenue decreased, the overall traffic of Aauto Quicker still maintained rapid growth.

Deepening live broadcast+ecological scene to build inclusive digital community

As a digital community with inclusive background, high interaction and strong participation, Aauto Quicker is becoming the entrance of digital life for ordinary people. The content community built by short video and live broadcast connects all walks of life to meet the diverse needs of users such as learning, entertainment, shopping, local life and employment, and is deeply integrated with all walks of life.

In the third quarter, Aauto Quicker continued to deepen the extension of the ecological scene of live broadcast+,and provided users with richer live broadcast content through products such as quick employment, ideal home and quick marriage, so as to meet the service needs of users in more scenarios.

Take the quick employment business as an example. In the "Golden September and Silver 10" recruitment season, Aauto Quicker successively launched special recruitment sessions for service industry and manufacturing industry, which promoted blue-collar employment in the form of "live broadcast with posts", attracted nearly 70 high-quality enterprises to participate, and helped service industry and manufacturing enterprises solve the recruitment problems. In the field of real estate, Aauto Quicker Ideals has gradually formed a new real estate brokerage model of "real estate anchor promoting new house transactions", and has opened up a full-link process from real estate live broadcast to customer acquisition, user clue collection to taking a look at the transaction of real estate and commission sharing, and tapped and supported a group of high-quality creators in the real estate field through the "Wheat Plan".

According to the data disclosed by Aauto Quicker at the Photosynthesis Conference, in June 2022, the number of ten thousand powder creators on the platform exceeded 2 million. Among the creators who released their works in Aauto Quicker in 2016, the proportion of ten thousand powder creators and one hundred thousand powder creators who are still actively publishing their works today exceeds 70% and 80%, respectively, and the active proportion of millions of powder creators reaches 94%. From "continuous creation" to "continuous management", Aauto Quicker has become a platform for more and more creators to realize their value, which has also injected a steady stream of vitality into the prosperity of community ecology in Aauto Quicker.

Destined not to be cheap! Xiaomi Auto Confirmed: High-end configuration has everything.

Xiaomi’s press conference is never boring, thanks to Lei Jun’s interesting speech.

I thought that Xiaomi’s trip was to share the technical details about Xiaomi’s car. Lei Jun, who first suppressed and then promoted, always brought unexpected things. On the one hand, the popularization of new energy vehicle technology is easy to understand, and Mr. Lei has brought the "pre-release" of Xiaomi’s first model SU7 without stint.

Even if the new energy vehicle market is seriously involved, Xiaomi is under great pressure, and Lei Jun in the speech still smiles with confidence.

You can’t give too many surprises. Xiaomi’s brand is not much different from that of traditional car companies. The price that everyone wants to see most is naturally absent, and a press conference can’t be finished.

Even if there is no price, the content of Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference is worth taking out and talking about.

When the super motor arrived, the latecomers also had great ambitions.

In order to make it easier for us to understand the system engineering of electric vehicles, Lei Jun divided the technology of Xiaomi Automobile into five parts.

The core technology of the fuel vehicle era is the engine, and when it comes to new energy vehicles, it is the motor. Xiaomi’s two brand-new super motors made their debut, namely V6 and V6s, both of which can reach the maximum speed of 21,000 rpm. The reason why it is called V6, Lei Jun thinks it can be compared with V6 engine in the fuel car era.

It is not unusual for a motor with 21,000 rpm to be put into use today. The high-performance motor carried by Krypton 001 FR can "overclock" the maximum speed to 24,000 rpm. Lei Jun was puzzled by "being cut off" and admitted that this was the direction of the industry, but he still found the answer of "far ahead".

Higher peak power and greater torque are the "kings".

Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile has a more powerful "V8s" super motor in the pre-research, and its maximum speed reaches 27,200 rpm. A single motor module can provide power comparable to the V8 engine, with a peak torque of 635 Nm and an efficiency of 98.11%.

This "horrible" motor will land in 2025, but Xiaomi has bigger ambitions.

