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  Last week, today’s Morning Post reported the problem of Mr. Zhang, a Shanghai car owner, about BYD Qin, which attracted the attention of many BYD Qin car owners. After the report was published, the auto rights hotline of Morning Post also received different calls and heard different voices.

  In these calls from BYD Qin car owners, the problems reflected are not limited to the power system problems on the dashboard. Some car owners pointed out that the cruising range of BYD Qin Chuandian mode is inconsistent with the actual propaganda.

  In the face of outside doubts, BYD made an exclusive response when interviewed by Morning Post.

  On the highway

  Air conditioners, wipers, turn signals and headlights all failed.

  The first person who called the Morning Post reporter was Ms. Ma, the owner of BYD in Shanghai. The thrilling experience on the expressway two months ago still left her with a lingering fear.

  "Finally, someone pays attention to Qin’s problem. My experience is similar to that of Mr. Zhang, a Shanghai car owner, but mine is even worse. I had a narrow escape on the highway and had no way to complain after several times."

  What experience did Ms. Ma encounter that made her so angry?

  In an interview with the Morning Post reporter, I learned that Ms. Ma’s Qin was purchased from Shanghai Ledi 4S store in December 2014, and has opened more than 8,000 kilometers so far.

  "On April 6, it was the last day of the Qingming small holiday. It was raining. My family of five had a 4-year-old child in the car and drove BYD Qin back to Shanghai from Bengbu, Anhui."

  On the expressway from Anhui to Shanghai, the sky suddenly rained heavily, but to make matters worse than the weather, the car broke down.

  "The air conditioner, wiper, turn signal and headlights all failed. At that time, the rain was very heavy. I had to turn on the double jump, pull over urgently, and call BYD customer service at high speed to wait for rescue."

  Ms. Ma recalled, "At that time, the road was parked in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. As a result, Changzhou 4S shop said that they could not rescue it. Later, it was easy to say that after waiting for more than 40 minutes, two staff members came. However, the staff said that the reason was not detected, and the car could continue to move forward and told us to go back to Shanghai for maintenance. "

  However, just after Ms. Ma drove her car to Shanghai for less than 20 minutes, the car broke down again. "This time, the situation is the same as before. Air conditioners, wipers, turn signals and headlights all failed. In particular, the failure of the turn signal made me very scared, because at that time, the car was driving in the middle road, and the fog on the glass inside the car was too thick to see the outside. My wife had to wipe the windshield while looking at the car behind me. I only acted as an artificial turn signal, opened the right window, and waved my clothes as a turn signal before reaching the emergency lane. "

  Ms. Ma said: "Because on the last day of the small holiday, there were a lot of cars returning, and the traffic volume was also very large. The emergency lanes were all cars. We put up a tripod 50 meters away, and the tripod was crushed by the car and almost crashed. Fortunately, the car stopped in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

  Before BYD’s rescue, Ms. Ma asked for help in a qq group of BYD Qin. "At that time, some riders said that he had encountered a similar situation, but the problem was not as serious as mine. It is suggested that we start the car after 20 minutes of power failure, and it will be normal. The power failure of the whole car means that the emergency lights can’t be used. We have to take risks, because there is no rescue and no way to stop at the emergency lane. Finally, my wife braved the rain and took an umbrella as a warning sign behind the car. "

  It was not until 1 am the next day that Ms. Ma’s family arrived in Shanghai safely. "In the early morning of April 7, we drove the car to the 4S shop for maintenance. After waiting for an hour and a half, the staff told me that there was no problem detected for the time being and asked me to go back and wait for news. I asked if it was the reason why the rain line leaked, and the mechanic said it was impossible. "

  On April 8, Ms. Ma received a phone call from the 4S shop saying that she went to pick up the car. The problem has been fixed, and the staff only mentioned lightly that "it was because a part at the rear of the car fell, which led to the system disorder, and now the template has been replaced".

  "It’s only about 7 thousand kilometers, and this kind of life-threatening problem appears. What should I do if I have this problem again in the future? Do I dare to get on the highway?" Ms Ma questioned the quality of Qin.

  Yesterday afternoon, Ms. Ma called the Morning Post reporter again. "Although the problem has not appeared again, I dare not drive far away, especially in rainy days. If I can’t open it, I won’t open it."

  What about the agreed 70 kilometers?

  Pure electric mode only drives 45 kilometers.

  Unlike the situation reflected by Ms. Ma, Mr. Wang, the owner of Fuzhou, Fujian, called the Morning Post reporter to reflect the cruising range.

  "The manufacturer promotes that the pure electric mode can reach 70 kilometers, but why have I tested it many times only about 45 kilometers?" Mr. Wang pointed the problem directly at Qin’s battery problem.

  According to public information, the charging capacity of Ferrous lithium phosphate power battery used by BYD Qin is 13kW·h, and 90% of the system uses pure electric mode in hybrid mode, and its comprehensive driving mileage can reach 70km.

