
12 people bet on 9 people for public office! An exclusive investigation on "Yunnan Yongsheng public officials were demoted for gambling"

       CCTV News:Recently, a news that six teachers in Yongsheng County, Lijiang, Yunnan Province were demoted for playing mahjong during the winter vacation aroused public concern. Some people questioned that playing mahjong should be dealt with, especially during the winter vacation. Is this too harsh on teachers? In addition, how to define entertainment or gambling? In this regard, the "Rule of Law Online" reporter rushed to the local area to interview the relevant parties exclusively.

       According to Deng Chaobin, director of Yongbei Police Station of Yongsheng County Public Security Bureau who handled this case, on the afternoon of February 16, 2019, the police station received an alarm and some people gathered for gambling.

       Deng Chaobin, director of Yongbei Police Station of Yongsheng County Public Security Bureau, said: "On the afternoon of February 16th, we received an anonymous report from the masses, that is to say, in this family at No.43 Huancheng East Road in our jurisdiction, some people gathered to gamble, so after receiving this report from the masses that day, our police station immediately organized the police to rush to this reported place."

       According to the police, the reported location is located on the fourth floor of a residential building. The picture of the law enforcement recorder shows that when the police rushed to the scene and asked the people in the room to open the door, no one came to open the door. From the window of the corridor, it can be clearly seen that two men in the room jumped out of the window on the fourth floor to escape, while others hurriedly fled in the room.


       Deng Chaobin: "When we arrived at the scene, we found that there was a mahjong table in each of the three rooms, and they were all playing mahjong." Subsequently, the police conducted a survey on the scene, and they found that the amount of gambling funds at each table was not small.

       Deng Chaobin: "In general, three tables of mahjong add up to 28,800 yuan, so the gambling money collected from three tables of mahjong is more than 12,000, the second table is more than 9,000, and the third table is more than 6,900. That’s right."


       Subsequently, the police took the people in the house to the police station for further investigation. Subsequently, the police found through investigation that this is not a simple entertainment activity between friends. Because some people who gamble know each other, and some are the first time to join in gambling.

       The police found that Zhang, the owner of this apartment on the fourth floor, usually attracts some friends to play mahjong at home and collects some fees from them. At the same time, the police found that among the 12 gamblers, nine were public officials, six of whom were teachers.


       Deng Chaobin: "After the seizure on the same day, the words in the process of inquiry also reflected that some had won or lost thousands of dollars, some had almost lost all of them, and some had won thousands of dollars. That’s right. According to our local salary standard, that is to say, the monthly salary of these public officials is several thousand dollars. It can be said that according to the gambling money seized that day, it can be said that almost one month’s salary is taken with you to participate in this gambling. Then some of them are nearly half of their wages, so their per capita gambling money on that day far exceeds our minimum standard of illegal gambling in all parts of the country. This is the case. "

       Nine public officials participated in gambling and seized 28,800 gambling funds.

       Twelve people gamble and nine are public officials. How to punish them? According to the local police, 28,800 gambling funds were seized on the spot, which did not meet the criteria for criminal offences. Therefore, they made penalties according to the Law on Public Security Administration Punishment.

       Article 70 of the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Public Security Administration Punishment stipulates that those who provide conditions for gambling for the purpose of making profits, or who participate in gambling with a large amount of money, shall be detained for less than five days or fined less than 500 yuan; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and be fined not less than 500 yuan but not more than 3,000 yuan.

       Then, how to identify the gambling capital? According to the local police, they mainly refer to the Guiding Opinions on Discretion Standards for Handling Gambling Illegal Cases published by the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department in January 2019, and comprehensively consider the identification standards across the country. In this guidance, Article 4 stipulates that "those who participate in gambling with a large amount of money" as stipulated in Article 70 of the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Public Security Administration Punishment refers to a gambling administrative case in which the per capita gambling amount is less than 2,000 yuan in 200 yuan.

       Deng Chaobin: "So from a national perspective, it is between 200 and 500. Then, judging from the gambling money collected from three tables of mahjong that day, each table far exceeds this range, and it has reached at least 1,700 yuan, and the smallest table has reached more than 1,700."


       Which situation is "serious"? The Ministry of Public Security issued guidance.

       At the same time, the police introduced that according to the "Guiding Opinions on the Discretion of Public Security Organs to Punish Some Violations of Public Security Management" issued by the Ministry of Public Security in June 2018, Article 78, paragraph 3, stipulates that the participation of state staff in gambling belongs to "serious circumstances".

       Deng Chaobin: "This is the guidance of our Ministry of Public Security. As the actual situation of cracking down on gambling crimes in the whole country, that is to say, every public official also represents his own official status. Then what you are doing represents the image of this unit and has a different impact on society. If these public officials participate in gambling, it means that it is clearly stipulated that the circumstances are serious according to the guidance, so the punishment range means that they should be punished for more than 10 days."

       According to the police, according to these laws and regulations and the specific circumstances of the case, they finally made a punishment decision.

       Deng Chaobin: "Then, in view of the situation of the day and the whole case, all the gambling personnel with nine public officials actively cooperated with our public security organs to investigate and realized their mistakes. Then, taking these situations into consideration as appropriate, 12 gambling personnel, including these nine public officials, were finally sentenced to administrative detention for 10 days and fined 500 yuan. Zhang, who provided conditions for gambling, was detained for 15 days and fined 3,000 yuan."

       Subsequently, according to the handling mechanism of the public security organs, these nine public officials were handed over to the discipline inspection and supervision department for further handling.

       Deng Chaobin: "Because our public security organs have a case-handling cooperation mechanism with the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervisory Committee, that is to say, once it is found that a public official in this country or party member has violated relevant laws and regulations and been seized by various departments, law enforcement departments and law enforcement case-handling departments, we must hand over the relevant clues to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. According to this mechanism, if we are required to complete this case, we will submit the relevant clues to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in time, and

       Nine people were detained on the 10 th and then handed over to the county commission for discipline inspection.

       Then, how did these nine public officials who participated in gambling get demoted or otherwise punished? In this regard, we interviewed the local Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Education Bureau.

       He Wenjin, deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Yongsheng County: "After they (the public security organs) informed us, we also organized personnel to analyze it, because we had to analyze the specific case, and then we found that these nine public officials had three identities."


       According to the staff of the Disciplinary Committee of Yongsheng County, Lijiang City, after the public security organs handed over nine public officials to the Disciplinary Committee, they found that these nine public officials had three different identities. He Wenjin: "One is a civil servant, the other is a people’s teacher, and the other is an employee of an enterprise. Therefore, we have diverted its clues to different places according to the cadre management authority. The civil servants involved, that is, the county cadres, are handled by our Commission for Discipline Inspection, and then six teachers are involved. According to the cadre management authority, all of them are non-Party, so we have to hand them over to our Education Bureau for handling."

       Three public officials, two of whom are also party member. Therefore, the local discipline inspection departments have different results in dealing with them. He Wenjin: "Two civil servants, both of whom are department-level cadres, so we have to go through our procedures for filing a case, so we will deal with party member in accordance with the disciplinary regulations of the Communist Party of China (CPC), so we have given them a serious warning and this punishment. There is another civil servant. He is also a county-level cadre and a department-level cadre, but he is not party member. He is a non-party. Therefore, we will follow the regulations on the punishment of public servants, that is, civil servants in administrative organs. The regulations on which it is based are different. Therefore, according to that regulation, he was punished with administrative demerits. "

       At the same time, Yongsheng County Education Bureau also received clues from the public security department and the discipline inspection department.

       Director of Yongsheng County Education Bureau and Genjie: "We strictly follow the specific provisions in the Provisional Regulations on the Punishment of Staff in this institution, so Article 21 stipulates that the punishment should be given to lower the post level in the following circumstances. Then one of the following circumstances in Article 21 includes this gambling participant, who participates in gambling, and clearly stipulates that the punishment should be given to lower the post level."


       Subsequently, the local education bureau made a decision to lower the post level of six teachers involved. And the principals of the three schools to which these six teachers belong were given the accountability treatment of canceling the qualification of appraising the first year and reporting it to the county.

       Director of Education Bureau of Yongsheng County and Genjie: "As a teacher, the profession is special. We must face our next generation, train our next generation, and run a satisfactory education for the people. As a teacher, it will definitely have a greater impact than public officials in other units. It’s not that this is the way to deal with it this time. Before that, we also found that we would never tolerate it together. This is what we have always insisted on in strengthening the construction of the times. "

       The public official involved said that he thought it was entertainment at the beginning.

       Why do these public officials take part in gambling? We also contacted several public officials involved in the case. According to them, they thought it was entertainment at ordinary times, but they didn’t expect to be involved in gambling.

       The parties said that they met to play mahjong after shopping that day, and then they met to play mahjong at Zhang’s house. According to the parties, it is not the first time that they came to Zhang’s house to play mahjong, and they will give Zhang some fees every time they go. Regarding their participation in gambling, several parties said that they always thought it was daily entertainment and didn’t realize that they had violated the law.

       Although several parties said that they didn’t think they were gambling, they also revealed in their words that if they lost, they would actually have an impact on their lives, which has deviated from the original intention of entertainment. After the incident, several parties felt very regretful.

       Expert Interpretation: How to Define Gambling and Entertainment

       Seeing this, people who may love playing mahjong will have such questions: "Do I usually play mahjong as entertainment or gambling?" If you want to play mahjong reasonably and legally, you must know where the legal boundaries between entertainment and gambling are. Next, we will ask legal experts to interpret it.