"Cake painting" is a common phenomenon in the automobile industry. The release of a car is divided into several steps, and there is also a certain period from finalization to delivery. Lei Jun believes that pre-research is an important measure of technical reserve and has to be done. In addition to the V8-comparable motor, Xiaomi also has a super motor based on carbon fiber laser winding technology. The speed of laboratory test has exceeded 35,000 rpm, but it will take some time for mass production to land.

As a latecomer, Xiaomi Automobile has spared no effort in technical reserve, improved motor technology through self-research, and its book data is ahead of its peers, which is the most intuitive performance that consumers can feel. We don’t know the actual performance, and the means of Xiaomi roll parameters are well known in the field of smart phones.

At least, Xiaomi has won Tesla and Porsche from the perspective of parameters.

Self-developed battery in place, durable and safe.

Power battery is the cornerstone of electric vehicle, and it is also one of the core components.

Xiaomi can’t research batteries by himself, but the battery pack has the ability to research independently. The power battery on Xiaomi’s first model is the result of two years’ cooperation with the world’s leading battery suppliers. Of course, it also supports the mainstream 800V high-voltage platform, and the highest peak voltage reaches 871V V. Lei Jun smiled and said that this should be called "quasi-900V".

He also used this to ridicule a wave of "industry status quo". He revealed that as long as it is 500V and 600V, it can be called "800V" on the table. In contrast, he wants to make products honestly.

CTB integration technology is a highlight of Xiaomi’s self-developed battery pack. This design can integrate the battery pack with the automobile chassis, on the one hand, improve the strength of the whole vehicle structure, on the other hand, reduce the thickness of the bottom plate and leave space for the cockpit.

Improving the battery volume utilization rate and greatly reducing the number of wire harnesses have significant advantages for the battery life and safety of Xiaomi automobile. Lei Jun revealed that the battery capacity of Xiaomi’s first car is as high as 101kWh, and the cruising range can reach 800 kilometers, which has both long battery life and fast charging.

Thanks to the advantages of platformization, Xiaomi’s self-developed battery pack can theoretically achieve a capacity of 150kWh and its battery life can be increased to 1260 km. However, the biggest problem with ultra-large capacity batteries is the cost and difficulty in mass production. Lei Jun also admitted that the cost price of such a battery should be at least 100,000.

Of course, the battery pack also has other results brought by Xiaomi’s self-research. The battery cell inversion technology is the first in the industry. After the battery cell is hit, it can quickly release energy to the ground, minimizing the negative impact of thermal runaway. At the same time, Xiaomi also added 165 pieces of aerogel insulation materials to the battery pack, and with a series of safety measures, the safety factor of Xiaomi battery pack was several times higher than the industry standard.

As a newcomer to the car track, Xiaomi’s definition of the first car is advanced enough. Starting from the 800V platform, CTB integrated battery pack technology is the mainstream development direction of electric vehicles in the future. Considering the discount of winter battery life, Xiaomi also came up with his own solution.

High-efficiency dual-mode heat pump technology is an improvement of Xiaomi’s heat pump. In the bad weather below zero, it can take into account the heating of the battery and the cockpit at the same time, so as to keep the battery in the best working condition at all times, thus alleviating the trouble of battery life discount.

Late entry has the advantage of late entry, the most obvious of which is "less detours". The new forces who joined the ranks of car-making before have found out the way for these latecomers, and they have reduced the cost and time wasted in many exploration processes. Xiaomi Auto has proved itself with various advanced technologies. Even if it is a new player, its technical content is no less than that of its peers, and it also has mature solutions.

It is obviously the right choice to dispel consumers’ doubts about Xiaomi Automobile from the technical force.

Super die casting, the future of the automobile industry.

Xiaomi is one of the few Internet companies that build cars by self-built production lines, and will have its own factory to produce battery packs in the later period.

Therefore, Lei Jun specially spent some time to introduce the breakthrough of Xiaomi Automobile in production line technology.