  "I didn’t care much about BYD Qin’s cruising range before. After all, this car is a hybrid car. I can burn oil without electricity, but since May, I have begun to pay attention to this problem and found that the test results are far from the manufacturer’s 70 kilometers."

  Mr. Wang said that at first he thought his driving habits were not good, but after many tests, he found that the problem was not his own fault at all.

  "I am now working in the suburbs of Fuzhou, where the road conditions are very good, and I can basically maintain more than 60 km/h. In order to extend the cruising range, I didn’t even turn on the air conditioner or play music, but the test results are still not satisfactory, from 100% to 5%, I can only drive about 45 km." Mr. Wang told the Morning Post reporter.

  The reporter learned that at present, electric vehicles on the market are basically composed of three parts: motor, control system and battery, among which battery is still the biggest problem restricting the development of electric vehicles.

  According to industry insiders, Qin’s working principle is very simple to sum up. "A dual-clutch DCT gearbox, an inverter, an external power plug and an inverter constitute this power system. BYD Qin, on the other hand, mainly uses BYD’s lithium iron phosphate battery, adding some cobalt to the battery, which enhances the cycle efficiency of the whole battery. Therefore, many people call it lithium iron cobalt phosphate battery. "

  Previously, the Automobile Consumption Report conducted an actual measurement of Qin, and the test route was selected at Beijing-Shanghai Expressway: Wuning Road-Cao ‘an Highway-Beijing-Shanghai Expressway-Beijing Toll Station of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway in Putuo District, Shanghai.

  Before departure, the staff filled Qin’s battery (the battery showed 100%), and then filled the fuel tank from the nearby gas station to the automatic jump gun. Vehicles keep driving in EV (pure electric mode), from Wuning Road to Cao An Road, and get on the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway. Within 15 kilometers of Shanghai, the speed of the vehicle is 30 kilometers per hour, with a total mileage of 15 kilometers. Then, it enters the Shanghai section of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, with a speed of 60-80 kilometers per hour. When the vehicle’s battery shows the remaining 15%, the vehicle travels another 25 kilometers.

  A staff member who participated in the test told the Morning Post reporter: "In order to test Qin’s pure electric mileage, we pressed the EV mode key for 5 seconds according to the vehicle instructions and forced to continue using the EV mode. When it reached the minimum 5% protection power set by the vehicle, it traveled another 5 kilometers. Therefore, in urban congestion and suburban comprehensive sections, Qin used 95% of electricity to drive a total of 45 kilometers. "

  An industry insider said, "There is no clear statement about Qin’s battery capacity so far. However, according to the price speculation, it should be a monomer of 60AH, which is connected in series together. Whether it is charging or discharging, the low voltage of a single battery will seriously affect the cycle life of the entire battery pack, which is beyond doubt. "

  BYD’s exclusive response

  There are two possibilities for Qin Chundian’s unsatisfactory mileage.

  Yesterday afternoon, BYD also gave the Morning Post an exclusive response to the owner’s question about the cruising range in pure electric mode.

  "There may be two situations in the consultation on the unsatisfactory mileage of Qin Chundian: 1. Whether the battery is fully charged. 2. The road use environment and driving habits are related. "

  BYD said, "The charging dissatisfaction is to protect the power battery. The total capacity of Qin Power Battery Pack is 13 kWh. In order to prevent the battery from over-charging and over-discharging, and ensure the service life and safety of the power battery, the power battery is designed with a part of reserved power that is not allowed to be released. This part of reserved power is greater than the current low power alarm display value to protect the battery from over-discharging. When the power battery is charged, the voltage and charging current of the single battery change dynamically, which will cause some errors in the SOC calculation of the battery management system. Vehicles with charging capacity above 10.5 degrees are normal. If the charging capacity deviation is too large, it is recommended to go to BYD authorized service stores for inspection. Fully charge and discharge more to ensure the activity of the battery. If the vehicle is stored for a long time, it is necessary to ensure that the power battery is fully charged, and it is best to fully charge the vehicle. "

  In addition, BYD also wants to remind car owners to pay attention to the charging operation through the Morning Post: "After the Qin battery is fully charged, charge it for a while to better balance the battery performance. If in doubt, please consult the local 4S shop or upgrade the balancing program. Upgrade the equalization program to optimize battery performance. "

  For balanced batteries, BYD’s explanation is that "power batteries are in series structure, and if the performance of individual batteries is inconsistent, it will affect the overall battery performance. Qin started the balancing program from full charging to unplugging the charging plug and after Qin started the power-on, balancing the performance of individual batteries to achieve consistency, thus optimizing the overall performance of batteries. "

  Mr. Wang, the owner of Fuzhou, Fujian, who was concerned by the Morning Post, was confused about the cruising range. BYD staff also said that they would contact the owner as soon as possible to test the car battery and solve the worries of the owner.

  If you have any problems with the car when you use it, you are welcome to get in touch with the Morning Post car rights hotline 18667120283.