       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said that regarding gambling, we should look at it separately. Firstly, the criminal law stipulates that there is gambling crime, which is generally for profit according to this business model. Secondly, there is a gathering plot, and there are certain standards for lottery. The provisions of this standard vary from place to place. If the other piece does not rise to the crime of gambling as stipulated in the criminal law, then there is an administrative punishment on gambling in the Administrative Punishment Law. According to its nature, it mainly depends on the circumstances, including whether he has this kind of business, including how big the lottery is after opening a casino, and it depends on the number of people he gathers.


       Regarding whether it constitutes a gambling crime, the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Gambling Criminal Cases has made more detailed provisions. Among them, Article 1 stipulates that for the purpose of making profits, one of the following circumstances belongs to "gathering gambling" as stipulated in Article 303 of the Criminal Law: (1) organizing more than three people to gamble, and the total amount of tapped profits has reached more than 5,000 yuan; (2) Organizing more than three people to gamble, and the amount of gambling funds has reached more than 50,000 yuan; (3) Organizing more than 3 people to gamble, and the total number of gamblers has reached more than 20; (four) organizing more than 10 People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens to gamble abroad, and collecting kickbacks and referral fees from them.

       As for whether it constitutes gambling in the Law on Public Security Administration Punishment, Professor Zhu Wei introduced that different regions have different standards for the amount of gambling funds because of different conditions such as economic development. By consulting the discretion standards of local public security organs, it was found that the lowest gambling funds included in the punishment were 200 yuan. The difference is that Shandong and Henan are defined as "per capita gambling amount", while Hebei and Jiangxi are defined as "individual gambling funds". The bottom line of punishment for personal gambling in Beijing and Liaoning is 300 yuan and 500 yuan respectively. Zhejiang divides the bottom line of individual gambling funds from 200 yuan to 500 yuan, "the specific amount is determined by the municipal public security organs according to the local law enforcement practice". Guangdong has also issued relevant discretionary standards by various cities. For example, the bottom line of punishment for personal gambling in Shenzhen is 500 yuan, and the bottom line of punishment in Qingyuan City is expressed as: "Personal gambling is dissatisfied with 500 yuan, the winning or losing amount is dissatisfied with 200 yuan or the highest single bet is dissatisfied with 50 yuan." At the same time, other provinces have their own regulations.

       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said that the lottery is constantly increasing, but the standard of gambling is constantly decreasing. It has a stricter standard. If this standard is lowered too low, people will feel that the boundary between entertainment and illegality is not easy to grasp. So many people have a chilling effect, and everyone is afraid to get together to play mahjong, which is problematic. However, this ceiling is too high, and if the law enforcement standards in many places are too loose, you will find that gambling is an addictive behavior. Many people who like gambling in novels or in real life are called gambler. Why is it called gambler? It is because of an addictive behavior. So sometimes in order to increase the punishment, as an example, several cases may be sentenced, which has a great influence in the local area, just to cut off this gambling atmosphere and let gambler know that the law has such provisions and dare not do such acts. So it has such an effect of warning society.

       What is the boundary between entertainment and gambling? Professor Zhu Wei believes that the difference between entertainment and gambling lies in whether it is for profit subjectively.

       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said, then the core lies in profitability. How do you assess these profitability? I think the criteria for determining this in daily judicial practice are different. It depends on whether you are friends, know each other well, and have known each other for more than ten years. We have been friends since childhood, and playing mahjong together, which is frequent, should not be recognized as profitability. Some people are friends, some are not friends, and everyone is gathered for the purpose of playing mahjong and gambling. At this time, it is very likely that you are presumed to be profitable in practice. The last point depends on whether he has regular behavior. For example, someone is reporting that this family often plays mahjong at night, many people make noise together, and often open such gambling halls. Moreover, neighbors have said that these people often have parties in this house, and everyone starts and ends at what time. With this police record and alarm record, it can be inferred that he has certain business and daily behavior, which is different from playing mahjong once or twice at home.

       The "two highs" clearly stipulate that public officials are "aggravated"

       At the same time, the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Gambling Criminal Cases also clearly stipulates aggravating circumstances, including those who have the status of national staff, organizing national staff to gamble abroad, organizing minors to participate in gambling, or opening casinos to attract minors to participate in gambling. Professor Zhu Wei introduced that public officials involved in gambling in this case are aggravated offenders.


       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said that on the one hand, the reason for doing this is to set an example for the people, and more importantly, to avoid this hidden bribery. Because there are a lot of such bribes given to you through mahjong and gambling, if you want to bribe, you may not need to give money directly. It is no problem to have a meal and play mahjong, and you will lose tens of thousands of dollars directly and a lot of money to you. The parties are well aware of this, so the legislation fully took this into account and made a full article from the perspective of aggravated crimes, so you seem to be innocent. However, from the perspective of a whole society, it is very necessary to make such a provision for aggravated offenders, and this cut cannot be opened. Once it is opened, it will be entertainment, so it is good to give gifts to teachers, civil servants and play mahjong. Several people can easily make money with him. So this cut is linked to bribery again.

       So for ordinary people, how to grasp the boundary between gambling and entertainment?

       Zhu Wei, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said: "I think for ordinary people, there are several points to pay attention to. Since the first point is entertainment, you should not hold the mentality of winning money. The so-called lottery should not be too high. The second is whether you know these people. I think this is also a standard. Relatives and friends are entertainment. If you don’t know this person at all, is this entertainment? This is definitely not entertainment. The third point depends on how many people there are. For example, after entering a room, there are many tables of mahjong there, which is gambling in groups. “

The film channel will broadcast jacques perrin’s representative works such as Paradise Cinema.

Special feature of 1905 film network According to foreign media reports, a famous French actor, director and producer died on April 21st local time at the age of 80.

Jacques perrin is a legend of French films.

As an actor, at the age of 25, he won the Golden Lion Award for Best Actor at Venice Film Festival with the film "Half a Man".

Stills of Half a Man

As a producer, his works have been nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film for many times.

Based on the real assassination

Let behan be nominated for the Oscar as a producer for the first time

As a director, his nature documentaries and other epic works, which started shooting in 1980s, made him a documentary master in the hearts of global audiences, and also earned him the reputation as a French national treasure director.

To many people, jacques perrin’s artistic life seems to be open.He was born in France in 1941. Because his father was the stage supervisor and his mother was an actor, he lived in the theater since he was a child. Started in movie master at the age of six.Marcel CarnéGuest role in "Gate of the Night".

"Night Gate" screen

At the age of 20, he was admitted to the National Paris Institute of Advanced Theatre Arts and received professional training. In 1960, he took the leading role in the film of the famous Italian film director Valerio Surini, and made his mark in the film industry.

Stills of suitcase girl

In 1966, with his outstanding performance in Half a Man, he won the Golden Lion Award for Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival, becoming one of the youngest film emperors in film history and the Prince Charming in the eyes of thousands of girls in Europe.

cooperate with

Today, people can’t take their eyes off him. However, at this time, jacques perrin has a broader ideal: to find broader freedom in movies.

In the days surrounded by flowers and applause, jacques perrin never stopped reflecting, just like his creative attitude. Because behind the open life, he also experienced the loss that outsiders can’t imagine.

In 1970, at the age of 29, jacques perrin gradually retired from the background and tried to be a producer. The number of films was amazing. Up to now, we are familiar with many French films, such as Children of Lumiere, Long Engagement and Perfume. You can not only find his figure in these films, but also find his name in the list of titles and producers.

Play the role of adult Pierre in Spring of Cowboy Class.

But he also experienced many box office fiasco. Especially in 1976, because of heavy debts, he was once forced to interrupt his production work.

Stills of "The Desert of Tatars"

It was Giuseppe tornado who made his name appear on the Oscar shortlist for best foreign language film in 1988. He played Duo Duo as an adult.

There are many middle-aged people in Paradise Cinema.

When many young people leave their hometown, they bid farewell to Alfredo. This grandpa’s line has made many people cry.

"Whatever you want to do in the end, love it!"

This seems to be the rule that jacques perrin abided by all his life. In 1989, the production of "Monkey Family" made him really shift his focus to the theme of natural ecology, which also marked the rise of animal movies in France.

Since 1994, jacques perrin has successively released the trilogy of "Heaven, Earth and Man": "Migrating Birds", with migratory birds, insects and mountain people as the main characters, which has aroused widespread concern.

Working photos of Migrating Birds

During most of his life devoted to nature documentaries, he flew over five continents with pilots and scientists for Migrating Birds, and crossed the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The Himalayas and the Sahara Desert were also their stops. I also lost everything for "The Ocean".

Work photos of Ocean

The documentary "Ocean", which took a team of 400 people seven years and cost 75 million dollars, is the most expensive documentary in history. The film has shot more than 100 marine creatures, which not only shows the law of natural selection, but also tells the life of harmonious coexistence among marine creatures. Different from the common nature documentary, it records the vivid images of marine life that are little known and have strong feelings.

Jacques perrin has been preparing for Ocean for more than two years and filming for more than four years. He has designed the most advanced instruments to see the ocean with the vision of fish. He raised money while filming, and even had to resort to corporate sponsorship from all over the world to seek the support of publishers, film organizations and charities from all over the world. Later, the film overspent 9 million euros, which later became a huge debt on him.