Die-casting technology is the representative of the industrial level of car-making enterprises. Lei Jun said that at present, the die-casting machine of Tesla American factory has a clamping force of 9000 tons. Xiaomi’s super-large die-casting equipment cluster, the locking force is one level ahead of Tesla, reaching 9100 tons.

Nine processes, 60 equipments, 433 process parameters, 840 square meters of floor space and 1,050 tons of total weight are the most intuitive parameters of Xiaomi Super Die-casting Equipment Cluster. This is more indicators that Xiaomi can come up with besides the clamping force, which seems to ridicule a wave of colleagues who only roll the clamping force.

Greater clamping force means that Xiaomi can manufacture die-casting structural parts with higher structural strength and more precision, and can also integrate more parts through integral die-casting in exchange for higher strength and lower production cost. However, the maintainable space after high-speed collision is still a big problem faced by integrated die casting. Xiaomi automobile, which is determined to redefine the future automobile industry, believes that it also has its own set of solutions.

After all, electric vehicles are highly dependent on integration. The higher the integration, the more space they give users, and more places can be reserved for high configuration.

What is the finishing touch to the safety of Xiaomi automobile should be Xiaomi Titan alloy. Lei Jun introduced that this is Xiaomi’s ability to find the best formula from 10.16 million schemes with the help of AI, and called it Titan alloy. With Xiaomi’s advanced production line, it can be said that the structural safety of Xiaomi automobile is no longer in doubt.

All this is also the result of Xiaomi’s painstaking efforts.

Intelligent+intelligent driving, laying the "moat" of Xiaomi automobile

Mobile phone manufacturers are best at interaction and intelligence, and Xiaomi has a natural advantage in this field.

We got the answer from the existing smart cockpit solutions in the market. They have more experience in the field of smart cars than traditional car companies, know how to build an efficient and practical interactive system, and use their own intelligence and ecology to open up a track different from traditional car companies.

Whether it is intelligent cockpit or intelligent driving, Xiaomi chooses full-stack self-research and uses intelligent algorithms to create the "hardest spear" for Xiaomi car. For the field of intelligent driving, Xiaomi has launched "Zoom BEV", "Super-resolution Occupancy Network" and "Road Large Model". There is only one result of the combination of the three-very cow.

"Zoom BEV" enables vehicles to have the same ability as human eyes, adjust the focal length for different scenes, and can "see accurately" on narrow roads and "see far" on high-speed roads. Lei Jun made a big show at the press conference. Xiaomi SU7 can accurately park in a very narrow mechanical parking space, and its technology is comparable to that of an old driver.

"Super-resolution occupation network" and "road large model" are technologies to enhance the cognitive ability of the system, which enable Xiaomi to judge the small bullying obstacles on the road more accurately, and carry out AI correction on some parts that are wrongly identified to enhance the vehicle’s cognitive ability.

At the press conference, Lei Jun also showed everyone the intelligent driving strength of Xiaomi Automobile.

Lei Jun said that the mechanical quality of domestic cars has reached a high level. Armed with intelligence in every corner of the car, relying on software to define the chassis and enhancing the car’s ability through OTA are the outstanding points of domestic smart cars. Some peers, Xiaomi is doing better, and what peers don’t have, Xiaomi can take it out.

The intelligent cockpit is the home of Xiaomi. Lei Jun said at the press conference that Xiaomi SU7 will be equipped with a "Pad" class car screen with an amazing resolution of 3K, and it has achieved "leading generation" in the degree of freedom of touch, hand and car linkage and animation display.

Then, the industry’s first "120Hz", will it happen on Xiaomi car?

Xiaomi’s mobile phone gives the on-board 澎湃 OS a higher upper limit. On the one hand, it allows the car to directly call the App on the mobile phone. With the silky split-screen design, the flexible experience is a "dimensionality reduction blow" to traditional car companies. Thanks to the 8295 chip, Xiaomi can drive more display screens, including connected tablet computers.

Of course, Apple users can also have a good experience.

By the way, Xiaomi has also developed a special interface standard for cars, which allows vehicles to connect to a large screen and even add a row of physical buttons. With the gradual improvement of Xiaomi CarIoT, I believe that Xiaomi Automobile can become more flexible and practical by relying on this set of interface standards.

Here, the first half of Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference is over.

Xiaomi SU7 "pre-released", to be a "future classic"

"The classic image in the history of automobile manufacturing is still a car", which is Lei Jun’s consideration of Xiaomi’s first car.

Lei Jun always likes to give us small surprises. When warming up, he said, "Only technology is released, but no products." As a result, the second half of Xiaomi’s auto technology conference was the world premiere of Xiaomi’s first car SU7.

Careful people may find some "eggs". Two Xiaomi SU7s who came to the scene did not have an operator in the driver’s seat, but went on stage by themselves, which was quite interesting for the intellectual S7 to appear on the stage, and also made a wave of advertisements for the intelligent assisted driving of Xiaomi Automobile.

At the beginning of Xiaomi SU7 exposure, the capable and avant-garde design attracted many people. The lines of Porsche Taycan (parameter picture) are not in line with the mainstream design language, which may not look good at first glance, but Lei Jun hopes to have a design that can stand the test of time and stimulate people’s driving desire.

To this end, the design lineup of Xiaomi SU7 is extremely luxurious, and many of the design teams are former BMW chief designers.

The semi-hidden door handle with full practicality is less "ceremonial" and more "light" for opening the door. Even so, the drag coefficient of Xiaomi SU7 is controlled at 0.195cd, which is the top level in the automobile industry. Lei Jun’s statement is also very simple, not because the doorknob is frozen in winter, but because the hidden doorknob is often put away, so it is not easy to clean it at ordinary times.

Chris bangle, one of the top ten most famous car designers in the world, believes that Xiaomi SU7 is not over-designed.

If the design of this car can be regarded as a representative for more than ten years or even decades, it will become a classic in the future. Just a design is enough for Xiaomi to spend more space to introduce.

But good-looking is only the "first impression" of Xiaomi SU7, and good-looking design is not enough to support the three-dimensional sense of the product. Lei Jun has repeatedly stressed that SU7′ s products are very powerful, not 99,900 yuan and 149,900 yuan.

At the scene, Lei Jun announced two versions of SU7, but mainly the "Max" version, equipped with dual motors, with a maximum output of 673 horsepower and an acceleration of 2.78 seconds. The cruising range is 800 kilometers, and it has dual Orin chips and customized lidar. At the same time, SU7 also has the largest front reserve box capacity at present, with a full 105 liters, which is enough for fishing enthusiasts to "take off in situ".

Moreover, Xiaomi has made its multi-device ecological moat more extreme. SU7 can not only be linked with Xiaomi’s mobile phone, but also establish contact with more IoT devices through Mijia Ecology.

The price of the standard version may have a good price, but it is far from the configuration of the Max version. I wonder if a compromise version will be launched in the future. The Max version of the product is very powerful, and the actual price may not be low. This will have to wait for the first half of next year, and Lei Jun will answer it for you again.

Lei Jun’s "last step" has no retreat.

"This is the last time in my life to start a business. Xiaomi Auto has taken this step and can’t go back."

It has been 1003 days since Xiaomi officially announced the construction of the car. Lei Jun didn’t have many exciting stories at the end of the press conference, and he didn’t have the firepower to mark friends. He just said that Xiaomi had redoubled his investment to do a good job in the automobile business. Obviously, SU7 is a beautiful start for Xiaomi’s automobile business and a perfect turn for Xiaomi.

Without a solid reputation and profound automobile manufacturing background, it is more difficult for internet companies to step out of the comfort zone and enter the automobile manufacturing track than ordinary car companies. The new forces that challenged the traditional automobile industry have also experienced such challenges, so it is not difficult to understand why Xiaomi should pay tribute to these "pioneers".

However, the Internet brand represented by Xiaomi has the colors needed by smart cars. Electrification, intelligence, deep integration between cars and smart phones, efficient interaction between intelligent cockpit systems, and advanced intelligent assisted driving systems ….. all these have more desirable experiences in Internet companies.