In the end, The Ocean not only won the best documentary in César Awards, but also became the highest-grossing documentary in history.

Jacques perrin’s shooting technique of natural and ecological documentary has reached a fantastic level by the time of this film. He vividly reproduces the nature of the universe from three aspects: three-dimensional shooting of space, synchronization of sound and picture, and impersonal objective recording, bringing the audience into the natural ecology and immersing them in the movie dream.

In the dream, flocks of birds fly by us, and they will be deeply stared at by the cute sea lions.

"If the earth one day, only ourselves. Is there anything sadder than this? Our film is not the kind that always has a sequel, or we hope that the audience can experience the beauty of nature in the cinema! "

In 2015, jacques perrin was included as a member of the French Oceanographic Association, and worked closely with the world ecologists as a French eco-filmmaker, using the power of movies to awaken human beings’ attention to the earth’s ecological problems.

In China, the documentary directed by jacques perrin is the most familiar foreign documentary film, especially regarded as one of the compulsory courses of aesthetic education by family audiences. His Spring of Cowboy Class and Paradise Cinema have also influenced a generation of China filmmakers.

In memory of the French filmmaker familiar to the audience in China, the film channel will be held at:

At 8:50 on April 23, the documentary "Ocean" directed by jacques perrin was broadcast;

At 22:20 on April 25th, the classic movie Paradise Cinema starring jacques perrin was broadcast.

On April 30th, at 17:20 pm, World Movie Journey will launch a special program in memory of jacques perrin, so stay tuned!

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What do world internet conference, Ma Yun, Ma Huateng and other "big coffees" talk about?

  The 4th world internet conference once again brought the world’s Internet "big coffees" together in Wuzhen, a beautiful water town. Digital economy, artificial intelligence, sharing economy, technological change … … What do the "big coffees" think about these hot topics on the Internet?

  Ma Yun, Chairman of Alibaba’s Board of Directors: In the face of new technologies, it is better to take responsibility than to worry.

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Meng Dingbo

  "It is better to take responsibility for cyberspace and the digital economy than to worry about it. In recent years, almost all over the world are worried about the new technology era and technology, worried that machines will take away job opportunities, worried that machines will control human beings, and worried that human beings will be destroyed in their greatest inventions. In fact, the new technology is not to make people unemployed, but to make people do more valuable things, to make people not repeat themselves, but to innovate, so that their work can further evolve. I believe that machines will make people’s work more dignified, valuable and creative. "

  Apple CEO Cook: Inject humanity into technology.

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong

  "Many people are talking about the negative effects of artificial intelligence, but I am not worried that robots will think like people. I am worried about thinking like machines. Therefore, we must inject humanity into technology and our values into technology, which is also our commitment to family, community and each other. We need to make full use of this historical opportunity, we need to give technology its due value, we need to remain open, we need to be confident and creative, and we need to protect all people. We look forward to working with friends in China and partners around the world to ensure that these efforts and achievements we have made can be created all over the world. "

  Ma Huateng, Chairman of the Holding Board of Tencent: Being the Driver of New Technology

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyi

  "New technologies represented by artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data have begun to promote profound changes in all walks of life. In the face of a new round of technological and industrial revolution, enterprises in China used to play the role of followers of new technologies, but today we hope to become drivers and contributors of new technologies and develop together with global partners. Today, everyone, every enterprise or organization is closely linked through digital technology and is an integral part of the "cyberspace destiny community". At present, all kinds of new challenges in this "community of destiny" need to be explored by the government, industry partners and all walks of life to jointly build and govern. "

  Kelly Y Zhou, founder and CEO of Zhihu: May knowledge illuminate everyone.

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  "The development of the Internet has made knowledge sharing extremely convenient, and it has also enabled all people to participate in knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing beyond the traditional elite concept will be the optimal solution to promote the sustainable development of society. A knowledge platform like Zhihu may become a new generation of knowledge infrastructure, where everyone can share their views in their professional fields and gain all kinds of knowledge. Knowledge is no longer far away, and it is no longer only mastered by a few people. This is not only measurable in commercial value, but also of great social value. May knowledge illuminate everyone and discover a bigger world together. "

  Liu Qiangdong, CEO of JD.COM: drones solve the last mile problem of rural logistics

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  "Logistics leads to poorer, more remote and backward areas, but the value of industrial products that consumers have to pay is much higher than that of rich areas such as Beijing and Shanghai. At the same time, because of the high logistics cost, a large number of high-quality agricultural products can’t leave the village. After they come out, they arrive in Beijing and Shanghai, and the prices are too high for consumers to consume. It took us 10 years to establish a huge logistics network covering the whole country. We are still investing a lot of money in developing the latest logistics technology, the most important of which is the drone, which is to solve the problem of the last mile of rural logistics. "

  Yang Yuanqing, Chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group: The digital economy represents the future

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyi

  "I don’t think the digital economy can be overstated, because it represents the future. It is precisely because of the development of digitalization and network that we can produce a large amount of data, and the empowerment of data through the network will bring intelligence to all walks of life. With the data collected from intelligent terminals, the computing power of new infrastructure, and the algorithm of continuous learning and improvement, we can perceive and recognize our world more accurately and make smarter judgments and decisions, thus making our lives more convenient and colorful, our work more accurate and efficient, and our society more harmonious and orderly. "

  Fu Sheng, CEO of Cheetah Mobile: AI (Artificial Intelligence) helps you live more easily.

  Photography/Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyi

  "AI, or super AI connections are everywhere. If you think of the car as our connection with tools and travel, in fact, AI is a connection between brain power and information. Today, AI can take different measures for everyone like God once imagined. A supercomputing entity grows naturally on a global scale. Everyone’s brain power, your own preferences, your own characteristics, your own habits, all your data can be helped by a super brain to help you live better and live more easily. "

Li Keqiang cultivates "double innovation ecosystem": China is becoming a global "maker paradise"

  Giving up a high-paying job in San Francisco and starting a business in Shenzhen, China, Canadian Lawrence’s choice won the support of many friends around him.

  "They are very envious when they know that I am coming to China, because they think that China has the most imaginative market at present." Lawrence said, "The atmosphere of entrepreneurial innovation in China is very strong, and you have unlimited possibilities to achieve what you want to do."

  In fact, more and more overseas "makers" choose to come to China just like Lawrence, and what attracts them is the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" advocated by Premier China.

  Go to China to start a business! ",the British" Financial Times "website that noticed this phenomenon reported on this topic. "Economist" magazine also said: "Shanzhai merchants are gone, and innovators are coming!" Taking Shenzhen as an example, the report points out that it is attracting all kinds of entrepreneurs around the world who are trying to make new products in new ways. Invention and innovation are transforming the whole Pearl River Delta into an advanced manufacturing cluster.

  Chen Siyu, Commercial Officer of the Swedish Consulate General in Shanghai, said that Sweden is a "country of innovation", and there are about 20,000 start-ups with a total population of 10 million. However, in recent years, Swedish entrepreneurs have come to China one after another, because most of them have to rely on their own development to start their own businesses in Sweden. In China, the government has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to support entrepreneurial innovation, and with a relatively complete industrial chain in all walks of life, it is called "maker’s paradise".

  "internet plus" faces the whole world, and foreigners find new opportunities in China.

  "China is vigorously promoting ‘ Internet plus & rsquo; This is itself global. " On June 28th, Premier Li Keqiang’s statement during the dialogue and exchange with the representatives of international business circles attending the Davos Forum in the summer of 2017 was regarded as a "strong signal" released to foreign businessmen.

  China’s booming "internet plus" and consumption upgrading have already made more and more foreigners see the business opportunities of starting new businesses. And China’s superior "double innovation" environment is making their entrepreneurial dream come true.

  German Alberton founded Zanado Company in China, which not only provided online travel booking service, but also opened an offline VR experience store, bringing travelers a 360-degree virtual travel experience. Alberton said that China people are willing to "try early", while it may take 10 years for the United States and Europe to accept these.

  Lan Jili, founder of Vitas, a game and entertainment production company, believes that the China government is very friendly to entrepreneurs, and "we have the opportunity to bring new technologies into China". Jared, founder of R2Games, said: "In the era of mobile Internet, it is safe to say that China is ahead of Americans in this area. For a global Internet company, the opportunity is now in China. It won’t happen anywhere else, it can only happen here. "

  It takes two years in the United States and only half a year in China. China is the first choice for hardware entrepreneurship.

  The Economist also found that China is rewriting another rule, that is, embracing open innovation. Taking Shenzhen as an example, the report points out that China’s open innovators are not secretive, but are committed to providing solutions for the public. Analysts pointed out that the "double-innovation ecosystem" formed by the integration of China’s policy support and complete industrial chain is unmatched by many other countries.

  The world’s thinnest folding full-color touch screen produced by Rouyu Technology Co., Ltd. needs a lot of "integrated innovation" and "maker" ecosystems from early research to finished products. Bill Liu, the founder of the company, said that when he set out to establish Rouyu, it was clear that the company had to establish itself in Shenzhen to be successful.

  Jenny Lee, an investor in the hardware industry and a partner of GGV capital (GGV), said that in Shenzhen, it takes only half a year for a hardware startup to turn a concept into a product, which usually takes two years in the United States. When Revols, a Canadian "maker", tried to develop economical customized headphones in Montreal, he found that things there were slow and expensive. After he moved the company to Shenzhen, he quickly made a prototype and the product has been put into production.

  "China’s already blazing pace of innovation is still accelerating!" The Economist said. Many multinational companies have set up "observation posts" in China to pay close attention to the latest trends here. Shenzhen, China has become one of the global innovation centers of intelligent manufacturing, and is favored by all kinds of "makers".

  Scientific research results can land, and scientists bring "black technology"

  Many foreign "makers" said that overseas, many "black technologies" are only academic achievements, but coming to China, which is full of possibilities, can make it a reality.

  Professor Wusi Kaelte, an academician of the European Academy of Sciences, believes that China’s government and industry are actively promoting the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, and starting a business in China is the best opportunity for its research results to land. The scientist in the field of artificial intelligence set up the Institute of Know Infinite Artificial Intelligence in Beijing in May this year, and cooperated with JD.COM, BOE and other enterprises to help China enterprises build an innovative ecosystem in the fields of AI visual recognition and translation.

  Liu Huijun, dean of the School of Electronic Engineering of the Korean Academy of Sciences, also settled in Dongguan with the whole team. Its "black technology" AI-AR smart glasses will be mass-produced locally, which can realize remote precision maintenance of automobiles and airplanes. As long as the staff wear this kind of smart glasses, they can see the maintenance scene and remotely maintain it. In the process, they can also see the analysis of the fault made by AI behind the glasses.

  In the article calling for starting a business in China, the Financial Times website wrote that overseas entrepreneurs who have successfully started a business in China have pointed out a new path for young people who are interested in starting a business.

  As Premier Li Keqiang said: "Our entrepreneurial innovation is open. We should sum up experience and attract enterprises from more countries to come with capital, technology and talents, so as to achieve a win-win situation in cooperation." (Beijing News special correspondent Mu Yi)

China launches a super satellite: high-speed Internet access will be realized on the plane’s high-speed rail.

  CCTV News:The geostationary communication satellite represents the development level of a country’s satellite communication. It is an important resource that constitutes the foundation of the information superhighway and an important embodiment of a country’s comprehensive strength and technical level.

  People who often travel in China know that mobile phones and notebooks can’t get on the Internet on flying planes and ocean-going ships. Similarly, on high-speed high-speed trains, mobile phone signals are intermittent. However, with the development of a new generation of communication satellites in China, full coverage of online chatting, ocean-going video entertainment and remote mountain signals will become a reality.

  China’s independent research and development technology breaks the monopoly of foreign air communication

  Maritime video will no longer be a dream.

  On April 12, 2017, China successfully launched the Shijian-13 satellite in xichang satellite launch center using the long march 3b. After completing the on-orbit test, the satellite was named Zhongxing-16.This is the first Qualcomm communication satellite in China, with a total communication capacity of over 20G, which truly realizes the broadband application of autonomous communication satellites.

  Zhang Wei, Senior Engineer of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:The development of Qualcomm measurement technology represents that we are now on the ground, and you can use our satellite to realize video. Originally, only one voice communication function can be realized. Now we can video, so there is still a great application direction, that is, our aircraft. This is the first time that China has used Ka-band broadband communication technology on communication satellites.

  Satellite capacity is actually like a highway. The original C-band and Ku-band capacity of communication satellites can only accommodate two cars at the same time, and the cargo they can carry, that is, information and data, is limited. However, the capacity of Ka-band satellite is much larger, it can drive 10 or more cars on the road at the same time, and the amount of information and data it can carry far exceeds that of other frequency bands.The breakthrough of this technology means that broadband internet access can be realized anytime and anywhere through communication satellites in the future, especially in areas that cannot be covered by ground communication networks, as well as on aircraft, high-speed rail, ships and other means of transportation.

  Zhang Wei:Now everyone on the plane knows that communication can’t be realized. After the technology of HTS (Qualcomm Communication Satellite) is popularized in the future, we can also realize our communication on the plane based on satellites, including high-speed rail, ships and so on. HTS is a very popular application direction.

  Zhang Wei told reporters that relying on Qualcomm’s satellite communication technology, a satellite broadband communication network will be built in the future. By then, no matter whether you are in an airplane at an altitude of 10,000 meters, a high-speed high-speed train, or a ship in the vast sea, or a deserted desert, deep mountain or island, you can browse the network and make video calls at high speed.

  At present, the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group has developed satellite mobile communication terminal products for outdoor, high-speed rail, ships and other aspects based on the Qualcomm satellite of Zhongxing 16. The original satellite communication terminals, limited by satellite design, are relatively large in size, and are generally installed on buildings or large vehicles.Now, relying on Qualcomm satellite, the terminal receiving device of communication satellite can be miniaturized, and ordinary household SUV can be installed.Zhang Ge, a senior engineer of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group, demonstrated a portable satellite broadband communication system for reporters. This system has the function of one key to the satellite, and can quickly connect the network when the ground communication network is damaged or interrupted in the earthquake-stricken area.

  In addition to this portable satellite broadband communication system, the team led by Zhang Ge is still developing satellite broadband communication systems for high-speed trains and ocean-going ships.

  Zhang Ge, Senior Engineer of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:At present, our equipment supports more than 500 people, that is, if you install such a device on a luxury oil tanker, all the people on board can access the Internet directly via satellite by taking your ordinary mobile phone and connecting to the ship’s WIFI.

  Combining technical test with demonstration application, Zhongxing-16 carried out high-speed laser communication test on the geosynchronous orbit satellite for the first time, with the highest speed of 2.4 G.. Satellite laser communication has the advantages of large communication capacity, long transmission distance and good confidentiality. If the test is successful, it marks that China has reached the international advanced level in this field.

  On August 6th, 2016, China successfully launched Tiantong-1 satellite 01 in xichang satellite launch center, which is the first star of China satellite mobile communication system, also known as the "China version of maritime satellite", and its successful launch marks that China has entered the "mobile phone era" of satellite mobile communication.

  After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, the ground communication network in the earthquake zone was completely paralyzed. At that time, China did not have its own mobile communication satellite system, so it could only rent foreign satellite phones for earthquake relief. The international mobile satellite system has formed a number of global or regional mobile communication systems, which are not only widely used in personal communication, ocean transportation, offshore fishing, air passenger transport and other fields, but also can realize barrier-free communication and determine the location in the case of natural disasters such as earthquake, flood and frost. After the Wenchuan earthquake, Tiantong No.1 was established.

  The reporter learned that the technical indicators and capabilities of Tiantong-1 satellite have reached the level of international mainstream mobile communication satellites, and it has completely independent intellectual property rights. In particular, Tiantong-1 satellite has solved the technical problem of deploying an oversized antenna, making the satellite telephone terminal used on the ground more miniaturized and mobile.

  The selfless dedication of several generations of researchers has been passed down from generation to generation.

  Make China’s satellite industry from scratch. From lagging behind to leading

  In recent years, our communication satellites have been successfully launched and put into use, covering the cutting-edge technologies and applications in the development of communication satellites, such as broadcast and television live broadcast, Qualcomm broadband satellite, mobile communication satellite and data relay satellite. Looking back, when we started to develop satellites, we were not only poor. Moreover, the foundation is weak. Under such conditions, our researchers insisted on self-reliance and selfless dedication, and finally embarked on a road of research and development of China communication satellites. Although this road was not smooth, it also experienced setbacks and hardships.

  In the exhibition hall of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, real products from Dongfanghong-1 to Dongfanghong-4 satellites are displayed, which have witnessed the development of communication satellites in China.

  Dongfanghong-1 was China’s first artificial earth satellite developed by the older generation of space scientists and technicians through self-reliance under the conditions of poverty and weak economic and technological foundation at that time. Due to the limitation of technical level at that time, it did not have communication function.

  Zhang Wei, Senior Engineer of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:After the success of this satellite, it actually created a precedent for our country’s artificial earth satellite, but its significance only reflects from scratch, so our satellite will be put into use after all.

  After the successful launch of Dongfanghong-1, in order to make the communication satellite truly practical, the older generation of space science and technology personnel, represented by Sun Jiadong and Qi Faren, established the belief of "developing China people’s own communication satellite on their own". After nine years of hard work, Dongfanghong-2 communication satellite was finally developed successfully. On April 8, 1984, Dongfanghong-2 experimental communication satellite was successfully launched, making China the fifth country in the world to independently develop and launch geostationary orbit satellites.

  Constrained by the technical level of electronic component development and material science research at that time, Dongfanghong-2 satellite had a small load and a short service life. The C-band transponder of the satellite had only two channels, while the C-slope transponder of the international advanced communication satellite had reached 24 channels at that time, and its service life was as long as ten years.

  Zhang Wei:At that time, the power it could provide was very small, because there were so many solar cells, so it could provide so much power. Therefore, at that time, the on-orbit life of our country’s communication satellites was relatively short, that is, five years, and the effective power it could provide was very low, so the so-called transponder number was just a few transponders.

  The main load of communication satellite is transponder, and one transponder can transmit more than ten sets of standard definition TV programs. The greater the load of communication satellite, the more transponders, which means that more radio and TV programs can be transmitted and more communication capacity can be provided. Zhang Wei told reporters that because Dongfanghong No.2 could not meet the needs of customers at that time, there was also a debate about "buying stars" or "making stars" in China. Under the circumstances at that time, astronauts had no choice but to develop Dongfanghong-3 satellite according to the international level at that time under the condition of weak technical foundation and poor facilities.