These characteristics are not available to traditional car companies, and it is even more difficult to catch up in the short term.

The technical conference of Xiaomi Automobile was very long. During the whole three hours, Lei Jun brought us a lot of dry goods about Xiaomi Automobile. The core of the technical conference was to show the strength of Xiaomi Automobile to the outside world and meet the expectations of potential customers. After 15 to 20 years of hard work, Xiaomi has become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world. In this increasingly prominent automobile market, Xiaomi has its own self-confidence and pursuit.

By the way, Lei Jun also became a "lecturer" on new energy vehicles, popularizing a wave of parts and technical principles of electric vehicles. The popularization of knowledge may also be integrated into the service chain of Xiaomi Automobile.

In Lei Jun’s view, the future car should be a beautiful, easy-to-drive, comfortable and safe "mobile smart space". Can Xiaomi car, which started the revolution, be the protagonist of the "Smart Car 4.0" era?

In the last few days of 2023, Xiaomi made people remember with the biggest stride in its historical process. SU7′ s next appearance should be at a major international auto show next year. We are still looking forward to the final price of SU7. After all, in the field of mobile phones, the stacking and pricing of Xiaomi has always been very conscientious.

Lei Jun’s "Dream Car" has arrived, so is SU7 the "Dream Car" beyond Porsche and Tesla in the mind of rice noodles?

The application of the biggest short board in the localization of Wuxi supercomputer core components

  On June 20th, at the International Supercomputing Conference held in Frankfurt, Germany, the TOP500 list of supercomputers was released, and "Shenwei Taihu Light" won the title with the computing speed nearly three times that of the second place.

  How fast is it? If you add up more than 2 million latest ordinary computers, the computing power can only be tied with it; Its 1-minute computing power is equivalent to more than 7 billion people around the world using calculators for 32 years without interruption.

  It is noteworthy that this "Shenwei Taihu Light" computer system from Wuxi Center of National Supercomputing in Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province has realized the localization of all core components including the processor.

  Supercomputers should not only run fast, but also be "useful". The Gordon Bell Prize, established in 1987, is hailed as the Nobel Prize in the field of high-performance computer applications. Since its establishment nearly 30 years ago, China’s team has never been shortlisted. However, this time, all three scientific research projects based on "Shenwei Taihu Light" were shortlisted for this award.

  Breaking through the blockade "China Core"

  "I don’t have to worry about being blocked anymore." Huang Jianguo, deputy director of the National Supercomputing Wuxi Center, said, "From personal computers to supercomputers, the biggest pain point for domestic scientists is that computer chips basically rely on exports, and we have never taken the initiative." In April, 2015, the U.S. government announced that four China institutions related to supercomputers were listed on the export restricted list, with the aim of restricting the development of supercomputers in China.

  Huang Jianguo said that the domestic "Tianhe-2" supercomputer ranked first in the world for three years in a row, but it got stuck when it was preparing to purchase a new generation of processors last year, which finally led to the failure to complete the research goal as scheduled.

  As early as 2011, there were supercomputers with domestic processors in China, but at that time, the speed could only reach trillions of times, ranking 14th in the world. At that time, China paid more attention to the supercomputer with the highest speed in the world. This domestic processor was rarely known by Chinese people, but it attracted much attention abroad. Independent processors, high-density assembly technology and water cooling systems became the focus of attention.

  At present, "Shenwei 26010 Chip" is the third generation domestic processor, which is supported by the Nuclear High Foundation Program of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and developed by the National High Performance Integrated Circuit Design Center. "The ordinary computer chip we usually use is ‘ Multi-core ’ , this chip adopts ‘ Many-core architecture ’ . This silver-white chip integrates 260 computing cores and billions of transistors, reaching a computing power of more than 3 trillion times per second. " Huang Jianguo said.

  The key indicators rank first in the world.

  In December 2015, with the support of the National "863 Program", the Ministry of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Province and Wuxi City jointly invested 1.795 billion yuan, and the National Research Center for Parallel Computer Engineering Technology successfully developed "Shenwei Taihu Light", which used 40,960 chips.

  The computer room where "Light of Taihu Lake" is located has no noise except air conditioning. It is the first supercomputer in the world with a running speed of over 1 billion cycles per second, with a peak performance of 1.25 billion cycles per second and a continuous performance of 930 million cycles per second, nearly three times that of "Tianhe II", and its key indicators rank first in the world.

  "Every ‘ Nuclear ’ They are all computing units. They are team operations and are no longer individual operations. " Huang Jianguo explained that the biggest feature of this computer is to let thousands of "nuclear" work together and play an effective role.

  An expert who participated in the development introduced that the energy consumption of a supercomputer can be almost equal to that of a small town, and power consumption is the bottleneck for the computer to improve its speed. The system energy efficiency ratio of this supercomputer is as high as 6.05 billion times per watt, which is more than 60% energy-saving than Tianhe II.

  The computer system also adopts efficient water cooling technology, high-density assembly technology, etc. The low-power design inside the chip and the length of wires inside the chassis are all aimed at reducing energy consumption.

  "The biggest shortcoming is the application"

  "With this computer system, we can complete the simulation of the earth’s climate in the next 100 years in 30 days, which was unimaginable before." Xue Wei, an associate professor at Tsinghua University, said.

  At present, the National Supercomputing Wuxi Center has established application cooperation relations with more than 30 domestic user units such as Peking University, Institute of Software of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 702 CSIC, Yuanjing Energy, Tsinghua University and National Computational Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, focusing on aerospace, oil exploration, vehicle and boat design, animation production, new drug research and development, biological information, climate simulation and so on.

  Huang Jianguo introduced that there are supercomputers in China that have become the fastest computers in the world for three consecutive years, but they have not done enough in application. There is no problem with computer hardware, and the biggest shortcoming is the application.

  Liu Zhao, an application support engineer at Wuxi National Supercomputing Center, said that the supporting application of supercomputers began as early as one year ago.

  Weather forecast is one of the main uses of supercomputers. Wang Lanning, a professor at the Institute of Global Change and Earth System Science of Beijing Normal University, said: "Whether it rains or not depends on the movement of clouds. With a supercomputer, the movement of clouds can be accurately simulated and observed."

  Over the years, the observation accuracy of weather forecast has also changed with supercomputers. In 2011, the observation accuracy of Tianhe-1 in Tianjin was 100,000 kilometers, and that of Shenwei Blu-ray was 10,000 kilometers, while that of Shenwei Taihu Light was reduced to 9 kilometers, and now it is moving towards 3 kilometers. Wang Lanning said that with the support of faster supercomputing ability in the future, the weather forecast can be foolproof.

  As a member of the team of "Global Non-hydrostatic Cloud Resolution Simulation", Wang Lanning’s project was shortlisted for the Gordon Bell Award. A domestic expert who has been paying attention to supercomputers for a long time said that through nearly 10 years’ efforts, China’s software application field has expanded from a few key fields to all walks of life, but the software in the field is huge in scale, long in development cycle, high in cost and difficult. The development of efficient and mature domestic parallel application software requires the joint efforts of relevant experts, supercomputer system manufacturers and software personnel, so as to develop a high-performance computer system that is easy to use, practical and effective, and fully cooperate with users to develop high-performance application software.

  Among the six nominations for this year’s Gordon Bell Award, the application based on "Shenwei Taihu Light" accounted for three, involving atmosphere, ocean and materials respectively. This is the first time that China has been nominated for this award.

The new rules came in April! Everything is important!

  CCTV News:From April 1st, a batch of new laws and regulations will be formally implemented. Including the reduction of value-added tax rate in some industries; Entry-exit documents are "nationwide"; Relevant persons in charge of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should have meals with students; The implementation of the new national standard for electric bicycles.

  The value-added tax has been lowered, and the prices of automobiles and gasoline have begun to decrease.