  Zhang Wei:Dongfanghong-2 is a spin-stabilized satellite. By Dongfanghong-3, we have a three-axis stabilized satellite. With the adoption of the solar wing, the technology has a great leap forward, and we can only inherit about 20% of the technical foundation of Dongfanghong-2, and the remaining 80% is based on the independent innovation of our astronauts in China.

  From the national project in 1986 to the successful launch of Dongfanghong-3 satellite in 1997, researchers have solved hundreds of technical difficulties in 11 years, gnawed down more than ten "hard bones" and experienced the pain of the first satellite launch failure. Dongfanghong-3 satellite not only achieved a leap in the development technology of communication satellites in China, but also provided a highly reliable communication satellite platform for China’s space industry.

  In 2000, Dongfanghong-4, aiming at the international first-class level, began to be developed. The design life of the satellite platform was increased to 15 years, and the number of transponders carried was increased to 52. At that time, the market goal of Dongfanghong-4 communication satellite was not only to occupy the domestic market, but also to go out and seize the international market.

  While researching and developing the communication satellite platform of Dongfanghong-4, they are also exploring the market of Dongfanghong-4. In May 2002, they signed a purchase order contract for Xinnuo-2 satellite with Xinnuo Satellite Communication Co., Ltd.; In May, 2004, he participated in the bidding for the whole satellite development and launch project of Nigeria Communication No.1 satellite, and stood out from 21 companies including the United States, France and Britain, and won the bid successfully.

  Zhang Wei:Dongfanghong-4 satellite, its weight reached 5 to 5.5 tons, and its load capacity reached about 600 kilograms. This level was actually at the same level as the international advanced level at that time, so through Dongfanghong-4, we actually realized a transformation process from following to running together.

  In 2010, focusing on the demand of high-power communication satellites in the next 20 years, a new generation of Dongfanghong-5 satellite with high load, high power, long life and expandability began to be developed. At the same time, the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group is also tracking the most advanced technology in the world and expanding the technical level of the original satellite platform. In order to improve the payload of communication satellites, they have to make the electronic system smaller and smaller.

  Gong Jianglei, deputy director designer of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group: These products are actually a hardware product based on the integrated electronic system on our entire communication satellite.Now these four products have actually replaced more than 20 previous products. The previous products were relatively large in quantity and volume, and we have reduced them by about 50%, which is also a relatively leading level in the whole world.

  It is an inevitable choice for the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group to follow the world’s leading technology and achieve technological transcendence in some technical fields. After graduating from Ph.D. in 2008, Chen Yue came to the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group to be responsible for the control and promotion of communication satellites. Just after working for more than two years, he proposed to the institute the research on electromagnetic propulsion of communication satellites without working medium, which was still controversial at that time.

  Chen Yue, deputy director designer of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:Everyone’s main doubt is that this technology may be scientifically researched and developed in engineering before it is fully explained. Is it risky or is there a principled error? This is the main controversy.

  Communication satellites in space need to adjust their attitude and maintain their orbits, so satellites will carry a lot of propellant. The traditional chemical propulsion method is to generate thrust by propellant oxidation. At present, the electric propulsion method used in satellites is to ionize the carried working medium gas, and then spray the plasma to generate thrust. Both of these propulsion methods need to carry working medium, that is, propellant and gas.

  Chen Yue:Figuratively speaking, these liquids or gases stored in the tank, once these working fluids are used up, the engine can no longer be used, and its life is up. And our current propulsion mode, this electromagnetic propulsion, is that as long as there is electricity, as long as the equipment can work normally, it can work and generate thrust.

  There is no technology and experience to learn from, and there is no reference to any foreign materials. This technology is in the initial stage of technical experiment at home and abroad, and Chen Yue and his team are facing great challenges.

  In order to encourage young people to innovate, the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group set up a special fund for R&D and a special fund for doctoral growth to give financial support. Moreover, the core R&D personnel were not assessed for three years, and they were given strong support in personnel and experimental equipment to ensure that they concentrated on technical research.

  Chen Yue:Through the independent research and development fund of the Science and Technology Committee of our institute and the independent research and development fund in our institute, we can support us, so that we can focus on this matter without worrying about the guarantee of conditions. It can be said that this is like an incubation. If there were no such incubation conditions at the beginning, we would not have this progress.

  The reporter learned that at present, many key technologies of Dongfanghong-5 satellite platform, which represents that China’s communication satellites have reached the international leading level, have made major breakthroughs and need to be verified in orbit. Dongfanghong-5 platform has a total satellite power of 30,000 watts, a payload of more than 2,000 kilograms, and 120 transponder circuits, and some technical indicators exceed the level of developed countries. Most of the products on Dongfanghong-5 platform can be truly localized, independently controllable and no longer dependent on imports.

  Half-hour observation: Aerospace, China’s brightest "business card"

  From the first Dongfanghong-1 satellite to the world-leading Dongfanghong-5 satellite, the development of China’s communication satellites has gone from scratch, from following to running in parallel.

  The development level of communication satellites represents a country’s scientific and technological level in the field of space science and technology, and it is also an important embodiment of a country’s comprehensive strength. Although we have experienced failures and setbacks in the development of communication satellites, we have finally been at the forefront of international communication satellites in just a few decades.

  This is the result of the silent and selfless dedication of the vast number of aerospace science and technology workers, and it is also a continuation of the spirit of the older generation of astronauts.

  Source of this article: CCTV Finance "Economic Half-hour"

"Star" fruit cherries witness the world opportunities brought by the opening of China.

Original title: "Star" fruit cherries, witnessing the world opportunities brought by opening China.
During the Spring Festival holiday this year, entries such as "Top-flow of adult cherries" and "Freedom of cherries" rushed to Weibo for hot search.
"The children at home like to eat cherries, which are red in color, sweet and delicious, and just listed during the Spring Festival, which means that they are red and hot, and now the price is not expensive, so I will buy more food." Ms. Chen, a resident of Chengjiaqiao Street in Changning District, Shanghai, expressed the feelings of many consumers.
As a "star" in imported fruits, cherries have become one of the popular consumer fruits in the Spring Festival this year. From Chile across the ocean to China, the trip to the cherry market proves that opening China is always an important opportunity for world development.
Open the map of the world, China and Chile are separated by oceans, with a linear distance of nearly 20,000 kilometers. Delicate and beautiful fruits come from mountains and rivers, with delicious flavor and good quality and low price. What’s the story behind this?
Imported goods flew into the homes of ordinary people, which witnessed the breadth of China’s high-level opening up. In recent years, from new varieties of apples and bananas to new faces such as durian and avocado, more and more special fruits from all over the world have been brought to the table of China people. From promoting the negotiation of FTA to hosting China International Import Expo(CIIE), to continuously optimizing the convenience of customs clearance, open China and welcome the good things from all over the world with open arms. In 2023, the Customs granted 146 kinds of sub-high quality agricultural and food products from 51 countries and regions to be exported to China, constantly meeting the diversified needs of domestic consumption and people’s yearning for a better life.
Taking cherries as an example, in 2008, China and Chile signed the Protocol on Quarantine of Chilean cherries and plums exported to China, and Chilean cherries were officially allowed to enter the China market; Since 2015, 97% of goods in China and Chile have achieved zero tariffs, and cherries are one of them. At present, China has signed 22 free trade agreements with 29 countries and regions.
Opening up market access is the first step, and the continuous domestic circulation has set up a high-speed passage to the people’s table for imported cherries. Although cherries are delicious, they are perishable and have a short shelf life, which requires high transportation and storage conditions. E-commerce channels continue to sink, logistics timeliness continues to improve, and refrigeration technology continues to improve. A more sound and efficient circulation system allows cherries to get off the branches and serve on the table, reaching consumers in the north and south of the country in a short time, detonating market demand and becoming the "new favorite" of national consumption.
On the eve of the Spring Festival this year, the "Chile-Tianjin Cherry Express Line" opened for the first time in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, with the fastest loading and unloading efficiency, the best customs clearance process and the shortest delivery time, achieved the coverage of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei fruit wholesale market in about 5 hours, showing the efficient coordination effect of China’s unified big market.
The constantly optimized business environment proves the depth of China’s opening up. The milk produced in foreign pastures on Monday can get on the plane on Tuesday and go straight to the dining table of consumers in China on Wednesday … This shows China’s attitude of constantly optimizing the business environment through system innovation and process improvement.
Not only is it bought in, but under the mutual promotion of domestic and international double circulation, China’s super-large-scale market is playing a huge advantage of "demand traction supply". Today, more than 92% of Chilean cherries are exported to China. The vitality of China market has created new opportunities for the development of Chilean cherry agriculture. In recent years, many Chilean fruit farmers have introduced new planting techniques to improve the precision of industrial management, the industrial assembly line has become more mature, and the industrial scale has been rising, which has driven the cost and price of cherries down.
A small cherry, riding the warm current of promoting high-level opening to the outside world, and riding the domestic and international double-cycle express train, not only sweetened the tip of China people’s tongue, but also beautified the life of the residents in the country of origin. In the new journey towards Chinese modernization, more than 1.4 billion China people’s yearning for a better life will release more surging market momentum, drive more imported goods to fly from the other side of the ocean to the homes of ordinary people, and the price will gradually change from expensive to "close to the people", and more "cherries" stories will be staged.
If the world is good, China will be good; If China is good, the world will be better. China has been the second largest importer in the world for many years in a row. Super-large-scale import has strongly supported domestic production and supply, improved people’s livelihood, and promoted the economic development of various exporting countries.
Source: People’s Daily client