  According to the "Announcement on Deepening the Policies of VAT Reform", from April 1st, some industries will be taxed at 13% instead of 16%, mainly involving manufacturing and other industries. Items subject to the 10% tax rate will be taxed at the 9% tax rate, mainly involving transportation, postal services, construction, real estate, basic telecommunications services and agricultural products. At present, many car companies have lowered their prices in advance. From 0: 00 on April 1st, the maximum retail price of gasoline and diesel in China was reduced by 225 yuan and 200 yuan respectively.

  Ordinary passports, passes to and from Hong Kong and Macao, and passes to and from Taiwan are all available nationwide.

  From April 1st, the entry and exit documents of the People’s Republic of China, such as ordinary passports, passes to and from Hong Kong and Macao, and passes to and from Taiwan, will be handled nationwide. Mainland residents can apply for the above-mentioned entry and exit documents at any entry and exit management window in the country, and the application procedures are the same as their household registration.

  Relevant persons in charge of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should have meals with students.

  The Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Market Supervision and National Health Commission jointly issued the Regulations on the Management of Food Safety and Nutrition Health in Schools, which will be implemented from April 1st. It is required that primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should establish a centralized meal accompanying system, and each meal should be shared by the relevant person in charge of the school and the students, and the accompanying meal records should be made to find and solve the problems existing in the centralized meal process in time.

  The new national standard for electric bicycles was implemented on April 15th.

  The new national standard has improved the safety performance of electric bicycles in an all-round way, from the original mandatory provisions to full-text mandatory provisions, adding technical indicators such as tamper resistance, fire resistance, flame retardant performance and charger protection, and adjusting and improving technical indicators such as speed limit, vehicle quality and pedaling ability.

  According to the requirements of the new national standard, the maximum design speed of electric bicycles should not exceed 25 kilometers per hour and should not be modified. When speeding, the system should continue to give a prompt sound. Compared with the old national standard of electric bicycle, the motor power is adjusted from 240W to 400W, and the vehicle mass (including battery) is adjusted from 40kg to 55kg. The pedal riding function is mandatory, and the unique vehicle code is required to be permanently marked at the inseparable part of the frame body.

  Implementation of the new version of the management performance assessment method for the heads of central enterprises

  The revised "Measures for Evaluating the Operating Performance of Responsible Persons of Central Enterprises" will come into effect on April 1st. Under the principle of quality first and benefit first, the new assessment method highlights the assessment and guidance of scientific and technological innovation, encourages enterprises to increase R&D investment, and regards R&D investment as profit. Highlight positive incentive assessment and strengthen "performance rise, salary rise, performance drop and salary drop".

  The Emergency Regulations on Production Safety Accidents came into effect in April.

  The Emergency Regulations on Production Safety Accidents will come into effect on April 1st. The regulations put forward institutional measures for the construction mode, mode and requirements of emergency rescue teams, especially in the construction of hazardous enterprises, and the measures are more rigid. After the team is completed, it should be equipped with necessary equipment and equipment, and the team members should be trained and have corresponding emergency rescue capabilities to ensure that they can play their due role in the accident rescue process.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes 3′ s main creation appeared in new york Comic-Con pilot trailer exposure.

  Recently, the sci-fi action film War of the Planet of the Apes (Rise of the Planet of the Apes: The Ultimate Battle, Rise of the Planet of the Apes 3 for short) produced by 20th Century Flowserve Company held a press conference at the 2016 new york Comic-Con, with director matt reeves, starring andy serkis and producer Dylan Clark at the event. The film will be released in North America on July 14th, 2017, and it is expected to be introduced in China. This conference can be said to have made fans who like and pay attention to the Rise of the Planet of the Apes series addicted. The preview of Rise of the Planet of the Apes 3, the 7-minute movie clip and the behind-the-scenes tidbits were all exposed at the event. This unique style of forewarning reminds people to leave quickly through the mouth of Caesar, the gorilla. The war has already started, and people can’t help but look forward to the ultimate decisive battle between man and apes.