"I got 66 in the English exam, and it was really terrible when I reviewed it!" 2024 postgraduate entrance examination preliminary test release list

Although at 2:00 p.m. on February 26th, Jiangsu 2024 Postgraduate Entrance Examination was officially opened, the excitement of the candidates was obviously unbearable. Since February 25th, many terms such as "Postgraduate Entrance Examination" and "Postgraduate Entrance Examination Results" have continued to occupy hot searches on online social platforms. Several happy and worried postgraduate entrance examinations have become a watershed for candidates’ life choices. Experts remind that after the graduate exam scores are published, students can choose a more suitable development path for themselves by comprehensive analysis of their scores and rankings.
High-scoring candidates have exposed their transcripts.
[Check the story]
English score 66, middle-aged candidates tried their best.
"I got 66 in the English exam, and it was really terrible when I reviewed it!" Remember Wang Ping, a middle-aged candidate interviewed by Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu News reporter on the first day of the 2024 postgraduate entrance examination? On the 26th, Wang Ping found his test scores. He was indignant, but he didn’t regret his efforts. "It is still a little short of the retest line of Nantah last year, but it has also worked hard." Wang Ping also had an opportunity to take a postgraduate study. "But at that time, I received an OFFER from my unit at the same time, and the salary offered made me very satisfied, so I gave up my postgraduate study and chose a direct job."
As an old man, he walked into the examination room again and took the exam with the students after 00. Wang Ping obviously had some difficulty in the review stage. "Struggle repeatedly in forgetting and reciting. Work, family and review cannot be ignored, and it is really difficult to take care of all three. " Will you take the exam next year? Wang Ping didn’t think it over, but there are more and more highly educated young people around him. It is not impossible for Wang Ping to "last stand" again.
Is it possible to adjust and reduce points?
"I heard that the score line will drop this year. I don’t know if it is true." Suqian candidate Xiao Jia’s scoring process is even more thrilling. Xiao Jia applied for the college of literature of a popular 985 university. "I got 366. According to the national line of previous years, I crossed the line!" I turned around and inquired about everyone’s situation in the "comrades-in-arms group" of the postgraduate entrance examination. Suddenly, I found that there were many partners with higher scores than myself. "This major has a total of 20 candidates, and some of them are exempted from students. There are really not many plans left for our postgraduate students." Xiao Jia began to give himself two hands. "This score is not low. Maybe there is hope for a change. It is not easy to review the postgraduate entrance examination once. If you can be admitted, try to give yourself an explanation. "
[Check Points Reminder]
Many provinces across the country have successively opened check-up channels.
According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of applicants for the national postgraduate entrance examination in 2024 was 4.38 million, a decrease of 360,000 from the previous year. According to the data of the Ministry of Education, the number of applicants for postgraduate entrance examination in 2021 and 2022 was 3.77 million and 4.57 million respectively, and it increased to 4.74 million in 2023, setting a new high. In 2024, the number of applicants for postgraduate entrance examination declined, which was the first decline in three years.
According to the notices issued by various places, candidates from Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia can check the preliminary results of the 2024 postgraduate entrance examination on February 26th.
Jiangsu Education Examinations Institute announced on February 20th that the preliminary results of the 2024 national postgraduate entrance examination in Jiangsu Province will be announced to the public after 14:00 on February 26th. At that time, candidates who apply for admission units in Jiangsu Province can check their scores according to the announcements on the official websites of the admission units, or they can log on to the portal website of Jiangsu Education Examinations Institute (www.jseea.cn) to check their scores.
Candidates who have objections to their grades can apply for grade review from February 27th to 28th according to the application methods and requirements announced by the admissions unit. The results of the review shall be informed to the candidates by the admissions unit.
Postgraduate entrance examination is not the only thing in life.
Spring tricks are in place, and preparing for job hunting is also an option.
Li Muyuan, deputy director of the Student Affairs Office of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics and director of the Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center, said in an interview that after the graduate examination scores are announced, students can make comprehensive analysis of their scores and rankings and actively prepare for the second interview. If there is a gap between the expected score and the online score, you can actively pay attention to the postgraduate adjustment information and face the reality and immediately start preparing for job hunting.
At present, the spring recruitment has been started, and many units have issued spring recruitment announcements. Li Muyuan suggested that students should make good use of the "Golden Three Silver Four" period, pay more attention to the employment information released by national and provincial education departments, local human resources departments and universities, and actively break the information gap. At the same time, the resume is modified according to the job requirements. At present, many enterprise job fairs adopt the mode of machine reading and screening resumes, which requires students to find the right keywords in their resumes to match. If a resume contains keywords that match the requirements, then the resume has a higher chance of passing the screening. "Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared", and I wish the students all the best!
Proofread Sheng Yuanyuan

These Qingzhou authentic nourishing foods will give you a full-fledged autumn!

The weather cooled down when you were not careful.
Summer seems to be yesterday.
The feeling of crisp autumn is beginning to be obvious.
Summer is over in Qiu Lai, and the cool wind drops to.
It’s a good time to keep fit.
At this time, it is most appropriate to supplement.
Have some delicious food in your arms
Only then can you feel satisfied?
You can’t miss these Qingzhou authentic nourishing foods!
Miaozi whole lamb
Originated in the Qing Dynasty, it has been explored and innovated by chefs. No matter the characteristics of dishes or cooking skills, the whole lamb banquet has its own style. A bowl of mutton soup is definitely a good cure for autumn!
Muslim sauce beef
At the turn of summer and autumn, eating beef can tonify the middle energizer, nourish the spleen and stomach, and has the effects of strengthening bones and muscles, resolving phlegm and calming wind, quenching thirst and saliva, and enhancing immunity. There are many old-fashioned Muslim sauce beef shops near Dongguan Street in Qingzhou. The products are mellow, not greasy, fragrant and palatable, with a long aftertaste. The traditional production technology is followed, and the food is salty and moderate, crisp and refreshing, which is an ideal delicacy on people’s table.
Jiahe donkey meat
Jiahe in Qingzhou City is famous for producing donkey meat by traditional techniques. Like Yao donkey meat, spiced donkey meat was first produced in the early Ming Dynasty, and was used as a special palace banquet in the early Qing Dynasty, and gained a good reputation throughout the country in the later period. The finished donkey meat is ruddy in color, thin but not firewood, rotten but not loose, fragrant and tender in meat, far from having the health care functions of invigorating qi and tonifying deficiency, and enjoys the reputation of "dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat on the ground".
Jihe tofu
Tofu is a tonic, heat-clearing and health-preserving food, which can tonify the middle energizer and qi, clear away heat and moisten dryness, promote fluid production and quench thirst, and clean the stomach. After beginning of autumn, the summer heat gradually faded, and the weather turned cold. Eating tofu can nourish yin and moisten dryness, with many effects. Jihe Tofu in Huanglou Street is made of selected soybeans and carefully produced by traditional techniques. It has been passed down from generation to generation and still thrives. Because of the pure and pollution-free water source of Jihe River and the ancient production technology, Jihe tofu is soft, tender and delicious, and it is famous for its miles and eight townships.
Qingzhou peach
Qingzhou peach, the fruit is spherical or oblate, the top of the fruit is flat and round, the top is slightly convex to one side, slightly concave at the top, and it is native to the mountainous area of Qingzhou City, Shandong Province. Because of seedling propagation, it has great variation and can be divided into early-maturing peaches, middle-maturing peaches, late-maturing peaches, extra-late-maturing peaches and Qingzhou Guangtao peaches. After ripe, it is juicy, sweet and slightly light in flavor, and has a fibrous feeling when eating.
Muslim cakes
The ancient city of Qingzhou has a long history and splendid culture. For thousands of years, Han, Hui, Manchu and other ethnic groups have jointly written its dazzling local culture. After years of precipitation, the rich food culture of the Hui nationality has formed many delicious and unique foods, among which the Muslim cakes refined in strict accordance with the religious habits of the Hui nationality and the traditional handmade crafts are important representatives.
Misandao (honey food)
Walnut cake
Square crisp
Sesame slices
green bean cake
birthday peach (offered as a birthday present)
Fried sugar
Baked cake
The cake is homophonic "seeking height", hoping for height means auspiciousness. This is a necessary food for Hui people’s families in Qingzhou on holidays and festivals, and it is also the most characteristic food in Qingzhou. In autumn, eat a cake, not to mention how sweet it is!
Shortbread is named after a special pastry. Grease-baked crisp with good lard, mixed with appropriate amount of steamed flour, adding appropriate amount of pepper and cinnamon when oiling, after oiling, picking out the fried pepper and cinnamon, and then mixing with flour to form a flame. The burnt skin is made of sesame oil and flour, wrapped in a furnace and baked with slow fire. It is characterized by crisp skin, and it is fragrant but not greasy.
Xuan cake is a special food of the Hui people in Qingzhou, which has a history of hundreds of years. It is made of refined wheat flour and hard flour with very little water content. When the flour is choked, it is rolled with wooden poles and kneaded into a shape. Then it has the characteristics of crisp and hard skin when eaten, strong wheat flavor inside, strong chewiness and good storage at room temperature for several months.
Dear foodies ~ Come to Qingzhou in late summer and early autumn!

The mother of "Yueqing Lost Boy" told more details and took her children to the park to play after the incident.

  CCTV News:At the beginning of December 2018, a news that "Wenzhou Yueqing boy lost contact after school" spread all over the network. After four days and five nights of city search and rescue, it was finally proved to be a farce planned by the boy’s mother, and public opinion was in an uproar. On April 29, 2019, this case was heard in Yueqing, Zhejiang.

  Judge Gu Ruohuai: "The criminal trial court of Yueqing People’s Court in Zhejiang Province is now in session and the defendant is called to court."

  Defendant Chen Mou, a native of Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province, is 34 years old. The public prosecution agency accused Chen Mou of planning and creating a false alarm about her son’s loss in order to test whether her husband cared about her son, which spread on the information network and other media, seriously disrupting social order.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "I would like to ask forgiveness from all walks of life. I am willing to bear the punishment of the law and pay for my mistakes."

  Why did you hide your son and lie about his disappearance in the first place?

  More than five months ago, searching for you, who had screened in the news, on the website and in the circle of friends, actually made use of the public’s goodwill to create a lie. Chen Mou, who is in the center of public opinion, why did he hide his son in the first place? And how did the "lost" boy, who was concerned by the whole network, spend the days of disappearance?

  Chen Mou is a housewife. In early 2018, her husband went to Shanghai to do aquatic products business, and Chen Mou took a son and a daughter and rented a residential house in Hongqiao Town, Yueqing City. Since Chen Mou’s husband’s sister works in other places, she asked Chen Mou to look after her daughter. Besides taking care of three children, Chen Mou will go to her mother-in-law’s shop to help her in the rest of the time.

  Defendant Chen Mou.My son is eleven years old. He goes to primary school, and then my sister-in-law goes to school in Hongqiao. My little daughter has to go to training because of her poor situation. She has that autism. Although she is six years old, her intelligence is less than two years old. "

  Chen Mou said that a few days before the incident, two little things about children stimulated her.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "Because my daughter just threw the money off the balcony that day, I found that the change in my son’s mobile phone was spent by my classmates that night. I told his father and my mother-in-law, but they thought it was because of my incompetence."

  The money that my daughter threw was originally the payment of 9,000 yuan that Chen Mou’s mother-in-law wanted to transfer to others, but she only got back more than 3,000 yuan in the end. In the evening, Chen Mou found out angrily that his son used his mobile phone to buy things for other students. She called her husband and wanted him to educate his son who was not sensible, but she got a complaint.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "Because my son is a little afraid of his father, I said that although I don’t have much money, I said that you should educate him, and then he was very angry, meaning that you threw away the money again, and then my son couldn’t bring it to you well. Anyway, he has been criticizing me."

  Although Chen Mou and her husband have been married for more than ten years, she said that the relationship between husband and wife has already appeared cracks.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "From the beginning to 2015, we were really noisy all the time. Later, when we came to 2016 and 2017, my mind might be a little more on my daughter, because the situation was getting worse and worse at that time."

  Chen Mou said that her husband’s attitude made her angry, and the mistakes made by the two children became a new trigger to stimulate her. Chen Mou gradually came up with the idea of hiding his son to test her husband.

  Defendant Chen Mou.I thought about it for so many years that night, and I thought about enduring it again and again for so many years, because I went to see that woman when his father came back last month, and then the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I thought, I also thought that I would be angry with him and make him nervous.

  On the morning of November 30, 2018, Chen Mou sent his son to school, telling him not to go home after school and playing a hide-and-seek game with his parents. And promised to give him a reward when the game was over.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "I followed him like this. He didn’t think about it carefully. He didn’t ask my mother how to find it, or how to find it specifically. He never delved into these problems. Then I said that I would reward you with a mobile phone or a computer. My son was very happy to think that he didn’t have to go to cram school on weekends."

  Chen Mou’s plan went smoothly. It was Friday, and the boy Xiaohao went to the car to hide after school as agreed. It’s a four-wheeled battery car, which Chen Mou usually drives to take the children to and from school.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "that battery, but its size is similar to that of QQ, and its size is similar to a car like this." The car used to be parked there, and then I thought it was not very close to where I lived, and then I could say that I could see it at any time. "

  The police who went to report the case immediately launched an investigation

  Chen Mou put the prepared water and food in the car and told his son not to get off. After thinking that he had arranged his son properly, Chen Mou came to the nearby police station to report the case. The police on duty heard that the child was lost and immediately helped to inquire about video surveillance.

  Fang Feipeng, a policeman of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yueqing Public Security Bureau, is a squadron of serious crimes.: "When she called the police at that time, she went to the Hongqiao police station to report that the child was lost. Then it seemed that it was a bit urgent to pass her tone of voice."

  Chen Mou told the police at that time that before the incident, she criticized her son for spending money indiscriminately, and confiscated his mobile phone, which might make him unwilling to go home after school. The police seized the monitoring record and found such a picture: at 17: 28 pm on November 30, the boy Xiaohao got on a bus heading for Hongqiao Town with a black bag on his back after school, got off the bus about 20 minutes later, got on a red tricycle and left the station. The police asked Chen Mou that this route was an ordinary route for Xiao Hao to learn to go home. Unusually, Xiao Hao got off the tricycle and walked alone, then he lost track.

  Fang Feipeng, a policeman of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yueqing Public Security Bureau, is a squadron of serious crimes.: "It is generally impossible for such a big child to be abducted by someone specially. One of our analyses is that we may hide ourselves from another. For example, if a child has an accident, there will be an accident. At that time, these two speculations. "

  According to the disappearance of Xiaohao under surveillance, the police expanded the scope of search and never found any clues. At that time, everyone did not expect that Xiaohao was hidden in that unremarkable battery car. In the early morning of December 1st, Chen Mou’s husband rushed back to Yueqing from Shanghai.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "The first thing he said when he came back was to scold me first, which means that you only took two children at home, which means that you didn’t bring them to work to make money. Just say that you didn’t bring them. Anyway, this sentence is the most talked about. The more he said this, the less I might want to tell him."

  Dissatisfied with her husband’s attitude and continuing to hide the truth.

  Chen Mou was not relieved by her husband’s attitude, and Chen Mou decided not to tell him the truth. On the same day, Xiao Hao spent his first night in the car. Chen Mou said that she almost didn’t sleep that night and went to the car for many times to confirm her son’s condition.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "If I wasn’t at the police station, I would have stayed there. I didn’t say I would stay for a long time, but the number of times was more, because you can stop by when you go out."

  On the morning of December 1, Chen Mou drove his son to a park about 3 kilometers away to play in order to let him exercise. Chen Mou said that at that time, his son told her that he had heard someone calling his name.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "I said, did you come out? He said I didn’t. Then I said, then don’t get off the bus. He said, Oh. He is such a simple one, and he didn’t say anything, because he is with me and his trust in me is very strong. "

  To appease his son, Chen Mou parked his car in a remote place near the park and returned to the police station by tricycle. At this time, Chen Mou’s so-called "test" of her husband is still going on.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "What I want to say is to be angry with him for a while, and then only for a while. How can he be angry? Look at him like that, but you said he was not in a hurry and a little worried, but he didn’t show it."

  The police launched a major police handling mechanism.

  At this time, however, no one knows where Xiaohao is except the mother. In order to find the child early, the police suggested that Chen Mou send his son’s photo and missing information to the public welfare tracing organization in Yueqing. Soon, the news spread in the local area.

  Yueqing police also launched a major police handling mechanism, set up a task force, visited relevant road sections, and investigated surrounding Internet cafes, hotels, rental houses and other places, and never found anything.

  Suspected boy fell into the water, private rescue organizations went to support.

  After all the circumstances were ruled out, the police suspected that the missing boy might fall into the water. Wenzhou, Yueqing, a number of private rescue agencies, water professional rescue teams also went to support.

  Fang Feipeng, a policeman of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yueqing Public Security Bureau, is a squadron of serious crimes.: "There are more than 100 people in the back of their office, and everyone is asked to come back to work overtime every day. The police force dispatched every day is at least about 200 people. Our Wenzhou detachment criminal investigation detachment sent experts to come over, and then some search and rescue dogs from Wenzhou special police also came over. Folk search and rescue dogs also came, and search and rescue teams also came. I know four or five."

  Chen Qingwei, Captain of Yueqing Blue Sky Rescue Team: "At that time, we all had twenty-five or six members. One of us searched with a hook, and the other used a big fishing net to pull the net for investigation. This area is quite large. Basically, it has been pulled under the river, and it has not been found. "

  Print 1500 copies of searching for you’s large-scale postings.

  Chen Mou still hasn’t revealed the truth to anyone. On Sunday, December 2nd, the morning after the boy’s "disappearance", Chen Mou contacted a printing factory and printed 1,500 copies of searching for you, which was widely posted in Hongqiao Town. In Xiaohao’s school, teachers and classmates’ parents also helped Chen Mou to come up with ideas in the class group and organized themselves to look for them.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "I just started thinking that it was Saturday and Sunday, and I just didn’t have class. The initial idea was like this, but it became more and more serious later. There are many strangers calling to help you with your ideas and asking if this is true or not. I also said that it is true. "

  Things got out of control and even encountered fraudulent phone calls.

   Chen Mou found that things were getting out of control. She keeps receiving phone calls and text messages from strangers, but also has to deal with relatives and friends who are anxious to find someone and rescue teams who provide enthusiastic help. Her 6-year-old daughter suddenly has a high fever at home, and she also has to take time to check her son’s condition.