  The story of Rise of the Planet of the Apes 3 will take place in the second two years after The Rise of the Planet of the Apes: The Battle of Dawn. Director Reeves said: "This will be the largest one in the series. Caesar in the third film is no longer known to everyone. He is full of remorse for Koba’s death. " Andy serkis, who plays Caesar, also revealed important information: "Caesar’s empathy for human beings gradually disappeared, and he understood Koba better, and his psychology began to go dark."

  The film series Rise of the Planet of the Apes tells the story of a group of high-intelligence orangutans who have been tested by drugs against human beings. This series is one of the successful new films created by Fox Film Company in the 20th century in recent years. Rise of the Planet of the Apes in 2011 and The Rise of the Ape: The Battle of Dawn in 2014 grossed nearly $1.2 billion worldwide. The Rise of the Ape: The Battle of Dawn earned more than 700 million RMB when it was released in China in 2014, and the human nature revealed by the leading orangutan Caesar touched the hearts of many audiences. Rise of the Planet of the Apes’s breakthrough in motion capture technology has made the audience experience the most advanced special effects wonders. The two films in the series were nominated for the Best Visual Effect Award in the 84th and 87th Academy Awards respectively.

  As a well-known Hollywood film company, Fox has produced many blockbuster movies such as Avatar, Titanic, Life of Pi, Mars Rescue, Ace Agent: Secret Service College, X-Men series, Rise of the Planet of the Apes series and Ice Age series in the 20th century. In addition to Rise of the Planet of the Apes: The Ultimate Battle, there will also be many blockbuster movies worthy of attention and expectation in 2017, such as Logan (tentative translation of Wolverine 3: World War I), Kingsman: The Golden Circle (tentative translation of Ace Agent 2: The Golden Circle) and Alien: Covenant (tentative translation of Prometheus 2)

Draft new regulations on the management of "self-driving cars": using self-driving cars to engage in business activities in closed scenes

  Cctv news: On August 8th, the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport issued a notice for public consultation on the Guide to Transport Safety Services for Self-driving Vehicles (Trial) (draft for comments).

  The exposure draft pointed out that under the premise of ensuring transportation safety, self-driving cars are encouraged to engage in urban bus (electric) passenger transport business activities in closed bus rapid transit systems and other scenes, and self-driving cars are used to engage in taxi passenger transport business activities in scenes with simple traffic conditions and relatively controllable conditions, and self-driving cars are used to engage in road ordinary cargo transport business activities in scenes such as point-to-point trunk road transportation and relatively closed roads. Prudently use self-driving cars to engage in road passenger transport business activities. It is forbidden to use self-driving cars to engage in road transport of dangerous goods.

  Using self-driving cars to engage in urban bus (electric) passenger transport, taxi passenger transport, road general cargo transport and road passenger transport.operator(hereinafter referred to as transport operators) shall handle the registration of market entities in accordance with the law, and the business scope shall register the corresponding business categories. Engaged in taxi passenger transport, road general cargo transport, road passenger transport business should have the corresponding business categories of road transport business license qualifications. Those engaged in the operation of urban public buses (electric vehicles) shall meet the requirements of the state and local urban people’s governments on operating qualifications.

  Self-driving engaged in transportation businessautomobileIt shall comply with the requirements of the relevant national and transportation safety technical standards, register motor vehicles according to law, and obtain motor vehicle number plates and motor vehicle driving licenses. Self-driving cars engaged in taxi passenger transport, road general cargo transport and road passenger transport shall also obtain corresponding Network Booking Taxi Transport Certificate or Road Transport Certificate according to law. Self-driving cars engaged in urban bus (electric) passenger transport should also meet the relevant operational qualification requirements of the state and local city people’s governments.

  Conditional self-driving and highly self-driving cars engaged in transportation business shall be equipped withdriverFully self-driving cars engaged in transportation business should be equipped with remote drivers or security officers. Drivers and safety officers shall pass the training and examination organized by transport operators, master the instructions for the use of self-driving cars, be familiar with the risks of self-driving cars, and have the ability to deal with emergencies in an emergency. Drivers should also meet the regulations and requirements for the management of employees in the field of transportation and obtain corresponding qualification certificates.