  That night, Chen Mou received a threatening phone call, claiming that Xiao Hao was in his hand, in order to demand money. Although it turned out to be a false alarm, this fraudulent phone call finally made Chen Mou realize that his son’s situation was not safe. On December 3, she drove her son away for the second time and hid him in her hometown house.

  Defendant Chen Mou.: "Because Xiaohao’s grandparents live there, I said that you were here, and I hoped that his grandparents would find out, but I told my son that if my grandparents found you, you would say that you hid it yourself, not that your mother hid you."

  The news that the hiding place was lost spread nationwide.

  Xiao Hao, a boy, has spent three nights and two days in the car. On December 3, Chen Mou hid his son in a house in his hometown, hoping that the old man living next door would hear something. However, contrary to expectations, not only did no one find his son’s movements, but with more media reprinting reports, the news that "Yueqing boy lost contact" spread all over the country.

  Defendant Chen Mou."You don’t know who to talk to, or who to talk to, so who can forgive you for your stupid behavior, which made you afraid to talk later."

  Reward 500,000 yuan for her husband to release searching for you.

  Concealed by Chen Mou, on December 4th, Chen Mou’s husband posted a reward of 200,000 yuan for searching for you in his circle of friends. In order to attract more people’s attention, a few hours later, he raised the reward to 500,000 yuan.

  Use a new mobile phone on the day when suspicious details are found.

  In addition to looking for people, the police are also repeatedly investigating the situation before Xiaohao disappeared. On Monday, December 4, the police investigated in Xiaohao’s school and found that Xiaohao had a new mobile phone with him on the day of his loss. However, Chen Mou said earlier that her son’s mobile phone had been confiscated by her, so where did this new mobile phone come from? Further investigation revealed that on November 29th, the day before the crime, Chen Mou registered to buy a new mobile phone card. Chen Mou’s action aroused the suspicion of the police.

  Fang Feipeng, a policeman of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yueqing Public Security Bureau, is a squadron of serious crimes.We just talked to her. We told her something we had and gave her the number, so she knew she couldn’t escape.

  In front of the evidence, Chen Mou finally told the truth. At 10 o’clock on the evening of December 4, the police found Xiaohao, a boy who had been missing for many days, in his hometown in Chen Mou.

  Fang Feipeng, a policeman of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yueqing Public Security Bureau, is a squadron of serious crimes.: "Everything in the room was bought by his mother and Chen Mou. He didn’t go to school and rested all day, and his mental state was OK."

  Deliberately creating false alarms has aroused public concern.

  At two o’clock in the morning on December 5th, Yueqing police issued a notice saying that "the missing boy in Yueqing has been found, and the police have confirmed his personal safety and basic health … … This incident of losing contact is a false alarm deliberately created by a family member of the boy. " Once the news was released, it immediately aroused great public concern. "Everyone is very happy that the child is safe, but they wasted countless police forces and resources, joked with their lives, and failed everyone in society who was worried about him."

  On December 14th, 2018, Chen Mou, the mother of "Lost Boy", was arrested. On February 25th, 2019, Yueqing People’s Procuratorate prosecuted Chen Mou for fabricating and intentionally spreading false information.

  A large number of proofs were given by the public prosecution agency around the alleged crimes.

  On April 29, 2019, the case was heard in the Yueqing People’s Court in public, and the public prosecution agency presented a lot of evidence in court around Chen Mou’s alleged charges.

  The public prosecution agency proved that in order to search for and rescue the missing boy, Yueqing public security organs dispatched more than 600 police officers, and Hongqiao Town Government and other departments and a number of non-profit organizations participated in the search. From December 1st to December 5th, 2018, "Wenzhou 11-year-old boy lost contact" was read 210 million times on Sina Weibo, ranking first in hot search.

  In court, the defendant Chen Mou acknowledged the criminal facts accused by the public prosecution agency. At the same time, the defender pointed out that Chen Mou’s false alarm was not to vent his dissatisfaction with the society or the public, but the emotional collapse caused by Chen Mou’s betrayal of all his energy to his family for a long time. I hope the court will consider Chen Mou’s family situation and give Chen Mou a suspended sentence.

  Defender He Yubei: "What is Chen Mou living? There is no stopping life. Every morning from Monday to Saturday morning, I send my son to school, then send my sister-in-law’s daughter to school, and then come back to take care of my daughter with autism. This daughter is six years old and has no independent ability to express her language. Her behavior is manifested in mania and self-harm. Chen Mou needs to invest 24 hours. "

  In this regard, the public prosecution agency believes that the defendant Chen Mou’s difficult life background and frustrated emotional experience cannot be the reason for her to escape legal sanctions.

  public prosecutor: "At the same time, we should also see that since the occurrence of this case, it may lead to a kind of value orientation for the whole society. And we are just such a case. Through this case, we convey a concept to the society, that is, it doesn’t matter if you help others. But if someone dares to use his kindness to achieve his personal goals, we will severely punish him with the law. "

  Damage to social integrity does not apply probation.

  The collegiate bench held that in order to test her husband’s feelings, Chen Mou made up a false alarm about her son’s disappearance and carried it out. In the process, he actively sought help from all walks of life in order to forge an illusion, knowing that the situation was getting worse, but he still let it go. Chen Mou’s behavior was premeditated rather than improvising. However, her crime is serious and does not meet the conditions for probation.

  Judge Chen XiaojiaoWe think that Chen Mou neglected the mental health of an underage child because of his own selfish interests, and at the same time consumed everyone’s kindness, which destroyed the integrity of this society and everyone’s goodwill. The impact is also relatively bad. Therefore, we believe that this criminal plot is still more serious. "

  On the morning of April 29th, the court ruled that the defendant Chen Mou was guilty of fabricating and intentionally spreading false information and sentenced to one year and three months’ imprisonment.

  Judge Gu Ruohuai"No matter what the individual’s situation or circumstances are, any behavior that breaks through the behavior boundary and bottom line and loses social interests will be punished. It is also based on this that the defendant takes responsibility for his behavior at the expense of freedom in court today. Through the referee, the behavior boundary is clarified and the social value orientation is led, so that the society can respect and respect the law, maintain the behavior boundary and bottom line, and finally effectively safeguard the overall interests of society. I hope that today’s trial will alert those who commit risks by themselves."

  The son transferred to his daughter for rehabilitation treatment.

  At present, Chen Mou’s son has transferred to another school, while her daughter is undergoing rehabilitation treatment in Shanghai, and is looked after by her father and grandmother. Yueqing Women’s Federation said that they will continue to pay attention to the situation of Chen Mou’s family and provide help to underage children and Chen Mou after serving his sentence if necessary.

  Li Xiqin, part-time vice chairman of Yueqing Women’s Federation: "More importantly, there are two children in her family. How can we care? After all, her eldest son is a victim in this incident, so I think the child is under great psychological pressure. Then as our social organization, we should be involved in psychological counseling for children in the future. "

  This case that affects the public’s nerves has finally settled. Chen Mou’s behavior of using his son to test her husband’s feelings seems unreasonable to many people, but in real life, there are still many families who are troubled by such problems, but Chen Mou has chosen an extreme way to deal with them, and the reasons are worth analyzing.

  Bin Yuan, a professor at Beijing Normal University Law School.: "In combination with some of her personal circumstances and conditions, including her own family conditions and her own economic conditions, when she is generally in this state, she may have some narrow understandings."

  Experts believe that in addition to the lack of understanding of the illegality and consequences of the behavior, Chen Mou’s long-term negative emotions in marriage and family have influenced Chen Mou’s choices to some extent.

  Bin Yuan, a professor at Beijing Normal University Law School.: "In terms of the choice of crime, emotion is a very important force. For example, if there is some pessimism or sadness, it may be diffuse, which will penetrate into our behavior, including the choice of criminal behavior. She may tend to choose those illegal behaviors, or some negative evaluation behaviors. "

  In this case, Chen Mou chose the solution of false alarm, which violated the provisions in Article 291 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC):

  Whoever fabricates false dangers, epidemic situations, disasters and police situations and spreads them on information networks or other media, or knowingly and deliberately spreads them on information networks or other media, thus seriously disrupting social order, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance; If serious consequences are caused, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

  Different from ordinary online rumors, dangerous situations, epidemic situations, disasters and police situations all involve social public interests. In this incident, Chen Mou’s behavior has been negatively evaluated, which is more due to her waste of police resources and public resources, and her deception and fooling of public love.

  Bin Yuan, a professor at Beijing Normal University Law School.: "Because for social public resources, in fact, many people think that it seems to have nothing to do with themselves, and it seems that I will use this thing without others./Many people want to gain the attention of the society by reporting false alarms or spreading some other information, and use it to form a kind of media or public opinion. Pressure to achieve a certain appeal. But in fact, it will inevitably waste social public resources. "

  In this case, the impact of Chen Mou’s behavior on social integrity cannot be measured in the short term. Experts believe that the court’s decision can bring a certain calming effect to the public and protect the public’s love from a legal perspective.

  Bin Yuan, a professor at Beijing Normal University Law School.: "But now everyone is more concerned about the abuse of love. We may think it is a moral problem more, but in fact, with the improvement of our laws, many of them have actually entered the protection of our laws. We also hope that through the application and future improvement of our laws, including the criminal law, we can make some efforts and contributions to the construction and maintenance of this social order. "